



1、资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除巧记跟不定式和动名词做宾语和宾补的动词用法一接动词不定式做宾语的动词记忆口诀一:三个希望两答应,( wish , hope , want , expect , agree, promise)两个要求莫拒绝,(ask, demand. refuse)设法学会做决定,(manage , learn , decide,determine )不要假装在选择(pretend, choose )记忆口诀二:打算 (intend)计划 (plan) 和期盼 (expect/desire)假装 (pretend)喜欢 (would like/love/prefer)表祝愿

2、 (wish)决定 (decide) 同意 (agree) 来帮助 (help)设法 (manage)说服 (persuade) 不拒绝 (refuse)好像 (seem/appear) 答应 (promise) 做努力 (attempt)选择 (choose) 询问 (ask) 多学习 (learn)告诉 (tell)失败 (fail)也付得起 (afford)二接动词ing 做宾语的动词和动词短语记忆口诀一:考虑( consider )完成( finish)多练习( practise)避免( avoid )冒险( risk )求建议( suggest/recoomend )面对( face

3、 )喜欢( enjoy/appreciate)和介意 (mind)允许( allow )承认( admit/permit)或放弃 (give up/abandon)推迟( put off/delay/postphone)逃避(escape)不原谅(excuse/pardon )提及( mention )坚持 (keep/insist on)要想象( imagine/fancy)还有词组 feel like和 cant stand !记忆口诀二: Mrs p.black missed a beef bag.Mind, risk,regret,suggest,be busy,lookforward

4、sto,avoid,canthelp,keep, miss,imagine,insiston, stop,scceed in ,enjoy,delay,allow,be worth, excuse, escape, finish,be used to,admit, give up 记忆口诀三; megafeps 霉咖啡不吃记忆口诀四; make a fit speech(三)在动词 remember, try,regret,forget,need/want/require,stop,mean等后跟动名词 V- 和不定式意义不同,巧记一句话(记住努力;后悔忘记;需要停止;很有意义),学习采用对比

5、法:word 可编辑资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除remember to do something记着去做某事(现在还没有做)remember doing something记着曾做过某事(以前做过某事)try to do something努力、尽力做某事try doing something试着做某事(看能否达到预期的结果)stop to do something开始做某事(停下正在做的事,开始做另一事)stop doing something停止做某事(停止正在做的事)regret to do something对将来做的事感到遗憾、惋惜regret doing somethin

6、g对已经做过的事感到后悔mean to do something打算 , 想,意图mean doing something意味着want/require/need to be done某事需要做want/require/needdoing 某事需要做 ( 这时动名词和主语之间有动宾关系,如: The room needs cleaning/needs to be cleaned)cant help to do sth.不能帮助做某事cant help doing sth.禁不住做某事动词接不定式和动名词意思一样双方一旦开始(begin, start ) ,无论喜欢与否(like, prefer

7、, hate , dislike)都 要 继 续 下 去 ( continue ), 都 不 能 打 算 忽 视 开 始 的 爱 ( intend, attempt, propose, neglect,commence, love )(四)请牢记在下列固定句式中,动词用V-ing 式:There is no point arguing further.再争辩下去没有意义。It is no good doing that.那样做没有用。It is no use telling his father about it.告诉他父亲那件事没用。 小试牛刀 1. The boy decided _in

8、Shanghai, which made his father a little surprised.A. not to workB. to not workC. not workingD.working not2.Would you mind _ the door? Of course not.A. I openingB. me to openC. for me to openD. my opening3. As you know, here, missing a bus means _ for another hour.A. waitingB. to waitC. waitD. to be

9、 waiting4. She _ going out for a walk, but I d rather stay at home watching TV.A. wantedB. askedC. hopedD. suggested5. Sorry. We don t allow _ here.A. smokingB. having smokedC. to smokeD. to be smokedword 可编辑资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除6. In winter, many animals manage _ without eating for many months.A. to

10、liveB. to have livedC. having livedD. living7. My father insisted _ although we were very tired.A. walk homeB. to walk homeC. on walking homeD. in walking home8After he had worked several hours, he stopped _ a cup of coffee to refresh himselfA to drinkB drinkingC drinkD drank9Although swimming is hi

11、s favorite sport, yet he doesnt like _ todayA to swimBswimmingC swimD to have swim10 I regret _ you that the sports meet has been put offA tellingBto tellC tellD told11 She desires not _ for an hour A disturbB to be disturbC to be disturbedD to have disturbed一不定式做宾补记忆口诀;劝教命请叫,允许又警告advise , teach , o

12、rder, command,ask, tell,allow,permit ,warn二、使役动词与to 的省略当不定式用于let, make, have 等使役动词后作宾语补足语,不定式必须省略to 。 如:Let me have another cup of tea. 给我再来一杯茶。She had him dig away the snow. 她让他把雪挖走。They made him tell them everything. 他们强迫他把一切全告诉他们。但是, 当使役动词用于被动语态时,其后的不定式则必须要带to。 如:他被迫一天工作20小时。误: He was made work t

13、wenty hours a day.正: He was made to work twenty hours a day.注意,表示使役意义的let 和 have 很少用于被动语态。另外注意, force, oblige 等虽然也表示“使 ”,但它们后用作宾语补足语的不定式必须带to。如:They forced her to sign the paper. 他们强迫她在文件上签字。The law obliged parents to send their children to school.法律要求父母送子女上学。二、感觉动词与to 的省略当不定式用于表示感觉的动词feel, hear, no

14、tice, observe, see, watch, look at, listen to等作宾语补足语时,不定式必须省略to 。如:We all felt the house shake. 我们都感觉这房子在震动。I heard him go down the stairs. 我听见他下楼了。Did you notice her leave the house? 她离开屋子你注意到了吗?I watched her get into the car. 我看着她上了车。但是, 当 feel 后用作宾语补足语的不定式为to be 时,则不能省略to 。如:They all felt the pla

15、n to be unwise. 他们都认为这个计划不明智。注意, 当这些动词变为被动语态时,不定式前的to 不能省略。 如:They were heard to break a glass in the next door. 听见他们在隔壁打破了一个玻璃杯子。另外,若用作宾语补足语的不定式为完成式,则通常应带to。如:I noticed her to have come early. 我注意到她来得很早。word 可编辑资料收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除三、介词except / but与 to 的省略当不定式用作介词except 或 except 的宾语时, 该不定式有时带to ,有时不带

16、to,情形比较复杂,大致原则是:其前有do,不定式不带to ;其前没有do,不定式通常带to。如:He likes nothing except to watch TV. 除了看电视外,他什么都不喜欢。It had no effect except to make him angry. 除惹他生气外,没产生任何效果。There s little we can do except wait除.了等待我们没有什么办法。I could do nothing except agree. 我除了同意,没有别的办法。四、 help 与 to 的省略当动词 help 后跟一个不定式用作宾语或宾语补足语时,不

17、定式可以不带to,也可以不带 to 。如: Can you help (to) carry this table upstairs? 你能帮忙把桌子搬到楼上去吗?I have lost my watch. Will you help me (to) look for it?我把表丢了,你能不能帮我找一下?但是,当help 用于被动语态时,其后不定式必须带to。 如:Millie was helped to overcome her fear of flying.米利被帮助克服了她的飞行恐惧。另外, 当不定式为否定式时,其中的to 通常不宜省略。如:How can I help my child

18、ren not to worry about their exams? 我怎样才能帮助我的孩子们不为他们的考试着急呢 ?记忆口诀 ; 一二三四半,一感,二听,三让,四看,半帮助,五、固定搭配与 to 的省略1、 Why not.? = Why don't you.?习惯上接动词原形,不能接带to 不定式或现在分词,主要用于表示同意、赞成、劝诱等,其意为“为什么不呢”。如:Why not go with him? = Why don't you go with him?为什么不和他一起去呢?2、 had better. ,最好做某事,如:You had better stay h

19、ere. 你最好呆在这里。3、 “ would rather+动词原形 ”意为“宁愿做某事”。如:We d rather stay at home我.们宁愿呆在家里。I would rather not tell him.我宁愿不告诉他。4 、 prefer+ 不定式 +rather than+ 动词原形,其意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做另一事”。如:I prefer to walk there rather than go by bus.我宁愿走着去,而不愿坐公共汽车去。He prefers to read rather than watch television.他喜欢读书而不喜欢看电视。但,

20、prefer+ 动名词 +to+ 动名词,其意为“宁愿做某事而不愿做另一事”。如:He prefers swimming to riding as a sport. 作为一项运动项目,他更喜欢游泳而不是骑马。注:这类结构的prefer 前有时也可用would, should 等。如:We would prefer playing outdoors to watching television. 我们宁愿在外面玩而不愿看电视常见的接 ing 做宾语,不定式做宾补的词A Fus capadvise , forbid,understand,suppose,consider, allow, permi

21、t跟动词不定式和动名词作宾语的练习题. 用所给动词的适当形式填空:1. We have planned _(make) a school radio programme.2. Do you know when_ (start) the party?3. I find it very interesting _(talk) with foreigners.4. Shesthinking about _(make)a phone call to her parents.5. What bad weather ! I hate _(go ) out on cloudy days.word 可编辑资料

22、收集于网络,如有侵权请联系网站删除6. Do you really enjoy _(play) the violin every day.7. My parents asked me _(do) my homework on time.8. Im really sorry . I forgot _(close) the door before I left.9.I didn twant my parents _(worry) about me , but Im afraid _(stay)athome alone.10. I hate to hear people _(talk) loudly

23、 in public.11. Betty , we need _(make) a plan.12. Please remember _(post) the letter for the old man.13. Stop _(chat), everyone. Our English teacher is coming.14. He hates_(cook) meals . He enjoys _(have)lunch in the restaurant.15. It started_(rain) when we were walking in the street last Sunday. 选择

24、。1. “Have you finished_ your composition ? ” “Not yet.”A. writeB. writes C. was writingD. writing2.Remember _the letter to me .A. sendingB. sendsC. to sendD. send3.English is important to us . We should try _ it hard.A. studyB. studiesC. studiesD. to study4.Thank you for _ to my speech.A. listenB. listensC. listeningD. listened.5.Can you help me _ the bag to my father.A. giveB. to giveC. givingD. A and B.6.Keep _hard , and I think you llsucceed someday.A. to studyB. studyingC. studiesD. studys7.You look tired. Youd better stop_ a rest.A. have B. hasC. havin


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