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1、湖北省鄂州市金明中学2021-2022学年高三英语模拟试卷含解析一、 选择题1. are your parents worried about your leaving home for university?  _ but they are happy to see me grow up independent.a. sort of.      b. so what?       c. by no means.    d. no kidding

2、?参考答案:a2. dora, do you think jacks proposal reasonable?im sorry i have missed that, but actually i           about another one. a.thoughtb.have thoughtc.had thoughtd.was thinking参考答案:d3. after a second thought, bill _ a better idea of how to solve the problem.

3、a. put up withb. came up withc. kept up with  d. mixed up with参考答案:b4. thank you for sending us _ fresh vegetables of many kinds. you have done us _ great service.a.不填;ab. the;a c.不填;不填 d. the;不填参考答案:a略5. do you mind if i have a look at your english notes?       &#

4、160;its over there on the shelf.       ayes , i do.           bno ,of course not.       cthats ok.   dnever mind.参考答案:b6. he just stared at me and there was an expression in his ey

5、es i couldnt _.a. read                 b. sense                c. tell               

6、     d. notice参考答案:a7. as habit is difficult to get rid of ,it is therefore important that a child _attention to the formation of habits.a. pay              b. pays        

7、60;      c. paid             d. must pay参考答案:a8. all the tourists _ about the bad service in that restaurant. a. complainedb. expressed      c. containedd. explained参考答案:a9. it is known that

8、 water is not _ endless resource, nor _ that can be made once more.a. the; 不填                          b. an; one             

9、;              c. an; that                          d. 不填; one参考答案:b略10. every day _ a proverb aloud several times until you

10、have it memorized.a. read        b. readingc. to readd. reads参考答案:a11. our graduation party was _ successwe sang and danced until it came to _ end at ten oclockaa;the         ba;an         

11、                   cthe;an         d/;/   参考答案:b 考察冠词,success作为成功的人,成功的事来讲是可数名词。第二空come to an end 是固定搭配略12. mr. smith has little acquaintance _ drama, while he has a

12、 wide knowledge _ painting. a. with; of       b. of; about      c. with; about      d. of; of 参考答案:a13. its  already 10 o'clock i wonder how it       that she was two hours late on

13、such a short tripacame over           bcame out              ccame about            dcame up参考答案:c 14. the       co

14、nclusion is not a set one. it still needs further testing.  a. tentative    b. basic     c. bare    d. systematic参考答案:a15. pandas are _ to the mountains of central china and only about 1,000 remain in the wild.a. nativeb. sensitivec. related. fa

15、miliar参考答案:a试题分析:考察形容词辨析。a. native本地的; b. sensitive敏感的;c. relate有关系的;d. familiar相似的;文意是熊猫是中国本土的动物,在野外仅存在1000只。16. as many as 150 miners died in the accidentif only the mine - owners _ enough attention to the safety measures!         apaid   

16、0;           bshould pay            cwould pay                   dhad paid参考答案:d17. does this meal cost $50? i _somethin

17、g far better than this?a.  prefer         b. expect         c. suggest       d. suppose参考答案:b略18. wouldnt you rather your child_ successful with his study and on the scholarship?a. beco

18、me  b. became  c. would become   d. becomes参考答案:b19. sorry, i have to hang up nowit's time for classok,               ayou can make itbi'm on your side ci'll call back later   di'm also tir

19、ed of it参考答案:c二、 书面表达20. 你是英语俱乐部的成员,参加俱乐部组织的英语学习经验交流,介绍自己最喜欢的英语读物。【写作内容】请你根据以下表内内容介绍21世纪学生英文报“高中版”。名称21世纪学生英文报“高中版”(21st century teens senior edition)创办时间2001年10月读者对象中国高中学生报纸类型周刊宗旨满足高中生学英语的要求,提高他们的英语应用能力报纸特色根据高中学生的阅读水平,提供国内外的时事新闻包容八大版块(section),包括frontpage, our world, campus trends等;涉及时事新闻、文化、社会生活、娱

20、乐、体育等等网址个人感受这是一份优秀的英语报刊;受益匪浅【写作要求】   只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。【评分标准】   句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。参考答案:founded in october, 2001, 21st century teens senior edition is an english language weekly designed for senior high school students in china. to meet the needs of senior high school students to

21、learn english and improve their ability in using the language, the weekly provides up-to-date news at home and abroad, which is suitable for their reading level. it contains eight sections, such as frontpage, our world, campus trends, covering culture, social life, sports, entertainment, etc. its we

22、bsite is available now. 21st century teens senior edition is indeed an excellent english newspaper, from which i have benefited a lot.三、 阅读理解21. three-dayold oskar lunde sleeps in a small bed at an estonian(爱沙尼亚) hospital.across the room, his father turns on a laptop computer. "now we will regi

23、ster our child, "andrei lunde says as he lifts his identification card into the card reader. his wife, olga, looks on. and just like that, oskar is estonias newest citizen. no paper. no time spent standing in a line.estonia has launched a project to make government administration completely dig

24、ital. the goal is to reduce the size of the government work force, open up the decision-making process and fuel economic growth.need medicine ?reach for a computer and send an email or text message to a doctor. need help from the local government? click on a link to the government websitesestonia ha

25、s created a system that supports electronic authentication(身份验证) and digital signatures. it provides paperless communications for both the government and private industry.however, there are a few things that one cannot do electronically in estonia: marry, end a marriage or buy and sell property. tha

26、t is only because the government has decided it is very important to show up in person for some big life events. when estonia declared independence from the former soviet union in 1991, it had to build a new economy. government leaders looked for an industry where the country could compete. they dec

27、ided on information technology and the internet.when the poor country needed to replace a 1930s phone system, former president toomas hendrik ilves rejected the offer of a free analog(模拟) system from finland and argued for a digital one.last year, information and communications made up 5.9 percent o

28、f the economy. the government hopes to increase that figure with an "e-residency " program that lets businessmen around the world register their businesses in estonia, thus gaining a presence in the european union. more than 51, 000 people from 167 countries have registered at a cost of on

29、ly 100 euros, or114 each.28. what purpose does paragraph 1 serve in the passage?a. to provide background information of the topic.b. to attract readers attention to the topicc. to describe the daily life of an estoniand. to offer some basic knowledge of estonia29. in which case shall people show up

30、in person in estonia?a. registering a newly born baby.    b. registering a businessc. purchasing a house.    d. signing a name.30. what can we infer from the last paragraph?a. the "e-residency "program didn't work in practiceb. the "e-residency" program appeals to native estoniansc. people register businesses in estonia at very low pricesd. estonia used to be a member state of the european union.31. which of the


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