



1、Unit14Hopes and Fantasies For the ChildrenDialogue说课一、Objectives1.Language knowledge语言知识:a.掌握单词:magic, stick (三会)b掌握短语:become very tall, fly like the Monkey King, fly in the blue sky, get a magic stick, fly home,finish my homeworkc.句型:I wish I could2.Language skill语言技能:a能在有意义的语境进一步巩固用wish表达愿望和理想的学习b

2、. 能理解课文大意,并能较流利地朗读课文。3.Affect 情感态度:鼓励学生充分发挥想象力,感受学习英语的乐趣。4.Learning Strategies学习策略:通过直观的画面,较快地理解所学的新短语二、Language focused 1、能掌握“三会”单词:magic, stick2 、学习短语: become very tall, fly like the Monkey King,3、进一步学习句型I wish I could的用法三、Difficult point 1、单词magic的发音2、句子I wish I could have a lot of fun with a mag

3、ic stick like that.的流利地朗读四、教学媒体:课件、图片、卡片五、前置性学习:1、写几句话,描述所认识的Monkey King2、准备一张心愿卡教学过程一、Warming up1、Lets chant.2、Free talk.二、Presentation&Practice1、PPT出现Monkey King并提问Who is he? What is it?(指着孙悟空手里的金箍棒)并学习新单词magic ,stick及句型I wish I could get a magic stick, I wish I could have a lot of fun with a

4、magic stick like that.2、播放动画片西游记片段,播放完学习句型Its time for sb to do sth now.并让学生造句。然后让小组拿出课前描述Monkey King的练习纸讨论,汇总。3、汇报时,当学生说到孙悟空飞翔时,PPT就出现飞翔的场面并提问Do you wish you could fly like the Monkey King/ fly in the blue sky?再渗透学习fly like the bird, swim like the fish.4、汇报时,当说到孙悟空变高大时,PPT就呈现此画面时并问What is he doing?

5、 Do you wish you could become very tall /short/ big/ small?6、Game: If teacher read the phrase is right, you can read follow me. If teacher read the phrase is wrong , you must stand up and then read correct.(目的操练板书中的短语)三、Consolidation and Development1、Listen to the dialogue and mark out the sentences

6、 with “ I wish”并学习短语fly home,finish my homework2、Look at the dialogue and answer the questions.3、checkup the answers 4、Read the dialogue after teacher and then read in the whole class.5、Write your wishes on your card and stick on the wish tree.四、Summary提问学生今天所学习的新知识.五、 Homework1、Copy the new words o

7、f unit 14.2、Read and recite the new words and the dialogue of unit 14.板书Unit 14 Hopes and Fantasies For the Children magic get a magic stickStick I wish I could have a lot of fun with a magic stick like thatfly like the Monkey Kingfly in the blue skybecome very tallfly homefinish my homeworkIts time

8、 for sb to do sth now. 反思 1. 教学目标明确,重难点突出,完成教学任务,达到预定的教学目标。2. 教学形式多样,恰当地运用多媒体进行教学,课堂气氛活跃,学生学习的积极性高。3. 能用英语组织教学,教态大方,教学流程清晰流畅,课堂教学容量和难度适合本班的学生水平。4. 学生参与活动积极性高,注重语言运用,体现任务型语言教学思路。5. 通过本课学习,学生能运用I wish I could. I hope I can.的句型描述个人的愿望,完成制作心愿卡的任务。6. 教师引导学生掌握不同的句型,引入自然,创设情景,生动有趣,课堂运用了激励评价机制,学习效果较好。建议:1.应创设大量的图片,让学生更容易说句型Its time for sb to do sth now. 2. Listen to the dialogue and ma


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