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1、 2007 Thomson South-Western 2007 Thomson South-Western市场与竞争 供给与需求是经济学家最常用的两个词。 供给与需求是使市场经济运行的力量。 微观经济学分析供给、需求和市场均衡。 2007 Thomson South-Western 市场是某种物品或服务的买者和卖者组成的一个群体 A market is a group of buyers and sellers of a particular good or service. 什么是市场什么是市场? 2007 Thomson South-Western什么是市场什么是市场? 供给和需求是指人

2、们在市场上进行交易时的行为 买方决定需求买方决定需求 卖方决定供给卖方决定供给 2007 Thomson South-Western什么是竞争什么是竞争? 竞争市场是指有许多买者与卖者,以至于每个人对市场价格的影响都微乎其微的市场。 A competitive market is a market in which there are many buyers and sellers so that each has a negligible impact on the market price. 2007 Thomson South-WesternWhat Is Competition? 完全

3、竞争 产品完全相同 无数的买者和卖者,以至于没有任何一个买者和卖者可以影响价格 买者和卖者都是价格接受者 Perfect Competition Products are the same Numerous buyers and sellers so that each has no influence over price Buyers and Sellers are price takers 2007 Thomson South-WesternWhat Is Competition? 垄断 只有一个卖者,卖者控制价格 寡头 很少卖者 不存在激烈的竞争 垄断竞争 很多卖方 微小的产品差别Sl

4、ightly differentiated products 每个卖方可以制定自己产品的价格 2007 Thomson South-Western各类市场的特征产品产品/ /服务的服务的差异性差异性卖者的数量卖者的数量及特征及特征厂商进入的厂商进入的难易程度难易程度完全完全竞争竞争完全相同完全相同众多,都是价格接受众多,都是价格接受者(者(Price Takers)完全自由完全自由垄断垄断唯一产品,唯一产品,无替代品无替代品一个,他是价格制定一个,他是价格制定者(者(Price Maker)不能进入不能进入寡头寡头有或没有有或没有差别差别几个,有控制价格的几个,有控制价格的市场势力市场势力很难

5、进入很难进入垄断垄断竞争竞争略有差别略有差别众多,可以确定自己众多,可以确定自己的价格的价格比较自由比较自由 2007 Thomson South-Western 2.需求需求 Demand 2007 Thomson South-Western 需求量是买者愿意并且能够购买的该物品是买者愿意并且能够购买的该物品的数量。的数量。 Quantity demanded is the amount of a good that buyers are willing and able to purchase. 2007 Thomson South-Western Law of Demand Other

6、things equal, when the price of the good rises, the quantity demanded of a good falls, and when the price falls, the quantity demanded rises. PQD需求定理需求定理在其他条件不变时,一种物品的价格上升,对该物在其他条件不变时,一种物品的价格上升,对该物品的需求量减少;一种物品的价格下降,对该物品品的需求量减少;一种物品的价格下降,对该物品的需求量增加。的需求量增加。 2007 Thomson South-Western 需求表需求表 Demand Sch

7、edule 需求曲线需求曲线 Demand Curve 需求函数需求函数 Demand Function如何描述需求定理如何描述需求定理 2007 Thomson South-WesternCatherine 的的需求表需求表 2007 Thomson South-Western 需求表需求表 表示一种物品的价格与需求量之间关系的表格。 Demand Schedule The demand schedule is a table that shows the relationship between the price of the good and the quantity demanded

8、. 2007 Thomson South-Western图图 1 Catherine的需求表和需求曲线的需求表和需求曲线冰激淋蛋卷冰激淋蛋卷的价格的价格02.502.001.501.000.50123456789 10 11冰激淋蛋卷的冰激淋蛋卷的需求量需求量$3.00121. 价格下降价格下降. 2. . 冰激淋蛋卷的冰激淋蛋卷的需求量增加需求量增加 2007 Thomson South-Western需求曲线:价格和需求量之间的关系需求曲线:价格和需求量之间的关系 需求曲线 表示一种物品的价格与需求量之间关系的图形。 Demand Curve The demand curve is a g

9、raph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity demanded. 2007 Thomson South-Western需求函数 PQQDDbPaQD0, 312, 0DDQPQPPQD412 2007 Thomson South-Western有没有哪些物品不遵循需求定理有没有哪些物品不遵循需求定理 2007 Thomson South-Western市场需求和个人需求市场需求和个人需求 市场需求是所有个人对某种特定物品和劳务市场需求是所有个人对某种特定物品和劳务的需求的总和。的需求的总和。 Mark

10、et demand refers to the sum of all individual demands for a particular good or service. 把个人需求曲线水平相加得到市场需求曲线把个人需求曲线水平相加得到市场需求曲线。 Individual demand curves are summed horizontally to obtain the market demand curve. 2007 Thomson South-Western市场需求曲线市场需求曲线冰激淋蛋卷的价格冰激淋蛋卷的价格冰激淋蛋卷的价格2.002.002.004371.001.001.0

11、08513冰激淋蛋卷的数量冰激淋蛋卷的数量冰激淋蛋卷的数量Catherine的需求Nicholas的需求市场需求+=当价格是 $2.00时, Catherine 需要4个冰激淋蛋卷。当价格是 $2.00时, Nicholas 需要3个冰激淋蛋卷。价格是$2.00 ,市场需求量是 7 个冰激淋蛋卷。当价格是 $1.00时, Catherine 需要8个冰激淋蛋卷。当价格是 $1.00时, Nicholas 需要5个冰激淋蛋卷。价格是$1.00 ,市场需求量是 7 个冰激淋蛋卷。 2007 Thomson South-WesternShifts in the Demand Curve 需求曲线需求

12、曲线的移动的移动 需求量的变动Change in Quantity Demanded 需求的变动Change in Demand 2007 Thomson South-Western需求量的变动需求量的变动 在需求曲线上点的移动在需求曲线上点的移动 Movement along the demand curve. 由由产品价格的变动引起产品价格的变动引起 Caused by a change in the price of the product. 2007 Thomson South-Western0D冰激淋蛋卷冰激淋蛋卷的价格的价格冰激淋蛋卷的数量冰激淋蛋卷的数量对对冰激淋蛋卷的销售者冰激

13、淋蛋卷的销售者征税导致冰激淋价格的征税导致冰激淋价格的上升,并带来了沿着需上升,并带来了沿着需求曲线的移动。求曲线的移动。AB81.00$2.004需求量的变化需求量的变化 2007 Thomson South-Western需求的变动 需求曲线的移动,向左移动或者向右移动 A shift in the demand curve, either to the left or right. 在价格不变时,由改变需求量的其他因素引起 Caused by any change that alters the quantity demanded at every price. 2007 Thomson

14、 South-Western图图 3 需求曲线的移动需求曲线的移动冰激淋冰激淋蛋卷的蛋卷的价格价格冰激淋蛋卷的数量冰激淋蛋卷的数量需求增加需求减少D3D1D20使每一个价格水平下的使每一个价格水平下的需求量增加的任何变动需求量增加的任何变动都会使需求曲线向右移都会使需求曲线向右移动,这是需求增加。动,这是需求增加。使每一个价格水平下的使每一个价格水平下的需求量减少的任何变动需求量减少的任何变动都会使需求曲线向左移都会使需求曲线向左移动,这是需求减少。动,这是需求减少。 2007 Thomson South-Western需求曲线的移动需求曲线的移动 消费者收入Consumer income 相

15、关产品的价格 Prices of related goods 嗜好 Tastes 预期 Expectations 买者的数量Number of buyers 2007 Thomson South-Western需求曲线的移动需求曲线的移动 收入 随着收入的增加,正常物品的需求增加。 As income increases the demand for a normal good will increase. 随着收入的增加,低档物品的需求减少。 As income increases the demand for an inferior good will decrease. 2007 Tho

16、mson South-Western$3.002.502.001.501.000.502134 56789 101211价格价格数量数量0收入增加.D1D2正常物品正常物品 2007 Thomson South-Western$3.002.502.001.501.000.502134 56789 101211价格价格数量数量0收入增加.D1D2低档物品低档物品 2007 Thomson South-Western需求曲线的移动需求曲线的移动 相关物品的价格 当一种物品价格下降引起对另一种物品的需求减少时,这两种物品被称为替代品。 When a fall in the price of one

17、good reduces the demand for another good, the two goods are called substitutes. 当一种物品价格下降引起对另一种物品的需求增加时,这两种物品被称为互补品。 When a fall in the price of one good increases the demand for another good, the two goods are called complements. 2007 Thomson South-Western需求曲线的移动需求曲线的移动 嗜好 预期 Expecting the price of

18、 a good to fall in the future, you may be less willing to buy it now. 买者的数量 2007 Thomson South-WesternTable 1 Variables That Influence Buyers以汽车为例 2007 Thomson South-Western2.00020每包香烟每包香烟的价格的价格每天吸每天吸的香烟量的香烟量提高香烟价格的税提高香烟价格的税收引起沿着需求曲收引起沿着需求曲线的变动线的变动D1案例分析:减少香烟需求量的方法案例分析:减少香烟需求量的方法AC4.00 2007 Thomson

19、South-Western2.00020每包香烟每包香烟的价格的价格每天吸每天吸的香烟量的香烟量限制吸烟的政策使限制吸烟的政策使需求曲线向左移动需求曲线向左移动D1D2案例分析:减少香烟需求量的方法案例分析:减少香烟需求量的方法AB 2007 Thomson South-Western 3. 供给供给 Supply 2007 Thomson South-Western 供给量是卖者愿意并且能够出售的该物品是卖者愿意并且能够出售的该物品的数量。的数量。 Quantity supplied is the amount of a good that sellers are willing and a

20、ble to sell. 2007 Thomson South-Western 供给定理供给定理在其他条件不变时,一种物品价格上升,该物品供给量增加;一种物品价格下降,该物品供给量也减少。 Law of Supply Other things equal, the quantity supplied of a good rises when the price of the good rises. PQS 2007 Thomson South-Western 供给表供给表 Supply Schedule 供给曲线供给曲线 Supply Curve 供给函数供给函数 Supply Functio

21、n如何描述供给定理如何描述供给定理 2007 Thomson South-Western供给曲线:价格与供给量之间的关系供给曲线:价格与供给量之间的关系 供给表 表示一种物品的价格与供给量之间关系的表格。 Supply Schedule The supply schedule is a table that shows the relationship between the price of the good and the quantity supplied. 2007 Thomson South-WesternBens Supply Schedule 2007 Thomson South

22、-Western供给曲线:价格与供给量之间的关系供给曲线:价格与供给量之间的关系 供给曲线 表示一种物品的价格与供给量之间关系的图形。 Supply Curve The supply curve is the graph of the relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied. 2007 Thomson South-Western图图 5 Ben的供给表和供给曲线的供给表和供给曲线冰激淋蛋冰激淋蛋卷卷 的价格的价格(美元)(美元)02.502.001.501.0012345678910 11冰激淋蛋卷冰

23、激淋蛋卷的数量(个)的数量(个)$3.00120.501.价格上价格上 升升.2. . increases quantity of cones supplied. 2007 Thomson South-Western供给函数 PQQSSbPaQS5, 30, 5 .0SSQPQPPQS21 2007 Thomson South-Western市场供给与个人供给市场供给与个人供给 市场市场供给是所有个人对某种特定物品和劳务供给是所有个人对某种特定物品和劳务的供给的总和。的供给的总和。 Market supply refers to the sum of all individual suppli

24、es for all sellers of a particular good or service. 个人供给曲线水平相加得到市场供给曲线个人供给曲线水平相加得到市场供给曲线 Graphically, individual supply curves are summed horizontally to obtain the market supply curve. 2007 Thomson South-Western市场供给曲线市场供给曲线冰激淋蛋卷的价格(美元)冰激淋蛋卷的价格(美元)冰激淋蛋卷的价格(美元)冰激淋蛋卷的数量(个)冰激

25、淋蛋卷的数量(个)冰激淋蛋卷的数量(个)Ben的供给Jerry的供给市场供给+=21.501.501.5024 2007 Thomson South-Western供给曲线的移动供给曲线的移动 供给量的变动Change in Quantity Supplied 沿着供给曲线的移动 由商品价格的变化引起 2007 Thomson South-Western1 5冰激淋蛋卷冰激淋蛋卷的价格(美的价格(美元)元)冰激淋蛋卷冰激淋蛋卷的数量(个的数量(个)0S 1.00AC$3.00冰激淋蛋卷价格上升引起沿着供给曲线的移动Change in Quantity Supplied 2007 Thomson

26、 South-Western供给曲线的移动供给曲线的移动 供给的变动 供给曲线的移动,向左移动或向右移动。 在价格不变时,由改变供给量的变动引起 2007 Thomson South-Western图图 7 供给曲线的移动供给曲线的移动冰激淋冰激淋价格的价格的变动变动冰激淋蛋卷的数量冰激淋蛋卷的数量0供给增加供给增加供给减少供给减少 供给曲线, S3 曲线, 供给S1供给 曲线, S2 2007 Thomson South-Western供给曲线供给曲线 投入品价格Input prices 技术Technology 预期Expectations 卖者的数量Number of sellers 2

27、007 Thomson South-WesternTable 2: Variables That Influence Sellers以汽车为例 2007 Thomson South-Western 4 .均衡均衡 Equilibrium 2007 Thomson South-Western供给与需求的结合 均衡:市场价格达到使供给量与需求量相等的水平时的状态。 Equilibrium refers to a situation in which the price has reached the level where quantity supplied equals quantity dem

28、anded. 2007 Thomson South-Western 均衡价格(市场出清价格) 使供给量和需求量平衡的价格。 在图中,供给曲线和需求曲线在均衡价格位置相交。 Equilibrium Price The price that balances quantity supplied and quantity demanded. Equilibrium price is sometimes called the market clearing price 2007 Thomson South-Western 均衡数量(Equilibrium Quantity) 在均衡价格下的供给量和需求

29、量。 (The quantity supplied and the quantity demanded at the equilibrium price. ) 在图中,供给曲线和需求曲线相交点的数量。 (On a graph it is the quantity at which the supply and demand curves intersect. ) 2007 Thomson South-Western在 $2.00, 需求量与供给量相等供给与需求的结合需求表需求表供给表供给表 2007 Thomson South-Western图图 8 供给与需求的均衡供给与需求的均衡冰激淋蛋卷

30、的价格冰激淋蛋卷的价格0123456789101112冰激淋蛋卷的数量冰激淋蛋卷的数量13均衡数量均衡数量均衡价格均衡价格均衡均衡SupplyDemand$2.00 2007 Thomson South-Western供给与需求的均衡 PQQSS PQQDDDSQQ ?EP?EQ 2007 Thomson South-Western图图 9 非均衡的市场非均衡的市场冰激淋蛋冰激淋蛋卷的价格卷的价格0供给需求(a) 超额供给超额供给需求量供给量 过过 剩剩冰激淋蛋卷的数量冰激淋蛋卷的数量4$2.50102.007 2007 Thomson South-Western 过剩过剩 Surplus 当

31、 价格 均衡价格, 供给量 需求量 存在超额供给( excess supply )和剩余 。 卖者对过剩的反应是降低价格,价格下降增加了需求量,并减少了供给量。价格会持续下降到市场达到均衡时为止。 2007 Thomson South-WesternFigure 9 Markets Not in Equilibrium冰激冰激淋蛋淋蛋卷的卷的价格价格0冰激淋蛋卷的数量冰激淋蛋卷的数量供给需求(b) 超额需求超额需求供给量需求量1.5010$2.0074 短短 缺缺 2007 Thomson South-WesternEquilibrium 短缺短缺Shortage 当价格 供给量 存在超额需求

32、(excess demand)或短缺。 由于太多人的买者抢购太少的物品,卖着提高自己的价格。随着价格的上升,需求量减少,供给量增加,价格会持续上升到市场达到均衡时为止。 2007 Thomson South-WesternEquilibrium 供求定理供求定理 任何一种物品价格的调整都会使该物品的供给与需求达到均衡。 Law of supply and demand The price of any good adjusts to bring the quantity supplied and the quantity demanded for that good into balance. 2007 Thomson South-Western供求模型的运用 2007 Thomson South-Western分析均衡变动的三个步骤 确定该事件是使供给曲线移动还是使需求曲确定该事件是使供给曲线移动


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