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1、智慧树2018趣味心理学章节测试答案 智慧树2018趣味心理学章节测试答案 第一章单元测试1【单选题】(2分)The idea that human behavior is governed by a physical component and a non physical (i.e., spiritual) component is referred to as _.A.dualismB.materialismC.empiricismD.rationalism查看答案解析本题总得分:2分2【单选题】(2分)What does Luigi Galvani's research wit

2、h applied electrical currents suggest?A.Human behaviour is a combination of mechanical and spiritual components.B.Human behaviour is caused by electrochemical processes.C.The brain is divided into areas for specific tasks.D.The brain is not divided into areas for specific tasks.查看答案解析本题总得分:2分3【单选题】(

3、2分)Who is credited with the development of Cartesian Dualism?A.John LockeB.James MillsC.Luigi GalvaniD.Rene Descartes查看答案解析本题总得分:2分4【单选题】(2分)What philosophical view of human behavior is best supported by the work of Paul Broca?A.MaterialismB.DualismC.EmpiricismD.Existentialism查看答案解析本题总得分:2分5【单选题】(2分

4、)According to materialism, what is the cause of human behaviour?A.Spiritual inductionB.Physical mechanismsC.Internal motivationsD.Emotional states查看答案解析本题总得分:2分6【单选题】(2分)Determining whether something is true or false by observing it through experimentation is called _.A.naturalismB.philosophyC.infer

5、enceD.empiricism查看答案解析本题总得分:2分7【单选题】(2分)What was William James main contribution to the field of Psychology?A.Conducting the first laboratory based research experimentsB.Generating and publishing ideas about psychological topicsC.Measuring the speed of neural transmission rateD.Training observers ho

6、w to perform introspection查看答案解析本题总得分:2分8【单选题】(2分)Who is recognized as being the first psychologist?A.Ernst WeberB.Sigmund FreudC.Wilhelm WundtD.Hermann Von Helmholtz查看答案解析本题总得分:2分9【单选题】(2分)Introspection is a technique wherein a person reflects upon and reports their personal experience. Early scien

7、tists criticized this technique because it was _.A.Indirect and objectiveB.Direct and subjectiveC.Direct and objectiveD.Indirect and subjective查看答案解析本题总得分:2分10【单选题】(2分)According to Freud, psychological problems arise from conflict between the _ and the _.A.Id; EgoB.Super-ego; EgoC.Super-ego; IdD.Con

8、scious; Subconscious查看答案解析本题总得分:2分11【单选题】(2分)According to Freud, what is the part of our psyche that is instinctually driven by our basic needs, wants and desires?A.IdB.Super-egoC.EgoD.Conscience查看答案解析本题总得分:2分12【单选题】(2分)According to Freud, what is the part of the psyche that attempts to balance imme

9、diate gratification and societal norms?A.Super-egoB.EgoC.IdD.Preconscious查看答案解析本题总得分:2分13【单选题】(2分)What is the best way to describe Freuds approach to psychology?A.MedicalB.ScientificC.EmpiricalD.Epistemological查看答案解析本题总得分:2分14【单选题】(2分)According to Freud, what is the part of our psyche that is most i

10、nterested in maintaining societal norms and decency?A.IdB.EgoC.Super-egoD.Personality查看答案解析第二章单元测试名 称 Introduction to Psychology 对应章节 第二章 成绩类型 分数制 截止时间 2018-05-31 23:59 题目数9 总分数 18 说 明:评语:提 示:选择题选项顺序为随机排列,若要核对答案,请以选项内容为准16第1部分总题数:01【单选题】(2分)What is the branch of psychology called where researchers s

11、tudy how groups work together and people interact with each other?A.Individual PsychologyB.Social PsychologyC.Humanistic PsychologyD.Cross-cultural Psychology查看答案解析本题总得分:2分2【单选题】(2分)Which part of the scientific process is observational research best suited for?A.Generating answersB.Generating questi

12、onsC.Establishing theoriesD.Refuting theories查看答案解析本题总得分:2分3【单选题】(2分)If the amount of time a student spent studying was positively correlated with grades achieved, what would we expect to see if someone had low grades?A.The student did not spend a lot of time studyingB.The student spent a lot of tim

13、e studyingC.A strong negative correlationD.There is not enough information to determine correlation查看答案解析本题总得分:2分4【单选题】(2分)A positive correlation between two variables means that as _.A.one variable increases, the other variable increasesB.one variable increases, the other variable decreasesC.one va

14、riable decreases, the other variable stays the sameD.one variable decreases, the other variable increases查看答案解析本题总得分:2分5【单选题】(2分)A scatter plot that shows a trend line that travels down to the right would demonstrate what type of correlation?A.negative correlationB.positive correlationC.weak correla

15、tionD.no correlation答案是:A查看答案解析6【单选题】(2分)What does SR stand for in behavioral psychology?A.Stimulus ResponseB.Secondary ReactionC.Selective ResponseD.Stimulation Reaction查看答案解析本题总得分:2分7【单选题】(2分)What did the Little Albert Experiment tell us about the relation between stimuli and responses?A.Responses

16、 to stimuli cannot be conditionedB.Responses to stimuli can be conditionedC.Conditioned responses can be eliminatedD.Conditioned responses cannot be eliminated查看答案解析本题总得分:2分8【单选题】(2分)Why does cognitive psychology consider the computer to be good analogy of the human brain?A.It records information as

17、 binary codeB.It stores vast quantities of informationC.Its operations cannot be seenD.It processes input and generates output查看答案解析本题总得分:2分9【单选题】(2分)What practice makes psychology a science rather than just a collection of ideas and arguments?A.Formal debatesB.Publishing journal articlesC.Experimen

18、tationD.Public funding查看答案解析第三章单元测试名 称 Introduction to Psychology 对应章节 第三章 成绩类型 分数制 截止时间 2018-05-31 23:59 题目数9 总分数 18 说 明:评语:提 示:选择题选项顺序为随机排列,若要核对答案,请以选项内容为准16第1部分总题数:01【单选题】(2分)A t-test is a ratio of _ to _.A.expected values; observed valuesB.between-group differences; within-group differencesC.suc

19、cess; failureD.highest scores; lowest scores查看答案解析本题总得分:2分2【单选题】(2分)A t-test is an example of _ statistics.A.descriptiveB.inferentialC.scientificD.conclusive查看答案解析本题总得分:2分3【单选题】(2分)The upper curves of the brain are called _, while the deep grooves are called _.A.fissures, gyriB.gyri, grey matterC.gy

20、ri, fissuresD.white matter, fissures查看答案解析本题总得分:2分4【单选题】(2分)What is the order of neuron structures from receiving information, processing information and sending information?A.dendrites, cell body, axonB.axon terminal, cell body, dendritesC.terminal buttons, dendrites, cell bodyD.synaptic cleft, cel

21、l body, dendrites答案是:D查看答案解析5【单选题】(2分)Why does the surface of the brain contain folds?A.They look stylishB.Pressure from cerebral fluidsC.To match the grooves on the inside of the skullD.They allow for more brain tissue to fit in the skull查看答案解析本题总得分:2分6【单选题】(2分)Constricting pupils, stimulated diges

22、tive and salivation activity and constricting lungs are due to the activation of the _ system.A.sympatheticB.parasympatheticC.central nervousD.somatic查看答案解析本题总得分:2分7【单选题】(2分)The peripheral nervous system links the brain to the _.A.spinal cordB.central nervous systemC.bodyD.skeletal system查看答案解析本题总得分

23、:2分8【单选题】(2分)Why is the brainstem considered to be a reptilian system?A.It is present in all reptilesB.It is shaped like a snakeC.It is attached to the brain stemD.It is a primitive brain structure查看答案解析本题总得分:2分9【单选题】(2分)Damage to which structure of the brain would result in deficits in motor learni

24、ng and the production of uncoordinated movements?A.CerebellumB.MedullaC.PonsD.Amygdala查看答案解析第四章单元测试名 称 Introduction to Psychology 对应章节 第四章 成绩类型 分数制 截止时间 2018-05-31 23:59 题目数9 总分数 18 说 明:评语:提 示:选择题选项顺序为随机排列,若要核对答案,请以选项内容为准18第1部分总题数:01【单选题】(2分)What impairment would you expect to see in an individual w

25、ith damage to their primary visual cortex?A.Color blindnessB.Black spots in their field of visionC.Inattentional blindnessD.Problems with depth perception查看答案解析本题总得分:2分2【单选题】(2分)What is the process called in which the brain organizes and interprets visual information?A.SensationB.ProprioceptionC.Per

26、ceptionD.Visual organization查看答案解析本题总得分:2分3【单选题】(2分)Seeing a small, red, shiny object is known as _, whereas knowing this object is an apple is known as _.A.sensation; perceptionB.perception; sensationC.proprioception; sensationD.perception; proprioception查看答案解析本题总得分:2分4【单选题】(2分)An individual who is

27、 unable to understand speech would most likely have damage to which area in the temporal lobe?A.BrocasB.Somatosensory cortexC.CerebellumD.Wernickes查看答案解析本题总得分:2分5【单选题】(2分)What is the primary role of the temporal lobe?A.Auditory processingB.Visual processingC.Postural balanceD.Motor functioning查看答案解析

28、本题总得分:2分6【单选题】(2分)What is the term that refers to knowledge of where a persons body parts are located in space?A.LocalizationB.ProprioceptionC.NociceptionD.Psorioception查看答案解析本题总得分:2分7【单选题】(2分)Why is more cortical tissue in the somatosensory cortex devoted to the lips than to the elbows?A.Lips are l

29、arger than the elbowB.We use our lips more than we use our elbowsC.Lips require more sensory inputD.Elbows require more sensory input查看答案解析本题总得分:2分8【单选题】(2分)What is the term used to describe the inability to switch strategies following damage to the frontal lobes?A.Perseveration errorsB.Disruptive b

30、ehavioral strategiesC.Noncommittal phobiaD.Obsessive determination查看答案解析本题总得分:2分9【单选题】(2分)What is the primary role of the frontal lobes?A.Memory storage and retrievalB.Complex cognitive functionsC.Auditory processingD.Motor input查看答案解析第五章单元测试名 称 Introduction to Psychology 对应章节 第五章 成绩类型 分数制 截止时间 2018

31、-05-31 23:59 题目数8 总分数 16 说 明:评语:提 示:选择题选项顺序为随机排列,若要核对答案,请以选项内容为准16第1部分总题数:01【单选题】(2分)Severing what brain structure results in split brain syndrome?A.Corpus callosumB.CerebellumC.White cortical matterD.Frontal lobe查看答案解析本题总得分:2分2【单选题】(2分)What is the raw input of information or signals from the enviro

32、nment called?A.PerceptionB.ProprioceptionC.SensationD.Transduction查看答案解析本题总得分:2分3【单选题】(2分)What cells in the eye are responsible for edge detection?A.GanglionB.BipolarC.EdgeD.Fovea查看答案解析本题总得分:2分4【单选题】(2分)What photoreceptors of the eyes react to lots of light or color?A.ConesB.RodsC.RetinaD.Pupil查看答案解

33、析本题总得分:2分5【单选题】(2分)We are able to sense _.A.most of the energy coming at us, probably more than 90%B.all of the energy coming at us from the worldC.energy that is coming from sources other than those in the world around us查看答案解析本题总得分:2分6【单选题】(2分)Cones are more common at the _ of the eye whereas rods

34、 are more common in the _.A.periphery; foveaB.focal point; irisC.fovea; peripheryD.back; front查看答案解析本题总得分:2分7【单选题】(2分)Understanding how visual elements group together was a major focus of those studying _ psychology.A.psychophysicalB.developmentalC.socialD.gestalt查看答案解析本题总得分:2分8【单选题】(2分)When we look

35、 at some visual scene, what we tend to consciously see _.A.are patterns of light and darkB.are lines and shapes at differing orientiationsC.is a collection of objectsD.are patches of colour查看答案解析第六章单元测试名 称 Introduction to Psychology 对应章节 第六章 成绩类型 分数制 截止时间 2018-05-31 23:59 题目数8 总分数 16 说 明:评语:提 示:选择题选

36、项顺序为随机排列,若要核对答案,请以选项内容为准16第1部分总题数:01【单选题】(2分)At what age do children begin to develop a Theory of Mind?A.1-2yrsB.3-5yrsC.5-7yrsD.7-9yrs查看答案解析本题总得分:2分2【单选题】(2分)What is the capacity to evaluate ourselves and our actions from the perspective of another person called?A.External PerspectiveB.Introspectio

37、nC.Theory of MindD.Social Evaluation查看答案解析本题总得分:2分3【单选题】(2分)If genetics is playing a strong role in the production of a behaviour, then we would expect identical twins to have _ concordance on measures of that behaviour.A.lowB.highC.someD.no查看答案解析本题总得分:2分4【单选题】(2分)What is the evolutionary process wh

38、erein beneficial traits that promote survival are passed down from parent to child called?A.Genetic SelectionB.Artificial SelectionC.Reproductive SelectionD.Natural Selection查看答案解析本题总得分:2分5【单选题】(2分)According to behaviourists, the grasping reflex in human babies and the imprinting behaviours in baby

39、ducks are both examples of _ behaviours.A.learnedB.innateC.primitiveD.infantile查看答案解析本题总得分:2分6【单选题】(2分)What is the inhibition of inappropriate natural responses to a stimulus after repeated exposures called?A.ConditioningB.AdditionC.DiscontinuationD.Habituation查看答案解析本题总得分:2分7【单选题】(2分)If, after doing

40、 many conditioning trials, a researcher presents the conditioned stimulus but DOES NOT follow it with the unconditioned stimulus, the research is likely examining _.A.extinctionB.counter-conditioningC.unlearningD.spontaneous recovery查看答案解析本题总得分:2分8【单选题】(2分)The grasping, stepping and crawling reflexe

41、s all illustrate that some behaviours _.A.can be learned even while in the wombB.do not have to be learnedC.are different in different culturesD.are different for different genders查看答案解析第七章单元测试名 称 Introduction to Psychology 对应章节 第七章 成绩类型 分数制 截止时间 2018-05-31 23:59 题目数8 总分数 16 说 明:评语:提 示:选择题选项顺序为随机排列,

42、若要核对答案,请以选项内容为准16第1部分总题数:01【单选题】(2分)Through observational learning children will often _ the negative behaviours they see around them.A.mimicB.avoidC.reportD.ignore查看答案解析本题总得分:2分2【单选题】(2分)Albert Banduras research on observational learning in children showed that when a child sees another child hit a

43、 Bobo doll, he or she was more likely to _ the doll.A.comfortB.fixC.hitD.ignore查看答案解析本题总得分:2分3【单选题】(2分)What is the component of working memory that is used to solve problems?A.Sensory InputB.Central ExecutiveC.Visuospatial SketchpadD.Phonological Loop查看答案解析本题总得分:2分4【单选题】(2分)What memory system is mos

44、t closely related to our conscious experience of the world?A.Procedural MemoryB.Working MemoryC.Episodic MemoryD.Semantic Memory查看答案解析本题总得分:2分5【单选题】(2分)Existing memories can be used as _ cues to help you remember new information.A.retrievalB.encodingC.episodicD.semantic查看答案解析本题总得分:2分6【单选题】(2分)In ter

45、ms of memory, what is primary the problem with using eye-witness testimony as evidence in legal cases?A.It can lead to he said, she said situationB.Memories are affected by the way questions are askedC.There are no problems with eye-witness testimonyD.The witness could easily lie about the event查看答案

46、解析本题总得分:2分7【单选题】(2分)When some bit of information is encountered across repeated but different contexts, that information ultimately resides in _.A.episodic memoryB.procedural memoryC.semantic memoryD.muscle memory查看答案解析本题总得分:2分8【单选题】(2分)Memory should best be thought of as a _.A.singular verbB.Plural

47、 verbC.plural nounD.singular noun查看答案解析第八章单元测试名 称 Introduction to Psychology 对应章节 第八章 成绩类型 分数制 截止时间 2018-05-31 23:59 题目数8 总分数 16 说 明:评语:提 示:选择题选项顺序为随机排列,若要核对答案,请以选项内容为准16第1部分总题数:01【单选题】(2分)Learning a new skill, such as tying a shoe lace, is an example of what type of memory?A.EpisodicB.SemanticC.Pro

48、ceduralD.Perceptual查看答案解析本题总得分:2分2【单选题】(2分)What is the term for a person who pretends to be a participant in an experiment, but is actually working with the experimenters?A.DupeB.ConfederateC.ConfabulatorD.Imitator查看答案解析本题总得分:2分3【单选题】(2分)What did the Milgram experiment, in which participants were as

49、ked to inflict electrical shocks on other participants, tell us about the influence authority can have on the average person?A.Most people will conform to authority even when asked to perform immoral or unethical behaviorsB.Most people will conform to authority unless asked to perform immoral or une

50、thical behaviorsC.Most people reject authority and refused to even participate in the experimentD.Every person will conform to authority even when asked to perform immoral or unethical behaviors查看答案解析本题总得分:2分4【单选题】(2分)A person who claims that a negative personal event is the result of their situatio

51、n or other people's behavior is demonstrating a(n) _ locus of control.A.internalB.deferredC.externalD.ulterior查看答案解析本题总得分:2分5【单选题】(2分)What hypothesis asserts that good things happens to good people and bad things happen to bad people?A.Just WorldB.New TestamentC.Karmic LawD.Natural Balance查看答案解析本题总得分:2分6【单选题】(2分)Ash provided several experiments showing that people will agree with others even when they know those others are wrong.This sort of behaviour is called _.A.individuationB.peer-connectednessC.conformityD.sheep walking查看答案


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