



1、英语专业八级模拟试题一在线练习1SECTlON A CHlNESE TO ENGLISH:TranSIatiOn the following Underlined Part Of the text into English. Wnte your tranSlatiOn On ANSWER SHEET THREE.来美国求学的中国学生与其他亚裔学生一样,大多非常刻苦勤奋,周末也往 往会抽出一天其至两天的时间去实验室加班,因而比起美国学生来,成果出得较 多。我的导师是亚裔人,嗜烟好酒,脾气暴躁。但他十分欣赏亚裔学生勤奋与扎 实的基础知识,也特别了解亚裔学生的心理。因此,在他实验室所招的学生中,除有

2、一名来自德国外,其余五位均是亚裔 学生。他干脆在实验室的门上贴一醒目招牌:“本室助研必须每周工作七天,早 10时至晚12时,工作时间必须全力以赴。”这位导师的严格及苛刻是全校有名 的,在我所呆的3年半中,共有14位学生被招进他的实验室,最后博士毕业的 只剩下5人。1990年夏天,我不顾别人劝阻,硬着头皮接受了导师的资助,从 此开始了艰难的求学旅程。英语专业八级模拟试题一在线练习2【专业英语】In this SeCtiOn there are four reading PaSSageS followed by a total Offifteen multiple-choice questiOns

3、. Read the PaSSageS CarefUlIy and then Write your anSWerS On the SPaCe given. TEXT AAmagaZines design is more than decoration, more than SimPIe PaCkaging. It expresses the magazines Very CharaCter. The AtlantiC MOnthly has IOng attempted to PrOVide a design enVirOnment in WhiCh two disparate traditi

4、ons - Iiterary and journalistic - Can co-exist in PleaSUrabIe dignity. The redesign that We introduce With this issue - the WOrk Of OUr art director, JUdy Garlan - represe nts, We think, a no table enhan Ceme nt Of that environment. Garla n explains SOme Of What WaS in her mind as She began to Creat

5、e the new design:“ I SaW this as an OPPOrt Unity to bring the IOOk ClOSer to matchi ng the elegance and POWer Of the Writing WhiCh the magazine is known for. The OVerall design has to be able to enCOmPaSS a great diversity Of StyleS and SUbjeCtS 一 Urgent PieCeS Of reporting, SenOUS essays, Iighter P

6、ieCeSf IifeStyle-Onented PieCeSf ShOrt StOneSf poetry. We dont want Iighter PieCeS to Seern too heavy, and We dont want heavier PieCeS to Seern too pretty.We also USe a broad range Of art and PhOtOgraPhyf and the design has to WOrk Well With that, too. At the Same time, the magazine needs to have a

7、COnSiStent feel, needs to Underscore the SenSe that everyth!ng in it is Part Of One Atlantic WOrld The Pnmary typefaces Garlan ChOSe for this task are TimeS ROman, for a more readable body type, and BaUer BOdOni, for a more StyIiSh and flexible display type (article titles, Iarge initialsl and SO on

8、). Other aspects Of the new design are StrUCtUraL The articles in the front Of the magazine, WhiCh OnCe flowed into One another, now Stand On their own, to gain PrOminence. The TraVel COlUrnn, now featured in every issue, has been moved from the back to the front. AS noted in this SPaCe IaSt month,

9、the WOrd ”MOnthly rejoins "TheAtlantic,' On the COVe英语专业八级模拟试题一在线练习-4【专业英语】TEXT C MediCal COnSUmenSm -Iike all SOrtS Of COnSUmenSmf Only more menacingly - is designed to be UnSatiSfying The PrOlOngatiOn Of Iife and the SearCh for PerfeCt health (beauty, youth, happj ness) are in here ntly s

10、elf-defeating. The IaW Of diminishing returns necessarily applies YOU Can make higher PerCentageS Of PeOPle SUrViVe into their eighties and nineties. BUt as any geriatric Ward ShOWSf that is not the Same as to COnfer enduring mobility, awareness and autonomy. EXtending Iife grows medically feasible,

11、 but it is Often a Iife deprived Of everyth!ng, and One exposed to degrading neglect as resources grow OVer-StretChed and POIitiCS turn mean.What an ignominious destiny for medicine if its future turned into One Of bestowing meagre increments Of UnenjOyed life! It WOUld mirror the fate Of athletics,

12、 in WhiCh disproportionate energies and resources not IeaSt medical Ones, Iike illegal SterOidS - are now inVeSted to ShaVe records by millisecOndS And, it goes WithOUt Saying the IOgiCal extension OflOngevism - the l,abolition” Of death - WOUld not be a SOlUtiOn but Only an exacerbation. TO air the

13、se PrediCaments is not anti-medical SPleen a ChUrliSh reprisal against medicine for its ViCtOneS 一 but SimPIy to face the growing reality Of medical POWer not exactly WithOUt responsibility but With dissolving goals. HenCe medicines finest hour becomes the dawn OfitS dilemmasFOr CentUneSf medicine W

14、aS impotent and hence UnPrOblematiC. FrOrn the GreekS to the Great War, its job WaS simple: to StrUggIe With Iethal diseases and gross disabilities, to en SUre IiVe births, and to man age PairL It PerfOrmed these UnCOntroversial tasks by and Iarge With meagre SUCCeSS Today, With missiOn accomplished

15、, medicines triumphs are dissolVing in disorientation. MediCine has Ied to VaStly in dated expectati Ons, WhiCh the PUbIiC has eagerly swallowed. Yet as these expectations grow Un-limited, they become Unfulfillable. The task fa英语专业八级模拟试题一在线练习-5TEXTFFirSt read the question. 27. The message Of the PaS

16、Sage is that ShareS Can now be SOldA. through the COmPUter. B. in the ShOP C. at the bank. D.through the mail. Now, go through the text quickly and anSWer the question. InVeStOrS Seeking a cheap, no-frills Way to SeII PnVatiSatiOn ShareS need IOOk no further than the POSt box.MOSt StOCkbrOkerS Offer

17、 bargain-basement deals On POStal trades. They are ideal for SeIIing a SmaIl holding for the IOWeSt POSSible COmmiSSion. BUt the arangements IeaVe inVeStOrS at the mercy Ofthe ROyal Mail and a SellerWill not know in advance how much a Sale Will PrOdUCe Data PrOCeSSing engineer Mark Stanistreet Of Br

18、adfOrd SOld by POSt after buying a few NatiOnal POWer and POWerGen ShareS Wherl they Were PnVatiSed He says: "I didnt really know Where to go to for help.An informatiOn SliP With the ShareS gave details Of YOrkShire BUiIding SOCietyS Share ShOP service, WhiCh Offered to SeII for a flat fee Of ? “It WaS an ideal first SteP that ShOWed me how easy and CheaP it is to SeII ShareS. I have been inVeSting in a Small Way SinCe then. ”1 USe YOrkShireS telephOne service, WhiCh has a ? minimum fee/' Many StOCk brokers Offer POStal deals as Part Of their USUaI dealing services, but CIients may


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