1、.stoutstout健壮的,结实的,勇敢的健壮的,结实的,勇敢的baldbald光秃的,单调的,枯燥的光秃的,单调的,枯燥的fastenfasten + to + to 扎牢,扣住,使固定,系,集中于扎牢,扣住,使固定,系,集中于 扣紧,抓住扣紧,抓住Fasten your seat belt.Fasten your seat belt.系好你的安全带。系好你的安全带。declarationdeclaration 宣布,宣言,声明宣布,宣言,声明independenceindependence独立,自主独立,自主The Declaration of Independence The Decl
2、aration of Independence 独立宣独立宣言言practical practical 实际的,实践的,实用的,应用的实际的,实践的,实用的,应用的insuranceinsurance保险,保险单,保险业,保险费保险,保险单,保险业,保险费medical insurancemedical insurance医疗保险医疗保险 ; ; persuadepersuade说服,劝说,(使)相信说服,劝说,(使)相信persuade sb. to do persuade sb. to do 劝说某人做某事劝说某人做某事pavepave铺(路等)铺(路等)pavement n. pavem
3、ent n. 人行道人行道fireplacefireplace壁炉壁炉ironworkerironworker 铁工场工人,铁匠铁工场工人,铁匠potbellypotbelly大肚皮,大腹大肚皮,大腹potbelliedpotbellied大肚皮的,大腹便便的大肚皮的,大腹便便的stovestove炉炉patentpatent专利权,专利品;取得专利权,专利品;取得的专利权的专利权apply for a patent apply for a patent 申请专利申请专利patent applied for patent applied for 已申请专利已申请专利enableenable使能
4、够,授予权力或方法使能够,授予权力或方法enable sb. to do sth. enable sb. to do sth. 使某人能够做某事使某人能够做某事learnedlearned 有学问的,学术上的有学问的,学术上的electricityelectricity电流,电电流,电lightninglightning闪电闪电thunderstorm thunderstorm 雷暴雷暴coaxcoax哄,耐心使哄,耐心使string n. string n. 线,细绳,一串,一行线,细绳,一串,一行 Vt Vi Vt Vi 排成一列排成一列rodrod杆,棒杆,棒lightning rodl
5、ightning rod避雷针避雷针colonycolony殖民地殖民地delaydelay耽搁,延迟,延期,迟滞耽搁,延迟,延期,迟滞 vi vt vi vt n nworn-outworn-out不能再用(或穿)的,穿旧的不能再用(或穿)的,穿旧的carpetcarpet地毯地毯honorhonor尊敬,敬意,荣誉,光荣尊敬,敬意,荣誉,光荣尊敬,给以荣誉尊敬,给以荣誉congresscongress(代表)大会;(美国等国的)(代表)大会;(美国等国的)国会,议会国会,议会shrewdshrewd 精明的,机敏的精明的,机敏的diplomatdiplomat外交官,有权谋的人外交官,有权
6、谋的人fleetfleet舰队,港湾,小河舰队,港湾,小河constitutionconstitution 宪法,构造,体质,章程,惯例宪法,构造,体质,章程,惯例delegatedelegate代表代表, ,委派委派为代表为代表be at home be at home 熟悉的,精通的熟悉的,精通的 + in + in Is it difficult to feel at home in a foreign Is it difficult to feel at home in a foreign language?language?catch fire catch fire 着火着火be o
7、n fire be on fire 着火了着火了throw off throw off 散发出;散发出; 匆忙脱掉匆忙脱掉by oneself by oneself 独自独自for oneself for oneself 亲自亲自care for care for 关怀,照顾;喜欢关怀,照顾;喜欢care about care about 关心,在乎关心,在乎turn over turn over 翻转,翻身翻转,翻身 移交给移交给 翻阅翻阅set sail for set sail for 起身前往,开船,动身起身前往,开船,动身sit through sit through 耐着性子看完或
8、者听完,一直挺到结束耐着性子看完或者听完,一直挺到结束I cant sit through six hours of the play.I cant sit through six hours of the play.on the terms of on the terms of 根据,依据根据,依据on the terms of the contract on the terms of the contract 按照合同的条款按照合同的条款 in terms of in terms of 在某方面;关于,就在某方面;关于,就in terms of mein terms of me就我而言就我
9、而言in the long term in the long term 从长远来看从长远来看in the short term in the short term 从眼前来看从眼前来看.1. Benjamin Franklin would seem right at home among us if he were alive today. In fact, he did a lot to shape our way of life. Right now you are probably nodding your head and thinking, “ oh, yes- we learned
10、 all about old B. F. in the fifth grade”. But lets see whether you really know “all about him”.homenextup.2You probably know that he was a stout old fellow with a bald head who flew a kite with a key fastened to it and signed the Declaration of Independence. All that is true, but there is a lot more
11、 to know about this man who had so many useful ideas and served his country in so many different ways.homenextup.3Franklin had a practical mind. When he saw a problem, he tried to do something about it. The houses of Philadelphia were built of wood and easily caught fire. Neighbors tried to help eac
12、h other, but they could do little to save a burning house. So Franklin organized a fire -fighting company. Philadelphias fire loss became so low that the first fire-insurance company in the United States was soon set up there. Ben Franklin was one of its directors. He also persuaded the city to pave
13、 and light its streets. Again, the fact (that people had trouble keeping their houses warm in winter) set Franklins active mind to work. homenextup.He decided that the big fireplaces were to blame. Because they were set deep into the wall, they did not let enough heat reach the middle of the room. S
14、o he drew some plans and hired an ironworker to make the pot -bellied Franklin stove. It stood in the middle of a room and threw off heat in every direction.homenextup.4He did not patent the invention. He was too busy with his discoveries to bother with making money. Although he was a wealthy man by
15、 the time he was forty-two, money by itself did not interest him. He valued it because it enabled him to retire from business. Then he had time to spend on other things that seemed more worthwhile. What he really cared for most of all was science. homenextup.5Franklin was always trying to answer the
16、 question, What makes things act the way they do? At that time learned men were puzzled about electricity. They wondered whether it was in some way like the lightning in a thunderstorm. It might be, but how could you prove it? You know how Ben Franklin proved it-by coaxing some electricity down his
17、kite string. That act made him famous in America and Europe. But of course Franklin did not stop here. He found a way to make the knowledge useful: he invented the lightning rod.homenextup.6.Franklin would gladly have spent the rest of his days in quiet study and research. But he was a very importan
18、t person now, and the country needed him for public service.homenextup.7.Disagreement between the colonies and the British was becoming quite serious. Pennsylvania needed a representative in England. Would Dr. Franklin accept the post? He would. He went to London and stayed there for more than ten y
19、ears. He did his best and might have helped to delay the war. But both sides were too angry to reach agreement. Franklin returned home just as the Revolutionary War began, arriving in time to sign the Declaration of Independence.homenextup.8He was now seventy years old, and his health was not good.
20、He would gladly have settled down at home. But America needed help from France to carry on the war, and she asked Dr. Franklin to win his help. He answered, I am like a worn-out piece of carpet. If there is one corner left which can be useful to my country, I will be honored.homenextup.9His first st
21、ep was to turn over all his money as a loan to Congress. He wanted to prove his faith in the new American government and encourage others to support it. Then he set sail for France.homenextup.10In Paris, Franklin was warmly welcomed. Although he was a simple man, he was a shrewd diplomat. He spoke v
22、ery poor French, but he always chose the right words for the occasion. He finally persuaded King Louis of France to declare war on England. That was an important achievement. It was only with the aid of the French fleet that Washington was able to win the war and American independence.homenextup.11B
23、enjamin Franklin returned to America. He was very old now, and in poor health. But still he did not settle down and retire to his comfortable home. He sat through the long arguments on the terms of the Constitution. Twice, the meetings would have failed if he had not helped the delegates to agree.ho
24、menextup.12Ben Franklin died in 1790 at the age of eighty-four. He had spent all his adult life helping people. Years before, he had told his mother that that was his aim. When he died he did not want people to say, He died a rich man. All he hoped was that people would remember him and say, He led
25、a useful life.homenextup.stout staut adj.结实的结实的, 勇敢坚定的勇敢坚定的, 激烈的激烈的, 矮胖的矮胖的, 顽强的顽强的 n. 矮胖子矮胖子, 烈性烈性啤酒啤酒a stout mana stout bodya stout shipput up stout resistance to the proposal.e.g.T刚勇的人肥硕的身体坚固的船对提议采取坚决的抵制态度homeback.right at home: very familiar很熟悉很熟悉homebackat home: 1. 在家里在家里 2. 舒适自在,无拘无束舒适自在,无拘无束
26、3.在本国,在本国,在国内在国内 4. 在主场在主场e.g.Sit down and make yourself at home.The president is not as popular at home as he is abroad.Is the match on Saturday at home or away?坐下,别拘束。总统在国内不如在国外受欢迎。 星期六的比赛是主场还是客场?.shape :n.外形, 形状, 形态, (尤指女子的)体形, 身段, 形式 vt. 制作, 定形, 使成形, 塑造, 使符合vi.成形, 形成, 成长e.g.shape the boat very l
27、ongshape the destiny ofevents which shape peoples livesT把这船做得很长决定.的命运决定人一生的大事homeback.set up: 1) 创建,建立,开办创建,建立,开办2)设立,设置)设立,设置. 3)安排,策划)安排,策划开办公司The police set up roadblocks on routes out of the city.警察在城外的路上设置了路障。e.g.Ive set up a meeting for Friday.我已安排好在星期五开会。e.g.to set up a businesse.g.homeTTTbac
28、k.set to: (old fashioned, informal) to begin doing sth in a busy or determined way 起起劲地干起来,毅然开始做劲地干起来,毅然开始做homebacke.g.He set to with a will and soon finished it. 他下定决心做这件事他下定决心做这件事, 很快就完成了。很快就完成了。.set sth in/into sth : usually passive to fasten sth into a flat surface so that it does not stick out
29、from it 把把装进装进(或(或镶入镶入中)中)e.g.a closet set into the wall 装在墙上的壁橱装在墙上的壁橱homeback.set sail for: 启程,出发启程,出发homebacke.g.We set sail at high tide.我们在涨潮时启航。我们在涨潮时启航。.be to do: 1)必须或应该)必须或应该 You are to be back before ten.2)命中注定;后来发生的事)命中注定;后来发生的事He was to be our leader.3)打算做)打算做I am to call them once I rea
30、ch the airport.be about to do when 正要做正要做这时候这时候e.g.homeback.throw sth/sb off 1)摆脱,甩掉e.g.2)匆匆脱掉,拽下,扯掉(衣服)e.g.To throw off a cold/worries/your pursuersShe entered the room and threw off her wet coat.homeTTback治好伤风,消除忧虑,甩掉追捕者她一进屋就脱掉了湿漉漉的大衣。.patent invention n.专利发明 patent:n.专利权,专利证 adj. 有专利的 v. 获得专利权 e.
31、g.to apply for/ obtain a patent on an invention申请/获得发明专利权patent laws专利法homeTTback.coax kuks: v. 哄;哄诱;慢慢将哄;哄诱;慢慢将弄好弄好 coax sb into/out of doing sth. 哄劝某人做哄劝某人做/不做某事不做某事 coax sb out of sth 劝诱某人放弃某事劝诱某人放弃某事She coaxed the horse into coming a little closer.She had to coax the car along.He coaxed his daug
32、hter to take her medicine.她哄着那匹马让它再靠近点。她不得不耐着性子发动汽车往前开。他哄着女儿吃药。他哄着女儿吃药。homeTTTback.settle down : 1)舒适的坐下或躺下舒适的坐下或躺下2)(在某地)定居下来,过安定的生活在某地)定居下来,过安定的生活e.g.e.g.When you are going married and settle down.你打算什么时候成家,安定下来。I settled down with a book.我手拿一本书舒舒服服地坐下。我手拿一本书舒舒服服地坐下。homeTTback.3)settle down/ settle sb down (使某人)(使某人)平静下来,安静下来平静下来,安静下来4)settle (down) to sthe.g.e.g.It always takes the class a while to settle down at the start of the lesson.那个班上课总得过一会儿才能安静下来。They finally settled down to a discussion of the main issues
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