



1、 新概念1A复习资料英语国际音标表(48个) 元音(20个)长元音 /:/ /:/ :/i:/ /u:/短元音/ / / / /e/æ/ 双元音 /e/ /a/ / /e / /a/ 辅音(28个)轻辅音/p/ t/ k/f/s/浊辅音/b/d/ /g/v/ð/ /z/ 轻辅音/ h/ts/t/tr/ 浊辅音/ r/ /dz/ /d/dr/ 鼻音/m/n/ /  半元音/ j/ w/边音/ / 语法知识一

2、人称代词第一人称单数 I me my mine第一人称复数 we us our ours第二人称单/复数 you you your yours 第三人称单数 he him his his she her her hers it it its its第三人称复数 they them their theirs1. 主格做_.一般放在_.Im a student. It is a bird. She is a teacher. You look nice. They are friends. 人称代词语序:几个人称代词并列做主语时,顺序为: 单数形式(二,三,一) 如: you ,he and I.

3、 复数形式 (一,二,三) we, you and they._ are playing cards in the garden.A. She , you and I B. You, she and I C. I, you and she. _ are Japanese.A You ,we and they B They,we and you C We, you and they.2. 宾格做_. 一般放在_和_后面。I give him a book. He loves me. They call us every day.We clean it every morning. She tea

4、ches us English. Look at me. Listen to her 二 名词所有格1. 表示两者之间的“所属”关系,有两种表现形式,一种是s所有格,另一种是of所有格 Beijing is Chinas capital. = Beijing is the capital of China.2. 用 and连接来两个并列名词,表示共同拥有,在最后一个名词后面加s This is Mary and her sisters bedroom. This is Stella and her brothers bike.3. 用 and 连接两个并列名词,表示分别拥有各自的物品,两个名词

5、都要加s These are Leals and Zaks handbags.4. 以s结尾的名词,变成所有格时在后面加“”,不以s结尾的直接加“s” She is the two boys mother. This is Stellas photo. Childrens day Teachers Day 5 of形式的所有格 The door of the room He is a friend of mine. He is a friend of my brothers.三 特殊疑问句引导词what什么答事物, who问谁来答人名, whose谁的表归属 what color问颜色 wha

6、ts job问工作when问时间答时间, where 在哪答地点,which哪一任你选, how身体健康 What nationality问国籍Whats the matter.?问健康四 冠词 冠词有三个,不定冠词 a/an, 定冠词 the 冠词用在名词的前面。1.a/an表示一个,用于修饰可数名词单数, an用在元音开头的单词前,a 用于以辅音开头的单词前面。_ interesting book _ hat _ umbrella _keyboard operator _ customs officers_ ant _ ice cream man _ orange _ hour _ ele

7、phant2. the 指_事物 the moon the sun the earth 指_ Open the door. Give the pencil. 指_人或者事物 There is a book. The book is mine.五 不定代词 some 与 any 1. some和any都可以修饰_,以及_. 表示 一些 Do you have any water/bananas? Would you like some tea/bananas? 2 some用于肯定句以及表示建议,请求期望并得到对方肯定回答的疑问句时候,多用someThere are some students

8、in the classroom. 3. any一般用于_与_Are there any pigs in the house? No, there arent any pigs in the house.六 名词复数 可数名词的复数变化形式 1. 一般情况下直接加_, desk _ student-_ 2. 以_结尾的词,加_, bus- _ fox-_ dish-_ peach-_ 3. 以_字母加y结尾的,直接加_ boy -_ key-_ 4.以_字母加y结尾的,把_再加_baby-_ fly-_ 5 以_或者_结尾的,把_或者_改成_,再加_.leaf-_ knife-_ 6 以o结尾

9、的直接加_,zoo-_ photo-_ kangaroo-_ piano-_ 7. 以o结尾的加_, potato-_ tomato-_ 注意: mango 两者皆可 8 特殊变化 man,woman, _变_. _. man-_ woman-_ man doctor-_ woman teacher-_ 孩子们都是_ . child-_. goose, foot, tooth,_变_. goose- _ foot-_ tooth-_ fish, deer, sheep, _ fish _ deer-_ sheep-_ mouse-mice this-_ that-_七 be动词1. I(我)用

10、am, you(你)用am, is跟着 he(他),she(她), it(它),其他复数都用are 变疑问,往前提,句末问号莫丢弃, 变否定,更容易,be后not莫忘记。他们是朋友。 (肯定句)_. (否定句)_. (疑问句)_.2. There be表示存在有,我们告诉别人某人某事存在(或者不存在)常用这种结构。河上有一些船 。 _.3. There be和 Here be句型 be动词的变化要遵循_原则There _ a teacher and some students in the classroom.There _ some students and a teacher in the

11、 classroom.Here _ your money and your passports. Here _ your passports and your money . 4. 按要求改写句子:有一个空瓶子在桌子上:(肯定句)_. (疑问句)_. (否定句)_.有一些船在河上。 (肯定句)_. (疑问句)_. (否定句)_.八 祈使句祈使句表示请求,命令,建议等等,谓语动词一律用_,句子通常不用主语,句末用叹号或者句号,用降调。1. 肯定祈使句 Be careful. Open the door. (Lesson 29)2. 否定祈使句 直接在前面加_或者是never. 不要跑!_ 不要迟

12、到_.3. 用客气的语气表示祈使句,可以在句首或者末尾加上please,但是如果在句尾加please,那在please之前要加一个逗号. Please stand up. Sit down, please.改写下列祈使句:It's hot and the windows are shut._.The kitchen floor is dirty._.The dressing table is dusty._.The bedroom carpet is dirty._.The bathroom is untidy._.The cup is empty._.There is some ba

13、d milk in a bottle._.The knives on the desk are blunt._.九 现在进行时态1. 定义: 现在进行时态表示现在正在进行的动作或者存在的状态.它的标志性的单词有 (见下面黑体单词)2. 构成: 肯定句 : _+_+_. She is dancing now. 否定句: _+_+_+_. Listen, they're not singing. 疑问句: _+_+_? Look, is the cat eating fishing at the moment? 看, 他正在扫地. 3. 动词加ing,我们称之为 动词变成ing的形式有 直

14、接加open-_ dust-_ empty-_sharpen-_ _.make-_ dance-_ give-_ take-_ close-_辅+单元+辅,_再加_.run-_ sit-_ begin-_ put-_ Give me that glass. (变成同义句)_. Give your money to me.(变成同义句)_. 1. the same _ different _ We have _ teachers. We have _ teacher. 单词:职业类单词: 1.policeman 2.policewoman 3.taxi driver 4.air hostess

15、5.postman 6.nurse 7.mechanic 8.hairdresser 9.housewife 10.milkman 11.keyboard operator 12 .customs officer 13 .office assistant 14.sales-rep 15. ice cream manWhats your/his/her job? Im/Hes/ Shes a/an_-.What are their jobs? Theyre _.What do you/they do? Were/ Theyre _.What does he/she do? Hes/ Shes a

16、/an _形容词: 1. big - small 2. large -little 3 open -closed /shut 4 heavy-light 5short-long/tall 6 old-young/new 7 clean-dirty 8 hot-cold 9 fat-thin 10 empty-full 11 sharp-blunt 12 busy-free 13 lazy-hard working 14 lovely 15. thirsty 物品类单词:1. umbrella 2.coat 3.ticket suit 4.pen 5.pencil 6. book 7.watch

17、 8.dress 9.skirt 10. shirt 11.car 12. house 13.blouse 14.tie 15.passport 16. ice cream 17box 18 glass 19 cup 20. bottle 21 tin 22.knife 23.fork 24.spoon 25.shelf 26.desk 27. table 28.plate 29.cupboard 30.cigarette 31. television 32 .floor 33. dressing table 34.magazine 35 .bed 36. newspaper 37. ster

18、eo refrigerator 38.electric cooker 39.window 40.door 41.armchair 42.picture 43.wall 44.trousers 45.wardrobe 46.basket 47.bone 48.milk 49. tap 50.tooth 51.aeroplane 52.photograph 53 carpet 54 dog 55. shoe家庭成员类单词:1. grandfather 2.grandmother 3.mother 4. father 5. sister 6.brother 7. son 8. daughter颜色类

19、单词: 1. red 2. green 3. yellow 4. blue 5. purple 6.orange 7.brown 8.black 9. grey 10. pink 11 whiteWhat colour is it? /the _? Its _. What colour are they? these/those _? Theyre _.国家以及国籍类单词: 1.China-Chinese 2.Japan-Japanese 3.America-American 4.Korea-Korean 5.Russia-Russian 6.Italy-Italian 7.France-French 8.Germany-German 9. Norway-Norwegian 10.Sweden-Swedish 11. England-English 12. Holland-Dutch 车牌: 1. Mercedes 2. Volvo 3. Mini 4. Toyota 5. Daewoo 6. Fiat 7. Ford 8. PeugeotWhat make is it? Its a/an _.动词以及动词词组: 1.see 2.look at 3.catch e 5


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