1、Unit 5 Unit 5 musicmusicIn my dream children singIn my dream children singa song of _for every boy and girla song of _for every boy and girlThe sky is blue and fields are greenThe sky is blue and fields are greenand laughter is the _of the worldand laughter is the _of the worldThen I wake and all I
2、seeThen I wake and all I seeis a world full of people in need.is a world full of people in need.Tell me why Tell me why Does it _like this?Does it _like this?Tell me why Tell me why Is there something I have missed?Is there something I have missed?Tell me why Tell me why cos I dont _cos I dont _when
3、 so many need somebodywhen so many need somebodywe dont give a _handwe dont give a _handTell me why Tell me why lovelovehelpinghelpinglanguagelanguageunderstandunderstandhave to behave to beTell me whyTell me why第1页/共26页1. 1.Who do you think sing the song, an adult or a child?Who do you think sing t
4、he song, an adult or a child?2. What do you think of the song, use some adjectives to describe it?2. What do you think of the song, use some adjectives to describe it?3. What is the singers puzzle? 3. What is the singers puzzle? Music is what feeling sound likeMusic is what feeling sound like and it
5、 speaks much louder than words!and it speaks much louder than words!beautiful, sad, blue, sweet, powerful, beautiful, sad, blue, sweet, powerful, loud and clearloud and clearwhy the world is full of why the world is full of people in need but we dont give a people in need but we dont give a helping
6、hand.helping hand. A childA childcoldnesscoldness whose name is whose name is Declan, Declan, he sang the song he sang the song when he was 10 .when he was 10 . He is a He is a talent talent in music history.in music history. 第2页/共26页Have you heard about any famous bands in the world ?第3页/共26页Zero p
7、oint第4页/共26页Super junior第5页/共26页Back Street BoysWestlife第6页/共26页第7页/共26页The Beatles第8页/共26页Do you know the Monkees?第9页/共26页The Monkees the most popular band in the USA from 1966 to 1968!A big hit!第10页/共26页THE BAND THAT WASNTThe MonkeesReading: 第11页/共26页SkimmingFind out the main idea for each paragra
8、ph.B. How the Monkees got their start.A. How the Monkees became serious about their business.D. Dreaming of being a famous musician or singer.C. How musicians form bands.Para1.Para2.Para3.Para4.第12页/共26页1.Who are mentioned(涉及) in this paragraph?2. What do many people attach importance to ?3. What ar
9、e the ways for people to become famous inferred (暗示) in paragraph 1?Scanning(Para.1)Song Zuying and Liu HuanThey attach great importance to becoming rich and famous. Becoming a singer or a musician or be a part of a band第13页/共26页How to form a band Many _ because they like to write and play musicThey
10、 may start as a group of_Play in _The first step to_Play to _in the _or _musicians meethigh-school studentsfamesomeones housepassers-bystreetsubwayEarn some_to pay for _extra moneyinstrumentsLater, they give _in _or_performancespubsclubsThey are paid _in cashThey hope to _ in a _and sell copies to b
11、ecome_make recordsstudiomillionairesScanning(Para.2)第14页/共26页Scanning (Para.3-4)A brief introduction to the MonkeesNationality:_Music style:_Team members:_ the USArock music fourin 1970in the 1980sin 1996The band began as:_a TV showWhen they broke up: _ When they reunited: _When they released a new
12、record: _第15页/共26页started as a_one _ and three_ _to sing and play songs written by _ after one year or so became _about their workbecame more _ and sold even more _ produced a new _for celebrating their time as _reunitedThe road to successTV showmusicianactorspretendedseriouspopularrecordsrecorda re
13、al bandbroke up(In 1970)_ (mid-1980s)At the very beginningother musicians(sang own _produced their own _ and started _)recordssongstouringIn 1996第16页/共26页 Can we Can we call “The Monkees” a band when call “The Monkees” a band when theytheydid not sing or write did not sing or write their own songsth
14、eir own songs ? ? Why ? Why ? No, because singing and writing its own songs No, because singing and writing its own songs is the basis(is the basis(基础) of a band .) of a band .第17页/共26页started as a_one _ and three_ _to sing and play songs written by _ after one year or so became _about their work(sa
15、ng own _produced their own _ and started _)became more _ and sold even more _ produced a new _for celebrating their time as _reunitedThe road to successTV showmusicianactorspretendedseriousrecordspopularrecordsrecorda real bandbroke up(In 1970)(mid-1980s)At the very beginningother musicianssongstour
16、ingIn 1996第18页/共26页How do you understandHow do you understand the title “ the title “The The BandBandThat WasntThat Wasnt”? ”? a real banda real bandThat means That means the band wasnt _the band wasnt _No, Because later they became serious about their No, Because later they became serious about the
17、ir work, they can sing and play their own songs , work, they can sing and play their own songs , produce their own records, so they are a real duce their own records, so they are a real band.at the very beginning.at the very beginning.Because they cant write or sing their own song.Because th
18、ey cant write or sing their own song.Can we change it intoCan we change it into “ “The Band That Isnt”? The Band That Isnt”? What do you think is the most important reason for their success?What do you think is the most important reason for their success?Their hard work.Their hard work.第19页/共26页 If
19、we are honest with ourselves, most of us have _ _ being famous sometimes in our lives. Most_ often meet and_ a band. Sometimes they play in the street to _ so that they can earn some _ money and this also gives them a chance to realize their dreams. There was once a band which was started in a diffe
20、rent way. The musicians of whom the band was formed _ _ _ each other as well as played music, whose music and jokes were loosely_ _ the Beatles. Their exciting _were copied by other groups. After a year or so, they became more _about their work.dreamedof formpassers-by extraplayed based jokes ononSu
21、mmary musiciansperformancesserious第20页/共26页1.今天,音乐已经越来越受人们的欢迎,人们非常重视它。2.老实说,欣赏音乐,唱卡拉成了最普遍,最广泛的消遣方式。1. Today, music is becoming more and more popular with 1. Today, music is becoming more and more popular with people, and we people, and we attach great importanceattach great importance to it. to it.2
22、. 2. To be honestTo be honest, , appreciatingappreciating music or singing karaoke is music or singing karaoke is the most common and the most common and universal universal way of way of entertainmententertainment. .Writing: the functions of music Writing: the functions of music (be popular with, a
23、ttach importance)(be popular with, attach importance)(appreciate, universal, entertainment)(appreciate, universal, entertainment)whowho第21页/共26页summary Most young people want to be a famous singer or musician. They have _ playing in front of the audience. Honestly speaking, many people _ great impor
24、tance to becoming rich and famous. 第22页/共26页3.因为音乐帮人们忘记痛苦和疲劳,这样让人们感觉放松。4.音乐不仅能够改变我们心情,还能够治疗某些疾病。5. 音乐能培养人们对国家,朋友,家人和亲友的热爱。Music can Music can developdevelop peoples love for his country, peoples love for his country, friends, family .friends, family .Because music can help people forget their Becaus
25、e music can help people forget their pain and pain and tirednesstiredness, which makes people , which makes people feel relaxedfeel relaxed. .Music can not only change our Music can not only change our moodsmoods, but also it , but also it can can treattreat some kinds of diseases. some kinds of dis
26、eases.(pain and tiredness, feel relaxed)(mood, treat, )(develop)Not only can musicNot only can music第23页/共26页6.那就是为什么很多音乐爱好者组成民间乐队,演奏乐器,有的甚至制作唱片。 他们中的一些获得很大的成功。7.总之,就是音乐给我们带来了很多快乐和好处,我们应该把它视作一个财富。Thats why many music lovers Thats why many music lovers form folk bandsform folk bands, , playplay instrumentsinstruments, and some even and some even make records. Some of them has make records. Some of them has made a big hitmade a big hit.In a word, In a word, it isit is music music thatthat brings us brings us plenty ofplenty of joy and joy and benefits
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