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1、.Standard Grade BiologyBiosphere Revision Questions aANSWER THESE QUESTIONS ON PAPER1) Write definitions for: Habitat, population, community and ecosystem2a) In a pond there are tadpoles, pike, waterweed and bacteria, pond water and mudWhat in this diagram is the (i) The ecosystem(ii) The habitat(ii

2、i) The population(iv) The community2b) Describe 2 abiotic factors you could sample in this ecosystem.3) In a choice chamber the conditions werea) Dark and dampb) Dark and dryc) Light and Dampd) Light and dry. You added 20 woodlice. What would you expect them to do and why?4) (a) Construct a food cha

3、in using the following organisms:Human, grass, sheep(b) On your food chain label the producer, primary consumer and secondary consumer.5) (a) Look at the food web on page 6 of your revision guide. Make up a food chain with 5 organisms from the food web(b) Label the organisms in your food chain using

4、 the terms:Producer, herbivore, carnivore.6) State what happens to the energy contained in the food of an animal.7) From the following data of a food chain, produce a scale drawing of a pyramid of numbers8) From the data above produce a pyramid of biomass drawn to scale.9) Describe 2 ways in which a

5、 pyramid of biomass gives a clearer picture of energy flow in a food chain than a pyramid of numbers.Standard Grade BiologyBiosphere Revision Questions b1) Which two factors affect the growth of a population?2) Give three examples of factors which prevent unchecked growth of a population.3) Explain

6、what is meant by the term “competition”.4) Look at this graph of the growth of yeast cells.(a) Why does the population rise quite slowly between points A and B on the graph?(b) Why does the rise become steep between points B and C?5) A Graph showing the growth of the human population looks very like

7、 this one with a steep upward curve for the last 150 years. What factors have lowered the death rate if the human population in recent years?6) Draw a table to summarize the different types of pollution. Give an example of each, and state its effects on water, air and land.7) Describe the main reaso

8、ns why fish are not able to live in heavily polluted water.Standard Grade BiologyWorld of plants revision questions a1) Make up a table listing at least 4 advantages of having as many varieties of plants as possible. Give the effect of a reduction in variety2) Describe the Timber production in Norwa

9、y.3) Copy and complete the following table:Seed partSimple namefunction4) List the conditions required for germination.5) Study the graph for germinating cress seeds on page 23 of your revision book(a) What seems to be the best temperature for germination?(b) What percentage of seeds germinated at 1

10、0 C?(c) Describe the changes in percentage germinating between 10º C and 45 ºC(d) What range of temperatures gives better that 50% germination?6) Match the following structures to their functions:StructuresFunctionsSepalMale organPetalCatches pollenStamenProduces sugary liquidAntherProtect

11、s budsStigmaContains egg cellsovaryAttracts insectsnectaryMakes pollen7) List the features of the drawing of a grass flower which make it suitable for wind pollination.8) Describe a typical insect-pollinated flower9) Write one or two sentences describing how a pollen grain gets from the anther of on

12、e flower to the ovary of a second flower. Use this word bank: insect, wind, ripe, anther, stigma, style, pollen tube.10) After fertilization what happens to (a) The ovule?(b) The ovary?11) During the formation of the tomato fruit what happens to the following structures?(a) Stigma and style(b) Ovary

13、 wall(c) Ovules(d) Petals and sepals.Standard Grade BiologyWorld of Plants Revision Questions b1) Explain why plants need to disperse their seed.2) Why is it important that a dandelion fruit cannot be dislodged by a casual puff of wind?3) List three methods of asexual reproduction in plants.4) Where

14、 is the food supply for new growth in daffodil bulbs stored?5) For what purpose are the tiny holes (stomata) on the surface of a leaf?6) Draw a table listing the main parts of a leaf. Describe the function of each.7) Which form of energy is available to plants in large amounts, and which form of ene

15、rgy do plants convert energy into?8) Describe how you might try to prove that a green plant cannot photosynthesis in the dark.9) Make your own notes on how carbon dioxide is(a) removed from and (b) added to the atmosphereStandard Grade BiologyAnimal Survival Revision Questions a1) What 3 chemical el

16、ements are found in carbohydrates, fats and proteins?2) Why is undigested food NOT able to pass through the wall of the intestine?3) Draw a table to show the 3 types of teeth and their use.4) Describe how peristalsis works5) Copy and complete the following tablePart of systemWhat happens hereMouth6)

17、 Rearrange the word lists below to match the correct enzymes with the food which they break down and their products. AmylaseProteinfatty acids and glycerolProteasefatssugarsLipasestarchamino acids.7) Describe how the small intestine is designed to carry out absorption.8) Describe the sequence of eve

18、nts which result in a sperm fertilizing an egg.9) Describe what happens to a human fertilized egg (zygote) after fertilization.10) Name 3 substances which pas through the placenta.11) Describe and compare the protection given to the eggs of a trout and a human.Standard Grade BiologyAnimal Survival R

19、evision Questions b1) Which blood vessels carry blood to and from the kidneys?2) List the substances which are filtered from the blood by the kidneys.3) Which of these substances are reabsorbed back into the blood?4) Describe how ADH controls blood water concentration.5) Describe 3 responses organis

20、ms make to environmental factors.6) Explain the advantages of the responses which you described in your answer to question 5.7) Describe an experiment to show how factors such as light affect the behaviour of an organism.8) Give 3 examples of rhythmical behaviour. For each identify the trigger stimu

21、lus and suggest why the behaviour is important to the organisms survival.Standard Grade BiologyInvestigating Cells Revision Questions a1) Make up a table like the one below showing the jobs of different cell parts.Name of cell structureFunction2) List the similarities and differences between plant a

22、nd animal cells.3) Write a sentence or two saying what is meant by the terms “diffusion”. You must use every word from belowMovementLow concentrationhigh concentrationsubstance4) Make up a table to show some of the substances which move in and out of cells by diffusion. Set the table out as shown.Di

23、ffuse inDiffuse out5) Study the diagram on page 13 of revision book. What would happen to the contents of the tube after 24 hours?6) What is meant by “osmosis”?7) Study the following pairs of plant cells. In each case explain whether the water will move from X to Y or Y to X.8) What is “mitosis”?9)

24、Which part of a cell controls the process of mitosis?10) Place these statements into the correct order of their occurrence in cell division.· The chromosomes move to the centre of the spindle· Chromatids are pulled apart· Chromosomes become visible· Daughter cells formStandard Gr

25、ade BiologyInvestigating Cells Revision Questions b1) What is meant by the term “catalyst”?2) Name an enzyme which breaks down its substance.3) Name an enzyme which builds up its substrate.4) Why do cells need enzymes?5) What are enzymes made of?6) Pepsin is an enzyme produces by cells which line th

26、e stomach of mammals. This graph shows how its activity varies with pH.(a) What is optimum pH for this enzyme?(b) Other cells in the stomach lining produce acid. Why is this useful for the action of pepsin?7) What is meant by the term “optimum”?8) Give three uses of energy in living cells9) Which cl

27、ass of foodstuff gives most energy per gram?10) Write the word equation for respiration11) Predict what would happen to the drop of coloured liquid in the respirometer shown here. Why would this happen?12) Describe an experiment which proves carbon dioxide is made during aerobic respiration. (Clue p

28、age 19 of revision book)Standard Grade BiologyBody in Action Revision Questions a1) The skeleton has three main functions. Draw a table to show these functions and for each one give examples f parts of the skeleton which are involved.2) State two parts of a joint which help to reduce friction3) Describe how the bicep and triceps move your arm.4) Describe the difference between a tendon and a muscle.5) List the factors which affect the energy requirements of a human6) Write the word equation for respiration.7)


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