



1、国家开放大学电大本科高级英语阅读22021期末试题及答案(试卷号:1349)盗传必究Information for the examinees:Thh cx»mlnMtlon conshu «f two sections. They nrr:Section I : New Words (60 points, 40 minutes)Section | : Reading Comprehension (40 points. 50 minuter)I hr totul marks for this examinnlhm arc 100 points. I Imc allowed

2、for comp!cUii|i th* cxnmknutlon h 90 minutes,Section | New wordsdyeinua Mmch each vcmhuhiry word ixi (he left with (be airrcct definition on the riMt. (3 points twh)A. to sign up to take a cIasalrn»hB Ret i obtain» lenrnrwd( sicknesswngRinKIX form of artrnortulnyE< garbageiiMhniAticF. c

3、oloringG. having difficulty brrflthingHt moving n tmlacquireenrollL not flexibleJ. deathH Fill in the hlunlu with words from the box belowt (3 pnlnlt each)collettpH* -vMental re*e«rchrrM evidencem!d”11<1如”皿1 imply ma nf trenfigrr* have Always known thnt there is sorrietlitrig> welL diffcr

4、cm about <He teen Some ptirrnts claim thnt their teenngr children belong to n different Apcetca. Umil recently, nruroncirnce did not support this bclicC The 1 】 hchrf wan That by the lime ii child waji eight to twelve thr brnin wg cumpletely £2. Howevrr> very recent Mud心 provide 13 thai t

5、hr brain of n teennger differs from that af both children And oduli«< Accordinu to Jay Gicdd of the National Irutitute of 14 He«hht "15 doe» notat flgr trn. but continues into the tern ymrsT and beyond. In fncte Gicdd ond hin16一found thn! the corpus cnllosum continuvA gtowing

6、into your 20,'L Because« H ih believed> ihr corpus calkmum is 17 in self nwnrcncss And intelliRence« the new studies 18 ihnt lerns nmy noi be fully self nwnre or 19 as they will be Inter, Other 20, atMcLrnn I(onpifAl ui MAMsachuRritBt have found that tecnngerA are not ab able (n .du

7、h, mt) tn "gcT enwtlonn on people'»Section | Rrnding Comprchcntlon)A Rend the pussttuc. Ilitn answer the question% that follow, (n point% each)Career (whangeA People who are rhinkthH about chAngiriK career* nrc often nfrnid of whnf wdl happen i( they quit their job. Will they find nnoi

8、hcr one? Will they like Another field as well aa the one they nrr In now? Will they he ablr in grow unci rtdvnnc< in nrw orgnniztionB An thrnr qucAiionH come to tninde they should try to figure out the nnwcr?* no they car reach n dectmon« Although there is n high rate of unemployment in some

9、 countric<> ihrre dre ujiurdly |ob> (or ukillcd workers who cain uxr cornputrrji or other rqinprncnL I hotc who hnvc dpccinlixcd trainintf in (hetsr Areas cun Kcnerally find n portion without too much effortC The qumnon of whether they Ml like another field more thnn their current one in ui

10、no u crucml onc< While it S nice to clrnirn nbaut hnvlng another j(ih> the reality tn«y be that they aren1! suited for i Eor cxamplce if nn nrchirect likes to cook but hn no idea about how to run a bunineiui* ir may be risky (or him to open a rc5tnurnntt He cun cook (ar hi® (rlend

11、87; nn wrrkchdn iind Mitiufy htn dreftmn of being i chef in thnl wayt) Another good way (or n person <a lind oui if she will be ucccmrIuI in new field t» to try it out na a pArrtnne job. BciriK »n event plnnnrr naundfi glrttnorount but helping (riendn with pnrneM or weddings might uhow

12、her thnt it'、aIho very ntressfuL llowcvcrt if she hnn the crenuvity and orKimixtion necvMinry (or nuch ft poMhnn t,hr rnt> catiHnue to plan event* for fncndn until she builds up n reputmioru Then »hc con leave her current job to look (or n)ob in event planning knowtng thnt she'll be

13、nucccnsful in thi5 nreu<E Once n person found htii or her Kpcclalty and dreidcR on the changrt it1 s necesnry lu %tick with it until the bunincAA grts off the ground. Ihih usually rokrw a bout five ymrjh If tin? move ha> been from onr cornpnny 1o ttnalhrr the person ihauld it<iy until if i

14、clear he i» doiriff n k<>(>H j"b And can advance to « hiRhcr poMition. Following thin iidvicc will nuke the transition Miitooihcr and the enreer chnnge MueccHfuLF“r question. ch<N»sc (he I心un*wcr bued on (he rrudhiK piz“灯 Write A. IL C or 1) on your Answer Shevt.2L Ac

15、cording io tIh rrn(!ing< people who think nbout chnnginK carerra Hrncrally .A. quit rhoir jobnH. are nfruid of quitnng their joh»C find flnothrr one right nwnyD. grow mid advnncc in o new arKuriizntionA kmc lheir jabMK try to reich n deemtonC. uhc compuicrnTX with trAining con still get jobs

16、23. H a person dreams about doing nnothcr jub<A. hr 13 suited for itC. he ntill mny nnl hr able (o do it24. HavinK n pnn time job.A. i* ii go«<l wny to try u not her careerKC. in very strcNnfulhe enn run a buAitirns22. There im /» high rate of unemployrncnt in some couninext but skil

17、led workershe will be MHtisfied an a chef sounds ftlnmornuxbuildji up n person carrer25. You should Mny in fl new career nt lenst five yrarN becxiu«c .A. it 'n your MpccialtyB. you moved from one compnny to nnoihcrC you enn do a nood job and nrlvAncc in rhnt time0. the ininsition will br sm

18、oother.H Wend the pNSMige. Ihcn ainwcr the qiiotkmf thut follow. (3 pointy each)llomcMrhoolinKAof thr rrcndfi in education hi ihr Ihiitcd Sttitcx in recent tirncn hm bernhomcnchonling trnching children at honic inatead of At school About L 5 million chtldrrtu t 2. 5% of the school n|(r popuhii()n9 n

19、re presently taught nt home. There nrc several rcAMonN for thi% movcnirnii Uck of good »choo!n in 5omc neighborhoods the dmirc to include religion in courticwork« and porcntnlwith clusnrootn practtcen in public5chooln>H An you rr/nl in l*h/ipirr 1 poorer nrcftM of thr #nitrd Stntcft Krn

20、crnlly hnvr poorerschools. Teachers may not be well trainedi and equipment may not be as modern ns in richer schoolSome parents think that teaching their children At home is better than srnding them to an inferior school.C Other parents often Christians want their children to learn about God in scho

21、ol. While there are private 5chools that teach classes in religion they tend to be expensive. Parents can save money by buying materials from Christian c<iucaiion companies and teaching their children nt home.D Another group of parents disagree with the way schools arc run or the way children are

22、 taught. They want a less rigid atmosphere In which their children can choonc the subjects they want to learn or study in nontrnditional way、. They can provide their children with more flexibility if they homeschool them.E People often wonder if homeschooled children learn as much as those in Tradit

23、ional schools Organizatians like the Nntional Home Education Research Institute say that they do. Many educational companies put together courses that contain books DVDsand online (Internet) lessons and tests. Students who complete these courses are just os capable of entering top universities and g

24、raduating with honors a5 those who attend traditional schools. They are also able to get good jobs and perform well :n the workplace.F Although some educators« critics of homeschoahng> may not want to accept this faett many children taught at home actually do better than many taught nt schoo

25、l They are more interested in studying and more comfortable whh their own learning style. Instead of being motivated to compete for the highest grade< they are motivntcd by love of learning.Decide wtKthcr the following statements arc true or fnlsc. Write "T” for I rue and F" for False on the Answer Sheet.26. The number of children who are taught at home is 2. 5 million.27. Parents who want their children to have a religious eduenrion somehmes buy materials an


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