



1、学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考PEP 小学英语四年级上册Unit 4 My Home一、教学内容1. 词汇: living room , bathroom,kitchen,study,bedroom,sofa,fridge2. 句型: -Where is/are.(sofa,fridge,keys,glasses )?-The is /are in the(living room, bathroom, kitchen, study, bedroom,.)二、教学目标1. 能 够 完 成以 下 练 习Read and match : Look , choose and write 。Listen

2、and tick or cross。 2.检测部分要求学生能够熟练地听、说本单元对话部分的主要句型;能够听、说、认读词汇部分的所有单词。3.读懂 Story time 的故事三、教学重难点:教学重点:能够掌握一些解题技巧教学难点:听力练习的判断及is/are 的灵活运用四、教学准备:教学课文 MP3 ,自制单词卡,教学课件,利用教室现存的实物。五、教学过程:(一)热身复习( Warm-up/Revision)1、Greeting 问候2、Enjoy a song :Where is Mr.Monkey? 通过歌曲激发学生兴趣,老师边唱边演示动作,同时复习之前学过的 under,in,on,ne

3、xt to,near 等介词 ,重点突出 near 和 next to 的区别,以便后面课文中学生对 near的理解。3、听完歌曲后请学生回答Where is My Monkey? -It s in the box.此处很多学生估计没有认真听和看, 说不出准确答案, 后来把视频回放部分, 又看了一次才得出正确答案。(二)呈现新课(Presentation)1、Find and Say 边找边说A. 出示图片,老师提问: Where is the apple?学生回答 :The apple is on the chair.B.出示图片,老师提问:Where is the orange?学生回答

4、:The orange is under the chair.C.出示图片,老师提问:Where is the pear?学生回答 :The pear is near the chair.D.出示图片,老师提问: Where is the banana?学生回答 :The banana is in the box.最后,出示答句Theis。2、Show my friend. 找朋友A. PPT 显示我的三位朋友,提供学生一段我的朋友的描述,请学生帮忙找出哪位是我的朋友。 Read the sentenceswhich describe my friend and ask the student

5、s学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供参考who is my friend。B. 学生找出我的朋友 Jacky 后,出示 Jacky 的家( This is my home),并欢迎大家去他家的( Welcome to my home.).C. 出示 living room, kitchen,bedroom,bathroom,study的图片进行之前学过的关于 room 的单词的复习。(单独学生读, 男女生读,小组读,全班读,进行多维操练,综合巩固)这里的学生操练不太够。3、Look and sayA. 出示 home 的图片,里面有living room,study,bathroom,kitch

6、en,bedroom教师说 I can see the sofa.Where is the soap?让学生回答 The sofa is in the livingroom.教师说 I can see the books.Where are the books?请学生回答 The books are inthe study.在学生回答老师问的物品在哪个房间的同时,重点突出is/are 的用法。B.操练完后请学生一问一答演示。 (towels,shoes,plates,plants,bed,。)4、Lets CheckA.Listen and Tick 请学生听一次课文MP3 回答问题正误。(1

7、)My books are on the sofa.()(2)My pens are under the table. ()(3)My bag is on the fridge.()(4)My glasses are near the phone. ()B.听第二次检测答案及纠正错误。C.听第三次回答Where are my keys?-My keys are near the sofa /on the floor.(三) Practice5、Look,choose and writeA. 看 PPT 显示图片,请学生填写所发资料的第二部分空格。The sofa is in the livin

8、g room.The chairs are in the bedroom.B.老师继续追问图片里的其他东西在哪里,并提出可能出现在书房, 浴室及厨房的物品引导学生说出 study,bathroom and kitchen.6、Retell the textThingsWhere?is/ areMy booksareon the sofa.My pensareon the fridge.My bagisunder the table.My glassesarenear the phone.My keysarenear the sofar /on thefloor.学习资料学习资料收集于网络,仅供

9、参考提示 thing 请学生复述课文,并请全部同学一起操练,尽量能在一节课内让学生能够掌握课文。(四) Consolidation6、Write about your homeThis is my home. The phone is in the living room. The bed is in the bedroom. The books are in the study. And the fridge is in the kitchen. I love my home!老师做范例,请学生仿写,并请学生读给全班同学听。7、East(东)or west(西) , home is the best.金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。培养学生爱家的思想感情。8、HomeworkA. P43 Read and writeread and recite it . 读一读,背一背。B. Design y


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