



1、精品文档名家语录美文妨碍我学习的唯一障碍就是我的教育。2. As far as the laws of mathematics refer to reality, they are not certain; as far as they are certain, they do not refer to reality.当数学原理用于现实时,是不确定的,当它们确定时, 又不适用于现实。3. Common sense is the collection of prejudicesacquired by age eighteen.常识就是人在十八岁之前形成的各种偏见。4. The release

2、of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one.原子能的释放并没有造成一个新问题,它只是使解决一 个当前问题的必要性更加迫切。5. If you are out to describe the truth, leaveelegance to the tailor.如果你决心讲述真 - 相,就把体面留给裁缝。6. I know not with what weapons World War III will

3、be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticksand stones.我不知道第三次世界大战会用什么武器,但我确定第四精品文档次世界大战用的武器会是棍子和石头。 弗里德里希 . 尼采名言7. In the beginning was nonsense, and the nonsense was with God, and the nonsense was God.胡话一开始也就是胡话,但这些胡话是和上帝有关的, 所以最后胡话也就成了上帝。8. A casual stroll through a lunatic asylum shows

4、 that faith does not prove anything. 在精神病院随便走走表明信仰什么都不是。9. Ah, women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent.啊,女人,你使高尚者更高尚,也能创造更多卑微者。10. Is man one of God' s blunders? Or is God oneof man ' s blunders?人类是上帝犯的一个错误,还是上帝是人类犯的一个错 误。11. Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they

5、 have chosen, few in pursuit of the goal.许多人在追求他们选择的道路时固执,却很少在追求目 标时固执。马克. 吐温名言12. Be careful about reading health books. You may精品文档die of a misprint.阅读保健类书籍时要小心,你可能死于错误印刷。13. Don ' t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first.别到处跟人抱怨这个世界欠你什么,这个世界什么都不 欠你的。14. I didn ' t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying that I approved of it.我从不参加葬礼,但我会写封亲切的信表明


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