



1、谈起中国的饮食,需要数小时,甚至几天几夜都谈不完。中国的饮食世界 闻名。中国地大物博、人口众多,不同地区的饮食各有千秋,美味佳肴种类繁 多,数不胜数。最为著名的当属中国八大菜系,BP:广东菜、湖南菜、福建菜、四川菜、江苏菜、浙江菜、山东菜和安徽菜。广东菜:菜原料较广,花色繁多,形态新颖,讲究鲜、嫩、爽、滑,调味有五滋 (香、松、臭、肥、浓)和六味(酸、苦、甜、咸、辣、鲜),烹调擅长煎、 炸、煖、炖、煽等,菜肴色彩浓重,滑而不腻。湖南菜:特点为用料广泛,油重色浓,多以辣椒、熏腊为原料,口味注重鲜香、酸 辣、软嫩,烹调方法擅长腊、熏、煨、蒸、炖、炸、炒。福建菜:其特点是色调美观,以滋味清鲜著称。烹

2、调方法擅长于炒、溜、煎、煨, 尤以糟最具特色。四川菜:其特点是酸、甜、麻、辣、香、油重、味浓,注重调味,离不开三椒, 即:辣椒、胡椒、花椒,另外还有鲜姜。菜肴以辣、酸、麻而脍炙人口,享有 一菜一味,百菜百味的美誉。在辣、咸、甜、麻、酸五味的基础上加上各种 调料,互相配合,形成各种复合味。江苏菜:其特点是浓中带淡,咸香酥烂,原汤原汁浓而不腻,口味平和,咸中带 甜。其烹调技艺擅长于炖、炯、煨、炒而著称。江苏菜配色和谐,清淡适口, 刀功精细,醇厚入味。浙江菜:特点是清、香、脆、嫩、爽、鲜。浙江盛产鱼虾,是著名的旅游风景胜 地。那里山光水色,烹调出的菜犹如风景一般,使人不忍下筷。烹调的技法擅 长炒、炸

3、、绘、溜、蒸和烧。山东菜:其特点是清香、鲜嫩、味纯。山东菜非常讲究清汤和奶汤的调制。清汤色 清而鲜,奶汤色白而醇。山东菜擅长爆、烧、炸、炒。安徽菜:其特点为选料朴实,讲究火功,重油重色,味道醇厚,保持原汁原味。徽 菜以烹制山野海味而闻名。其烹制方法擅长烧、炯、炖。此外,中国各地的各 色小吃种类繁多,不计其数。每到一处都会使你流连忘返,品尝之后令你意犹 未尽。除饭店烹制的菜肴外,百姓人家自制的菜肴也五花八门。中国的北方人做 菜喜爱多放些盐,菜色较浓重;而南方人喜爱清淡,好甜食,菜色浅,盐量 少。中国的一些其他地区,女山湖南和四川省,那里的菜偏酸、麻、辣。吃猪肉在中国很普遍,但居住在 沿海地区的人

4、喜爱吃海产品。中国是一个多民族的国家,由于文化和宗教的原 因,一些少数民族只吃羊肉和牛肉。中国北方人多以面食为主食,女口:馒头、饺子、面条、包子、烙饼、玉米饼、油条等;而南方人多以米类为 主食,如:大米、小米、黄米、紫米、糯米等。Tran slatio n:Canton, Hunan, Fujia nSichua nJia ngsu, Zhejia ng, Sha ndong and An hui.Cantonese Cuisine:drawing from a wide array of ingredients, epicures are constantlyamazed by the n

5、ever-e nding repertoire of Canton ese food, which emphasis is placed on dishes that are fresh, tender, refreshing, smooth. Seasoning is designed according tothe five tastes (fragrant, fluffy, zesty, succulent, strong) and six flavours (sour, bitter,sweet, savory, spicy, flavoursome). This cuisine us

6、es a variety of cooking techniquesincluding pan-fry, deep-fry, braise, broil and stir-fry. The food is presented withcolourful aplomb and while it may be smooth and soft, it is never heavy.Hunan Cuisine:smoked, braise, steam, stew, deep-fry, stir-fry.Fujian Cuisine:This region is known for its fresh

7、 and delicate flavors as well aseye-pleasing prese ntation. Favourite cooki ng methods in elude:stir-fry, quick-fry,panfry, and braise, especially the wine-marinade method.Sichuan Cuisine:strong flavors characterize this cuisine. Whether sour, sweet, ma(numbing), spicy hot, or fragrant, this food is

8、 distinguished by the clever use of spices, especially the essential Trio of Peppers, being:spicy, salty, sweet, ma or mouth-numbing and sour.Jiangsu Cuisine:its subtle characteristics can be hard to place-there is lightness in theavy dishes, the stews are deliciously ten der and flavorsome, retai n

9、g thei ngredie nts" natural juices, seasoned to be mild on the palate, with a hint of sweetnessin the savory dishes. This cuisine specialises in stewing, simmering, poaching andstir-frying. Jiangsu cuisine is known for its harmonious use of colours in presentation,as well as its light and delic

10、ate taste, brought out by intricate knife-work and richflavours.Zhejiang Cuisine:This style is light, fragrant, crisp, tender, tasty, fresh. Zhejiang is notonly alarge producer ofaquaticproducts, but asa seenic provinee highly popularamongtourists. Its cuisine is as enchanting to the eye as the pala

11、te, so reminiscent of thegorgeous seenery that one almost can not beareating the masterpiece. Zhejiang food isoften cooked by stir-fry, deep-fry, poach, saute, steam and stew.Shandong Cuisine:This region is known for the delicate aromas, melt-inyour-mouthtextureand pure wholesome flavours. Its forte

12、 lies in the preparation ofstockand whitesauce. Perfect stock is clear and sublimely fragrant, while white sauce is flavoursomewithout being heavy. The cooking methods used are quick-frying, stew, deep-fry andstir-fry.Anhui Cuisine:This unique cuisine is deft in its selection of ingredients and perf

13、eettiming in execution. It may be big on oil and soy sauce, but the rich and heavy flavoursthat enhance the ingredients' natural taste. What makes Anhui cuisine special is itsstrength in cooking game and seafood, especially by braising, simmering and stewing.Aside from the major cuisines, wherever you go in China there are numerous delicaciesand unique snacks to be found. After one taste, many visitors are hooked, certainlyadding a yummy-factor to and China Experienee.steamed bun


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