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1、模拟试题(七)一、拼写单词找出以下内词中所缺的字母。(1) art stA. eB. iC. a(2) _ysicsA. phB. fC. v(3) hospit_A. 1B. IeC. al(4) grandfath_A. erB. irC. or(5) th_sandA. anB. ouC. ow(6) D_c_mberA. i;eB. ea;eC. e;e(7) r.bbishA. aB. oC. u(8) fact_yA. rB. orC. ar(9) thirt.nA. eeB. ieC. i(10) lunA. tchBchC. sh二、选择填空(11)fll arrive inh

2、our.A.BanC.不(12)Theygot to the moonspaceship.onB. atC.by(13)Maryhelps memy English.toB. forc.with(14)good boy he is!A. What aB. WhatHow(15)Liszt gave her someA. advicesB. adviceC. of advices(16)I can't work out themeA. think it overB. think itC. think of it(17)Can you tell me whereA. is the zooB

3、. the zooC. the zoo is(18)Englishin many schools in our country.A. is taughtB. taughtC. has taught(19)I don't want the badsmellsnothingA. terribleB. niceC.few(20)(21)(22)children(23)twice(24)(25)carefully(26)(27)(28)ourselves(29)In spring it getsA. warm and warmWe still haveA. a littleMostA. chi

4、ldB. moretime left.like to watch TV.February is theA. twoThewarmC. warmer and warmerB. a fewB. childsC.C.monthyear.B. secondof our school areA. buildingsYou must listenA. careThe girl* sveryin class.is good.A. pronunciationLi Mmg jumpsA. mosthighbeautiful.B. buildingB. carefulB. pronouncein his clas

5、s.B. the highestC.C. buildC.pronouncingC. highWe mustn* tthink only ofA. weB. usC.The story isveryinteresting时态填空A. interestB interestedC.(30)over my lessons at home every evening.A. have goneB. goC.went(31)Theyeach other since 1990.A. have knownB. knowC. will know(32)Sheher holidays with me next mo

6、nth.A. spendsB. will spendC.spend(33)Look!Theytrees on the hill.A. plantB. plantingC. areplanting(34) My mother the Party in 1985.A. joinedB. joinsC. wouldjoin四、汉译英65)中华人民共和国于1949年10月1日成立。A. The People1 s Republic of China was founded on October 1, 1919.B. People* s Republic of China is found Octobe

7、r 1,1949(36)我问李同志那些机械何时展出。A. I asked Comrade Li when those machines would be on show.B. I asked Li Comrade those machines when would be on show(37)你的父母对你们要求很严,是吗?A. Your parents are strict with you, aren't they?B. Your parents are strict in you, is he?(38)她成为医生以来已拯救r二十多人的生命。A. She saved more tha

8、n twenty peoples5 s lifes until she becomes a doctor.B. She has saved more than twenty people1 s lives since she became a doctor. (39)长城大约有6700千米长。A. The Great Wall has around 6, 700 kilometre long.B. The Great Wall is about 6,700 kilometres long.五、单词辨音在以下各组词中找出加点部份的读音与例词加点部份读音相同的词。(40) excitingA. m

9、edicineB. officeC. invite(41) gardenA. fingerB. GermanC. generalD.orange(42) trousersA. groupB. untouchedC. troubleD.ground(43) WednesdayA. heavenB. exhibitionC. rememberD.climb(44) desertA. insideB. disappearC. visitD. herself六、A.错误识别以下句中划线部份有一处是错误的,将错误部份找出。(45) Mr Li asked me to tell Liu Mei to go

10、 to the teachers* officesoon asshe would come back the next day.(47) Be quiet,(46) Who knows that the computers of tomorrow will be like?please. The baby has just gone to asleep.(48) To Dr Bethune , the most important thing was save the woundedsoldiers.ABD(49) I don't know when the play will put

11、 on at the theatre in our town.D(50) Mother told me to prepare my lessons and didn,t play football toooftenABD(51) Each one on the winning teams of the football match between thetwo classes was given a pair of sports shoes.(52) The boss of the shop was angrily at finding that nothing had been done.(

12、53) Take hold of my hand, and you will drop off the truck.ABC(54) The film had begun for fifteen minutes when I got to thecinema.ACDB.选择填空(55) It's rather cold, isn't it?Yes, I think so. You'd better your coat.A. put onB. take offC. get onD. set off(56) Come and us the table tennis match

13、 if you are freetomorrow.A. bring; toB. bring; inC. join; toD. join; in(57) Don t give must try toyour spirits.A. take upB. keep upC. catch upD.come up(58) what shall we with the problem?We must a careful study of it.A. do; makeB. make; doC. do; doD. make; make(59) Excuse me, may I your dictionary?S

14、orry, it's not here.D. renewA. borrowB. lendC. return(60) Hello! This is John. May I speak to Jim?Yes, A. I amB. you canC. speakingD. listening(61) does each stone weigh?About two and a half tons each.C. How heavyD. Howwho had broken into the house.C. talkD.A. How lightB. How muchA. sayB. speakt

15、ell(62) From those facts the judge was able to(63) The headmaster us to study hard at a meeting yesterday.A. called forB. called onC. asked forD. sent for(64) A new satellite has been to circle the earth.A. brought outB. sent upC. found outD. setoff七、阅读明白得依照短文意思,选择能回答所提出的问题或完成所给句子的最正确答案。Jane got hom

16、e late at night. She was going to knock at the door. Just then it opened.Her father was standing by the was a tall man with white hair.“Come in, “ he said. "I am getting cold.Jane went in. Her mother was waiting m the room. Her mother was a short woman in her early forties. She was wearing a ni

17、ghtdress(寝衣).Her father closed the door.“Well, “ he said, 44Where have you been? You promised to be home at eleven o'clock. It's one o' clock now.“It's only ten to one.“That doesn't make any difference, her father replied angrily."We've been very worried about you, “ sai

18、d her mother.“I'5 sorry, ” Jane said. "I was at a didn't notice the time.“you've got a watch, “ said her father. "Your mother and I have waited for a long time. We didn t know where you were.”“I can look after myself, ° replied Jane. "I'm not a baby any more.65) W

19、ho opened the door?A. Jane's mother.B. Jane? s father.C. Jane herself.D. The door itself.(66) When Jane got home, her parents ,A. were in bedB. turned on the lightC. were waiting for herD. did not get up(67) Jane promised to be home at eleven, A. but she was nearly two hours lateB. and she came

20、back before darkC. but she stayed out the whole nightD. and she returned on time(68) Why did Jane get home late?A. She had to walk a long way.B. She left her watch at home.C. Her watch stopped.D. Time passed before she knew it.(69) Which of the following is true?A. Jane's parents knew when she w

21、ould be back.B. Jane refused to apologize, so her parents were angry.C. Jane thought she was old enough to take care of herself.D. Jane's mother was as tall as her father.八、完形填空阅读下面短文,把握其大意,然后从每题所给的四个答案当选出一个最正确答案。One Sunday morning in 1959, a group of friends met for lunch after a (70) party the

22、 night before. They were pretending(假装)to watch TV, (71) most of them were half asleep. To (72) the others up, one of them (73) said, “I am going to(74)to fly. "The speaker was Sheila Scott. She was already over thirty and she had a son and two daughters. She had been a nurse in the Second Worl

23、d War;now she was (75) in films and the theatre, but she did not (76) very successful(成功的).She could not pass her driving (77). Her friends laughed. Sheila could not (78) a car; she would never be able to fly (79). What a joke(笑话)!(70) A. early B. short(71) A. butB. andor(72) A. putB. takewakeC. lat

24、eC. soC. getD. happyD.D.(73) A. bravelyB suddenlyC. onlyD. quickly(74) A. learnB. teachC. wantD.tell(75) A. studying B. makingC. waitingD. working(76) A. turnB. becomeC. feelD.get(77) A. subject B. testC. workD. businessride(78) A. buyB. driveC. sellD.(79) A. home planeB. a kiteC. highD. a九、词语糅义依照释义

25、选择正确的单词或词组。(80) go to see sb. or a placeA. visit B. take placeC. inventionD. everywhere(81) something inventedA. struggleB. everywhereC. take placeD. invention(82) at some time m the pastA. send forB. once upon a timeC. replyD. in no time(83) in every placeA. struggleB. everywhereC. take placeD. inv

26、ention(84) very soon (quickly)A. hear fromB. reply C. in no timeD. once upon a time(85) happenA. struggleB. everywhereC. take placeD. invention(86) fightA. struggleB. everywhereC. take placeD. invention(87) ask sb. to comeD. once upon a timeA. reply B. in no time C. send for(88) answerA. reply B. in

27、 no timeC. send forD. once upon a time(89) get a letter fromA. replyB. in no timeC. send forD. hear from十、句型转换按括号内的要求进行句型转换,每空填写一个单词。1. I have read today* s newspaper already.(改成否定句)I () read today* s newspaper ().2. She goes to school at six every morning.(改成一样疑问句)()she () to school at six every mo

28、rning?3. There are twelve months in a year.(对加点部份提问)()()months ()(in a year?4. This problem is very easy.(改成感叹句)()()this problem () !5. He was too young to go to school.(维持原意,用 s。that 改成更合句)He was () young () he () not go toschool.6. He said to her, “I will come and play with you."(改成间接引语)He to

29、ld her () () () go and play withher.7. We will open a new school in our village soon.(改J或被动i吾态)A new school ()()() in our villagesoon.十一、阅读明白得依照短文意思,在每题的空白处填写一个英语的词。单词的第一个字母已给出。It was Betty's birthday party. We were all enjoying ourselves very much. I had just helped myself to another cake when

30、Ted Rodney, the famous actor 寅员)entered the room.Immediately he found himself in the middle of a large number of women. Great Actors like to talk about themselves. Soon he was talking about his life, his films, his family, his friends, and his enemies.At the dinner table he was sitting next to a bea

31、utiful young girl. She wanted to tell him something about herself, but she never got a chance. He told her a lot of stories, and all the stories were about himself.At last, he stopped, looked at her, and said, “I mustn't talk about myself all the time. Tell me a little about yourself for a chanc

32、e. How did you like my latest) more than one cake.(1) . Before Ted Rodney came in, the writer had e(2) . At the party, all of them were very s().(3) . The young girl wanted to have a w() with the famous actor.(4) . The famous actor f() stopped talking because he knew he had talked toomuch about hims

33、elf.(5) . Ted Rodney asked the young girl a q(), but it was again about himself.参考答案一、(1). B(2). A(3). C(4). A(5). B(6). C(7). C(8). B(9). A(10). B、(11). B(12). C(13). C(14). A(15). B(16). A(17)c(18). A(19). A(20). C(21). A(22). C(23). B(24).A(25). C(26). A(27). B(28). C(29). C三、(30). B(31).A(32). B

34、(33), C(34). A四、(35). A(36).A(37). A(38), B(39), B五、(40). C(41).A(42). D(43). B(44). C六、A: (45). C(46). B (47). D (48). C (49). B (50). C(51). B(52). B (53). B (54), A(56), D (57). B (58). A (59). A (60). C(61). B (62). D(63). B(64). B七、(65) B(66) C(.67) A(68) D(69) C八(70).C(71). A(72). D(73). B(74)

35、. A(75) ,D(76) .C(77).B(78), B(79). D九、(80). A(81). D(82), B(83). B(84). C(85).C(86).A(87). C(88). A(89). D十、L ( haven* t )( yet )2. ( Does ) ( go )3. ( How ) ( many ) ( are ) ( there )4. ( How ) ( easy ) ( is )5. ( so ) ( that ) ( could )6. ( that ) ( he ) ( would )7. ( will ) ( be ) ( opened )(3).

36、 ( ord ).十一、(1). ( aten )(2). ( atisfied )(mally )(5). ( uestion )一、拼写单词找出以下现词中所缺的字母。(1) art_stA. eB. iC. 2(2)_ysicsA. phB. fC. v(3)hospit_A. 1B. IeC. al(4)grandfath_A. erB. irC. or(5)th_sandA. anB. ouC. ow(6)D_c_mberA. i;eB. ea;eC. e;e(7)r_bbishA. aB. oC. u(8)fact_yA. rB. orC. ar(9)thirt_nA. eeB. i

37、eC. i(10) lun.二、选择填空(11)填(12)by(13)with(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)A. tchB.chC. shI'11 arrive in _ hour.A. aB. anC.不They got to themoon spaceship.A. onB. atC.xy helps me my English.A. toB. forC. good boy he is!A. What aB. WhatC.HowLiszt gave her some A. advicesB. adviceC.of advicesI can,t work out t

38、he me A. think it overB. think itc.think of itCan you tell me where _0A. is the zooB. the zooc.the zoo isEnglish in manyschools in our country.A. is taughtB. taughtC. has taughtI don't want the bad smells nothing(20)(21)few(22)children(23)twice(24)(25)carefully(26)(27)(28)ourselvesA. terribleB.

39、niceC.In spring it getsA. warm and warmB. morewarmC. warmer and warmerWe still have time left.A. a littleB. a fewC.Most like to watch TV.A. childB. childsC.February is the month of a year.A. twoB. secondC.The of our school are very beautiful.A. buildingsB. buildingC. buildYou must listen in class.A.

40、 careB. carefulC.The girl* s is good.A. pronunciationB. pronounceC. pronouncingLi Mmg jumps in his class.A. most highB. the highest C. highWe mustn* t think only of .A. weB. usC.(29) The story is very .A. interest interestingB interested C.三、时态填空(30) I over my lessons at home every evening.A. have g

41、one wentB. goC.(31) Theyeach other since 1990.A. have knownB. knowC. will know(32) She her holidays with me next month.A. spendsspendB. will spendC.(33) Look!They trees on the hill.C. areA. plantB. plantingplanting(34) My mother the Party m 1985.A. joinedB. joinsC. wouldjoin四、汉译英(35)中华人民共和国于1949年10月

42、1日成立。A. The People* s Republic of China was founded on October 1,1949.B. People* s Republic of China is found October 1,1949(36)我问李同志那些机械何时展出。A. I asked Comrade Li when those machines would be on show.B. I asked Li Comrade those machines when would be on show(37)你的父母对你们要求很严,是吗?A. Your parents are st

43、rict with you, aren't they?B. Your parents are strict in you, is he? (38)她成为医生以来已拯救r二十多人的生命。A. She saved more than twenty peoples5 s lifes until she becomes a doctor.B. She has saved more than twenty people* s lives since she became a doctor. (39)长城大约有6700千米长。A. The Great Wall has around 6, 700

44、kilometre long.B. The Great Wall is about 6,700 kilometres long.五、单词辨音在以下各组词中找出加点部份的读音与例词加点部份读音相同的词。(40) excitingA. medicineB. officeC. invite(41) gardenA. fingerB GermanC. generalD.orange(42) trousersA. groupB. untouchedC. troubleD.ground(43) WednesdayclimbA. heavenB. exhibitionC. remember D.(44) d

45、esertA. insideB. disappearC. visitD. herself六、A.错误识别以下句中划线部份有一处是错误的,将错误部份找出。(45) Mr Li asked me to tell Liu Mei to go to the teachers* office assoon as she would come back the next day.46) Whoknows that thecomputers of tomorrow will be like?(47) Bequiet, please.The baby has just gone to asleep.(48)

46、To Dr Bethune , the most important thing was save the wounded soldiers.(49) I don't know when the play will put on at the theatre in our town.(50) Mother told me to prepare my lessons and didn't play football too often(51) Each one on the winning teams of the football match between thetwo cl

47、asses was given a pair of sports shoes.(52) The boss of the shop was angrily at finding that nothing had been done. ABCD(53) Take hold of my hand, and you will drop off the truck.BCD(54) The film had begun for fifteen minutes when I got to the cinema.ABCDB.选择填空(55) It's rather cold, isn't it

48、?Yes, I think so. You* d better your coat.A. put onB. take offC. get onD. set off(56) Come and us the table tennis match if you are free tomorrow.A. bring; toB. bring; inC. join; toD. join; in(57)Don* t give must try toyour spirits.A. take upB. keep upC.catch upD.come up(58)what shall wewith the pro

49、blem?We musta careful study of it.A. do; makeB. make; doC.do; doD. make; make(59)Excuse me, may Iyour dictionary?(60)(61)(62)(63)Sorry, it's not here.A. borrowB. lendC.returnD. renewHello! This is John. May I speak to Jim?Yes,A. I amB. you canC. speakingD. listeningdoes each stone weigh?About tw

50、o and a half tons each.A. How lightB. How muchC. How heavyD. HowFrom those facts the judge was able towho had broken intothe house.A. sayB. speakC. talkD. tellThe headmasterus to study hard at a meeting yesterday.C. asked forD. sent forA. called forB. called on(64) A new satellite has been to circle the earth.A. brought outB. sent upC. found outD. setoff七、阅读明白得依照短文意思,选择能回答所提出的问题或完成所给句子的最正确答案。Jane got home late at night. She was going to knock at the door. Just then it opened.Her father was standing by the was a tall man with white hair.“Come in, “ he said.


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