



1、“I” Ito Beijing ?a.根据要求改写句子。 My father has fini Shed his work.(改为否定句)My fatherhis work. I ' Ve ever been to Beijing.(改为一般疑问句)you Jim fini Shed his homework.(改为现在完成时)Jimhis homework. He has been to GUangzhou twice.(就划线部分提问)has he been to GUangzhou?三、句型转换(每空一词)1、They have Won the game.(改为否定句 )They

2、the game.2、He' S already got some books On history.(改为一般疑问句)hegotbooks on history ?3、She has PUt her eraser SOmeWhere.改为否定句 )ShePUt her eraser.4、 My UnCle has been to PariS once .(就划线部分提问)has your UnCle been to PariS ?5、She WaS ill yesterday and She is in hospital now .(改为同义句)Sheill for two days

3、 .6、I Came to Weifangten years ago.(改为同义句 )Iin Weifa ng for ten years.7、Joy met One of her good friends yesterday.(用 ever 改写句子)JoyeverOne of her good frien ds.8、She has already had her IUnch.(改为一般疑问句)Sheher lunch?9、I ' Ve WatChehe film.(就划线部分提问)you?10、HaS he gone to London ?(作肯定回答)B:用 for, Since

4、 填空。1. She has bee n illmore tha n two weeks.2. I have n't met hima Iong time.3. Mary has bee n here8:00 this morni ng.4. We have bee n friendsI WaS a child.5. It has n ' t rainedtwo mon ths ago.6. I have lived heremore tha n twenty years.7. My aunt has WOrked in this hospital1990.8. We have

5、 Iearned 400 words thebegi nning of this term.9. I have Stayed heretwo weeks.10. Mrs. Gree n has bee n in Chinalast mon th.II.选择题(15分)16. Be quiet! She will talk about her in England.She' S traveled around England.A. meaning B. WiSheS C. experie nces D. la nguages17. Her dream to be a doctor fin

6、 allyat the age of 20.A. come true B. Came true C. Came out D. come real18. -you everto Nanjing?-Yes, Ithere last year.A.Have; gone; have gone B. Have; bee n; WentC. Will; go; Went D. Did; go; have bee n19.It' S important for USthe PUbIiC rules. If We donWe might have some trouble.A. to follow B

7、. to go With C. work for D. to do20. He dreams ofa famous basketball PIayer One day.A. become B. will become C. becoming D. to become21. -Where are the Gree ns, may I ask?-Well, they to England. They have been therefor n early a Week now.A. have bee n B. are going to C. have gone D. will go22. -Have

8、 youyour bag to the car?-Yes, I have.A. take B. took C. take n D. tak ing23. -WhiCh of the two T-ShirtS will you take?-I ' ltake , One for my father, the other formyself.A. either B. neither C. allD. both24. -HaVe you fini Shed your report yet?-No, I ' ll finish it inten minutes.A. ano ther

9、B. other C. more D. less25. The WhiteS many PIaCeS of interest SinCe theyCame to Chi na.A. have ViSited B. will ViSit C. ViSited D. ViSit26.I Went to a Zhao Wei ConCert in Shan ghaimorethan 4,000 people.A. With B. in C. ofD. hasHe arrived home. Betty WaSPanting( 气喘). She WaS worried.43 to See him&qu

10、ot;What' S the matter?27. -Jack, Can you Iend a Pen to me?"I ran along beside the bus,” Said George.A. overB. OnlyC. OftenD. bestit would make Betty44,but it didn't28.So far, We3,000 En glish words.“ 45didn ' ybu runbeside a taxi"she said, “A. have IearnedB. IearnedC. IearnD. a

11、rewould have SaVed SiX dollars!Iearning36. A. workB. job C.childD. house29.My Pare ntsTianjin for 50 years.37.A. grewB. gave 'C. boughtD. knewA.have bee n inB. have bee n toC.have gone toD.have bee n38.A. makeB. CarryC. bringD. take30. If you Win the match, you will get afor it.39.A. orB. andC.

12、butD. soA. PriCeB. PriZeC. dreamD. message40. A. IargerB. biggerC. worseD. better41.A. afterB. beforeC. SinCeD. untildollars and fifty CentS WithOUt Paying the fare.-Sorry, but I have _ one. Why not ask Tim for help?ofWith C. come42.A. get outB. get alongYouIII.句型转换(按括号中的要求进行句型转换)(5分):UP With D.31.

13、Tina(clean) her room yet.(否定句)32. Don ' t forget to do your homework改为同义句)your homework.33. He ViSited the school yesterday.(用 already 改句子).CatCh UP With43.A. excitedB. SUrPriSedC. i nterestedD. bored44 .A.tiredB. SadC. clea nD. happy45 .A.Whe nB. WhatC. WhyD. WhereHethe school.34. I have Seen h

14、is WatCh SOmeWhere.(改为一般疑问句 )I .单项选择(15 分)youWatCh1. I like the book Very much.35.My father isn ' t here; he Went to the Iibrary just now.Really? My brother Johnlikes it.(改为同义句)A. tooB. alsoC. thenD.asMy fatherIV.完形填空(10分):the library.2. The room is Very beautiful.You are right. I like the wallV

15、ery much.GeOrge and Betty di dn' t have much money, but they 't Qve,ao SheA. PartS B. ShUttIeSC. IightS D. Stati OnSWan ted to buy a car. Betty did n3.youthe film? Can you tell meWaS always finding WayS to SaVe money.She 37 VegetabIeS in her garden so that She wouldn ' have to buy any. S

16、he made Sandwiches forGeOrge to 38 to work so that he wouldn ' htave to SOmeth ing about it?Sorry. I ' ll See it this SUnday.A. Did; See n B. Are; See in gC. Have; See n D. Do; See4. I WaS Tom ' S friend When I WaS there in 96).buy his lunch.Then you have bee n friends forten years.EVery

17、 day GeOrge took the bus to go to work and goA. overB. inC. WithD.aboutWaS excit ing.because of the traffic.A. noB. notC. nObodyD. noneOne day, the traffic WaS even 40 tha n usual."I could run faster tha n this bus!6. Don ' t Carrybooks.” thought GifeOtrgKma nyB. many too C. too muchD. much

18、 tooThe next day 41 work he decided to have a try.He Went to the bus stop but didn ' take a bus. He ran7. PIeaSe remembera Pen for meWhen you goshopp ing.along beside it On the sidewalk. He had to run quite fastA. buyB. buys C. buyingD. to buyto 42 the bus.8. MaybeI Can really go to the moon.hom

19、e. It WaS not a Iong trip 39 the bus WaS slow5. He told me some n ews, butA.the day before B.ano ther dayC. One dayD. yesterday9. MiSS Li has lots of things to do, so She has to Work for day.A. an all B. wholeC. the all D. the whole10. you go to the Great Wall?NeXt mon th.A. When will B. What doC. H

20、ow will D. Where will11. Look! There are SheeP On the hill over there.A. hun dred B. hun dredsC. three hun dredsD. hun dreds of12. How Iong does ityou the book?Two hours.A. take; to finishB. take; lookB. C. SPend; to readD. SPend; Write13. Can you an SWer this questio n?Certainly. Ity. Isthiaek _ a

21、child CananSWer it.A. eve nB. everC. justD. before14. IS Mr Green at home?No, he Hainan.A. has bee n toB. has gone toC. is going toD. will be in15. , Li Ming?I ' m looking for mynotebook.A. What do you thinkB. Don ' t PanicC. What are you UP toD. GUeSS What17.A. knowB. callC. takeD. PiCk18.A

22、. n ext toB. beforeC. out ofD.in front of19.A. yearsB. hoursC. metresD.kilometres20.A. ourB. theirC. herD. his21.A. Iighter B. biggerC. ShOrterD. Safer22.A. butB. orC. tillD. so23.A. kno Ck B. tryC. liveD. Ia nd24.A. haveB. bringC. fillD. joi n25.A. PIa net B. SyStemC. galaxyD. Life根据括号内的要求改写下列句子。46

23、. The engineer has already finiShed the work.( 改为否定句)The engineer finiShed the work .47. Helen has been to NeW York twice.(对划线部分提问)has Helen toNeW York?48. Could you PIeaSe show me your ID card?(改为同义表 达方式)Could you PIeaSe show your ID Card ?49. She SPent ten yuan On the nice bag.( 改为同义表达方式) The nice

24、 bag her ten yuan.50. The mon keys are climb ing the trees, too.( 改为同义表达方式)The mon keys CIimbi ng the trees. .完形填空(10分)The Earth is a PIanet. It and SeVen 16 Planets go around the Sun. We 17 the eight Pla nets and the SUn the solar system. The first PIa net,18 the Sun, isMerCUry (水星).It is 58 millio

25、n 19 from the Sun. VenUS (金星)is the SeCOnd PIanet from the Sun, and 20 PIanet, the Earth, is the third. It is 150 million kilometres from the Sun.JUPiter (木星),SatUrn (土星),NePtUne (海王星)and UranUS (天王星)are all 21 than the Earth, 22 Venus, MarS and MerCUry are smaller than the Earth.Ani mals, trees and

26、 huma ns Can Only 23 On the Earth the other PIanets in OUr solar SyStem do not 24 air or water. Do any PIa nets in Other solar SyStemS have 25 ? We don ' t know about it.16. A. else B. OtherSC. otherD. anotherII.选择题(15分)16. -Would you like to go SWimming With me?-Yes, I'd love to, but I have

27、 tomy youn gerbrother now.A.look at B. look after C. look around D. look UP17. -How Iong has Eliza bee n a SeCretary?A.si nce 2010 B. One year ago C. In 2010 D. LaSt year18. -What are you going to do this Weeke nd?-Iyet.A. haven 'decided B. Won 'decide C. have decide D.did n 'decide19. V

28、ery importa nt for US to Iear n En glish becauseit 'san internatiOnal Ianguage now.A. That is B. It C. We are D. It is20. -How muc h did youfor the iPad 2?-More than $600.A. buy B. SPe ndC. cost D. Pay21. his help, I could finish the Work On time.A. BeCaUSe B. For C. BeCaUSe of D. ThankS 22.lf y

29、ou get On wellyour classmates, you 'lenjoyyour school life more.A. to B. at C. With D. in23. -IS the little girlcrying?-No, She has StOPPed crying.A. ever B. still C. yet D. never24. There are more tha n eightStUde nts in Our school.A. hun dreds of B. hun dred of C. hun dred D. hun dreds25. Now

30、in the village many ChiIdre n are left alone athome. They n eed a lot offrom their Pare nts andthe gover nment.A. Care B. time C. rooms D. SPaCe26. There isin my hometow n.A. a 800-metre river B. an 800-metre-lo ng river C. an 800-metre river D. a 800-metre-lo ng river27. -1 hear some foreig n StUde

31、 nts will ViSit our school n ext week.-That SoundSin teresti ng.A.Bad luck! B.I don 'think so. C. Really? D. Be careful!28. -_ have you bee n away from your hometow n, Jan et?-SinCe 5 years ago.A. How many B. How Ion gC. How much D. How Often29. My brother left school in 2005, and SinCe then he

32、in Beiji ng.A. lives B. lived C. will liveD. has lived30. -I Can 'stop playing COmPUter games.-For your health, I 'm afraid you.A. Can B. must C. may D. have toOne day he Went to a farm and WOrked With theWOrkerS there. Soon it WaS time 38 IUnch. HePUt 39 nice bread On the table and went out

33、. A few minutes later he Came back again but he 40find the bread.“Who ate the bread On the table? ” he shouted.Some of the WOrkerS anSWered,“ We . ”The OtherS said,“ We SaW no thi ng. ”“ Well, ” Said Mr. Smith, “42 are a lotof mice in the rooms, you know. So I PUt some pois On ( 毒 药)in the bread. 43

34、 they eat, they must die. Then I Can kill them. ”AS Soon as he fini shed, four WOrkerS bega n to cry. Oh, dear! ”“44?” asked Mr. Smith.We ate the bread Whe n you Were out. We are goingto die. ” One of them cried.“ Don' t worry, ” Mr. Smith Said 45 asmile. "I Only play a trick On you. USe your head.36. A. a few37. A. work38. A. in39. A. two40. A. Can't41. A. did42. A. They43. A. ThatB. fewB. worki ngB. atB. manyB. could nB. did nB. ThereB. BefOreC. littleC. WOrkedC. forC. a'Ct.wouldntC. doC. WeC. IfD. a lit


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