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1、2010 年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS 六年级组竞赛样题(答题时间:60 分钟 总分:100 分)听力部分(共四大题,计30 分)I.听辨单词(Words)(共 5 小题,计 5 分)听音,从 A,B,C 三个选项中选出你所听到的句子中含有的单词。1. A.cat B.bag C.dog2. A.eight B.ni ght C.kite3. A.desks B.boxes C.fishes4. A.shopp ing B.jumpi ng C.climbi ng5. A.health B.happily C.brightlyn.句子翻译(Sentences )(共 5 小题,计 5 分)

2、听音,判断下列句子与你所听到的句子意思是(*否(N)相符。6. Jacks un cle is over there.7. The Drangon-boat Festival is on 24th Dec.8. Ca n I speak to Alice,please?9. How dirty your room is?10. Who is your pen pal?川.对话理解(Dialogues )(共 10 小题,计 10 分)A)听音,选出与对话内容相符的图片。11 AH厂巧B AH.rB)听问句,将下列答语按照A,B,C,D,E 的顺序重新排序。16._ 17._ 18._ 19._

3、 20._A. They were 120 yua n.B. Sure.Here you are.C. Yes,it is.D. I love grapes very much.E. No,she is a teacher.IV.短文理解(Passages)(共 10 小题,计 10 分)A)听短文,判断下列句子正(门误(F)21. The man likes his table very much.22. At first,。ne of the legs is too short.23. The man does nt cut the other three legs.24. AII the

4、 legs are the same at last.25.ln the en d,the table becomes very high.B)根据你所听到的短文内容,填写表格中的相关信息。NameTonyAge26His homeNear the 27 officeHobbiesSinging, 28 and play ing 29 gamesTony is 30 and helpful.笔试部分(共七大题,计70 分)V.单项选择(Multiple-choice )(共 10 小题,计 10 分)从 A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选择恰当的一项完成句子。31. These are_books

5、.Those are_ .A. his; hers B.her;my C.his;him D.he;her11 AH32. He has_ lunch at school,but his brother eats in a restaura nt.A. the B./ C.a D.an33. This dress is_ of the three.A. expe nsive B.very expe nsive C.more expe nsive D.the most expe nsive34. How_ juice is there in the bottle?A. much B.ma ny

6、C.a ny D.some35. He is going_ Nanji ng_ trai n.A. to; in B.to;by C.at;o n D./;by36. _your sister_ in Xingjiang?A. Does;works B.Do;work C.Does;work D.Do;works37. Peter_ back home at seve n yesterday.A.goes B.we nt C.go D.goi ng38. My uncle is very sad_his bike is broke n.A.but B.or C.baecause D.of39.

7、 -_ subject do you like most?-Chi nese.A.Which B.Where C.How D.Who40.I ts cold outside.Please_ your coat.A. take off B.get in C.look after D.put onW.情景会话(Dialogues )(共 10 小题,计 10 分)A)从 A,B,C,D 四个选项中选出最恰当的一项,补全对话。41. A.Where is the ruler?B. Shall we go to buy a ruler?C.Have you see n the ruler?42.A.

8、Tha nk you.B.Go straight ahead.C. The museum operts at 11 am.D. Its full of people.43.-What are you going to do on Mothers Day?-Thats a good idea.A. I dont like play ing cards.B. I ts a nice day.C. Im watch ing carto ons at home.D. Im going to draw a picture for my mum.44.-What would you like to eat

9、?A. Id like some strawberry pie.B. Id love a cup of coffee.C. Yes,Im hungry.D. Here you are.45.A.Nice to meet you.D.Ca n I use your ruler?B. Hello!C. Have a good journ ey,darli ng!D. Good morni ng.B)从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话(其中有一项为多余项)。Amy:Hello.Ben: 46 My n ame is Ben.l live upstairs.Amy:What can I do for

10、 you?Ben:l am sorry to trouble you. 47Amy: 48 Just a mi nu te.Ben: Tha nk you very much.Amy: 49 Were n eighbours.Ben: 50A. Coudl you lend me some salt?B. No,problem.C. Youre very ki nd.D. Hi!E. Have a good time.F. Thats all right.W.翻译填空(Tran slation )(共 10 小题,计 10 分)A)根据汉语提示,填写单词,完成句子(每空一词)。51.What

11、are your pere nts going to do this_ ?(周末)52.It was_and cold on Mon day.(下雪的)53. We have_ in the morning.( 历史课)54. There are_boys and fiftee n girls in my class.(1355. -Where are May and Lucy?-They are_the floor.(清扫)B)填单词,完成句子翻译(每空一词)56.真幸运,我刚好赶上了火车!_!l just caught the train.57. 格林老师正站在教室的中间。Miss Gre

12、e n is sta nding_ the_of the classroom.58. 今天比昨天暖和。Today is_yesterday.59. 我的哥哥擅长运动。My brother_ sports.60. 这条裤子会适合你。请试一试吧。The jea ns will suit you.Please_ them_.W.完形填空(Cloze )(共 5 小题,计 5 分)选择所给单词的正确形式填空,完成短文(每空一词,每个词限用一次,有两个多余选项)。skate old with differe nt job but longMy mum and dad are very 61 .Mum h

13、as 62 ,black hair,but my dads is short.Mum works at a zooand likes her 63 very much.Dad works in a supermarket.He loves the cold weather.Mum goes to thelake to swim 64 me and my sister in hot weather,but dad 65 on the lake in very cold weather.IX.阅读理解(Reading comprehension )(共 15 小题,计 15 分)(A)Dear K

14、ate,My new school is great but its far awa y.I get up at 6 oclock everymorning.School starts at 9:00 am.Theres one hour for lunch,butI dont likethe food-its terrible(糟糕的)!Its win ter now and En gla nd isnt very cold in win ter.My friends cometo my home in the evening or I go to their houses.On Satur

15、day I visit myun cle and aunt.Life I come to your country for my holiday?Ca n you come to En gla nd?Please write back soon.LoveJoh n根据信件内容,先垫正确答案。66. What does Joh n th ink of the food in his school?A.He like it. B.He dislikes it. C.He does nt care67. Whe n do Joh ns friends go to his home?A.ln the

16、evening B.ln the morning. C.At lunch time.68.ln summer,life isnt_as in win ter.69. Joh n does nt n eed to go to school for_in July and August.70. 文中最后一句话中黑体部分的是you 指_。(B)Joan is reading the newspapers.A note in the newspapers says,Write a story about why yourMum is the best.The ten best stories will

17、 win a nice prese nt for Mum.Se nd lyour stories to this newspaper.Joa n thinks her Mum is the best Mum in the world,so she writes about her.MyMumloves and cares for us.She listens to our problems.She helps us feel better when we are sad.Shespends time with Ken,Jill,and I every night.She reads to us

18、 and helps us to be ki nd and to work hard.Do you thi nk Joa n will wi n?根据短文内容,判断下列句子正( 门误(F)。71. Joa n knows about the story writ ing competitio n(比赛)from the n ewspapers.72. Joa n does nt like her mother.73.Whe n Joa n,Ke n or Jill are sad,their Mum will help them.选择正确的一项回答问题。74. Which does Mum w

19、ant her children to be?A.To be different. B.To be lazy. C.To be kind.75. Please choose the best title for this passage.A.A Storybook B.My Dog C.The Worlds Best Mum(C)The summer holidays are coming.Marys best friend,Alice,is going to Marys hometown to visither.So she is asking Mary about the weather

20、there.Look at the follow ing chart(图表)and an swerthe questi ons.根据短文和图表内容,回答下列问题。76. Was it rainy and cool on Tuesday?77. What was the weather like on Wedn esday?78. What day is the coldest of the week?79. Will Friday be sunny and hot?80. How many sunny days are there this week?X.小作文(Composition )(共

21、 1 小题,计 15 分) 题目:My Note要求:请你以“ My Note”为题,根据所给图片内容,写一篇关于你一周计划的小作文。1.条理清晰,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写规范;2.写出图片中的内容,可作适当发挥;3.不少于 60 个单词。幻.智力测试(IQ test )(共 5 小题,计 5 分) 按要求完成下列各题。82.83.Which path links the two persons?84.Twofathers and two sons went fish in g.Eachfisherma nthree fish were caught.How is this poss

22、ible?85.What is the mea ning of Keep order!?A.坚持下去!B.保持卫生!C.点菜! D.保持良好秩序!86.How many squares are there altogether in this diagram?( 多少个正方形?)caught a fish,yet only在下面的这个图中有2010 年全国小学生英语竞赛(NECPS 六年级组竞赛样题参考答案听力部分1.1-5 BCBCAII.6 -10 YNNYN川.A)11 -15 BCABA B)16-20 BCADEIV.A)21 -25 FTFTF B)26.twelve/12 27.

23、post 28.swimming puter 30.polite附听力部分录音原文:I.1.My father bought me a new bag for my birthday.2. Look!The kite is flying high.3. How many boxes can you see in the picture?4. Tom is climbi ng a mou nta in with his frien ds.5. D ont eat too many sweets.Theyre bad for your health.1.6.The man over there i

24、s Jacks uncle.7. The Christmas party is on 24th December.8. What is Alices family name?9. Your room is very dirty!10. Where is your pen friend?in .A)11.W:How do you go to school every day?M:I ride my bicycle.12. W:Excuse me.You cannot take photos here.M:Im sorry.13. W:Whats the matter with you,Rose?

25、M:I hurt my leg.14. W:Do you ike play ing badm inton?M:Yes,very much.15. W:Where are you going on the National Day?M:Ti naa nmen Square.B)16.May I borrow your ruler?17.lts a fine day,isnt it?18. How much were your new shoes?19. Whats your favourite fruit?20. Does your sister work in a hospital?IV.A)

26、 A man soes nt like his wood table. One leg is too short.So theman cutsthe cother three legs.But the n a differe nt leg is too shor.So he cuts the legs of the table aga in.One of the legs is still too short.The man cuts the legs again.Fin ally,all of the legs of the table are the same.But his chair is too high.B)This is my friend Tony.Hes twelve years old.He is in Class Two,Grade Six.He lives near thepost office.Hes good at his studies and speaks English very well.He likes singing,swimming andplaying computer games.Hes polite and helpful.We often do our homwork togethe


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