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1、第一次授课内容:第一册unit 1unit 7温医专升本英语考试题型Part One. Vocabulary and structure(20%)(二十个句子选自单项选择出题范围中列出的所有句子以及学生用书已授7个单元Section A课后练习的第三题中所有练习题。Part Two. Reading Comprehension(阅读理解30%)(共三篇,其中一篇在练习册)Part Three.(Cloze完形填空10%)(课外内容)Part Four. Blank-filling(10%)(词形变换:练习册每课的第一部分内容,共十句,每句1分)Part Five. Translation(30

2、%)13 paragraphs(from English to Chinese英译中共三段,每段5分) (出题范围:每课的课文中-Book1第一册 P4 Para 8; P30 Para27-29; P56 Para12-13; P79 Para 6-7; P104 Para12-13; P130 Para13-14; P154 Para32-34; 25sentences(from Chinese to English中译英共5句)(已授课文Section A课后练习的中译英句子,共42句考其中5句,每句3分,请认真准备。)第一次单项选择出题范围请仔细阅读各个句子(包括中文含义),尤其是红色

3、字体部分,要有印象。Unit 11 The bank developed a new system of rewards to encourage the clerks to work harder.银行推行新的奖励制度鼓励职员更加努力工作。2 She found the experience very rewarding.她发现这个经历使她受益非浅。3 The experiences of college will give you memories for the rest of your life.大学经历将给你留下终生难忘的记忆。4 He is a good choice to be

4、president of our new company because he is rich in managerial experience. 他是出任我们新公司老总的好人选。5 He has decided to have a look at the house for it is well worth buying.他决定去看一看那栋房子,因为它值得买下来。6. His job is to give instructions to people junior to her.他的职责是指导职位在他之下的人。7. His position is senior to mine.他的职位比我高

5、。8. While professors are talking about economic theories, company chairmen are concerned with profits. 教授们讨论的是经济学理论,而公司领导们关注的是利润。9. Not only did he finish his homework, but he also cleaned the room.他不仅做了作业,而且还打扫了房间。10. Far from helping the situation, youve just made it worse. 你非但对形势没什么帮助,反而使形势更糟。11.

6、 If you do not have access to the Internet ,well send someone to help you. 如果你还上不了网,我们会让人去帮你。12. The soldiers guarded the only access to the building.士兵把守着通向那栋楼的唯一通道。13. You obtain access to your data by typing in a user name and password.输入用户名及密码,你就可以获得你的数据。14. Members can participate in any of the

7、 activities organized by the club.会员可以参加俱乐部组织的任何活动。15. Many virtual communities are growing on the Internet as more and more people want to find new ways to make friends. 许多虚拟社区出现在因特网上,因为越来越多的人想通过新的方式交朋友。16. The king was so much under the control of his wife that she was the virtual ruler of the cou

8、ntry.国王完全被他的妻子控制,他的妻子才是这个国家的实际统治者。17. Its important to keep up with the changes of the time.跟上时代的变化十分重要。18. The release of these secret documents has embarrassed the administration.这些机密材料的泄露使行政管理部门十分尴尬。19. It was embarrassing that I couldnt remember his name. 好尴尬我不记得他的名字了。20. Let it go, he thought.

9、He didnt feel like arguing.顺其自然吧,他想。他不想争辩。21. The young man would get nervous every time he came across a girl.那个年轻人每次遇到女孩子就紧张。22. The program is bringing benefits to the farmers.这一计划正在使农民受益。23. Critics argue that the tax cuts will only benefit large companies.批评人士称减税只能使大公司受益。24. Studying science ga

10、ve me great insights into natural law.学习科学知识使我对自然规律有了深刻的了解。25. Now that John has arrived, we can begin our class.既然约翰来了,我们可以开始上课了。26. With the introduction of the Internet, we can reach out to our friends by e-mail.由于互联网的使用,我们可以通过电子邮件和朋友联系。27. You must reach out for any opportunity that comes your w

11、ay.你必须抓住所遇到的任何机遇。28. He reached for the phone and dialed the number. 他伸手拿起电话,拨了号码。29. Learning a foreign language helps us bridge the gap between two different cultures.学习外语有助于缩小不同文化间的差距。Unit 21. The doctor expressed serious concern about her health.医生对她的健康表示担忧。2. How much money I earn is none of yo

12、ur concern.我挣多少钱与你无关。3. What concerns the experts most is the increasing level of pollution in our cities.令专家最为担忧的是城市的污染日趋严重。4. Tonights program concerns the effects of the law on ordinary people.今晚的节目是有关法律对普通大众的影响的。5. Ill go along with you no matter where you travel.无论你到哪儿旅游,我都和你一起去。6. A strange ma

13、n burst into the house.一个陌生人闯进了房子。7. She burst into tears.她突然哭了起来。8. I have told them over and over again, so they should know what to do.我给他们说了好多次了,他们该知道做什么。9. She did go to see the doctor yesterday. 她昨天的确去看病了。10. He reached for the remote control and pressed the “play” button.他伸手去拿遥控器,按了“播放”键。11.

14、Please turn up the TV. Id like to hear the news. 把电视机音量调大点,我想听听新闻。12. Please turn the radio down. Im trying to sleep.请把收音机关小点声,我想睡觉了。13. She had little for breakfast, as usual. 像往常一样,她早餐吃得很少。14. When you are done, give us a call. 等你干完了,给我们打个电话。15. I didnt know you cared that much. 我不知道你那么在乎。16. You

15、cant have this much for breakfast. 早餐你不能吃这么多。17. Im old-fashioned when it comes to music.在音乐方面,我是守旧的。18. Long hair was in fashion some years ago, but people like short hair now.长发几年前很时髦,但现在人们喜欢留短发。19. Long hair is out of fashion now, but it may be popular again in the future.长发如今不时髦了,但将来可能会再流行。20. H

16、is remarks made her blood boil. 他的话使她很生气。21. Does the idea of working abroad appeal to you?出国工作对你有吸引力吗?22. The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁人人节约用水。23. These pills will help me get rid of my cold. 这些药片可帮我摆脱感冒的困扰。24. Weve decided to go in any case.不管怎样我们还是决定要去。25. I think I w

17、ill take an umbrella in case it rains.我想带把伞,以防下雨。26. In case of rain, take a taxi.要是下雨,就坐出租车。27. They may not offer me much money. In that case, I wont take the job.他们给我的工资可能不会太多。如果是这样的话,我就不接受这份工作。Unit 31 They always lean on us when they are in trouble.他们有困难时总寻求我们的帮助。2. Dont let on anything about th

18、e meeting.别泄露有关会议的任何消息 3. A teacher should not be impatient with slow learners.对学东西慢的学生,教师不应该没有耐心4If you travel into space in a spaceship, you must adjust (yourself ) to weightlessness.如果你乘飞船进入太空,你必须调整自己,以适应失重状态。5. Despite the difference in their ages they were close friends.尽管年龄悬殊,他们还是密友。6. Well ha

19、ve to hurry if we want to make it to the supermarket before it closes.想要在超市关门前赶到那里,我们必须抓紧时间。7.Its hard to make it to the top in the show business.想在演艺圈出人头地,并非易事。8.Once (they are ) in bed, the children usually go to sleep very quickly.一上床,这些孩子通常很快就睡着了。9.They clung to one another for support他们互相紧抓住对方,

20、相互支撑。10. She still clings to the idea that her son is alive.她仍抱着一个信念:儿子还活着。11. Meals are provided free of charge.膳食免费供应。12. We were amazed to hear that she passed the test without much difficulty.听说她轻而易举地通过了考试,我们都很惊讶。13. He was subjected to severe torture.他受到了严刑拷打。14. I have never been to Paris, nor

21、 has my wife.我从未去过巴黎,我妻子也没去过。15. I dont know which way to go(=which way we should go ) to reach the nearest branch of City Bank.我不知道走哪条路才能到最近的城市银行分行。16. The police made an investigation into the accident, in which 50 people were killed.警方对事故进行了调查,在事故中有50人丧生。17. I found myself agreeing with everythin

22、g she said.我发现她说什么我都同意。18. They woke up to find themselves surrounded by water.他们醒来时,发现被水包围了。19. She had a difficult time persuading him to accept the job.她好不容易劝说他接受了那份工作。20. I am not content with beautiful dreams: I want beautiful realities.我不满足于美丽的梦想,我要的是美丽的现实。21. Hes perfectly content to live in

23、a simple room and to paint pictures all day.身居陋室,整日作画,他已心满意足了。22. Father saw to it that much of my spare time was not wasted.父亲确保我的业余时间不会白白浪费。23. Her excellent behavior is worthy of admiration.她的行为令人钦佩。24. They never complain about working extra time.他们加班加点工作,从不抱怨。25. The little boy complained of pa

24、ins in his stomach.那小孩直叫肚子疼。26. I am very envious of your new job; I wish I could have it.我十分羡慕你的新工作,真希望自己也能有这个工作。Unit 41. At the age of 18 she made up her mind to become a doctor.她18岁时就打定主意要当一名医生。2. There are 100 students whose ages range from 15 to 20.有100名学生,年龄在15岁到20岁之间。3. This year our meeting

25、focuses on the question of childrens rights.今年我们的会议集中讨论儿童权益的问题。4. He is committed to supporting the achievements of women in industry.他致力于支持产业妇女取得的成就。5. Have I impressed you yet with my super wit and charm? 难道我的超级风趣和魅力还不能让你心动?6. I cant wait to get my exam results. All this waiting is driving me craz

26、y.我迫不及待地想知道我的考试结果,这样的等待可真要把我逼疯了。7. The thought of taking the exam again depressed him.想到要重新考试,他感到很沮丧。8. He felt depressed at the bad news.听到那坏消息后他感到很沮丧。9. Its depressing that so many young people use drugs.那么多年轻人吸毒,真令人沮丧!10. The children lost contact with their families.这些孩子与家人失去了联系。11. A little kno

27、wledge does seem to be a dangerous thing.看来一知半解确实是件危险的事。12. I wish shed lighten up a bit.我真希望她能放松些。13. Its no kidding. You need to take it seriously.这不是玩笑,你要认真对待。Unit 51. This blood test will show whether or not you are immune to the disease.这次验血将表明你对这种病是否具有免疫力。2. I am immune to the noise from the f

28、actory.我对那家工厂的噪音已习以为常了。3. Women will soon make up half of those diagnosed with HIV.妇女将占感染爱滋病病毒人数的一半。4. It is estimated that over thirty million people are now infected with the virus.估计目前有超过3,000万人感染上了该病毒。5. Twelve scientists constituted a research group to study air pollution.12位科学家组成一个研究小组研究空气污染。6

29、. The man is getting on in years and he is slow in responding.那个男人岁数大了,反应慢了。7. Money is needed to implement our child-care programs.实施儿童保健项目需要资金。8. The new government promised to take measures to combat crime.新政府承诺采取措施与犯罪行为作斗争。9. Im sorry to have taken up much of your valuable time.很抱歉占用了你许多宝贵的时间。10

30、. Her grandmother left her a valuable ring.祖母给她留下一枚贵重的戒指。11. Its alarming to think how many people are at risk.想想有多少人处于危险中,真是令人担忧啊。12. Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to obey his orders.不管他是对还是错,我们都得服从他的命令。13. They have been trying to arrive at a practical solution to the problem

31、. 他们试图找到解决这个问题的切实可行的办法。14. The father threatened the child with punishment if .the child did not obey his orders.父亲威胁说要是孩子不听话,就要给以惩罚。15. We must not let anything distract us from our target. 什么也不能阻止我们达到我们的目标。16. Her parents urged her to sign up for a computer course.父母敦促她报名参加计算机课程。Unit 61. The brain

32、 needs a continuous supply of blood.大脑需要不断供血。2. They have worked continuously for five hours.他们已经连续工作了五个小时。3. Stop that continual hammering.别没完没了地敲打。4. Im tired of the way he continually complains about everything.他老是对什么都抱怨,我都烦死了。5. After school, I had picked up Nick and Ted and made the rounds of t

33、he dry cleaner and the grocery store.放学后,我接了尼克和特德,然后去干洗店和食品店。6. These white shoes dont go with your black trousers.这双白鞋与你的黑裤子不配。7. It is simply not the case that educational standards have fallen.说教育水准下降了,这根本不符合事实。8. He flew into a rage.他勃然大怒。9. Who are you to say Im fired? You are not my boss at al

34、l.你有什么权利说我被解雇了?你又不是我的老板。10. You have shown us nothing but kindness.你对我们只有善意。11. She boasts of having a big house.她吹嘘自己有栋大房子。12. Contrary to what we hoped, he offered us no help at all.与我们希望的相反,他没有帮我们什么忙。13. I left the room clean. 我离开时房间干干净净。14. I left the job undone.我离开时工作没做完。15. I left him waiting

35、at the station.我把他留在车站等候。16. You will be in for trouble when they find out who broke the window.如果他们发现是谁打破了窗户,你肯定会有麻烦。17. Neither he nor I have read this book.他和我都没有看过这本书。18. Neither his colleagues nor his boss accepts his idea.他的同事和老板都不接受他的主张。19. His theory about how life on earth began doesnt hold

36、 water.他的关于地球上生命起源的理论站不住脚。Unit 71. Sometimes one is brought face to face with facts that cannot be ignored.有时人们得直面一些不可忽视的事实。2. All fresh vegetables, with no exception,contain some Vitamin C.所有新鲜蔬菜无一例外都含有维生素C。3. Animals have a natural instinct for survival.动物具有生存的天性。4. We attached a business card to

37、the briefcase.我们在小提箱上贴了一张名片。5. The voices faded away.声音渐渐地消失了。6. We have lost everything, but our lives have been spared.我们已失去了一切,可是我们保住了生命。7. Nowadays more people have more time to spare for cultural activities, and they can also spare more money for enjoyment.现在越来越多的人有更多时间从事文化活动,他们也有更多的钱用于消遣。8. Be

38、cause of developments in international communication, current news is at hand almost everywhere.由于国际通讯的发展,到处都可以收到时事要闻。9. The irony is that population growth itself eats away at the development potential.具有讽刺意味的是人口增长本身漫漫削弱了发展的潜力。10. He had destroyed everything we held dear.他已经把我们所珍视的一切都摧毁了。英翻中出题范围Uni

39、t 1Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldn't trade for anything. Not only did learning another language teach me the value of hard work, but it also gave me insights into another culture, and my mind was opened to new ways of seeing things. The

40、 most wonderful result of having learned a foreign language was that I could communicate with many more people than before. Talking with people is one of my favorite activities, so being able to speak a new language lets me meet new people, participate in conversations, and form new, unforgettable f

41、riendships. Now that I speak a foreign language, instead of staring into space when English is being spoken, I can participate and make friends. I am able to reach out to others and bridge the gap between my language and culture and theirs.学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但它又无比珍贵。它不仅使我懂得了艰苦努力的意义,而且让我了解了不同的文化,让我以一种全

42、新的思维去看待事物。学习一门外语最令人兴奋的收获是我能与更多的人交流。与人交谈是我最喜欢的一项活动,新的语言使我能与陌生人交往,参与他们的谈话,并建立新的难以忘怀的友谊。由于我已能说英语,别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了。我能够参与其中,并结交朋友。我能与人交流,并能够弥合我所说的语言和所处的文化与他们的语言和文化之间的鸿沟。Unit 2"What worries me," said Steve, "is that music could have a negative influence on Sandy. I don't know what's h

43、appening to our little girl. She's changing and I'm concerned about her. Makeup, terrible musicwho knows what will be next? We need to have a talk with her. The news is full of stories about teenagers in trouble whose parents hardly know anything about their problems."“令我担心的是,”史蒂夫说,“那种音

44、乐对桑迪可能有负面的影响。我不知道我们的女儿到底怎么回事。她在变,我很担心她。化妆品,糟糕的音乐,谁知道以后还会有什么花样?我们得和她谈谈。新闻里报道的尽是惹上麻烦的青少年,可他们的父母却不知道自己的孩子有什么问题。”"Oh, I don't think her music is so terrible. But in any case, you're right. We need to have a talk with Sandy," said Jane. “哦,我倒不认为她的音乐如此糟糕。但不管怎么说,你还是说得对,我们需要和桑迪谈谈,” 简说道。As

45、Jane Finch drove to work, she thought about her Sandy. She knew what she wanted to say, what she had to say to Sandy. She was so glad that she and Sandy could still talk things over. She knew she had to have patience and keep the lines of communication with her daughter open. She wanted to be there

46、as an anchor for her, but at the same time she would give her freedom to find her own identity.去上班的路上,简·芬奇一面开着车,一面想着她的桑迪。她知道自己想说什么,得对桑迪说什么。她和桑迪之间还可以进行交流,这令她很高兴。她知道自己得有耐心,得保持自己和桑迪之间沟通的渠道畅通。她想在桑迪的身边,做她的保护人,同时又给她寻找自我的自由。Unit 3He has been gone many years now, but I think of him often. I wonder if h

47、e sensed my reluctance to be seen with him during our walks. If he did, I am sorry I never told him how sorry I was, how unworthy I was, how I regretted it. I think of him when I complain about trifles, when I am envious of another's good fortune, when I don't have a "good heart".如

48、今父亲已去世多年,但我时常想起他。不知他当时是否留意在我们同行时,我不愿意被人看到。若他确实注意到了,那我真惭愧当时没能对他说我是多么对不起他,我是多么不孝,我有多么后悔。现在,每当我因一些琐事而怨天尤人的时候,每当我嫉妒别人运气比我好的时候,每当我没有一颗“好心”的时候,我就会想起他。At such times I put my hand on his arm to regain my balance, and say, "You set the pace. I will try to adjust to you."每逢此时,我就设想自己将手搭在他的臂上,重新找回自己的平

49、衡,我会说:“你按你的步速走,我跟着你。”Unit 4Be yourself. Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities. They instruct you to greet them with "power handshakes" and tell you to fix your eyes on the other person. If you follow all this advice, you'll drive ever

50、yone crazyincluding yourself. 保持自我。许多指导性的书籍会建议你大步走进一个房间,用你的优点给别人留下深刻印象。他们会教你以 “有力的握手”问候他人,并且告诉你要用双眼注视对方。可你如果遵循了所有这些建议,你会让所有的人都受不了包括你自己。The trick is to be consistently you, at your best. The most effective people never change from one situation to another. They're the same whether they're hav

51、ing a conversation, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job. They communicate with their whole being; the tones of their voices and their gestures match their words.诀窍在于要始终如一地保持自我,保持最佳状态的自我。给人印象最深的那些人从不随着情境的变化而改变自己。无论是在与人交谈时,在园艺俱乐部上发表演说时,还是在求职面试中,他们的表现都是一样的。他们全身心地与人交流;他们的音调和手势与他们

52、说的话保持着一致。Unit 5The stylists also emphasize that everyone is at risk and that all of us have a right to protect ourselvesregardless of marriage status. 发型设计师们也强调每个人都存在着危险, 所以我们每个人都有权保护自己无论结婚与否。These lessons are not the only solutions to the crisis, but until there is a cure for AIDS, education repres

53、ents the only safe measure to guard against the virus.这些经验不是解决艾滋病危机的唯一方法,但在找到治疗艾滋病的方法之前,教育不失为预防感染艾滋病病毒的唯一安全措施。Unit 6I have decided, too, to keep saying hello in people's yards. It doesn't do any harm, and it still feels right. Frankly, I'm proud. I'm doing an essential task. I left t

54、his country a little cleaner than I found it this morning. Not many people can say that each night. 我还决定继续在人家的院子里向人们说“你好”。这不会有什么坏处,而且感觉依旧不错。说实话,我感到骄傲,我在做一项必不可少的工作。每晚工作结束时,我发现这个国家比早上更干净了。并不是许多人每晚都能这样说的。John Gardner wrote that a society, which praises its philosophers and looks down on its plumbers, i

55、s in for trouble. "Neither its pipes nor its theories will hold water," he warns. He might have gone a step further and called for respect for both our economists and our trashmen; otherwise, they'll both leave garbage behind.约翰·加德纳曾写道,一个只赞扬哲学家而蔑视管道工的社会必定会出现麻烦。他警告说:“这个社会的管道和理论都会出问

56、题。”他也许应该进一步要求人们既尊重经济学家又尊重垃圾工;不然的话,他们都会在身后留下垃圾。Unit 7Turning those pages and studying their photographs is like flowing on a sad current that, like Blake's Thames, seems to "mark in every face, marks of weakness, marks of woe.一张张翻看并研读这些照片,仿佛漂流在一条让人伤心的河流上,就像身处英国诗人布莱克笔下的泰晤士河,似乎“看见每一个过往行人都是满脸饥色

57、,一副苦相”。Together, these young men are a kind of riverone that is out of control, eating at the foundations of things we hold dear: our freedom to move about; the fruits of our labor; our own lives and those of people we value. Some day, we will have to face this river and seek the depths of its disco

58、ntent. 这些年轻人聚合在一起构成了一条河流一条已失去控制的河流,这条河流正吞噬着我们所珍视的东西的基础:我们的行动自由,我们的劳动果实,我们的生命,以及那些我们所珍视的人的生命。总有一天,我们将不得不面对这条河流,并探索其对现实不满的深层原因。Presently, all we can do is look at mug shots and stick our fingers in the dam.而目前,我们所能做的就是看看罪犯的照片,并参与到构筑抑制犯罪的大坝中去。作业:每课课后中翻英部分;英翻中出题范围请各学员在考试当天交给监考教师,谢谢合作!祝各位学员学习顺利,考试成功!Unit

59、 1 III. 1. rewarding 2. communicate 3. access 4. embarrassing 5. positive 6. commitment 7. virtual 8. benefits 9. minimum 10. opportunitiesP12 VIII 中翻英句子1. Not only can students choose when and where to learn for an online course, but they can also take time to think through answers


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