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1、2011年12月24日Cultural relics 教学设计 教材依据教学年级:高中一年级课题名称:Unit 1 Cultural relics 课 时:using language-A Fact or an Opinion教材版本:人教版授课时间:45分钟 教学背景分析 学生分析1. 本班学生年龄在16岁左右,来自各乡镇。学生对于英语的学习热情较高,但总是喜欢听而不习惯开口说英语。经调查、面谈了解到,学生常常感到想开口但是害怕犯错误,所以课堂上经常处于被动的角色。为了改变这个现象,本课专门设计了对学生互动要求较高的活动,希望长期的锻炼和尝试能够改变学生学习哑巴英语的现象。2. 部分学生对于

2、英语的学习局限于课本的材料和资源,不能找到学习英语的真正用途。基于这种理解,他们对于英语的学习动机就不可能持久而深入。3. 本班学生好奇心强,善于思考,对问题有较强的自主分析水平。4. 本班学生在英语学习上一直都以8人为一小组,并有自己小组的名称以及奋斗目标(如Group 6 为Excellent, Group 5为Active, Group 4为Confident)。小组成员互相协助,共同进步;小组之间的竞争激烈,形成较好的你追我赶的学习风气。 教学内容分析1. Using Language 部分的Reading and listening和speaking主要通过对evidence, fa

3、ct和opinion三个词的讲解辨析,同时结合琥珀屋离奇失踪这个事件,对学生实行听力训练,有效地协助学生将所学内容与实际判断水平的培养结合起来。2. 教材内容安排科学而又符合英语学习者的特点,但是本班学生对于该单元的内容似乎总提不起兴趣,可能对于话题本身也比较陌生。所以同学们的学习停留在阅读上。但是区分事实与观点不但在阅读理解方面更是在现实生活中有着不可忽视的作用。所以,让学生学会判断事实与观点在我看来成为本课的重点内容。3. 根据本班学生的特点,在使用教材部分内容的同时,教师利用自己编写的一个小案例引起学生们的好奇心并促使大家综合地使用英语表达自己的看法,从而又为下一节课的表达看法的写作课做

4、铺垫。 设计思想本节课的整体设计以“学生为中心,活动为中心”的任务型教学原则为基础,以为学生创设开口说英语的情境为目标,通过设计不同的任务,使用多方面的素材,如教师本人所撰写的“Who is the murderer?”小剧本,让学生们在有趣、快乐的小组比赛以及寻找杀人凶手的庭审活动中,既学会了区分事实与观点的技巧,又综合地训练了自己的语言使用水平。在激发学生用英语表达观点的过程中,学生必须首先学会分辨事实与观点,对于5位犯罪嫌疑人的陈述实行分析。缺乏证据的观点通常也能引起学生的质疑,这个点很好地考查了学生对于本课知识是否巩固。此外,该课还培养了学生在学习语言的同时能够学会客观、辨证地看待事物

5、的水平。 Knowledge objectives & abilities:) Knowledge objectives: A Fact or an Opinion) Abilities:l Learn the definitions of fact and opinion;l Learn to tell opinion from fact;l Continue practicing the skill of scanning; Teaching methods:) Task-based pedagogy;) Scaffolding strategy; Emotions, attitu

6、de & values:) To stimulate students interests in learning and speaking in English; ) To learn to tell opinion from fact in different situations either through group work or individual thinking;) To help the students think objectively. Teaching Aims: ) Enable the students to distinguish fact from

7、 opinion; ) Enable the students to make judgments on fact or opinion according to what others say;) Stimulate students curiosity about a case and thus become interested in using the target language;) Help the students learn about the different members of a court, like the judge, the lawyers and also

8、 the grand jury. Important Teaching Points:) Help the students distinguish opinion from fact;) Learn and tell the differences of fact and opinion, make judgments objectively in factual conversations. Difficult Teaching Points:Help the students in telling facts and opinions apart in factual conversat

9、ions. Teaching preparation: ) A multi-media classroom; ) Five students acted as suspected criminals and be familiar with their own characters, who should know their tasks through the lesson; they should also be active and smart enough to answer any question put forward by the jurors. Teaching Proced

10、ures:Step Lead-in: What do you see in the picture?I will begin the lesson by showing a picture, which looks like a young ladys face but is actually three birds flying to a tree. On seeing the picture, some students may say they see three birds and also two baby birds in a tree while others may see t

11、he lady. Then Id point out that different people may have different opinions at the same thing and that its very important sometimes to tell fact from opinion, because without evidence, “Birds are only birds.”T: Do you celebrate Christmas Day?Ss: Yes.T: Do you receive many gifts?Ss: Yes.T: Cathy sai

12、d she received many gifts on Christmas Day. Is she telling the fact or opinion?Ss: Fact.Step Examples: Show some pictures with sentences and ask whats telling the fact and whats telling the opinion.Purpose: To have a general idea of what would be taught. Its also a time for me to see how much the st

13、udents have learnt about this skill.T: From the picture, someone said “The cat is small and thin.” Is it fact or opinion?S: Fact.T: And some said “The cat is saying sorry.”?S: Opinion.Step Scanning: Scan and find out the definition of fact and opinion. (Turn to P5 in your textbook.)Purpose: To get t

14、he students to find out the definition by scanning. Given a short period of time, students may focus on the class easily.In this way, students have better understanding of the differences between the two, which will serve them in the activities that follows.Step Consolidation: Practice makes perfect

15、!Purpose: To do some exercises so that the students can have better abilities in telling facts and opinions. This is also an exercise that requires prompt reactions, which is followed by a reading that has time limit. All of these easy exercises are preparing the students for the last activity. Grou

16、p competition: Students compete in groups and tell whether the sentences read by the teacher are telling facts or opinions. Each group get one point if its members answer the questions correctly.The 12 sentences are listed as follows: Our school is really beautiful. The color blue means sad. Men are

17、 better cooks than women. Children like ice cream. There are a hundred centimetres in one metre. People can be changed by education. Violence on TV makes people become violent too. Miss Zhuang will never ever become fat. A car is more expensive than a bicycle. Pop music is horrible. 78% of the girls

18、 preferred learning a foreign language. Girls are better storytellers than boys. Find out the sentences that tell opinion: ( in 30seconds)The rules in my middle school are very strict, but I think they are very good. Rules keep students from having fights, smoking, and destroying things at school. S

19、ome students break the water pipes and windows in the mens room. But most students follow the rules. I like the rules at my school, because they make the school safe and clean, and they also make a great environment for studying.Step Application: Help the judge in finding out who the murderer is.Pur

20、pose: To get the students realize what they have learnt is of great importance in our daily life, especially in a court where the judge should decide which to believe and which not.) Knowledge about members of a court and introduction of the activityT: Youve done a marvelous work! So do you think it

21、s a piece of cake for you to tell facts and opinions apart?Ss: Yes, its easy.T: You are smart, but now a great judge came across a big problem in his court about a case. Could you help him out?Ss: With pleasure!T: Its so kind of you! First lets learn something about the members of a court to see who

22、 you can become when you offer help. From the picture we can see a judge, some lawyers and a group of people who are called the grand jury. They serve as assistants, asking the suspected criminals questions and vote on the result of a case. So would you like to act as jurors?Ss: Yes.T: Now lets lear

23、n about the case.Who is the murderer? Event: Nanny McPhee was murdered in Professor Stephens evening party Reason: unknown, probably the lost diamond ring Suspected criminals: the last 5 people who made contact with her Task: find out the murderer) Preparation of the trialØ Jurors learn about t

24、he basic information of each suspected criminal(犯罪嫌疑人)After the party, all the guests invited were expected to rest themselves in the hotel rooms. However, the old nanny McPhee was found dead. According to the Medical examiner(法医), she must have died during 22 to 24. The drunk hairdresser was found

25、sitting next to the dead body, with a pillow in his hands.ChildrenHousePSwaitressaged 1, 3, 6rentnodentist4 childrenboughtaged and sick parentsmanager0boughtrich, investmentgardeneraged 2, 6, 10rentaged and sick parents, debtshairdresseraged 15,17bought bankruptcy(破产)Ø Suspected criminals get r

26、eadyPS: The teacher reminds the jury of the financial situation of the 5 suspected criminals, because the death of the old lady may be related with money. ) The triall The jurors are offered a timetable of when and where each suspected criminal were and what they were doing when they stayed with the

27、 old lady.Reasons: There are some new words in the statements and the timetable is offered to assist the jurors to get the general idea of the event easily, which can help in the process of the trial. Besides, with the time table, jurors can have a brief view and thus help them in thinking and askin

28、g questions.Timetable:When and wheredoingwaitress8:309:00 room9:00-12:00 party hall 12:00 roomtalks, _found the tragedydentist9:00-10:10_10:10 room clinic_a patientmanager_roomtalk with the lady_gardenerparty hallroomdrinking_hairdresserparty hallroom (seen at the scene) drinkingdrunk and shockedl T

29、he suspected criminals statements Where they were and what they were doing, any eyewitness?WaitressIt was my great honor to be invited by Professor Stephen, and I took it as a precious chance to serve him. Since I work in a hotel as a waitress, I took care of every distinguished guest, especially th

30、e elderly. At 8:30 I sent her to her room and made tea for her. We had a cheerful talk. About half an hour later, I left for the party hall, where the other guests were still dancing and drinking. It was not until the party was over that I checked every room and found Lady McPhee was dead. Dentist:

31、I work in the Welcare Hospital as a dentist. Besides, I also run a clinic because we need money badly for my seriously sick father as well as my four children. I enjoyed myself in the party and I had a joyful talk with Lady McPhee and later with the waiter. Having been invited by the lady, I went to

32、 her room to have a look at her aching teeth at about 10:10, because she insisted that I go over after she took a bath and had time to take good care of her teeth. She cared much about her appearance, as is known to all of us. I was to sleep in the hotel that night, but for an emergent patient in my

33、 clinic, I left in a hurried after I visited her.Manager: I couldnt have killed the old lady for any reason! Ive never worried about money all my life. Being a manager of the United Bank, I have plenty of money and I even put a lot on the stock market. My Korean wife, who is crazy about fashion, sho

34、wed great interests in the ladys scarf and gloves. Lady McPhee and my wife shared the same view on fashion and as a result, we were invited to her room. When we went over, the dentist was also there. But he left before we finished our discussion about children.Gardener:My dearest judges, Im just a p

35、oor man who has aged and sick parents and young children to take care of. Ive never dreamed of spending even one hour in such a grand hotel all my life! I was invited because I once saved the life of the professors granddaughter. I was almost drunk and I needed a bath badly. I tried hard but still c

36、ouldnt get any water. So I asked the lady, who lived the nearest, for help. Im telling the truth. Please, please, please trust me. Hairdresser: As you may have already learnt, I ran a beauty salon and not long ago, it was closed due to my inexperience in this field. As a hairdresser, I used to be po

37、pular among my customers. The failure gave me a strong strike. So I drank too much and definitely I was drunk. I said, everyone has a time when he was down. But it doesnt mean that Id lose my heart and kill anybody. I went to her room mistakenly and I didnt realize that there was a woman in there ly

38、ing on the floor, dead! Yes, when the waiter arrived, I was in the scene and I was still taking the pillow which had been used to kill her. If it wasnt because I was drunk, what kind of fool would kill a woman with the door open?After their statements, the teacher tries to get the jurors to focus on

39、 why these people were suspected. When and wheredoingwaitress8:309:00 room9:00-12:00 party hall 12:00 roomtalks, made teafound the tragedydentist9:00-10:10 party hall10:10 room clinicsee her aching teetha patientmanagerParty hallroomtalk with the lady talksgardenerParty hallroomdrinkingask for helphairdresserParty hallRoom (seen at the scene) drinkingdrunk and shockedl Question Time: Jur


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