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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上短文改错部分1A few days before, I saw an interesting program on TV. It was about the problem of the traffic in our cities. It seemed that a great deal of damage had done by traffic. But now our cities are still suffered from traffic problem. Some buildings are actually falling to piece. It is

2、 often faster to walk than to go by car or bus. The problem has been getting worse for long time. This is only one problem among thousands others in our cities. All sorts of terrible things have happened with our cities. And the biggest question is “What can we do about it?” Our roads have ever been

3、 designed for such a heavy traffic.23Sandy is seventeen years old. And she is much busy. She never has enough time for that she wants to do. Like many other girls about her age, she spends hours on the telephone, talks to her friends. She oftengoes out on the weekends, and she looks after children f

4、or other families to get some money. But, of course, during the school years she herself has a lot homework to do. During the football season, Sandy is more busier than usual She and other pretty girls are cheer leaders. They jump up and down together, cheering when the team have played well. When t

5、he team is not playing so well, the girls try their best encourage theplayers. The cheers are usually not long, but it takes a long time to practise shouting them together.4After I finished the school this year, I began to took for work. Now several month later, I still hadnt found the job that I wa

6、s interested. Last Sunday morning I received a phone call from a man calling him Mr Smith. He said to me on the phone, “I hear you do very well in your studies, I may have a job for you.” I entered his office with a beaten heart. How I hoped that I will go through the job hunting talk today and he w

7、ould take nm on as a lab assistant. But to my surprised, what he said disappointing. He only needed a model.5Calvin Coolidge, 30th president of the United States, was famous for a man of few words. He knew what he should talk and when he should not. It was very hard of anyone to enjoy talking with h

8、im. One evening he was inviting to dinner. A lady sitting next to him past the sugar for his coffee. “Mr President,” she said.” Today a friend of me said that I couldnt get much than two words out of you. I said I can, and we made a bet.” “You lose,” answered the president.6The first man set foot on

9、 the moon was an American calling Neil Armstorng. He landed on the moon with Edwin Aldrin in July 21, 1969 in the lunar module (飞船)舱. When they were made the famous moon-walk, millions of people watched them through the television. They stayed on the moon for about 21.5 days. Then they took off with

10、 their lunar module and joined Michael Collins in the command module.Armstrong and Aldrin brought back some dust and rock from the moon to further the scientific studies in the moon. They didnt find any life on the moon.7The journey was long and tired. We left London at five oclock in the evening an

11、d spend eight hours in the train. We had been travelled for 3 hours after someone appeared selling food and drinks. It was darkness all the time we were crossing Wales, but we could see nothing through the windows. When we finally arrived at Holyhead, nearly everyone was slept. As soon as the train

12、stopped, everybody come to life, grabbing their suitcases and rushing onto the platform. 8Hong Kong lies in southeast of China. It covers a area of one thousand and ninety-two square kilometer. It has a population of over six million. Hong Kong belong to China all the time in history. In the early N

13、ineteenth century, China was weak, and Hong Kong was so good place that many foreign countries want to have it. In the end the British imperialists took Hong Kong with force, so ruled it for one and a half centuries.9Reading newspapers have become an important part of our life. Many people read it t

14、o begin their day. They learn from what is going on in the world. Sometime they do not have time to read the news, but they just take a quickly look at the front page. There are newspapers to every reader. In big cities there are many kinds of newspapers. In small towns there are few. In some places

15、, people can read newspapers only once in a week.10“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is a saying in the United States. It is truth that all of us need exercise together. We cant work and enjoy life all the time unless we keep good healthy. Everyone has his own way of resting. Perhaps the

16、most popular way is take part in sports. There are team sports, such as baseball, basketball or football. There is also sports for one person, such as golf and swimming.It doesnt matter whether we are good player or not. And it is important for everyone to take part in sports. This is spirit of the

17、Olympics.11When Louis Braille was a very small boy, one day, while played, he picked up a small tool of a sharp point, Louis fell, the point entered into his eye, and later he became blind. He wanted such much to readbooks for the blind that at last he invented a way for the blind read and write. Pe

18、ople didnt believe him first. One day a blind girl was playing piano. People thanked her of playing so well. She said it was Louis Braille who made that possible for her to learn music.12The Australian professor, Dr Karen, will visit our school on this Friday afternoon. She will give the teachers an

19、d students report on the education in Australia in the lecture hall of our school on 3:00 pm. Friday. Every student is expected to be here on time. Please bring your notebooks with you take notes while listen to the report so that we can have a discussion about it after it was over. The speech conte

20、st, that was planned for Friday, has to be put off till next Friday afternoon. Thank you.13One morning a man crossing a bridge when he saw a man fishing above him, so he stopped to watch him quiet. After a while, the man pushed his line in. There was a big fish on the end of it. The man took it off

21、the hook and threw back into the water. A few minutes late he caught other big fish. Again he threw it back,So, he caught a small fish. He put it into his basket. The man on the bridge was surprised and asked why. The man answered, “Small frying-pan.”14My favorite sport is football. I was a member o

22、f our school football team. We practise for three times every week and often watch football match on TV together. Play football not only makes tls grow up tall and strong but also give us a sense of fair play and team spirit. We must keep in mind that we play for the team instead ourselves. Also, th

23、e sport teaches us the important of obedience. Each player must obey captain, who is the leader of the team. And they must not break the rules too often if we want to win the game.15Im a senior student. I like English very much. Beside having English lessons at school, I often went to the English Co

24、rner in the park near my home at Saturday mornings. It set up two years ago. Many high school students gather here. Sometimes, some college students and even foreign friends are the presentEnglish Corner. There we practise spoken English, talking about that we are interested in, introduce our experi

25、ence in learning English and so on. I have learned a lot. I have great improved myself in English that since I attended it for the first time.16The Beijing Zoo is largest zoo in Asia and one of the largest in the world. There are hundred of different kinds animals in it. We can see yellow, green, or

26、ange and brown birds, that can sing nice songs. Theelephants have big nose and big ears and they are kind of human. We can also see big and little monkeysrunning and dance, just like happy children. Pandas, with good manner, are very friendly and polite to visitors. There are also many other things

27、to see. We hope you to have a good time there.17Do you think animals can tell you how the weather will be like? Some people believe the groundhog can, that is a small furry animal. There is a special day in America calling the Groundhogs Day that falls in February 2. On that day, if the groundhog go

28、es out of his home in the ground and sees his shadow, he will being frightened and goes hurriedly back into his hole. People say this means there will be six more week of winter to expect. However, if he not see his shadow this day and stays out of his hole, it means that spring is to coming soon.18

29、The famous America writer Mark Twain was well known as his absent-minded (心不在焉). One day when he was riding in the train, the conductor asked him for his ticket. Mark Twain looked for the ticket in all his pockets, and couldnt find it. At last, the conductor, whom recognized (认出) the writer, said, “

30、It doesnt matter. Showed me your ticket on your way back. And if you find it, there is no harm.”Heard this, Mark Twain quickly shook his head and said, “Oh, but there is. 1 must find the ticket, or otherwise how will I know where Im going!”19There is one language using in every country. People, youn

31、g or old, short and tall, thin and fat, use it very usually. It is everybodys second language. It is very easy understanding. You may guess its sign language. When you wave your hand in the street, you are telling hello to your friend. When you put up your hand in class, you are telling the teacher

32、that you know the right answer. When a policeman wants to stop cars and buses, he raises his hand. Hes using sign language. Sign language is interesting in quiet place. When you are swimming with your hands, you can have a talk beside water by using sign language.20A boy was cleaning shoes in the st

33、reet said to a young man passing by, “Let me to clean your boots.” The young man said, “No.” “It will spend you a penny, sir.” said the boy and the young man again refused. Then the boy told him that he would clean his boots to nothing. The man agreed this, and soon one hoot was shining brightly. Th

34、en he put his another boot on the box but the boy refused to clean it if he was paid two pence for his work. The young man refused to pay anything and went away. But the well dressed boot made the dirty one looks so bad that he had to turn back, gave the boy the two pence and asked him to clean it.2

35、1A rainbow is a whole circle, but most we see is only part of it, unless we are on a tall mountain or up in plane. The bottom part of the rainbow is hidden from us. The “ends” of the bow look as if they are planted on the earth. This gave rise to the saying that there is “a pot of gold at the end of

36、 the rainbow.”As drops of rain kept falling, each moment we see other rainbow, which it is formed by a new set of drops. Those viewing it from different place see a different rainbow.22Late in the afternoon of Saturday in July, a boy-herder was enjoying listening the click of the rails nearby when s

37、udden black clouds began to-gather. Now the boy is driving the goats to a cave. When he reached to the cave, he saw that many wild goats come already. To catch them all, he gave the wild goats the grass what he had brought for his own goats at outside. When the storm was over, to his surprised, he s

38、aw his own goats had died, and the wild goats had run away the hills and the woods.23The weather was so hot but so terrible that I could hardly keep on studying. When 1 open my window, I found out the sun was shining and the sky was blue. A cool and pleased wind was blowing. The trees were green and

39、 the flowers were red. It seemed as like they were saying hello to me and waving to me. A group children were swimming and playing in the cool or clear water. Everything was looked bright and wonderful. Everybody was having good time in this pleasant place.24During the weekend 1 traveled by air the

40、first time in my life. I generally traveled by train or bus. It is both cheap and safer. And this was a short journey. In the beginning I did not feel very happy. This feeling did not last for long because the trip was very excited. I was soon up in the blue sky between the clouds. The view of mount

41、ains, fields and rivers were interesting and unusual. When it was time for me to finish this trip, I was liking the scene so much that I was disapproved to have to stop my trip in the sky so soon.25 That Saturday when I entered in an underpass, I heard a beautiful sound. It makes mc happy. It was da

42、rkness there so I couldnt see where the sound came from. I walked towards the corner. An old man was sitting there, wears shabby clothes, lie was playing erhu (二胡). “Oh, it is a beggar.” I thought. At that moment a man came by dropped one yuan in tile beggar box. The old man stopped to say “Thank yo

43、u”. He then groped on the ground. While he found the box, he picked up the money. He felt it and. smiled. What beautiful the music was! It was played by a blind person. I just admired him.26There are a number of different sort of greetings all over the world. People at western countries show their a

44、ffection mainly by kiss each other. Chinese people are used to shake hands to offer their greetings. Being completely different from people any other countries, however, the Japanese bend their heads or bodies to make up their bows as signs of respect.In Japanese it can often be seen that an announc

45、er bow when broadcasting “Evening News” on TV. Most Japanese have got used to bowing in their everyday life. It is surprised to some foreign friends that the Japanese bow so often in some places.27East Sunday I went out to the lunch with my friend George, who was very fat indeed. He likes sweet food

46、 as well as those rich foods. Not only George enjoy eating but he is a good eater well. Whenever he eats out, he always eats a lot of food and spends too long time at a restaurant. When we sat at a table in a restaurant, the waiter brought a tray filled of various foods. After caring a big meal, I t

47、old him that we would must leave because we had been there for three hours. But he insisted we must stay there. “We cant leave now, for its already time for us.”28The Nile River is the long river on Earth. The Nile has two branches, the White Nile or the Blue Nile. The Blue Nile starts the eastern h

48、ighlands. In the summer, heavy rains fall there. Then the river carries the water go north. So, once a year, the Nile in Egypt would fill up. When the river flooded, the land, but it left the rich soil on top. That made the banks the Nile very fertile. Still, the river carried the floodwater on in t

49、he sea. That water was lost. To save it, the people build a dam. Now, the Aswan High Dam hold back the floodwaters.29The important thing to be remember about social customs is not to doing anything that might make other people feel comfortableespecially if they are your guests. There is an old story

50、 about a man which gave a very formal dinner party. When the foods was served, one of the guest started to cut his peas by a knife. The other guests were much amused or shocked, but the host calmly picked his knife and began eating with the same way. It would have been bad manners to make his guest

51、to feel foolish or uncomfortable.30In England, it is never too hot or mo cold for works or play The winds also have had much to do with the weather in England. The winds blow from the southwest two days out of every three. The winds from Atlantic are wet as well as they are warm. They also bring ple

52、nty of rain for the island. The east and northeast winds are cold and be dry.The weather change greatly in England. In spring, sunshine or rain follow each other so often thatumbrella or raincoats are things you want most in England.31It was very nice day on July 15th. We students were organized to

53、have a short journey on Saturday. We took the school bus what started at 7:20 a. m. About 9:30 we arrived in Beidaihe, a very beautiful place. This is one of the famous spot in Hebei province. Many people spent their holidays there because it is cool in summer. Some are relaxing and swimming in the

54、sea; some are laying on the beach to have the sun bath. In the morning, we swam in the sea, row small boats together, and so we had lunch in a snack bar. In the afternoon, we walked along the beach, and arrived at Nandaihe. We took some photos there. We had a good time and everyone is very excited.

55、We returned on the bus at 4:30p.m. and got home safe and sound.32June 23, 2001Dear Editor,Im a middle school student naming Li Ming. Im writing to tell you something. Recently Ive noticed many of my classmates often to go to the cyber cafe (网吧) near our school. The other day I went here, too. I was

56、surprised to see many students doing computer games, seeing films or chatting. Some students were even talking about love affairs online. On my opinion, cyber cafes should be a place where we can find much useful informations. Internet should be a window to the outside world rather than place for ga

57、mes. Internet is good if we make good use it. Otherwise, it will do us great harm. So the local government should take measure to make sure that students use cyber cafes positively.33Most slang word are used more in speaking than in writing. As this reason, few can be found in dictionaries. Most Americans know about 10 000 to 20 000 words. About 1 000 to 2 000 of these words are slang. However, sl


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