



1、12999英语网 八年级(下)英语学科导学案Unit 8 Why dont you get her a scarf?(Section A) 教师寄语:Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难。一、学习目标 1) 单词与短语comment,album,personal,special,receive,gave, guy2)目标句型: 1. What should I get for sb?2. How about sth./doing sth.?3. How do you like sth.? 4. What about sth./doing

2、sth.?5. Why dont you buy/get?6. Why not buy/get?7. Theyre too expensive/cheap/personal8. Great!/Good idea!/OK. Ill get/buy3) 语法1) Compare qualities. 2) Give advice.二、教学重点和难点 1) 教学重点:1) Why dont sb. do sth.?2)How about结构 2) 教学难点:Give advice.三、知识链接Would you mind doing? Would you mind not doing?Would /

3、 Do you mind ones doing sth.?四、学法指导:通过小组合作学习,探究讨论,结合导学案及相关资料理解各知识点,掌握本节学习内容。五、导学过程:1. 组长带领组员预习“Give advice”.2. 组长带领组员通读课本from page 60 to 62,理解其含义并完成表格。3. 组长带领组员熟读课文,并指定课堂朗读人选。4. 组长带领组员找出课本(from page60 to 62)的重要短语、句子。 并指定课堂展示人选。5. 提建议:1)Why dont you /we do sth.?Why don't you / we go for a walk? 2

4、) Why not do sth.? Why not go for a walk? 3) Shall we /I do sth.? Shall we go for a walk?4) Lets do sth. Lets go for a walk.5) Youd better (not)do sth. Youd better go for a walk.6) Could/Would/Will you please do sth.? Could/Would/Will you please go for a walk?7) Would you like to do sth.? Would you

5、like to go for a walk?8) Its best/better to do sth. Its best/better to go for a walk.9) How/What about doing sth.? How/What about going for a walk?10)What do you think of doing sth.? What do you think of going for a walk?11)How do you like doing sth.? How do you like going for a walk?12)Would you mi

6、nd doing sth.? Would you mind going for a walk?肯定回答:Good idea! Great! Cool! All right! OK! Yes, I think so. Yes, I agree. Certainly. Of course. Id love to. Why not?否定回答:I dont think so. I dont agree. Im afraid not. Sorry, I have to Id love to, but No, lets No, thanks.6. get sb. sth. for sth.因某事送给某人某

7、物Ill get him a CD for his 14th birthday.7. enough意为“充足的/地,足够的/地”enough作副词,可用于修饰形容词、副词、动词等,通常置于被修饰语之后。 (not) enough (for sb.) to do sth.I dont know him well enough to ask him for help. 我和他不够熟悉,不好请他帮忙。This room is big enough for five of us to live in. 这房间给我们5个人住够大了。 用sothat改写:_ The question is not eas

8、y enough for us to answer.用sothat/tooto改写:_enough还可作形容词,用于修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,置于名词前或后均可。Do you have enough time? 你的时间够用吗?We have money enough to buy the house.我们有足够的钱买这所房子。8. receive与accept区别(1)receive同get, 是指“接到”“收到”的客观情况,不包含接收者本人是否“接受”的意思。I received a letter from my mother.我收到了母亲的一封信。We received a warm

9、 welcome there. 我们在那里受到了热烈的欢迎。(2)accept的意思是“接受”。指经过考虑,同意或愿意接受的主观情况。We received the present,but we did not accept it.我们收到了那份礼物,但没有接受它。He accepted the invitation with pleasure. 他愉快地接受了邀请。9.When did Joe get it? On his sixth birthday.(1)on ones +序数词+ birthday表示“在某人的岁生日时”On his tenth birthday,his parents

10、 gave him a new bike as birthday present. (2)介词on表示“在具体的某一天或某一天的上、下午、晚上”。We will have a party on Christmas Day.10. Is it someone in your family?是你家里的什么人吗? 句中it用来指身份不明的人。 -Who is it? 是谁呀?-It's me,Mary是我,玛丽。-Who is at the door?谁在门口?-It's the postman是邮递员。(主语是who,身份不明,故用it指代)Mr. Smith is at the doorHe wants to see you史密斯先生在门口,他想见你。(主语是Mr. Smith,身份明确,故用he指代)六、学习小结我的收获:_. 翻译下列句子 1. 明天是我哥的生日, 我该给他买点什么呢?  Tomorrow is my _ _. _ _ I _ for him? 2


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