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1、Unme26.7.1.A:Whattimeisit ( 几点钟 ) B:(2.( 译 )( 我六点半起床 )3.A:( 译 )4.A:Whattimeisitnow答 )( 十二点钟 )(译 ) (我十点睡觉) ( 几点钟 ) B:It ' s.( 十一半 ) 现在几点钟 B:( 译 )halfpastthree.( 三点三十分 )5.It ' sthreeo ' clockbyclocknumberone. (译)6. ( 译). ( 第三个钟是八点三十分 )7. Bythegreenwatchit ' sseveno ' clock.( 译 )_ (

2、 橙色手表是七点半 ) 译)译)(放在椅子上的表是四点三十分) (在盒子里的钟是五点钟) _ (该睡觉了) 译 )( 十点钟时它动也不动 ) 译)( 我们去查看一下 ) _ ( 你的手表慢了三十分钟 )8. ( 译)9.It ' shalfpastthreeontheclockonthetable. (10.It ' sfouro ' clockonthewatchunderthetable. (11. ( 译 )12. ( 译 )13.It ' shalfpastnine.(译 )14. Atoneo ' clockmycrazyclockstrike

3、stwo. (15. ( 译 )16.16.Butatmidnighttheclockstartstosing.(17.( 译 )18.( 译 )time do you get up (答 )time do your classes begin (答 )句型练习: 连词成句。please what is it ' s are two there room clocks in many in are a year how there school to go I o' clock seven 25.十点半七点半三点半 ( 他叫 Terry)她喜欢音乐和运动 )Unit2 Frie

4、nds 朋友Sentences 句型 :1. Whatdoesshelike (答)2. What ' shisname (答)3. Who' syourbestfriend (答) ( 我最好的朋友是 Anna)4. Howoldisshe (答) (她九岁)5. Howoldareyou (答) (我 11 岁)6. Whenisherbirthday (答) (在四月)7. What ' sherfavouritefood (答) ( 她最喜欢比萨 )8. Whatdoyoulike (答) ( 我喜欢书和狗 )9. Whathashegot (答) ( 他有一只

5、猫 )10. 你今天下午到我家吗 (译) No,Ican ' t.' mgoingtoDiana ' s. (答) youallright (用两种方式回答) 13. What ' sthematter (译) 14.Sowhat (译) 15. (译) ( 请到 Diana 的家来吧 )16. EmmaisgoingtoDiana ' splacethisafternoon. (译) 17. 你最喜欢哪一门课(用两种句子翻译) 句型练习: 连词成句my is October in .my sport football is .got she dogs

6、two .old he ten years and stand sing head on its Biscuit .作文写作: 请仿照课本 16 页写一篇关于自己的英文小作文。Unit3 Animals 动物Words词汇: animal 动物 elephant 大象 duck 鸭子 pig hippo sheeptiger的河马 snake 蛇 wolf wolves sheep 绵羊 farm 农场 eat 吃 live老虎 it 它(指动物、物体、事物等)猪 lion狼 fox住 flyAfrica 非洲 Asia狮子 cow 奶牛 foxes 狐狸 grass 草 飞 sing 唱亚洲

7、 other 其他ExpressionsSentences 句型 :肯定句词组: onafarm 在农场a lot许多,大量 Here we go我们开始了!疑问句回答1.Itisasheep.Itisanelephant.3.Isitbrown4.It' spurple.Yes,itis./ No,it isn Yes,itis./ No,it isnt.t.5.CanitflyItcansing. Ithasgotalongmouth.Yes,itis./ No,it isn_ Yes,ithas./No,it hasnt.t.8.Hasitgottwobigears9. Itea

8、tsotheranimals. Yes,itdoes./No,it doesn' t.10. Doesiteatgrass 11. Itlivesonafarm. Yes,itdoes./No,it doesn' t.12. DoesitliveinAfrica 句型练习 : 英汉互译,及回答问题。1. Whatalovelyfatpig! (译 )2. 我喜爱你的音乐 ( 译 )3. Canyouteachme (用两种方式回答) 4. ( 译) ( 我们给狼一个机会吧 )5. Cometomorrow. ( 译 )6. ( 译 ) ( 好了很多 )7.( 译 ) ( 篮子里

9、有什么 )8.Please,don ' teatus.( 译 )9.( 译 ) ( 再来一首歌 )youcaneatus. ( 译 )11.( 译 ) ( 这里有吉他 )itwhiteorblack ( 回答) 英语作文: 请模仿课本 21 页课文内容,写一种小动物,用 has got 句型Unit4 MyRoom 我的房间Words词汇: room 房间 picture 图画 clock 钟 chair 椅子 table 桌子 lamp 台灯 soft 柔软的 wardrobe 衣柜 mirror 镜子 curtain 窗帘 window 窗户 if 如果 look看 find找 g

10、ive 给 hear 听见 climb 爬 left 左 right 右Tidy整洁的 dirty 脏的 bright 明亮的 they 他们 them 他们(宾格)teacher老师 bee蜜蜂Where 哪里here这里there 那里 near 附近Expressions 词组:readabook看书of course当然landon 落在上jumpup跳起来climbon爬上Sentences 句型 :1.Lookbehindthecurtains.(译)2. (译) ( 到桌子下面找找 )3.It ' snotthere. (译) canfindthemifyoulook.

11、(译) 5. (译) ( 你正在看书 )canhearabee. (译) lookunderthebed.Nobee. (译) 8. (译) ( 你爬上衣柜 )9. Youlookbehindthecurtains. (译) 10. (译) (它在你的鼻子上),Ican ' tgiveittoyou. (译) 12. (译) (求求你,把它给我们吧)13. (译) (这里是一袋金币)14. Itlooksgood. (译) 15. Where ' smypencilcase (答) (在桌子下面)16. (译) (我找不到我的书)17. Wedon' tlikethes

12、ofa. (译) 18. (译) (我们可以要回金币吗)19. Whataniceclock! (译) 20. (译) (真棒)句型练习: 连词成句1. clock the chair is the in. .sofaisthetable.thepicture is in front of lamp . 4. wardrobe the mirror the is are of the thecurtains window. .6. under is bed the the ruler .( 肯定回答)7. thebook front theeraser in of is 8. pe

13、ncil is where the ( 答 ) (在书桌下) where ruler the ( 答 ) ( 在笔盒答 )( 它们在教室里)10.desks where the are里)Unit5 school life 校园生活Words词汇 : wear 穿 shirt 衬衫 skirt 裙子 sock 袜子 sweater 毛衣 cardigan 羊毛外套trousers裤子 Jeans 牛仔裤 blouse 女衬衣 blazer 运动上衣 shoe 鞋子 tie 领带song歌唱 story 故事 class 班 lesson 课 nice 好看的 letter 信 man

14、男人best最 English 英语 dear 亲爱的 grey 灰色 photo 照片 boring 沉闷的crisp油炸土豆片 poor 可怜的 later 之后 chain 链子 poster 海报 idea 主意chant歌谣 video 录像schooluniform 校服Sentences 句型:1.Ilikethestoriesbest.(译) 2.Traceyis(穿着 )ablue( 短裙 )t,black( 鞋子 ),black( 袜子),aredtie,awhite( 女士衬衣 )andagrey( 开衫毛衣 ).3.Chrisiswearinggrey (裤子) ,ar

15、ed (领带) ,a (白衬衫) andablue( 运动上衣).4.I ' minYearFourthisyear. (译) 5.Ilikeapples,bananasandorangesverymuch. (译) 6.I ' minClassFive. (译) 7. (译) (我们在学校穿一套制服)8. A:Whichdoyoulikebest( 答 ) (我最喜欢连衣裙)9. Heisonachain. (译) 10. (译) (他需要食物、水和爱)11. Ithinktheylooknice.(译) Exercises 练习:一、回答问题。are you fromcla

16、ss are you in many boys are there in your class is your English teacher do you like best you like English many English lessons do you have in a week 二、选择合适的答案。does she wearing ,they' re a photo for you.are like my new school uniform you.many boys are there in your classred cardiga

17、n and a black skirt.6. Who is your English teacher ,we have.class is she inis from Tom fromis in Class Five.Unit 6 Holidays 假日Grammar语法:现在进行时 : 表示现在进行的动作。 构成法: 主语 am/are/is+ 现在分词宾语 如: Iamdoingmy homework. 我正在做作业。 1动词原形 ing: (直接加 ing )paint-painting read-reading sing-singing play-playing

18、go-going talk-talking walk-walking work-working eat-eating study-studying learn-learning draw-drawing pick-picking fly-flying stand-standing sleep-sleeping visit-visiting drink-drinking listen-listening2. (辅音加 e 结尾的)去掉最后的“ e” +ing dance-dancing ride-riding write-writing have-having3. (以一个元音加一个辅音结尾的)

19、双写最后的辅音 ing get-getting put-putting run-running swim-swimming Sentences 句型 :1. Whatareyoudoing (答 ) (我正在看书)2.IamwatchingTV.( 对划线部分提问 ) isTomdoing (答 ) (他正在骑马)4.Sheisdancing. ( 对划线部分提问 ) 5. Whatareyoudoing (译 ) (我们正在游泳)6. WhatareLucyandMikedoing (译 ) (他们正在跑步)7. Theyareplayingthepiano. ( 对划线部分提问 ) 8.

20、Whatisthecatdoing (答 ) (它正在吃意粉)9. Whatarethelionandtheduckdoing答 ) (它们正在唱歌)10. Janeiswashingdishes. ( 对划线部分提问 ) ' sapartytonight.(译) 12. (译) dotheysee ( 答 )14. Inthelivingroomafoxandasnakeareplayingtabletennis._ ( 祝你有个好假期 ) 在浴室里,一只河马正在洗澡 )(译)thekitchentherabbitiswashingthedishes. (译) ' sknocking ( 答 ) ( 一条大鳄鱼 )17. (译) (我正在读一本图画书)18. (译) (我正在骑马)句型练习 :一、连词成句1.and Sue reading are Tim.2. swimming thecat the is pool in .3. this we onholiday are year inEngland .4.I ' m park football playing in the5. they are what doing 二、将翻译与原句连线。' rev


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