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1、2020高考完形填空专项复习一AI always walk to my husband's office after work, wait for him and then we drive home together every day.One day, while I was waiting for him, a beautiful Cadillac(凯迪拉克轿车)1 near me.I was busy 2 the car when I noticed the driver. 3 , she was probably the most 4 woman I had ever see

2、n outside of a movie screen.Her eyes were as blue as the seand she had teeth like pearls.Minutes latq ra man walked over and they drove off.Sitting there , dressed in jeans and a T shirt, I wanted to 5 . Why is it so 6 that some people have it all ? ” I thought.The next week I saw her again, and aft

3、er that it almost became my 7 to see her.I would 8 if she and her husband ate out a lot and where they went.I wanted her to get out of the car so that I could see her in 9 length.A few weeks later, this question was 10 for me.I was waiting at my usual spot and the lady's husband came over to the

4、ir car.He opened the door.The pretty woman 11 walked around to the passenger side leaning on a walking cane.She 12 one leg with her hands and then the other.She had an artificial limb (彳四肢)on her left leg and a brace on her right one.As they drove away, I began to cry.When my husband arrived I told

5、him about what had 13 . He said that he knew her husband and that when the lady was twelve years old, she had been 14 in a car that got stuck on the railroad tracks.Unfortunately, both her parents were killed.The rail company made a large 15 with her because the crossing had no 16 . That's 17 sh

6、e owns such a nice car now.For weeks I have 18 this woman and her way of life, but now I realize how 19 I am.When you meet a person who seems to be much better off than you, don't be fooled by 20 .1 A.drove inB. pulled upC sped byD2 A.cleaningBC expectingD3 A.HonestlyBC SurprisinglyD4 A.peaceful

7、BC beautifulD5 A.cryBC escapeD6 A.unbearableBC unfairD7 A.chanceBC regretD8 A.imagineBC guessD9 A.greatBC fullD10 A.raisedBC presentedD11 A.slowlyBC quicklyD12 A.bentBC crossedD13 A.changedBC passedD14 A.discoveredBC leftD15 A.settlementBC promiseDturned away taking admiring Sincerely Obviously typi

8、cal patient argue ask unusual unbelievable wonder routine wonder doubt equal standard answered checked firmly hurriedly spread lifted happened hidden protected trapped exchange arrangement notices16 A.stopsBC. signals17. A. whyC. because18. A.respectedC. accepted19. A.boringC .lucky20. A.collections

9、C. backgroundsD. lightsB. whenD. whereB. observedD. enviedB. matureD. confidentB. appearancesD. DescriptionsBI was about to open the door of my car when I saw a man approaching.The man pointed a(n) 21 at me. “Give me your purse! ”“I don't have a purse " I said.He kept coming. “Give me your

10、purse! ” He 22 the gun in my stomach.He reached over seized my 23 and opened the trunk (汽车尾 箱).He 24 me to the back of my car.I hesitated.“Get in," he shouted, “now! ” I did it , only 25 I knew exactly where the trunk release was.“Don't move; don't make a noise,“ he 26 . He slammed the

11、trunk shut.Everything went 27 .Right there in the trunk , my eyes were adjusting to the darkness.My fear started to 28 and my mind cleared.I knew whatever direction he turned, he would have to slow down.I waited for my 29_.He drove the car forward and then stopped.I heard another car honk behind.He

12、then 30 and the car quickly reached 80 miles an hour.I couldn't tell where we were going.As soon as he slowed down, I pulled the 31releasepushed it open and jumped out.I 32 through people's yards and tried to put distance and objects between the kidnapper and me.I ran back to my apartment co

13、mplex and 33 doors.One finally openedand an older lady let me in.I 34 closed the door and locked it.While I was on with the 91135、 there was a knock at the door.Standing there was a hulkingfigure, a Daytona Beach police officer.He was in the neighborhood and_36immediately.Officers 37 the kidnapper t

14、he next day. You have no idea how 38_you are," one of the officers told me. “Carjackings that developed intokidnappings 39 turn out well. ”I knew it wasn't luck that had saved me.It was the 40 , both of mind and of soul.Remember chances only favor those who are prepared!本文是一篇记叙文。作者在开车途中遭遇抢劫

15、,在危急时刻,作者冷静思考, 用机智和勇敢巧妙地自救,从而告诉我们:机会总是留给有准备的人。21. A.fingerC. arrow22. A.stuckC. fired23. A.handsC. keys24. A.assistedC. persuaded25. A.thoughC. unless26. A.warnedC. explained27. A.smoothC. silent28. A.spreadC. appear29.A.resultC. choice30. A.continuedB. cameraD. gunB. threwD. hidB. phoneD. walletB.

16、guidedD. forcedB. becauseD. untilB. questionedD. repeatedB. darkD. naturalB. increaseD. liftB. chanceD. ideaB. slowedC. accelerated31. A.trunkC. alarm32. A.walkedC. wandered33. A.pulledC. answered34. A.skillfullyC. rapidly35. A.operatorC. criminal36. A.returnedC. withdraw37. A.educatedC. suspected38

17、. A.calmC .lucky39. A.rarelyC. probably40. A.fortuneC. preparationD. remainedB. lightD. motorB. racedD. passedB. shutD. beatB. carefullyD. silentlyB. victimD. organizerB. leftD. respondedB. arrestedD. dismissedB. dangerousD. braveB. usuallyD. generallyB. patienceD. courage(2016宜昌模拟)Time talks.It spe

18、aks more plainly than words.Time 41 in many ways.Consider the different parts of the day , for example.The time of the day when something is done can give a 42 meaning to the event.It is not a 43 to telephone someone very early in the morning.If you telephone him early in the day, 44 he is shaving o

19、r having breakfast the time of the call shows that something is urgent and 45 immediate attention.The same meaning is 46 telephone calls made after 11: 00 p. m.If someone receives a call during sleeping hours he may think it is a 47 of life and death.The time chosen for the call 48 its importance.In

20、 social life, time plays a very 49part.In the United States guests tend tofeel they are not highly regarded if the50 to a dinner party is extended onlythree or four days before the party date.But this is not 51 in all countries.In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an app

21、ointment too far 52 becauseplans which are made for a date more than a week away tend to be 53 .The meaning of time 54 from place to place in the world. 55 , misunderstandings often arise between people from different cultures that 56 time differently.For example, promptness(®时)is 57greatly in

22、Americanlife.If people are not prompt, they may be regarded as58 or not fullyresponsible.In the US, no one would think of keeping a business partner_59for an hour; it would be too rude.A person who is five minutes late is 60 tomake a short apology.41. A. wastesB. communicatesC. travelsD. runs42. A.s

23、pecialB. ridiculousC. preciousD. rare43. A.customB. dealC. problemD. duty44. A.wheneverB. thoughC. whileD. once45. A.givesB. escapesC. paysD. requires46. A.compared withB. covered withC. attached toD. devoted to47. A.storyB. matterC. gameD. view48. A.reducesB. ignoresC. doubtsD. stresses49. A.differ

24、entB. smallC. significantD. equal50. A.planB. invitationC. giftD. wish51. A.trueB. usefulC. clearD. grateful52. A.on timeB. at lengthC. in advanceD. by chance53. A.rememberedB. forgottenC. cancelledD. opposed54. A.variesB. separatesC. rushesD. keeps55. A.MeanwhileB. OtherwiseC. ThusD. Besides56. A.m

25、akeB. killC. saveD. treat57. A.complainedB. valuedC. seizedD. influenced58. A.impoliteB. desperateC. helplessD. unlucky59. A.workingB. approachingC. waitingD. thinking60. A.forcedB. expectedC. refusedD. blessed1.B 根据该句中的 a beautiful Cadillac(凯迪拉克轿车)一1一 near me”可以判断,一辆凯迪拉克轿车停在 我”身旁。B项意为 停车”,符合语境。A项意

26、为驶进”,C项意为 飞逝”,D项意为 拒绝”,都与语境不符。2 .D 根据上句中的a beautiful Cadillac(凯迪拉克轿车)”可知,“我”很欣赏 这辆车。D项意为 羡慕”,符合语境。A项意为 清理”,B项意为 拿”,C项意 为预期”,都与语境不符。3 .A 根据下旬 Her eyes were as blue as the seaand she had teeth like pearfs 可知,这位女士明眸皓齿;据此可以判断,的确她可能是我”看到的电影银幕外最美的女子。A项意为 老实说”,符合语境。B项意为 真诚地”,C项意为 惊人 地”,D项意为 显然",都与语境不符

27、。4 .C 参见上题解析。C项意为 漂亮的”,符合语境。A项意为 和平的”,B 项意为 典型的",D项意为 有耐心的”,都与语境不符。5 .A 根据下句中的 Why is it so 6 that some people have it all”可 知,“我”羡慕这位开凯迪拉克轿车的女士;结合该句中的 dressedin jeans and a T-shirt”可以判断,“我”衣着平凡,“我”想哭。A项意为 哭泣”,符合语境。B项 意为争论”,C项意为逃离”,D项意为询问”,都与语境不符。6c 根据语境可知,“我”衣着平凡,而那位开凯迪拉克轿车的女士则明 眸皓齿。据此可以判断,“我”

28、感到不公平。C项意为 不公平的",符合语境。A 项意为 无法忍受的”,B项意为不平常的”,D项意为 难以相信的",都与语境 不符。7 .D 根据该句中的 The next week I saw her again”可知,第二周 我”又见 到了她;据此可以判断,“我”经常见到她,D项意为 常规”,符合语境。A项 意为机会”,B项意为 奇迹”,C项意为 遗憾”,都与语境不符。8 .B 根据该句中的if从句可以判断,“我”想知道她和她的丈夫是否经常在 外面吃饭并且去哪里吃。B项意为 想知道”,符合语境。A项意为 想象”,C项意为 “猜测 ” , D 项意为 “怀疑” ,都与语境不

29、符。 9c 根据该句中的length”表达的语境可以判断,“我”想要她走出轿车,看 看她的整体形象。 C 项意为 “完全的 ”, 符合语境。 A 项意为 “伟大的 ” , B 项意为 “等 同的 ”, D 项意为 “标准的” ,都与语境不符。1 0.B 根据该句中的question”可知,“我”有了这一问题的答案。B项意为 “回答 ” ,符合语境。 A 项意为 “举起 ” , C 项意为 “展现 ” , D 项意为 “检查 ” ,都与 语境不符。 11 .A 根据该段最后一句 She had an artificial limb(假肢)on her left leg and a brace o

30、n her right one ”可知,她装着假肢;据此可以判断,她行走缓慢。 A 项意 为 “缓慢地 ” ,符合语境。 B 项意为 “坚定地 ” , C 项意为 “快速地 ” , D 项意为 “匆忙 地 ”,都与语境不符。 12 .D 根据下旬 She had an artificial limb”贸肢)on her left leg and a brace on her right one”可知,她装着假肢;据此可以判断,她用双手抬起腿。D项意为抬起 ”,符合语境。 A 项意为 “弯曲 ” , B 项意为 “传播 ” , C 项意为 “穿过 ” ,都与语境 不符。 13 .B 根据前文对

31、“我”所看到的事实的描述可以判断,当“我” 的丈夫到来时, “我 ”将所发生的事情告诉了他。 B 项意为 “发生 ” ,符合语境。 A 项意为 “改 变 ”, C 项意为 “经过 ” , D 项意为 “掩藏” ,都与语境不符。14 .D 根据该句中的 in a car that got stuck on the railroad trackS 可以判断, 在这位女士十二岁那一年,她被困在一辆陷入铁轨的轿车里。 D 项意为 “困住 ” , 符合语境。 A 项意为 “发现 ” , B 项意为 “保护 ” , C 项意为 “离开 ” , 都与语境不符。 15 .A 根据上旬的both her par

32、ents were killed”可知,在事故中,她的父母 双亡; 据此可以判断, 铁路公司给她一大笔安置费。 A 项意为“(解决纷争的)协议 ” ,符合语境。 B 项意为 “交换 ” , C 项意为 “承诺 ” , D 项意为 “安排 ” , 都与语境不符。 16 .C 根据语境可知,由于铁道交叉处没有信号灯,导致了事故的发生。 C 项意为指示灯,信号灯”,符合语境。A项意为车站”,B项意为“布告”,D 项意为 灯”,都与语境不符。17 .A 根据上文可知,由于铁路公司赔偿了一大笔安置费给这位女士,那 就是她拥有这辆豪车的原因。A项意为“的原因",符合语境,故A项正确。18 .D

33、根据第二段可知,“我”所见到的这位女士开着豪车并且长得漂亮, 而我”则衣着平平;据此可以判断,“我”忌妒她。D项意为 忌妒",符合语境。 A项意为 尊敬”,B项意为 观察”,C项意为 接受“,都与语境不符。19 .C 根据前文可知,这位女士在事故中失去双亲,也因此残疾;据此可 以判断,“我”意识到自己是多么幸运。C项意为 幸运的”,符合语境。A项意 为厌烦的”,B项意为 成熟的”,D项意为 自信的",都与语境不符。20 .B 根据语境可知,当你遇到一位看起来比你好得多的人时,不要被其 外表欺骗。B项意为 外表”,符合语境。A项意为 收集物”,C项意为 背景”, D项意为 描

34、述”,都与语境不符。 B21 .D 根据第三段中的 He 22 the gun in my stomach'可知,劫匪用枪指 着我”,故选Do 22 .A 他用枪抵住 我”的肚子。stick刺,戳”;throw扔";fire 一火”;hide躲 藏”。故选Ao 23 .C 根据后面的opened the trunk(打开汽车尾箱)”可知,他拿起我”的钥 匙(keys)。故选 C。24 .D 根据语境可知,此处表示劫匪强迫我”进入尾箱。assist帮助”;guide 指导 “;persuade 劝® "; force 强迫”。 故选 D。25 .B “我”进

35、了尾箱, 只因为 “我 ”准确地知道尾箱开启处在哪儿。 故选 B 。 26 .A 劫匪警告 我”不要动,不要发出声音。warn警告";question质问”; explain 解释";repeat 重复”。故选 A。27 .B 根据空后句中的 my eyes were adjusting to the darknesS'可知,选 B。 28.D 根据后面的my mind cleared(我的思名!清晰)”可知,本处指 恐惧开始 消失(lift)”。spread传播";increase增加";appear出现"。故选 D。29.B 此处表

36、示 我”在等待机会。result结果";chance机会";choice选择”; idea想法”。故选B。30.C 根据空前面的 then stopped'和后面的 the car quickly reached 80 miles an houy可知,劫匪把车加速了。 continue 继续";slow 减速”;accelerate力口 速 ”; remain “停留 ” 。故选 C 。 31.A 根据语境可知,此处表示 “我”拉开尾箱开关, 与上文的“I knew exactlywhere the trunk release was乎应。故选 A。32.

37、B 根据后面的 甩开劫匪”可知,本处指我”快速地跑。walk走";race快 速移动”;wander闲逛”;pass通过”。故选B。33.D 根据后面的 One finally opened and an older lady let me 请可知,本处 指 敲门”。pull拉”;shut关闭";answer回答";beat敲打”。故选D。34.C 根据语境可知, “我 ”快速地关上门并锁好它。 skillfully “巧妙地 ” ;carefully “仔细地 ” ; rapidly “迅速地 ”; silently “沉默地 ”。故选 C。 35.A 我”跟9

38、11电话接线员取得联系。operator电话接线员”;victim受 害者”;criminal罪犯”;organizer组织者”。故选A。36.D 那位警察就在隔壁,他立即做出反应。return返回”;leave离开”; withdraw撤回” ;respond做出反应”。故选D。37.B 第二天,警察逮捕了劫匪。educate教育";arrest逮捕";suspect怀 疑";dismiss解雇”。故选B。38.C 根据后面的 I' knew it wasn't luck that had saved m3可知,警察说 我” 幸运。calm镇静的

39、";dangerous危险的";lucky幸运的";brave勇敢的"。故选 C。 V39 .A 抢劫发展成绑架,很少有好的结果。本处警察说 “我”能活着是运气好。rarely 很少";usually 通常”;probably 很可能”;generally 般地”。故选 A。40 .C 根据后面的 Remember chances only favor those who are prepared'可 知,是思想上的准备(preparation激了我"。故选C。41 .B 根据前文可知, 时间会说话, 这里指的是时间的表达有很

40、多种。 waste 浪费; communicate交流;travel 旅行;run 跑。42 .A 根据语境可知,这里的意思是一天中不同时间做一件事意味着这件事有特别的含义。special特殊的,特别的;ridiculous荒唐的;precious珍贵的; rare 罕见的。 43 .A 一大早给别人打电话不是惯常行为。custom风俗,习性,惯常行为; deal 交易;problem 问题;duty 责任。44 .C 如果你很早打电话给一个人,而此时这个人正在刮脸或吃早饭,那么打电话的时间就表明有紧急事情发生,需要立即予以关注。 whenever 无论何 时;though虽然;while当时,然而;once一旦。45 .D 解析见上题。g


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