1、演讲者:British Constitutional Monarchy 2011-11-08英国君主立宪制 2uFight for democracy争取民主争取民主 uEstablishment ofdemocracy建立民主建立民主 uComplement of democracy完善民主完善民主 The Development Of British Constitutional Monarchy Bill of right 权利法案权利法案The battle in the 13th century 13世纪的斗争世纪的斗争The revolution in the 17th centu
2、ry 17世纪的革命世纪的革命 The expansion of the right to be voted as the parliament representative议会选举权的扩大议会选举权的扩大The evolution of party system 政党制度的演变政党制度的演变The formation of responsibility cabinet system 责任内阁制的形成责任内阁制的形成01010202The battle in the 13th century The revolution in the 17th centuryuFight for democr
3、acy 争取民主The battle in the 13th century 13世纪的斗争世纪的斗争In 1215, King John was forced to sign the Magna Carta 英王英王约翰约翰签署签署自由自由大宪章大宪章King John Magna Carta William iiiJames ii Charles I 17世纪的革命The revolution in the 17th century Expel KillComeThe parliament decided the kings fate ! The glorious revolution m
4、arks the British bourgeois revolution victory. Bill of right 权利法案Establishment of democracy 建立民主 Legislative power Financial rights Military power without the parliaments agreement,the kings behaviors of stopping the law or arrogating powers is illegal. Article1Article4Article6 without the parliamen
5、t s permission, any behaviors of Levying taxes in the name of the king、for the king and others Is illegal.except for the parliament s permission,any other activities of enlistment or maintaining a standing army, all belong to illegal. 权利法案 Bill of right Free electionsFreedom of speechTiming rally th
6、e parliamentary election should be free. Article8Article9Article13 the freedom of speech、debate and the discussion in the parliament should not be. be impeached or inquiriedcongress should rally frequently,to redress an injustice and to modify、strengthen and keep the law. 权利法案 Bill of right 9 权利法案 B
7、ill of right Parliamentary sovereignty 议会主权议会主权Supremacy of law 法律至上法律至上 Basic principlePolitical foundation 10The three important role 11The main structure (The national symbol )The king The upper HouseThe lower houseThe cabinetappoint( judicial power)electionThe parliament formally appointed ( leg
8、islative power )(Executive power )responsible tocomposepeople( the noble)The evolution of party system 政党制度的演变0101The expansion of the right to be voted as the parliament representative议会选举权的扩大0202Complement of democracy完善民主 0 03 3The formation of responsibility cabinet system 责任内阁制的形成13The expansio
9、n of the right to vote as the parliament representative 议会选举权的扩大议会选举权的扩大in 1830 in 1918in 1969in 1689in 1832Ohly the adult males with a certain real estate are eligible to be elected as a MemberEmerging industrial assets class access to the parliament Women over the age of 30 who hold a certain prop
10、erty have universal suffrage British citizen at least 18 years of age have the right to participate in the lower house electionLess than 10% of the adult male have the right to vote 14 政党制度的演变政党制度的演变The evolution of party system The cabinetWhigsthe liberal party the labour partyToriesthe conservativ
11、e party 15 责任内阁制的形成责任内阁制的形成The formation of responsibility cabinet system The king who dont understand English In 1714, when queen Anne died with no heirs , George I ,one of distant relatives in Germany, became the king of England, but he is not familiar with English,neither care about the British a
12、ffairs. Gradually, the cabinet meeting was under the controlled of finance minister instand of the king . In 1721-1742, Robert woll Bohr become the first prime minister of Britain and take up the work in the government . - come fromYanZhaoXiang the British political system history In 1721, Robert Wa
13、lpole came toIn 1721, Robert Walpole came to powerpower , ,r representingepresenting that that thethe responsible cabinet system cresponsible cabinet system ca ame into me into existenceexistence. .16all the cabinet members take up the responsibility collectively,keep consistent in the fundamental p
14、olicy , and be with the prime minister in total原则原则1: 内阁成员内阁成员集体负责集体负责,在大政方针上保持一致,在大政方针上保持一致,与首相与首相共进退共进退。Rule 1:if parliament pass the governments mistrust case, the cabinet is going to pot;The prime minister dont have to resign, but have to submit to the king to dissolve the parliament for a new one. 原则原则2: 如果议会通过如果议会通过了了对政府的不信任案,内阁对政府的不信任案,内阁就要垮台;首相也可不辞职,提请国王解散议会,就要垮台;首相也可不辞职,提请国王解散议会,重新选举
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