1、*in ThForius:010 年 7院长论坛 DIRECTORS' FORU供图/CFPFAINAirecMtzm如何实现孔子学院 的可持续发展?'HOW TO ACHfEVI -*DEVELQPME,i 理sutUTEKRAsIn troduct ion引言33Confucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010In troduct ion引言Since the initiation of the first Confucius自2006年8月泰国第一家孔子学院一一孔敬大学孔子学院正式启动以来,Institute in Thailan
2、dthe Confucius In孔子学院(课堂)在泰国蓬勃发展,势头良好。目前泰国已有12所孔子学院tute at Khon Kaen University in August, 2006, the Confucius Institutes (Classrooms) have experienced vigorous development in the counstry. Presently, there are 12 Confucius Institutes and 11 Confucius Classrooms in Thailand, ranking first in the num
3、ber of Confucius Institutes (Classrooms) in Asia. In the和11所孔子课堂,是亚洲地区孔子学院(课堂)总数最多的国家。4 年间,中泰双方密切合作,孔子学院已经融入所在学校的教学体系和管理体系;孔子学院(课堂)立足于所在学校、地区和城市,开展汉语教学和培训,介绍中国文 化、促进两国之间的交流和合作, 逐渐成为当地的汉语学习中心、 汉语考试中心、 中国文化交流中心。对于未来的发展,泰国各孔子学院(课堂)根据当地的实际需求,都制订 了各自的发展规划,并且在实践中总结了宝贵经验。以下是泰国孔子学院院长 和孔子课堂负责人的观点与看法,希望能互为参考、
4、互相启发。past 4 years, with the close cooperation andjoint management of Thailand and China, Confucius Institutes have been integrated into the host universities and schools. Based本期论坛主持黄小明in the universities and schools, regions and cities, Confucius Institutes (Classrooms) carry out Chinese teaching a
5、nd training, introduce Chinese culture, and promote exchange and cooperation between Thailand and China, thus gradually becoming the center for local Chinese language learning, tests and Chinese cultural exchanges.As for the future development, all the Confucius Institutes (Classrooms) in Thailand h
6、ave worked out their development plans according to the local needs, and gradually improve the plans in practice. The followings are the views from directors of Confucius Institutes (Classrooms) in Thailand, which we hope will be useful for mutual reference and enlightenment.Hua ng XiaomHOST供图/CFP本期
7、主持人黄小明孔敬大学孔子学院中方院长参与讨论的孔子学院院长和孔子课堂主任傅增有朱拉隆功大学孔子学院中方院长HostHuang Xiaoming Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at Khon Kaen UniversityConfucius Institute Directors participating in this forumFu ZengyouChinese director of the Confucius Institute at Chulalongkorn University宋卡王子大学孔子学院中方院长Ma ZhiChi
8、nese director of the Confucius Institute at Prince of Songkla University白玉国皇太后大学孔子学院中方院长Bai YuguoChinese director of the Confucius Institute at Mae Fah Luang University东方大学孔子学院中方院长Ding LiChinese director of the Confucius Institute at Burapha University赵新城农业大学孔子学院中方院长Zhao XinchengChinese director of
9、the Confucius Institute at Kasetsart University姚喜明宋卡王子大学普吉孔子学院中方院长Yao XimingChinese director of the Confucius Institute at Phuket, Prince of Songkla University徐雪花普吉中学孔子课堂泰方主任Xu XuehuaThai director of the Confucius Classroom at Phuket Wittayalai School傅文鸿玫瑰园中学孔子课堂泰方主任Fu WenhongThai director of the Co
10、nfucius Classroom at Suankularb Wittayalai School蒋成军罗勇中学孔子课堂中方主任Jiang ChengjunChinese director of the Confucius Classroom at Rayong Wittayakorm School#Confucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010DIRECTORS' FORUM泰国孔子学院(课堂)办学特色#Confucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010DIRECTORS' FORUM#Con
11、fucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010DIRECTORS' FORUM每所孔子学院应该 根据各自情况,坚持 优势、突出特色、重 点办学,有所为有所 不为,不应都是一个黄小明:泰国各孔子学院(课堂)办学 特色鲜明,卓有成效,首先请大家介绍一下 各自孔子学院的办学特色。傅增有:朱拉隆功大学孔子学院自创 办以来,发展迅速,成果显著。在教学 方面,除了承担朱拉隆功大学中文专业 本科生和研究生部分课程外,孔子学院 还面向社会开办汉语 培训班,重点开展高 层次的活动项目,如 泰国王宫官员汉语培训 班、汉语教师培训班、 泰国国家移民局官员 汉语培训班等,
12、其中 王宫官员汉语培训班已 举办12期。为了促进泰国学 生更好地学习汉语和了解中国文化,朱拉 模式。 隆功大学孔子学院以。中国传统节日和当前 中泰两国社会热点为 内容,举办了多种多样的文化活动。其 中包括2010年王宫官员汉语培训班的 “说汉语过大年”、中国语言文化夏令营、 “诗琳通杯”泰国大学生汉语演讲比赛 等活动,还曾邀请中国著名作家王蒙和 余秋雨等做中国文学、历史、文化等方 面的专题讲座。黄小明:孔敬大学孔子学院始终把 汉语教学和培训、中国文化推广和交流、 两校两国间的交流和合作当作三项主要 任务。目前,孔敬大学孔子学院的汉语 教学已经正式进入孔敬大学的教学体 系;同时,学院还在2个附属
13、中学开设 了汉语选修课程。在本土汉语师资培训 方面,孔子学院每年举办 2-3期本土汉 语师资培训班,提高了该地区中小学的 汉语教学水平,缓解了该地区汉语教师 缺乏的现状。我们坚持经常的、多形式的中国文 化推广,不仅在学院开设多种中国文化课 程,每月至少还举办1-2次中、大型中国 文化宣传活动。我们在孔敬大学校园广 播和校园电视播放汉语节目,让学生们在 课堂上、活动中都能了解中国文化;我们 还在泰国国家广播电 台开办汉语频道,让 更多的泰国人能接触 中国文化,进而更深 入地了解中国,认识 中国,也更加喜欢中 国。与此同时,我们 每年组织学生汉语夏 令营、组织两校学生 艺术团互访等活动。 此外,我
14、院积极促进 校际交流互访,组织 地方政府官员对中国 进行学习考察。白玉国:皇太后 大学孔子学院立足于泰北,积极开展汉 语教学及中国文化推广,反响良好。建院 初期,孔子学院主要为本校中文系及周 边三所中学教授中文,开办短期培训班。 随着规模扩大,学院积极为泰国知名机 构如泰国航空、泰万食品等公司举办汉 语培训。此外,学院几年来共举办各种 文化活动30余项,如中国文化节、祭孔 大典、书画展览,并多次举办书法、绘画、 演讲、写作、中文歌曲比赛以及各种形 式的夏令营。丁力:孔子学院在泰国发展比较迅速 并卓有成效。东方大学孔子学院在开展 汉语教学、文化交流的基础上,发挥国内 合作院校的资源优势,积极开展
15、中华传 统医学文化推广,成为中华传统医学文化 的重要载体。赵新城:农业大学孔子学院自 2006 年成立以来,始终坚持以语言教学为本。 目前根据社会需求已累计开设30多种汉语课程,并通过小班授课、个别辅导、 送教上门等各种途径,满足各类学习者 需要。除此之外,我们还与泰国外交部 培训处建立了固定的合作关系,定期为 他们开设汉语培训课程。调查显示70% 左右的学员是慕名前来参加农业大学孔 子学院的汉语培训,90%以上的学员对 开设课程及其教学质量表示满意。相信 通过若干年的努力,孔子学院在当地的 影响将越来越大。姚喜明:宋卡王子大学普吉孔子学院 每年教学工作量达8000多课时,组织活 动20多次,
16、参与人数 达万人。在专业 及课程设置上,普吉孔子学院和国际研 究学院合作,设置了 “国际(中国)贸易” 和“中国研究"两个符合社会需要的中文 专业,同时用汉语教授中国法律、中国社 会、中国哲学、中国地理、中国少数民族 等课程。学院在教学中注重语言的运用 和实践能力,毕业生遍布泰国政府、高 校、驻华使领馆、机场、旅游公司等领域。 在现有学科设置的基础上,学院正积极 探索,把工作重心从普及型汉语教学逐步 向高级汉语人才培养转变,目前特别着 力于筹划并开设“汉泰翻译"硕士项目, 为东盟地区培养高层次的翻译和国际关 系人才。马峙:宋卡王子大学孔子学院自2006 年12月成立以来,在
17、孔子学院总部和外 方的大力支持下,在泰南地区积极推广汉 语文化,收效良好,受到了总部的肯定和 泰南各界的高度评价。2008年宋卡王子 大学孔子学院被评为“汉语水平考试优秀 考点”,2009年荣获“先进孔子学院”称号。徐雪花:自 2009年7月挂牌成立以来, 普吉中学孔子课堂一直积极策划、举办各类泰西南地区的中文活动,包括汉语 桥比赛、中文短剧比赛、中文歌比赛、书 法比赛、中国国庆图片教材展、泰西南地 区汉语教材巡展、春节庆祝活动等,旨 在提高普吉地区学生学习汉语的积极性, 增强学校之间的交流与联系。除此以外, 孔子课堂还多次开展汉语教师教学法培 训和志愿者会议,基本做到每月至少一 次志愿者会议
18、,以促进普吉地区汉语教学者之间的交流,共同提高教学质量。傅文鸿:玫瑰园孔子课堂自成立以 来,一方面努力提高教学水平,增加教学 趣味性;另一方面组织各种中国文化活动, 受到学生的热烈欢迎,增强了他们对中 国的了解。我们每年都会定期组织赴华 中文夏令营,并举办一些有特色的文化 活动,如泰国国内的汉语兴趣夏令营、“东 方玫瑰”杯中国知识竞赛等。蒋成军:罗勇中学孔子课堂设立于拥 有111年悠久历史的泰国东部名校 一一 罗勇中学内。2009年,孔子课堂组织了 泰国东部六府YCT考前培训及模拟考试、 “汉语桥”泰东赛区选拔赛、社区汉语培 训班等活动。目前,课堂与罗勇市政府、 泰东50多所国立学校及当地华人
19、社团建 立了良好的合作关系,为课堂的健康、 持续发展打下了坚实的基础。#Confucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010DIRECTORS' FORUM#Confucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010DIRECTORS' FORUM如何实现孔子学院(课堂)可持续发展#Confucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010DIRECTORS' FORUM#Confucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010DIRE
20、CTORS' FORUM黄小明:“如何 实现孔子学院(课堂) 的可持续发展”是各 孔子学院(课堂)面 临的重要课题。各孔 子学院(课堂)都根 据当地的实际需求制利用各种资源,促进 孔子学院持续发展。 在泰国应该充分利用 泰国王室、政府、民 间的力量,努力使孔 子学院项目与泰国教 育部部门发展规划相孔子学院的根本职能是语言教育,因此必须通过向社会提供优质的汉语教学服务把孔子学院建设成语言教育和文化传播 的基地。孔子学院的根本职能是语言教 育,因此必须通过向社会提供优质的汉 语教学服务赢得当地公众的认可和接受 。 这体现在两个方面,首先是教学内容要丰 富,能够满足各类学习者的需求;其次 是
21、教学水平和质量要经得起考验,要让学#Confucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010DIRECTORS' FORUM订了发展规划,在实 践中积累了宝贵经验。赢得当地公众的认可请就这一议题谈一谈自己的看法。傅增有:关于如的可持续发展,何实现孔子学院(课堂)我有几点看法:一是要坚持因地制宜,办不开资金的支持,岀特色。我们认为每所孔子学院应该根子学院规模的不断扩大,据各自情况,坚持优势、突岀特色、重点 办学,有所为而有所不为,不应都是一个需要的投入也越来越大, 这就需要孔子学院通模式;二是要建设一支相对稳定的孔子学 院办学队伍;三是孔子学院的发展要有
22、过自身的影响和发展来逐步改变一个长远的计划与考虑。如本孔子学院完全依靠总部财的定位及其在城市或国家中的作用;如政支持的状况。何加强本土教师培养;孔子学院阅览室 的建立和完善等;四是要完善管理制度, 规范合作机制,不断加强中泰双方合作。 朱拉隆功大学孔子学院每年召开一次北赵新城:我认为,促进孔 子学院的可 持续发展需要京大学和朱拉隆功大学校长参加的理事从以下两个方会,这种合作院校最高领导的定期会晤面努力:一是大大促进了孔子学院的发展。五是要充分 树立品牌意识,院的可持续发展离随着孔结合,争取华人社团、 中泰合作院校对孔子学院的支持。丁力:孔子学供图/CFP习者达到参加汉语学习的预期能。二是要融目
23、的,获得实在的语言技37Confucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010DIRECTORS' FORUM入外方承办学校的办学体系。农业大学 孔子学院的工作得到了所在名校泰国农业 大学的充分认可,此举无疑对提高孔子学 院的地区影响力发挥了积极的作用。姚喜明:我们有三个努力的方向:一 是努力建成泰南地区最大的汉语水平考试 (HSK)中心,进一步推广商务汉语考试 (BCT)和少儿汉语考试(YCT);二是努 力建成中文图书流通中心,解决目前泰南 地区大中小学购买汉语教材、书籍、学习 用品的困难;三是努力建成服务于当地政 府、企业、学校的信息咨询中心,为
24、泰南 地区人民了解中国政治、经济、社会、文化、 教育提供便利。马峙:我认为孔子学院要做到可持续 性健康发展,必须认真做好两个大的年 度计划工作,即提前做好孔子学院年度项 目计划和孔子学院年度汉语教学计划,并 要利用各种方式对这些计划进行广泛宣 传,提高影响。徐雪花:孔子课堂要实现可持续发 展,必须拟定明确的宗旨和目标,但是这 些宗旨和目标必须予以持之以恒的贯彻 , 才能得到最大程度的实现。就课堂本身 而言,孔子课堂作为一个机构,内部需要 明确合理的分工与合作,这样才能使课 堂良好运转,发挥它在汉语教学推广中的 巨大平台作用。蒋成军:在汉语教学与推广的实践中 我们意识到,要保证孔子课堂长期可持
25、续发展,一要加强与当地政府职能部门、 教育主管部门、华人社团及媒体的互动与 交流;二要充分调动当地资源,积极创收, 并获取多方支持;第三,提高师资建设 及教材质量。傅文鸿:孔子课堂要想真正成为泰国 中小学汉语教育的典范,我觉得应该从 以下两个方面下功夫。一要苦练“内功” 这种内功包括孔子课堂在汉语教学方面 的权威性和在中国文化推广方面的示范 性;二要兼重“外联”即主动加强与周 边学校的联系,支持带动落后学校的汉 语教学,邀请这些学校的师生参加一些 中国文化活动,或者到这些学校举办文化 活动,发挥自身优势使更多学校受益。te in 2 ty.ehas offered selective Chin
26、 ese coursesEvery Con fucius In stitute should give full play to its own adva n- tages and disti nctive characteristics, and focus on the running of the school. We should be aware of what must be done and what should be left out, and that differe nt in stitutes should not follow the same model.u-all
27、y to improve local Chin ese teach ing in primary and sec ond- ary schools and to release the pressure of shortage of local Chinese Ianguage teachers.We persist in promot ing Chin ese culture regularly and in various forms, we will not only offer va riou s Chine se culture courses in the In stitute,
28、but also orga nize at least 1 or 2 medium to large scale Chin ese culture promoti onal activities per mon th. We broadcast Chin ese program on campusge t- t to dTOPIC 1Every Con fucius In stitute (Classroom) in Thaila nd runs in its own unique wayHuang Xiaoming: Every Confucius tory and culture. In
29、stitute (Classroom) in Thaila nd runs inHua ng Xiaomi ng: The Con fuciusits own unique way, and all have achievehhstitute at Khon Kaen University has success. Firstly, please in troduce your owlways attached importa nee to three unique features.main tasks: Chin ese teach ing and train-Fu Zengyou: Si
30、nce the establishment ing, Chinese cultural promotion and of the Con fucius In stitute at Chulal ong- excha nges, and com muni cati on and korn Uni versity, it has achieved rapid de-cooperati on betwee n the two uni versities velopment. In terms of teaching, besidesand countries. Currently, the Inst
31、itute the courses for the un dergraduates and Chin ese teach ing has formally in tegrated postgraduates in the Chin ese Depart- into the teachi ng system of Kho n Kae n ment of Chulalongkorn University, the University; at the same time, the Institu Con fucius In stitute also offers Chin ese trai nin
32、g courses for all social circles, but middle schools attached to the uni vers most importantly, it carries out high-levelIn terms of the training for local Chines activities such as Chin ese training courseanguage teachers, the Con fucius In sti- for Thai Palace officials 12 times alreadytute con du
33、cts 2-3 training courses ann Chinese Ianguage teachers training courses, and Chin ese training courses for officials in Thai Na- tio nal Immigrati on Bureau.In order to help Thai stude nts lear n Chinese Ianguage and un dersta nd Chin ese culture, the Con fucius In stitute at Chulal on gkor n Uni ve
34、rsity has carried out many differe nt activities on Chin ese traditional festivals and curre nt hot topics of Chin ese and Thai societies, in cludi ng the Chin ese Training Course "Speaking Chin ese and Celebrati ng Chin ese radio and Kho n Kae n Un iversity New Year 2010" for Thai Palace
35、officialsstation so that students can understand Chin ese Lan guage and Culture SummerCh in ese culture from both classes and Camp, and "Siri ndhor n Cup" Chin eseactivities; we started a Chin ese Ian guaspeech con test for Thai college stude ntscha nnel in Thaila nd Nati onal Broadcas The
36、 Institute has also invited famous Chi-ng Station so that more people can ge n ese writers Wang Meng and Yu Qiuyu know Chin ese culture hence un derstar to give lectures on Chin ese literature, hisa nd love Chi na. At the mea n time, weConfucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 201039DIRECTORS' FO
37、RUMConfucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010#DIRECTORS' FORUMhold summer camps for stude nts and them regularly. Survey shows that about orga nize excha nge visits for stude nt 70% of the leafnessOrtte nded the Chinese groups. In additi°n, the institute actively 罰guage training of the C
38、onfucius Inpromotes excha nges between uni vercitiestitute at Kasetsart Un iversity because of and organizes local government ofUcials its reputation and more than 90% of the on study tours to Chi na.learners expressed their satisfaction to thBai Yuguo: The Con fucius In stitutecourses and teachi ng
39、 quality. We believeat Mae Fah Luang University, based in that the Confucius Institute will exert northern Thaila nd, actively lau nches Chi-a grow ing in flue nce in the regi on after n ese teach ing and promotes Chin ese cuyears of efforts. ture. These produce a favorable resp on se. Yao Ximing: E
40、very year, the Confu- At the begi nning of its establishme nt, the Con fucius In stitute mainly taught Chin ese to stude nts in the Chin ese De- partme nt of the uni versity and the threecius In stitute at Phuket, Prince of Son gkl Uni versity offers over 8000 school hours, and organizes more than 2
41、0 activities, attract ing approximately ten thousa nds cur.东方大学孔子学院举办HSK考前培训。The Con fucius In stitute at Burapha Uni versity held HSK exam tra ining.surro un di ng seco ndary schools. It also seJarticipa nts. With regard to the up short-term training classes. As it expan ded, the Con fucius In stit
42、ute actively offers Chin ese training for well-k nown Thai institutions like Thai Airways andriculum design, the Confucius Institute at Phuket and the Intern ati onal Studies In stitute join tly set up two Chin ese majo courses Intern atio nal (Ch in ese)companies like Thai Wah Food Products and Chi
43、nese Studies, which meet the Public Co.Ltd. Moreover, the Confucius social needs. Besides, the Institute ac In stitute has held more than 30 cultural Chi nese as the teachi ng Ian guage in activities in the past several years, such teachi ng Chi nese law, society, philos( as Chi nese culture festiva
44、ls, ceremo ny oleography, min orities, etc. The In stitu sacrifice for Con fucius, Chin ese paintings and calligraphy exhibiti on s. It has also held Chin ese calligraphy, painting, speech, writ ing, Chin ese songs competitions and different kinds of summer camps.Ding Li: Con fucius In stitute devel
45、ops fast and efficie ntly in Thaila nd. On the皇太后大学孔子学院举办中国文化营。The Confucius Institute at Mae Fah Luang University held Chinese culture camps.pete nee.attaches great importa nee to the cultiva- tio n of stude nts'Ian guage comIts graduates have bee n employed by th* Thai gover nment, colleges an
46、d uni versi- ties, Thai Embassy in China, airports, tour compa ni es, etc. On the basis of existi ng courses, the Con fucius In stitute is actively exploring new prospects. Itsbasis of developi ng Chi nese teach ing ancus is gradually shifti ng from general cultural excha nges, the Con fucius In- Ch
47、i nese Ian guage teach ing to the train- stitute at Burapha University makes full ing of advaneed Chinese Ianguage tale use of the resources of its cooperative ufjeusi ng especially on the setti ng up of versity in China and actively promotes a “ Chinese-Thai Translation traditional Chinese medical
48、culture, thus to cultivate talents who are specialized i becomi ng an importa nt carrier of tradi- high-level tran slation and in ternatio naltion al Ch in ese medical culture.relatio nship for the ASEAN regio n.Zhao Xincheng: Since its establish- Ma Zhi: Since its establishment in ment in 2006, the
49、 Co nfucius In stituteDecember 2006, the Con fucius In stituteat Kasetsart Un iversity always adheres t® Prince of Son gkla Uni versity actively taking Ian guage teachi ng as its basis. At promotes Chinese Ian guage and culture present, it offers more than 30 Chinese under the strong supports o
50、f the Con- language courses to meet the needs of fucius Institute Headquarters and the various Chin ese Ian guage learners, adopjniversity, produ cing n otable effects, thus ing various teach ing styles like smallreceiving recog ni tion from the Headquar-classes, individual instruction and door- ter
51、s and high praise from social circles to-door teachi ng. Other than these, it in southern Thaila nd. The In stitute was has also set up a cooperative relationshiparded“ Excelie nCenter of HSK.* 一 壬with the Thai Ministry of Foreign Abairs, in 2008 and the title“ ConfucSSinsKSeoomTRayong wittayakorm S
52、chool heldwhere it con ducts Chin ese courses for of the Year 2009”.exhibitions of Chinese textbooks.孔敬大学孔子学院举办汉语考试研讨会。The Con fucius In stitute at Khon Kaen Uni versity held sem in ars on Chin ese exam in ati ons.Confucius InstituteVOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 201041DIRECTORS' FORUMConfucius Institute
53、VOLUME 09| NO. 4 JUL, 2010#DIRECTORS' FORUMJia ng Chengjun: The Con fuciusXu Xuehua: Since its establishme nt in July 2009, the Con fucius Classroom Classroom was founded in Rayo ng at Phuket Wittayalai School has been Wittayakorm School, a famous school actively planning and organizing various
54、with 111 years of history in eastern Chinese activities in southwest Thailand,Thailand. In 2009, the Confucius including the“ Chinese Bridge ClassToooootestsed many activitiesChin ese short plays and Chin ese songs such as pre-exam training and simu- competitions, Chinese calligraphy, and lated YCT
55、exams in eastern Thailand, picture exhibition on Chinese National selective trials of "Chinese Bridge" Day, successive exhibiti ons of Chin ese teaching materials in southwest Thailand TOPIC 2 and Chinese Spring Festival celebration , ,八(.activities etc. These were carried out withHow can
56、we realize the susta in able develop the aimsofrasing严thusiasm ofst%of Confucius Institute (Classroom) dents in the Phuket area for lear ning Chi-'7n ese and for enhancing the con tacts and excha nges between schools. In additio n, Hua ng Xiaomi ng:How can we term developme nt, such as its posit
57、ionthe Con fucius Classroom laun ches train-realize the susta in able developme nt of Cand functions in the local city and cour ing sem inars on teach ing methodologies fucius In stitute (Classroom)try,hoiw Kbecultijxaite local teachers, ancfor Chin ese Ian guage teachers and holddssue encoun tered by Con fucius In stitutethe buildi ng and improveme nt of read- volun teers meeti ngs at least once a mon (Classrooms). To meet local dema nds, eveyooms. Four
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