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1、拓维教育全方位个性化教育发展中心Talkedu Education Centre 语法专题:介词用法精讲精练一、介词:英文缩写是prep.是英文preposition的缩写。介词是英语中最活跃的词类之一。同一个汉语词汇在英语中可译成不同的英语介词。例如汉语中的“用”可译成:(1)用英语(in English);(2)用小刀(with a knife);(3)用手工(by hand);(4)用墨水(in ink)等。所以,千万不要以为记住介词的一两种意思就掌握了这个介词的用法,其实介词的用法非常广泛,搭配能力很强,越是常用的介词,其含义越多。二、介词是一个比较容易掌握的语法项目,通常会在单行选择

2、题,完形填空或看图短文填空等题中出现。他们没有太大的规律,常与名词、动词及形容词等一起构成短语。以下是五年来中考介词部分的分值及考查内容。年份题型分值考查内容2007单项填空1With完形填空1at last看图短文填空2008单项填空1in完形填空看图短文填空2009单项填空1of完形填空看图短文填空2010单项填空1at, on完形填空看图短文填空1.5beside/near2011单项填空1for完形填空1from看图短文填空三、命题方向1、介词是英语中非常重要的词类,也是中考试题经常考查的项目之一。2、各地的中考试题倾向于同义介词之间的区分,介词短语的用法以及某些固定介词搭配的使用情况

3、。四、备考建议1、熟练掌握介词的分类和用法。2、重点掌握初中阶段介词与动词、名词及形容词构成的词组。五、介词讲解和练习。1.表示地点位置的介词1)at ,in, on, to,for at (1)表示在小地方; (2)表示“在附近,旁边” in (1)表示 在大地方; (2)表示“在范围之内”。 on 表示毗邻,接壤,“在上面”。 to 表示在范围外,不强调是否接壤;或“到” 2)above, over, on 在上 above 指在上方,不强调是否垂直,与 below相对; over指垂直的上方,与under相对,但over与物体有一定的空间,不直接接触。on表示某物体上面并与之接触。 Th

4、e bird is flying above my head. There is a bridge over the river. He put his watch on the desk. 3)below, under 在下面 under表示在正下方 below表示在下,不一定在正下方 There is a cat under the table. Please write your name below the line. 4)in front of, in the front of在前面 in front of意思是“在前面”,指甲物在乙物之前,两者互不包括;其反义词是behind(在的

5、后面)。 There are some flowers in front of the house.(房子前面有些花卉。) in the front of 意思是“在.的前部”,即甲物在乙物的内部.反义词是at the back of(在范围内的后部)。 There is a blackboard in the front of our classroom. 我们的教室前边有一块黑板。 Our teacher stands in the front of the classroom. 我们的老师站在教室前.(老师在教室里) 5)beside,behind beside 表示在旁边 behind

6、 表示在后面 2.表示时间的介词1)in , on,at 在时 in表示较长时间,如世纪、朝代、时代、年、季节、月及一般(非特指)的早、中、晚等。 如 in the 20th century, in the 1950s, in 1989, in summer, in January, in the morning, in ones life , in ones thirties等。 on表示具体某一天及其早、中、晚。 如on May 1st, on Monday, on New Years Day, on a cold night in January, on a fine morning,

7、on Sunday afternoon等。 at表示某一时刻或较短暂的时间,或泛指圣诞节,复活节等。 如at 3:20, at this time of year, at the beginning of, at the end of , at the age of , at Christmas, at night, at noon, at this moment等。 注意:在last, next, this, that, some, every 等词之前一律不用介词。如:We meet every day. 2)in, after 在之后 “in +段时间”表示将来的一段时间以后; “aft

8、er+段时间”表示过去的一段时间以后; “after+将来的时间点”表示将来的某一时刻以后。 3)from, since 自从 from仅说明什么时候开始,不说明某动作或情况持续多久; since表示某动作或情况持续至说话时刻,通常与完成时连用。since表示"自(某具体时间)以来",常用作完成时态谓语 的时间状语。 since liberation(1980)自从解放(1980年)以来 They have been close friends since childhood 他们从小就是好朋友。 (1)since the war是指"自从战争结束以来"

9、,若指"自从战争开始以来",须说"since the beginning of the war"。 (2)不要将since与after混淆。 比较:He has worked here since 1965(指一段时间,强调时间段)自从1965年以来,他一直在这儿工作。 He began to work here after 1965 (指一点时间,强调时间点)从1965年以后,他开始在这儿工作。 4)after, behind 在之后 after主要用于表示时间; behind主要用于表示位置。 时间名词前介词用法口诀 年前周前要用in 具体日子要用o

10、n 遇到几号也用on 上午下午得是in 要说某日上下午 用on换in记清楚 午夜黄昏用at 黎明用它也不错 at用在时分前 说“差”可要用上to 说"过''要用past 3.表示运动方向的介词:across, through 通过,穿过 across表示横过,即从物体表面通过,与on有关,为二维 through穿过,即从物体内部穿过,与in有关,为三维。 如:The dog helped the blind man walk across the road.The boy swam across the river.They walked through the fo

11、rest.4.表示“在之间”的介词:表示“在之间”的介词在英语中属于方位介词,如in front of ,behind ,on, in, near, under, up between, among between指在两个人或两个事物之间; among指在三个或三个以上的人或事物之间。 5.表示其他意义的介词1)on ,about 关于 on 表示这本书,这篇文章或演说是严肃的,或学术性的,可供专门研究这一问题的人阅读; about表示内容较为普通,不那么正式。 2)by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具 by 以方法、手段或泛指某种交通工具; with 表示用 工具、手段,一般接具体

12、的工具和手段; in 表示用方式,用语言(语调、笔墨、颜色)等; 3)except, besides 除了 except 除之外,不包括在内; besides 除之外,包括在内。 Except for Mr. Wang, we went to see the film.(王先生没去) Besides Mr. Wang, we also went to see the film.(王先生也去了) 6、over, above, onover, on和above都可表示“在上面”,但具体含义不同。over表示位置高于某物,在某物的正上方,其反义词是under。above也表示位置高于某物,但不一定在

13、正上方,其反义词是below。on至两个物体表面接触,一个在另一个上面。如:There is a bridge over the river.We flew above the clouds.They put some flowers on the teachers desk.7、between与among的区别between常指“在两者之间”,常构成短语betweenand;among常指“在三者之间或三者以上”。如:The library is between the post office and the bank.The teacher stands among the boys.8、

14、in,with,by表示“用”时的区别in主要表示“用语言、声音、原材料等”,with表示“用具体有形的东西”,by表示“用手段或方式”。如:Please answer my question in English.We write with pens.The girl made money by selling flowers.9、except与besides的区别except指从整体中排除,意为“把除外”,常与表示完全肯定或完全否定的词连用。besides指“除之外,还有”,常与also,other,another等连用。如:They all went to the park except

15、 Tom.Five other students were late for class besides Tom.常见搭配 1动词+介词,如:    listen to, laugh at, write to, hear from, get to, look at, shout at, shout to, knock at, look for, look at, ask for, wait for, get on, get to, put on, turn on, operate on, take off, turn off, learn from, worry

16、about .     2形容词+介词,如:be afraid of, be full of, be angry with, be strict with, be busy with, be good at, be good/bad for, be late for, be sorry for, be ready for, be famous for, be polite to, be far from. be close to    3名词+介词 / 介词+名词    the key to, the v

17、isit to, at home, in surprise, after class, for ever, on time, in time at last, at first, for example.三.巩固练习I.用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空。 1 .Im sorry I cant say it _ Chinese. 2 .Do you usually go to school _bike? 3 .Look, the farmer is carrying apples _ a truck. 4 .Is anyone _ home? 5 .Please

18、look _my bird when Im away. 6 .Are Jim and Li Lei _ the same class? 7 .There is a hole _ the wall. 8. _ the beginning of this term, I met my new friend, Jim . 9 .There are a few leaves _the tree. 10 .The girl _ the red coat is my sister. 11 .Could you give an orange _ me? 12 .Its time to go _bed. 13

19、 .I can see a bottle _ orange. 14 .Put the basket _ there. 15 .Whats wrong _ your watch? 16 .One _ the students is in the classroom. 17 .I think the shop is closed _ this time of day. 18 .My father teaches English _ a school. 19 .We have lunch _ the middle of the day. 20 .You can buy some school thi

20、ngs _ your way home. 21 .I was born _ July 1st, 1982 . 22 .May I borrow a pencil _ you? 23 .Dont sleep _ the open air. 24 .I often help my mother _ the housework. 25 .Its time _ school. 26 .I have quite a lot _homework to do. 27 .Whats the time ? Its half _ five. 28 .Ducks are good _ swimming. 29 .W

21、hat are you talking _? 30 .He is sitting _ the front of the car. 31 .The eraser was passed _ one student _ another. 32 .Did you live _Beijing in 1997? 33 .When did you arrive _ the village? 34 .I think Mary is _ duty today. 35 .Eating too much isnt good _ your health. 36 .Im afraid he is _ the cinem

22、a _ the moment. 37 .Thanks _ asking me to your party. 38 .My watch is very different _ yours. 39 .Whats the weather _ today? 40 .The student is asking his teacher _the sports meeting.II.选择填空选择填空选择填空选择填空。( )41. _ the money, she bought a new coat _ her father.A. With, for B. With, to C. For, with D. T

23、o, with ( )42. The beautiful bottle was made _ glass. A. from B. in C. of D. by ( )43. This is a map_China. A. in B. at C. of D. on ( )44. A group_ boys and girls are dancing in the park. A. with B. of C. for D. to ( )45. Tom always comes late_school. A. at B. inside C. to D. for ( )46. Mr. Smith ca

24、ught hold_ Bob and said, "This is a good lesson_ you. A. of, for B. for, of C. of, of D. for; for ( )47. The shop_ clothes is _the right side_ the street. A. of, at, beside B. for, on, at C. for, on, of D. of, in, of ( )48 .Its hot _summer in Beijing . A .by B .on C .at D .in ( )49 .China is fa

25、mous _ her Great Wall . A .as B .for C .to D .of ( )50 .These knives are made _metal and wood . A .from B .of C .by D .in ( )51 .My father returned at 10 oclock _of June 15. A .in the night B .by the night C .on the night D .at night ( )52 ._your help, we finished the work on time. A .Thanks B .Than

26、ks of C .Thank for D .Thanks to ( )53. China built a Great Wall _the northern part _the country. A. to, in B. across, of C. across, on D. at, of ( )54. He often mistakes me _my brother. A .to B .as C .for D .with ( )55. The woman _a red dress is my aunt. A .in B .at C .of D .on( )56. I remember Susa

27、n left _a very cold morning of January. A .in B .on C .at D .from ( )57. Thank you very much _lending the eraser _me. A. for, at B. to, to C. for, to D. to, for ( )58. Dont tell anybody about it .Keep it _you and me. A .among B .between C .in D .with ( )59. I enjoy reading, but I cant _much time _it

28、. A. spend, on B. pay, in C. take, in D. cost, on ( )60. No one can stop her _leaving for Shanghai. A .of B .from C .to D .for参考答案 介 词 1 .in 2 .by 3 .with 4 .at 5 .after 6 .in 7 .in 8 .At 9 .on 10 .in 11 .to 12 .to 13 .of 14 .over 15 .With 16 .of 17 .at 18 .in 19 .in 20 .on 21 .on 22 .from 23 .in 24

29、 .with 25 .for 26 .of 27 .past 28 .at 29 .about 30 .in 31 .from ,to 32 .in 33 .at 34 .on 35 .for 36 .at ,at 37 .for 38 .from 39 .like 40 .about 41-45 ACCBC 46-50 ACDBB 51-55 CDBCA 56-60 BCBAB 看似相同,但意义有别的词组 英语中有一些介词词组和动词词组,它们从形式上看似乎基本相同,但在意义上却截然不同。要是我们在记忆上对这类词组不加以重视,使用时就很容易望文生义,甚至张冠李戴。为此,把这类词组归纳如下: (

30、1) at table在进餐 at the table在桌子旁(=beside the desk) (2) at desk在读书或做作业 at the desk在书桌旁 (3) at school在校上学(指学生) at the school在学校(指教职工) (4) in front of the bus在公共汽车的前面(不在车上) in the front of the bus在公共汽车的前部(在车上) (5) at sea在航海中 at the sea在海边 (6) by day白天 by the day按日,论日 (7) behind time误期 behind the time落后于

31、时代 (8) in class在上课,在课内 in the class在这个班 (9) in bed 卧床,在睡觉 in the bed在床上 (10) in prison坐牢 in the prison在监狱 (11) in red穿着红色的衣服 in the red负债,亏损 (12) in hospital住院(指病人) in the hospital(因事)在医院 (13) in office在办公,执政 in the office在办公室 (14) in secret秘密,私下 in the secret参入秘密,参入阴谋 (15) in place of 代替,而不是 in the

32、 place of在地方 (16) in case of万一,如果 in the case of就来说,至于 (17) of age成年人 of an age同龄人 (18) out of office离职 out of the office离开办公室 (19) out of prison(因犯罪)出狱 out of the prison(因事)从监狱出来 (20) out of question毫无疑问 out of the question不可能,办不到 2).含有介词的动词词组 (1) come out of hospital(病好)出院 come out of the hospital

33、(因事)从医院里出来 (2) come out of prison(刑满)释放 come out of the prison(因事)从监狱里出来 (3) go to school去上学 go to the school(因事)去学校 (4) go to college上大学 go to the/a college去一所学校(办事) (5) go to bed上床睡觉 go to the bed去床边 (6) go to hospital去住院 go to the hospital(因事)去医院 (7) go to prison去坐牢 go to the prison(因事)去监狱 (8) go

34、 to sea当海员 go to the sea去海边 (9) go to court起诉 go to the court(因事)去法庭 (10) go to church做礼拜 go to the church(因事)去教堂 (11) keep house管理家务 keep the house守在家里 (12) take place发生 take the place代替 3).有无冠词,意义无多大区别的介词词组 (1)at(the)most至多 (2)at(the)first起初 (3)all(the)day 整天 (4)catch(a)cold感冒 (5)in(the)future 将来

35、(6)in(the)memory of纪念 (7)go to(the)office 上班,去办公室 (8)go to(the)market 赶集,去市场 (9)on(a)holiday 在度假 (10)(the)day before yesterday 前天 (11)(the)most of 大多数 (12)with(a)smiling face 面带微笑 初中介词搭配91)at once 立刻 2)at last 最后 3)at first 起先,首先 4)at the age of 在岁时 5)at the end of 在之末 6)at the beginning of 在之初 7)at

36、 the foot of 在脚下 8)at the same time 同时 9)at night/noon 在夜里/中午 10)with one's help 在某人的帮助下,由于某人的帮助 11)with the help of 在的帮助下 12)with a smile 面带笑容 13)with one's own eyes 亲眼看见 14)after a while 过了一会儿 15)from now on 从现在起 16)from then on 从那时起 17)far example 例如 18)far away from 远离 19)from morning ti

37、ll night 从早到晚 20)by and by 不久 21)by air mail 寄航空邮件 22)by bike/air/train/bus 骑自行车/乘飞机/火车/汽车 23)by ordinary mail 寄平信 24)by the way 顺便说 25)by the window 在窗边 26)by the end of 到底为止 27)little by little 逐渐地 28)in all 总共 29)in fact 事实上 30)in one's twenties 在某人二十几岁时 31)in a hurry 匆忙 32)in the middle of 在

38、中间 33)in no time (in a minute) 立刻,很快 34)in time (on time) 及时 35)in public 公众,公开地 36)in order to 为了 37)in front of 在前面 38)in the sun 在阳光下 39)in the end 最后,终于 40)in surprise 惊奇地 41)in turn 依次 42)of course 当然 43)a bit (of) 有一点儿 44)a lot of 许多 45)a little 一点儿 46)on one's way to 某人在去的路上 47)on foot 步行

39、,走路 48)a talk on space 一个关于太空的报告 49)on the other hand 另一方面 50)at/on the weekend 在周末 51)on the left (right) 在左(右)边 52)on the other side of 在另一边 53)on the radio 通过收音机(无线电广播) 54)to one's joy 使高兴的是 55)to one's surprise 使惊讶的是 介词与动词搭配 arrive inat到达 ask for要,请求 do well in在方面做得好 give in投降go on继续 hea

40、r from收到来信 hear of听说 help's B.with sth.帮助做 laugh at嘲笑 learn from向学习 leave for离开一地去另一地 talk to与谈话 go in for从事,致力于 put up穿上,挂上 take down拿下,取了 look at(有意识地)看 speak to对某人说 send for派人去请 shout at大声叫喊,吼叫 take away拿走,带走think of考虑,关心 turninto把变成 wait for等候,等待 take off脱下,起飞 turn onoff打开(关上) listen to听 loo

41、k after照顾,照看 look for寻找 look like 看上去像 get to 到达 point to 指着 fill with充满,装满 believe in信任 begin with以开始 dealdo with处置,对待 meet with偶尔遇见,遭遇 pass on传递 belong to属于 depend on依靠,依赖 write to写信给 call on号召,访问,邀请 die of死于 look out向四下看,到处看 smile at向微笑 拓维教育全方位个性化教育发展中心Talkedu Education Centre 【语法过关】1.China lies_

42、 the east of Asia and_ the north of Australia, A. to; to B. in; to C to; in D. in; on 2.His son suddenly returned_ a cold rainy night. A. on B. at C. in D. for 3.Timmy goes to school _ every day . It's 5 minutes' walk from his home to school.A. in a bus B. by plane C. on foot D. by boat 4. L

43、ast month , students had to have their lessons by Internet _ because of SARS.A. on the playground B. at home C. in the street D. near the hospital 5.Today some newly-produced mobile phones can take pictures _ a camera. A. as B. for C. like D. of 6. Some shops open_ 10:00 a. m. and 3 : 30 p. m, durin

44、g the Spring Festival holidays. A. at B. between C. from D. about 7. - How are you going to the train station to meet your aunt? - I'm going there _ my car. A. by B. in C. to D. on 8Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain _an inch. A. by B. at C. to D. from 9The home improvements have ta

45、ken what little there is _my spare time. A. from B. in C. of D. at 10They had a pleasant chat _a cup of coffee.(北京) A. for B. with C. during D. over 【参考答案】1.B 表示在一个大的范围内用"in",范围之外用"to"。 2.A 具体到某一天的时间用"on"。 3.C 5 minutes' walk决定去学校的方式是on foot。 4.B 语境中"by Interne

46、t"和 "because of SARS"决定了"have their lessons - at home "。 5.C like在这里意思是"像-"。 6. B between 后接两个并列的成分,意思是"在两者之间"。 7. B in my car = by car。 8 A。与数量连用可表示尺寸、距离等。依句意:幸运的是,子弹在距离上尉一英寸的地方与他擦肩而过,没有射中他。故应选A。 9 C。what引导的从句作谓语have taken的宾语,而从句中的基本结构为 “there is little

47、of”, 表示“有很少”what 修饰little提到了从句句首。正确答案为C。 10D用作介词表示时间时,可作“在(做)时(while doing, eating, etc)”。故正确答案为。其句意为:他们在喝咖啡时进行了一次愉快的谈话。英语常用介词用法练习题1. The play begins at 6: 40 pm. So we have to be at the theatre _ 6:30 pm at the latest. A. after B. around C. until D. by2. They held a ceremony _ those killed in the b

48、attle. A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of 3. After finishing middle school, my sister did nothing _ at home. A. but to read B. but read C. besides reading D. except to read 4. Write your name and address on your bag _ you lose it. A. in any case B. in case C. in no case D. in

49、 that case 5. _ did the professor give you much advice? The choice of a career. A. On what B. In what C. What D. For what 6. I made coat _ my own hands. It was made _ hand not with a machine. A. in; in B. in; with C. with; by D. with; with 7. He is running _ the wind towards the east of the station

50、_ Tom running _ the right. A. down; and; on B. against; with; on C. for; with; in D. with; while; to 8. Not all of us know the difference _ wheat, oats and barley. A. among B. between C. from D. in 9. The young singer is quite popular _ the public. Shes made a remarkable achievement _ a girl of her

51、age. A. with; to B. to; for C. with; for D. for; to 10. The apple trees have lots of big apples _ them. And some birds are singing _ the trees. A. in; on B. at; in C. on; in D. with; through 11. That woman will quarrel _ everybody _ anything. A. about; about B. about; with C. with; about 12. The weather this month has been good _ . A. on the whole B. generally speaking C. above all D. on one hand 13. We shou


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