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1、学问点大全unit 3 how do you get to school.一、重点语法:询问别人做某事的方式用 how引导特别疑问句其回答有多种方式,其中一种结构是by doing sth.或 by sth. 的结构;询问两地的距离用how far引导特别疑问句回答用be + distance + away + from的结构;例句: a: how do you get to school. 你如何去上学 . b: i take the subway. 我乘地铁去上学;a: how far is it from your home to school.从家到学校多远. b: it's

2、three miles. 有三英里远;a: how long does it take you to get from home to school.从家到学校需要花多长时间. b: it takes 25 minutes. 要花25 分钟; 二、重点短语:by bus = take the bus 乘公共汽车how far多远depend on 依靠于by boat = take the boat 乘船look at看by train = take the train乘火车by bike = ride one's bike骑车by subway =take the subway乘地铁

3、by plane = take the plane 乘飞机on foot走路get up 起床have breakfast 吃早饭leave for somewhere 离开去某地take sb. to somewhere 带某人去某地half an hour = thirty minutes半小时 三非常钟 around the world = all over the world全世界get to school 到学校1. take the subway to= go toby搭s地ub铁way2. take the train to= go to坐火车by train3. take a

4、bus to= go toby bus = go to乘坐公共on汽a车bus4. take a taxi to= go to坐的b士y taxi5. ride a bike/ bicycle to= go toby骑bi自ke行/ b车icycle6. walk to= go too 步n 行foot7. take a car to= go toin a car= go to 坐汽车by car8. get to school到达学校get to=arrive in/at=reach到达in 加大地方at 加小地方 9. 10 kilometers from school离学校 10 公里(

5、远)10. fromto从 到from his home to school从他家到学校11. how(用于提问状态和交通工具)怎样how long用来询问时间的长度(用于提问时间段多长时间)或物体的长度how often(用于提问频率)多久时间一次how far(用于提问距离)多远how many用于提问数量)多少how much (用于提问数量/价钱)多少 /多少钱 how soon “过多久 ”,用来询问某事要在多久以后才能发生12. have a quick breakfast 快速地吃早餐13. leave for school动身去学校14. the early bus 早班车15

6、. take sb. to school 带某人去学校then the early bus takes him to school. 然后,他乘坐早班车到学校16. bus ride 搭公车的路程17. bus stop 公车亭学问点大全18. bus station 公车站bus stop 是指小站, bus station 指大的站,比如汽车站;现在的英语特别是美式英语里,二者的区分不是太细;19. train station火车站20. subway station地铁站21. think of认为22. around the world=all over the world遍及全世界2

7、2.the school bus 校车23. in north /south america在北 /南美洲in the north/south/east/west of american在美国的北 /南/东/西部24. on the school bus 乘/坐校车25. in other parts of the world在世界上的其他地方26. the other (两者中的)另一个27. others = other students 其他的(同学)28. things are different情形不同29. be different from与不同be the same as 与一

8、样 见后 30. make a difference产生差异31. depend on 取决于 /依靠 /依靠in china , it depends on where you are .视 depe而nd定o;n 打算于i haven t a car, i have to depend on the buse我s没.有汽车,只能依靠公共汽车;32. go to school by boat = take a boat to school坐船去上学33. must be 确定 /肯定是34. a lot more fun更多的乐趣35. not all students 并非全部的同学36.

9、 the most popular ways /means 最流行的方式means of transportation交通方式in china , bikes and buses are the most popular means of transportation. 在中国,自行车和公共汽车是最流行的交通方式;37. a small number of小部分的a small number of students take the subway to school. 小部分同学乘坐地铁上学38. a large/ great number of大多数的 a number of +复数名词作主

10、语,动词用复数“很多 ” =many可用 large/great/small修饰,表程度; the number of +复数名词作主语,动词用单数“a great number of students are young. the number of them is 2,200.的. 数量 ”39. be ill in the hospital生病住院ill 形容词 : illness(名词)ill 和 sick 都可作表语he is ill/sick.他生病了;但是 he is a sick man. 他是一个病人; ( sick 作定语,此时不能用ill )40. worry about

11、 sb./sth.担忧某人 /某事 worry about sb/sth=be worried about为某人 /某事.担忧i worry about my study.= i am wirried about my study.41. take a shower 淋浴42. at around six thirty 在大约六点半around 作介词时,是 “大约、将近 ”的意思时,常与数词连用he leaves for school at around six thirty.他大约在6 点 30 分动身去学校leave for动词短语,意思是“去(某地) ”见 3 单元重点短语归纳中的详解

12、43. five minutes步w行a五lk 分钟的路程44. don t worry别. 担忧45. in chinese用汉语46.how/ what about?how/ what about?常用来询问和建议,其中about 是介词,其后跟名词、代词及动名学问点大全词,意思是 “怎么样?如何? ”how about trying again.再试一下如何?二固定结构1. it takes/ took sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花了某人 时间 /某人花了 时间做某事it takes me 20 minutes to finish all my homewo

13、rk. 我花了 20 分钟的时间完成了全部的作业;it took him 2 years to finish making the movie. 他花了两年的时间制作了这部电影;此句子结构可等同于:sb. spend/ spent some time on sth. 某人花了时间在某事上sb. spend/ spent some time in doing sth.某人花了做某事it takes me 20 minutes to finish all my homework.= i spend 20 minutes on all my homework.= i spend 20 minutes

14、 in doing all my homework. it took him 2 years to finish making the movie.= i spent 2 years on the movie.= he spent 2 years in making the movie.三. 重点句子1. how do you get to school. i ride my bike to school.how do i get there .因 there 是副词 ,所以不能说get to there2. how long does it take.it takes about 25 mi

15、nutes to walk and 10 minutes by bus.3. how long does it take you to ride your bike to school. it takes me 35 minutes to ride my bike to school.你需要多长时间到校?步行大约10 分钟,乘汽车15 分钟;4. how far is it from his home to school.= how far does he live from school.it is three miles from his home to school.从他家到学校有多远?

16、大约10 公里;5. what do think of the transportation in your town.= how do you like the transportation in your town.what do you think of你对.的看法怎样?= how d o you like你.认为怎样?6. that must be a lot more fun than taking a bus.那确定比坐公车更好玩的多!表估计: must be 肯定、必定、确定用于确定句中a lot/a bit/a little/much/some/even/still/far修饰

17、比较级a litt.le tallermore 是 many、 much 的比较级,表示“更多的 ”意思;比较级 + than 构成比较级结构;7. a small number of students take a subway. a number of = many很多8. don't worry.别担忧;9. i have a map but in chinese .10. when it rains i take a taxi .11. in north america , not all students take the bus to school . not all 是部

18、分否定,意思是并不是全部的;不是全部的表部分否定: not 与 all, both, many, much, everyone, everything, always等连用, 表部分否定;四句子结构拓展 1. it depends on where you are. 取决于你在哪里;这是一个宾语从句;在宾语从句中要用陈述句语序;i know. he comes from spain. i know he comes from spain.学问点大全i want to know.where does he come from. i want to kno w where he comes fro

19、m. 2. in places where there are rivers and lakes, students usually go to school by boat.在有河流和湖泊的地方,同学通常都坐船去上学;这是一个定语从句;where there are rivers and lakes 是定语,修饰前面的名词place. the girl who speaks french is my classmate. 那个(说法语的)女孩是我的同班同学;如定语从句修饰的名词(先行词)是人物,就用关系代词who 连接 .he wants to live in a place where t

20、here are flowers and grass.他想住在有花有草的地方;如定语从句修饰的名词(先行词)是地点,就用关系副词where 连接 3take/ spend /cost take后面常跟双宾语,常见用法有以下几种:(1) it takes sb. 时间 to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间;例: it took them three years to build this road.他们用了三年时间修完了这条路;(2) doing sth. takes sb.时间 ,做某事花了某人多少时间;例: repairing this car took him the whole

21、afternoon.他花了一下午修车; spend的主语必需是人,常用于以下结构:(1) spend time money on sth. 在上花费时间(金钱) ;例: i spent two hours on this maths problem.这道数学题花了我两个小时;(2) spend time money in doing sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事;例: they spent two years in building this bridge.造这座桥花了他们两年时间;(3) spend money for sth.花钱买;例: his money was spent for

22、books.他的钱用来买书了; cos的t主语是物或某种活动,仍可以表示 “值”, 常见用法如下:(1) sth. costs sb. 金钱 ,某物花了(某人)多少钱;例: a new computer costs a lot of money.买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱;(2) doing sth. costs sb.时间 ,某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间;例: remembering these new words cost him a lot of time.他花了大量时间才记住了这些单词;留意: cost 的过去式及过去分词都是cost,并且不能用于被动句; pay的作 “花费 ”的

23、意思时,常见用法如下: 1sb.+ pay for sth.付的款例: he paid 5 for the book.他买这本书花了5 英镑;(2) pay sb.for sth.为给某人酬劳例: the boss paid bob for his work.老板为他的工作给了bob 酬劳;练习一、词义1. have to2. a number of3. in hospital mustthe number ofin the hospital二、句子1. 步行大约要25 分钟;2. 从他家到学校有多远.学问点大全3. 托马斯想知道她怎么去学校;4. 世界各地的同学们怎样去上学.5. 在世界的其

24、他地方,情形有所不同;6. 在日本,大部分同学坐火车上学,尽管也有其他人步行或骑自行车;7. 那肯定比乘坐公共汽车好玩多了;8. 并不是全部的同学都坐公共汽车上学;9. 少数同学乘坐地铁;10. 你认为你们镇的交通怎么样.三. 作文依据育英中学八年级1 班同学上学方式的调查表,用英语写一篇短文,不少于70字;there are fifty students in class 1, grade 8 at yuying middle school. every day they go to school in different ways. fifteen students take buses

25、and twelve take the subway because they live far from the school. ten students walk. they think walking is good for their health and they live near the school. thirteen students ride their bikes to school because they like riding bikes very much and their homes are not very far from the school. no o

26、ne goes to school by car.学问点大全unit4 don t eat in class.学习目标: 1. 谈论规章2. 祈使语气3. 表示答应4. 能够用口头或书面描述规章 重点和难点:重点把握祈使语气的用法,包括表示答应的can 及其当情态动词用的have todo;以及各种可以用在表述规章制度的动词和句型;难点在于情态动词的用法,以及祈使句与它的应答;1. 表示规章的句型:- dont run in the hallways. - sorry, ms mendoza. dont watch tv after school.dont go out on school n

27、ights.1. 摸索、谈论规章;dont talk loudly.do your homework after school.practice your guitar every day.2. can: such as:we can do.we cant do. can we do.- what are the rules.- well, we cant arrive late for class.- can we listen to music, alex.- we cant listen to music in the hallways, but we can listen to it

28、outside.一. 短语1. in class 在课上2. on school nights在上学的晚上3. school rules 校规4. no talking禁止交谈5. listen to music听音乐6. have to 不得不7. take my dog for a walk带狗去漫步8. eat outside 在外面吃饭9. in the hallway在走廊上10. wear a uniform穿降服11. arrive late for class上学迟到12. after school放学后13. practice the guitar练习弹吉它14. in th

29、e cafeteria在自助食堂里15. meet my friends和我伴侣见面16. by ten o'clock. 十点之前17. be in bed 在床上18. the children's palace 少年宫19. help my mom make dinner帮忙我妈做饭二.重点句型1. dont arrive late for school=dont be late for school2. dont figh.t3.dont liset n to music in the classroom.4.dont run in the hallways5.dont

30、 smoke .its bad for your health. 6.dont play cards in school7.dont talk in class8.dont watch tv on school nights.9.dont sleep in class. 10.dont play sports in the classrooms.11.dont sing songs at night. 12.dont talk when you eat.13.dont wear hats in class.14.do homework by 10:00.15.clean your house.

31、学问点大全16. make the bed.17. can we. yes ,we can . no, we cant.eg: can we arrive late for class . no, we ca nt. we can t arrive late for class.18. do you have to wash your clothes. yes, i do./no, i dont. 三. 重难点解析:1. 情态动词have to 的用法, 意思是 " 必需、不得不 " ,它侧重于客观上的必要和外界的权威;1 结构:主语 +have to+动词原形 +其他一般

32、现在时,主语是第三人称单数时,用has to; 句子是过去时,用had to. 如: we have to wear sneakers for gym class.在体育课上,我们必需穿运动鞋;tom has to practice the guitar every day.汤姆每天必需练习弹吉它;i had to get up at 5:00 am last monday. 上周一,我不得不早上5 点起床;2 否定形式:主语+don't have to+ 动词原形 +其他一般现在时, 主语是第三人称单数时,用 doesn't have to. 句子是过去时, 用 didn&#

33、39;t haveto如: nickdoesn't have to wear a uniform.尼克不必穿降服;we didn't have to do our homework at once.我们不必立刻完成作业;3 疑问句: do does 或 did+ 主语 +have to + 动词原形 +其他如: do you have to stay at home on weekends.周末你必需呆在家里吗.yes, i do. / no, idon't.是的,我必需;不,我不必;did he have to go to bed by 11:00 last nigh

34、t.昨晚,他不得不 11 点前上床睡觉吗.2. 情态动词can 的用法1 表示才能, " 会"" 能" 在第一册中已经学习这种用法can you play the guitar.你会弹吉它吗.judy can speak a little chinese.朱蒂会说一点中文; i can dance and sing. 我能唱歌又能跳舞;2 表示答应、许可," 可以 "、 "能" 在这一课中新学的词义can the students run in the hallways.同学们可以在走廊上跑吗.we can eat outside. 我们可以在外面吃东西;can i come in.我能进来吗 .留意 同样是情态动词, can 和 have to 的用法是有区分的,和大部分情态动词一样,can 在否定句中,直接在can 后加上 not,在疑问句中,把can 放到主语前面,并且没有人称和 数的变化;3. hear, listen 和 sound 都有 " 听" 的意思,但三者是有区分的;(1) hear" 听说 ",侧重于 " 听&quo


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