1、英语级真题附详细答 案卷文档编制序号:(KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT68812016年6月英语四级真题第三套(文字版整理)Part I Writing (30 IninUteS)DireCtions: FOr this part, you are allowed 30 minutes toWrite a letter to express your thanks to One Of your friendsWhO helped you most When you Were in difficultyYou ShOUldWrite at IeaSt 120 WO
2、rdS but no more than 180 WOrdSPart III Reading COmPrehens ion (40 IninUt es)SeCtiOn ASignS barring Cell-PhOne USe are a familiar Sight to anyoneWhO has ever Sat in a hospital Waiting room. BUtthe(26)POPUIarity Of elect:TOniC medical records has forcedhospital-based doctors to become(27)On COmPUterst
3、hroughout the day, and desktops-which keep doctors from besidesare(28)giving Way to WireIeSS devicesAS CleriCaI IOadS increased, ZZSOmething had to(29),and that WaS always face time With patients, " SayS Dr. Bhakti Patel, a former Chief resident in the UniVerSity Of ChiCago' S internal-medi
4、cine PrOgrain In fall 2010, She helped(30)aPiIOt PrOjeCt in ChiCagO to See if the iPad COUICl improve WOrking COnditions and Patient Care The experiment WaS SO(31) that all internal-medicine PrOgrain adopted theSame(32)In 2011. MediCaI SChOOIS at YaIe and StanfOrd now have PaPerIess, iPad-based CUrr
5、iCUlUmS "You'11 Want an iPad just SO you Can Wear this" is the SlOgan for One Of the new IabCOatS(33)With Iarge POCketS to accommodate tabletCOmPUterSA StUdy Of the UniVerSity Of ChiCagO IPad PrOjeCt foundthat PatientS got tests and(34) faster if they Were Caredfor by iPad-equipped res
6、idents .Many Patients also(35) abetter UnderStanding Of the illnesses that IandeCI them in the hospital in the first PIaCeA. dependentB. designedC. fastD. flyingE. gainedF. giveG growingH. IaUIlChI. POliCyJ. PrOSPeCtK. ratherL reliableL SignaIN.SUCCeSSfUIO. treatmentsSeCtion BAnCient Greek WiSdOm In
7、SPireS GUideIineS to GOOd Life.A IS it POSSibIe to enjoy a PeaCefUI Iife in a WOrld that is increasingly ChalIengeCl by threats and UnCertaintieS from wars, terrorism, economic CriSeS and a WideSPreael OUtbreak Of infectious diseases The answer is yes, according to a new book The 10 GOlden RUIeS: An
8、Cient WiSdOnI from the Greek PhilOSOPherS On LiVing a GOOd Life The book is co-authored by LOng ISIand UniVersity, S PhiIOSOPhy PrOfeSSOr MiChaeI SOUPiOS and economics PrOfeSSOr PanOS MOUrdOUkOUtas.B The WiSdOm Of the ancient Greek PhiIOSOPherS is timeless, SayS SOUPiOS The PhiIOSOPhy PrOfeSSOr SayS
9、 it is as relevant today as When it WaS first Written many CentUrieS ago. "There is no expiration(失效)date On wisdom, , he SayS "There is no SheIf Iife On intelligence I think that things have become Very gloomy these day, IOtS Of IniSUnderStandingJ misleading cues, a IOt Of What the ancien
10、ts WOUIeI have CalIed SOPhiStry(诡 辩) The nice thing about ancient PhiIOSOPhy as Offered by the GreekS is that they tended to See Iife CIear and whole, in a Way that We tend not to See Iife today."EXanIine your IifeC SOUPies, along With his coauthor PanOS Mourcloukoutas, developed their 10 golde
11、n rules by turning to the men behind that PhiIOSOPhy-AriStOtie, Socrates, EPiCtetUS and Pythagoras, among OtherS The first rule-examine your lifeis the COnlmOn thread that runs through the entire book SOUPiOS SayS that it is based On Plato' S ObSerVatiOn that the UneXaInined Iife is not WOrth Ii
12、Ving "The Greek are always COnCerned about boxing themselves in, in terms Of COnViCtiOnS (信念)," he SayS"So take a SteP back, SWitCh Off the automatic PiIOt and actually StOP and reflect about things Iike OUr PriOrities, OUr values, and OUr relationships"StOP WOrrying about What y
13、ou Can not COntrol-D AS We begin to examine OUr life, SOUPiOS says, We COme to RUIe NO2: WOrry Only about things that you Can COntrO1. "The IndiVidUaI WhO PrOmOted this idea WaS a StOiC PhilOSOPher HiS name is EPiCtetus, "he SayS" And What the StOiCS Say in general is SimPIy this Ther
14、e IS a Iarger PIarl in Iife YOU are not really going to be able to UnderStand all Of the dimerisions Of this PIan. YOU are not going to be able to COntrOI the dimensions Of this PIar."LESo, SOUPiOS explains, It IS not WOrth it to WaSte OUrphysical, intellectual and SPiritUaI energy WOrrying abo
15、ut things that are beyond OUr COntrO 1"I Can not COrltrol Whether Or not I Wind UP getting the CIiSeaSe SWine flu, for example" He SayS I Inearb there are SOme CaUtiOUS StePS I Can take, but UItimately I Can not guarantee myself that SO What EPiCtetUS WOUld Say is Sitting at home WOrrying
16、about that WOUld be WrOng and WaSterful and irrational. YOU ShOUld IiVe your Iife attempting to identify and COntrOI those things WhiCh you Can genuinely COntrol."Seek true PIeaSUre-FTo have a meaningful, happy Iife We need friends BUt according to AriStOtle-a StUdent Of PIatO and teacher Of AI
17、eXander the Great-most relationships don,t QUaIify as true friendships "Just because I have a business relationship With an individual and I Can PrOfit from that relationship, it does not necessarily mean that this PerSOn IS my friend"SOUPiOS SayS "Real friendship is When two individu
18、als Share the Same SOUL It is a beautiful and UnCharaCteriStiCalIy POCtic image that AriStotle OfferS"-GIn OUr PUrSUit Of the good life, he SaySJ it is important to Seek OUt true PIeaSUreS-advice WhiCh WaS OriginalIy Offered by EPiCUrUS BUt Unlike the modern definition Of EPiCUreaniSnI as a Iif
19、e Of indulgence (放纵)and luxury, for the ancient Greeks, it meant finding a State Of CalinJ PeaCe and mental CaSe.H"This WaS the highest and most desirable form Of PIeaSUre and happiness for the ancient EPiCUreanS"SOUPiOS SayS"This is SOmething that is Very much WelI WOrth COnSidering
20、here In the modern era I do not think that We SPend nearly enough time trying to COnCentrate on achieving a SOrt Of calmness, a SOrt Of COntentment in mental and SPiritual, WhiCh WaS identified by these PeOPIe as the gighest form Of happiness and PIeaSUre"DO good to OtherS-IOther golden rules C
21、OUnSeI US to master OUrSelVeSJ to avoid excess and not to be a p:TOSPeroUS (发迹的)fool. There are also rules dealing With interpersonal relationships Be a responsible human being and do IlOt do evil things to OthersLJl ,This IS Hesiod, Of course, a younger COntemPOrary POet, We believe, With Homer, &q
22、uot; SOUPiOS SayS "Hesiod OfferS an idea- WhiCh you Very Often find in SOme Of the WOrer S great religions, in the JUdeO-ChriStian tradition and in ISIain an OtherS-that In SOme sense, Wherl you hurt another human being, you hurt yourself That damaging Other PeOPIe in your COnlmUnity and in you
23、r life, trashing relationships, results in a kind Of selfinflic ted(自 己招致的)spiritual wound.K Instead, SOUPiOS SaySJ ancient WiSClOm UrgeS US to do good.GOIden RUIe No. 10 for a good Iife is that kindness toward OtherS tends to be rewardedL "This IS Aesop, the fabulist (寓言家),the man Of these Cha
24、rming Iittie tales, Often told in terms Of animals and animal relationships"He SayS "I think What AeSOP WaS SUggeSting is that When you Offer a good turn to another human being One Can hope that that good deed WilI COme back and SOrt Of Pay a PrOfit to you, the doer Of the good deed EVen i
25、f there IS no COnCrete benefit Paid In response to you good deed At the Very least, the doer Of the good deed has the OPPOrtUnity to enjoy a kind Of SPiritUalIy enlightened moment"MSoupios Say following the 10 GOlden RUIeS based On ancient WiSdOnl Can guide US to the Path Of the good Iife Where
26、 We StOP IiVing as OllIOOkerS and become engaged and happier human beings And that, he notes, IS a Iife WOrth IiVing36. ACCOrcIing to an ancient Greek philosopher, it isImPOSSibIe for US to Under'stand every aspect Of OUr Iife37. AnCient PhiIOSOPherS SaW Iife in a different Iight from PeOPIe Of
27、today.38. Not all your business Partners are your SOUI mates.49. We Can IiVe a PeaCefUI Iife despite the VariOUS ChalIengeS Of the modern WOrICl40. The doer Of a good deed Can feel SPiritUalIy rewarded even When they gain no COnCrete benefits41. HOW to achieve meatai CaImneSS and COntentment is WelI
28、 WOrth OUr COnSideratiOn today42. MiChaeI SOUPiOS SUggeSts that We ShOUld StOP and think CarefUlIy about OUr PriOrities in Iife43. AnCient PhiIOSOPherS StrOngIy advise that We do good44. The WiSe teachings Of ancient Greek thinkers are timeless, and are applicable to COntemPOrary Iife45. DO harm to
29、OtherS and you do harm to yourselfSeetion CPassage OneAttitUdeS toward new technologies Often along generational IineS That is, generally, younger PeOPIe tend to OUtnUmber Older PeOPIe On the front end Of a technological Shift.It is not always the case, though Whell you IOOk at attitudes toWard Clri
30、VerIeSS cars, there doesn't Seein to be a CIear generational divide The PUbIiC OVeralI is SPIIt OnWhether they'd Iike to USe a ClriVerIeSS Car In a StUdy IaSt year, Of all PeOPIe SUrVeyedJ 48 PerCent Said they Wanted to ride in one, WhiIe 50 PerCent did notThe face that attitudes toward self
31、-driving CarS appear to be SO Steady across generations SUggeStS how transformative the Shift to ClriVerIeSS CarS COUICl be. NOt everyone WantS a driverless Car now-and no One Can get One yetbut among those WhO are OPen to them, every age group is SinIiIarIy engagedACtUally, this isn t SUrPriSing Wh
32、ereaS Older generations are SOmetime reluctant to adopt new technologies, driverless CarS PrOnIiSe real VaIUe to these age groups in PartiCUIar Older adults, especially those With IinIited InObility or difficulty driving On their own, are One Of the ClaSSiC USeeaSeS for ClriVerIeSS CarSThiS is espec
33、ially interesting When you COnSider that younger PeOPIe are generally more interested In travel-related technologies than Older OneSWhen it COmeS to ClriVerIeSS cars, differences in attitude are more PrOnOUnCed based on factors not related to age COlIege graduates, for example, are PartiCUIarIy inte
34、rested in driverless CarS COmPared With those WhO have IeSS education, 59 PerCeIIt Of COlIege graduates Said they WOUld Iike to USe a driverless Car COmPared With 38 PerCent Of those With a highschool diploma Or IeSSWhere a PerSOn IiVeS matters, too. MOre PeOPIe WhO IiVeS in CitieS and SUbUrbS Said
35、they Wanted to try driverless CarS than those WhO IiVed in rural areasWhiIe there'S reason to believe that interest in selfdriving CarS is going UP across the board, a person'S age WilI have Iittie to do With how self-driving CarS Can be becoming mainstream. OnCe ClriVerIeSS CareS are actual
36、ly available for safe, the early adopters WilI be the PeOPIe WhO Can afford to buy them.46. What happens When a new technology emergesA. It further WidenS the gap betWeen the OId and the youngB. It Often IeadS to innovations in Other related fieldsC. It COntribUte greatly to the advance Of SOCiety a
37、s a WhOIeD. It USUalIy ClraWS different reactions from different age groups47. What does the author Say about the driverless CarA. It does not Seenl to Create a generatioIIaI divideB. It WilI not necessarily reduce road accidentsC. It may Start a revolution in the Car industryD. It has given rise to
38、 UnrealiStiC expectations.48. Why does the driverless Car appeal to SOme OId PeOPleA. It SaVeS their energy.B. It helps With their mobilityC. It adds to the Safety Of their trave1D. It StirS UP their interest in Iife49. What is IikeIy to affect one's attitude toward the driverless CarA. The IOCa
39、tion Of their residenceB. The amoUrlt Of their SPeCiaI IntereStC. The amount Of training they receivedD. The Iength Of their driving experience50. WhO are IikeIy to be the first to buy the driverless CarA. The SeniOrB. The educatedC. The Wealthy.D. The tech fansPassage TWOIn agrarian, pre-industrial
40、 Europe, "you'd Want toWake UP early, Start WOrking With the sunrise, have a break to have the IargeSt meal, and then you'd go back to work, " SayS Ken AIbaIa, a PrOfeSSOr Of history at the UniVerSity Of thePaCific, "Later, at 5 Or 6, you'd have a SmalIer supper.ThiS COnIf
41、Ortable cycle, in WhiCh the rhythms Of the day helped ShaPe the rhythms Of the meals, gave rise to the CUStOm Of the Iarge midday meal, eaten With the extended family, "Meal are the foundation Of the family,、SayS CarOIe COUniban. a PrOfeSSOr at MilIerSVilIe IJniVerSity inPeenSyIVaniaJ "so
42、there WaS a Very important interconnection between eating together" and Strength-eating family tiesSinCe industrialization, maintaining SUCh a SlOW CUltUral metabolism has been much harder With the IOng midday meal Shrinking to WhateVer COUId be StUffeCl into a IUnCh bucket Or bought at a food
43、StanCl Certainly, there Were benefits MOdern techniques for PrOdUCing and ShiPPing food Ied to greater Variety and QUantity, including a tremendous, InCreaSe in the amount Of animal PrOtein and dairy PrOdUCts available, making US more VigOrOUS than OUr ancestorsYet PIenty has been IOSt too, even in
44、CUItUreS that StilI IiVe to eat Take ItaIy. It'S no SeCret that the Mediterranean diet is healthy, but it WaS also a joy to PrePare and Cat Italians, SayS COUnihan, traditionally began the day With a SmalI mea1. The big meal Came at around 1 p. m. In between theInidday meal and a late, SmalIer d
45、inner Came a SmalI snack.Today, Wherl time ZOneS have IeSS and IeSS meaning, there is IittIe toIerance for OffiCes' CIOSing for lunch, and WOrSening traffic in CitieS means WOrkerS can't make it home and back fast enough anyway SO the formerly SmalI SUPPer after SUndOWn becomes the big meal
46、Of the day. the OnIy One at WhiCh the family has a ChanCe to get together "The evening meal CarrieS the full burden that USed to be SPread OVer two meals" SayS COUnihan51. What do We Iearrl from the PaSSage aboUt PeOPIe in preindustrial EUrOPeA. They had to WOrk from early morning till Iat
47、e at nightB. They Were SO busy WOrking that they OnIy ate SimPIe mealsC. Their daily routine followed the rhythm Of the natural cycle. D Their Iife WaS much more COnlfOrtable than that Of today.52. What does PrOfeSSOr CarOIe COUnihan Say about preindustrial EUrOPean families eating meals togetherA.
48、It WaS helpful to maintaining a nation1 S tradition.B. It brought family members CIOSerS to each OtherC. It WaS CharaCteriStiC Of the agrarian CUltUreD. It enabled families to SaVe a IOt Of money.53. What does cuItUral metabolism"(Line 1 ,Para 3) refer toA. EVOIUtiOnary adaptation.B. ChangeS in
49、 IifeStyle.C. SOCiaI PrOgreSSD. PaCe Of Iife54. What does the author think Of the food PeOPIe eat to dayA. ItS QUaIity is USUally guaranteedB. It is varied, abundant and nutritious.C. It is more COStIy than What OUr ancestors ateD ItS PrOClUCtiOn depends too much Orl technology.55. What does the aut
50、hor Say about ItalianS Of the OICl daysA. They enjoyed COOking as WelI as eatingB. They ate a big CIinner Iate In the eveningC. They ate three meals regularly every day.D. They Were expert at COOking mealsPart IV TranSIation (30 minutes)DireCtions: FOr this Part, you are allowed 30 minutes to transl
51、ate a PaSSage from ChineSe IntO EngIiSho YOU ShOUIcl Write your answer On the ANSWER SHEET 2。乌镇是浙江的一座古老水镇,坐落在京杭大运河畔。这是一处迷人的 地方,有许多古桥、中式旅店和餐馆。在过去的一千年里,乌镇的水系 和生活方式并未经历多少变化,是一座展现古文明的博物馆。乌镇所有 房屋都用石木建造。数白年来,当地人沿着河边建起了住宅和集市。无 数宽敞美丽的庭院藏身于屋舍之间,游客们每到一处都会有惊喜的发 现。参考答案参考范文:Dear MaryrI WOUld Iike to take this OP
52、POrtUnity to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for your help When I WaS in difficultyo YOU have been Very kind and helpful SinCe We knew each OtherLaSt week, I CaUght a bad COld and had to Stay at home for a WeekO When I WaS WOrrying about the lessons, you Came to y home after SChOOI and helped me With every SUbjeCt。 With
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