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1、液压系统泄漏控制【摘要】液压系统泄露的主要因素是液压系统固体颗粒污染造成的,其次是密封件质量在设计、制造及日常使用维护时的保证,根据以上因素,确定了防止液压系统泄露的措施。    【关键词】液压系统固体颗粒密封件质量保证    一、泄漏的危害    三漏(漏油、漏水、漏气)问题到目前为止仍旧是工程机械的顽疾,尤其是液压系统泄漏影响着系统工作的安全性、可靠性,造成油液浪费、污染周围环境、增加机器的停工时间、降低生产率、增加生产成本及对产品造成污损,因此,对液压系统的泄漏我们必须加以控制。 

2、0;  二、泄漏的因素    通常液压机械所用的液压油,均由于使用与管理的不当,使可继续使用的油成为废油,不但造成无谓的浪费,增加了维护成本,更造成环境的污染。几乎所有的液压系统的泄漏都是在使用一段时间后由于以下几个原因引起的:(1)液压系统固体颗粒污染,导致密封件及配合件相互磨损;(2)设计及制造的缺陷;(3)冲击和振动造成管接头松动;(4)油温过高及橡胶密    封与液压油不相容而变质。    三、泄漏因素及控制措施    (一)液压系统固体颗粒污染的分析和控制

3、    1.液压系统污染物的来源液压系统的污染源主要有潜在污染物、再生污染物和浸入污染物。液压系统中的污染物的类型大致可分为固体颗粒、空气、水、化学物质和微生物等,其中,固体颗粒污染发生的最为普遍。    2.固体颗粒的危害与产生的原因(1)固体颗粒的组成    主要由剥落物、胶质、金属粉末、空气中带来的粉尘、砂子、研磨粉、沉积物和纤维等组成。    (2)固体颗粒的主要来源    系统硬管管道内壁附着的片状铁锈,酸洗后残留在管内的化学药品类;硬

4、管在切割和套丝等加工过程中存留的铁屑;密封件、密封圈残渣;高压软管总成内部灰尘及部分接头部位残留胶状碎片;液压系统装配现场由于环境因素进入管道内部的石子、尘土等,这种情况并不多见;液压元件内部存留的型砂残留物、加工铁屑、密封残渣等。    (3)固体颗粒污染的危害    粘着和堵塞过滤器孔眼和各种间隙、通道,从而使液压泵运转困难,产生气蚀和躁声;破坏润滑油膜,增大机器的摩擦力和磨损。磨损会导致液压元件产生泄露,效率降低,使用寿命缩短甚至损坏;加速密封材料磨损,增加外泄漏量;部分或全部堵塞液压元件的孔隙,使控制元件动作失灵;固体颗粒中的

5、金属和金属化合物粒子会对油液的氧化,变质起催化作用,油液的氧化将劣化油液质量,降低润滑性能,导致密封件或运动部件磨损加剧,使泄漏发生。    当元件的间隙被固体颗粒所淤塞,会产生磨损的链式反应,使系统元件进一步磨损,产生更多的固体颗粒。采取有效措施去除油液污染物,尤其是固体污染物,是保证工程机械液压系统正常工作的前提。    3.防污措施    (1)设计阶段的污染控制    在设计阶段,应慎重选用易于产生颗粒杂质而污染系统油液的装置、结构等。如从控制固体颗粒污染角度,宁可选

6、凸缘连接结构而少用管接头,因为装配维修时管接头产生大量磨屑;油箱呼吸口设计位置高一些,并尽量掩蔽些,以防雨水和灰尘侵入;软管可选用加衬里的油管等等。在设计阶段最重要的是滤油器的设计和选择。可考虑在对液压油污染较敏感的液压元件进油处及容易产生磨屑的液压元件的回油处增设吸油滤油器,在关键性液压元件的进油口设置辅助滤油器,在污染物侵入量大的系统中,安装旁路过滤,改善清洁度,延长滤油器使用寿命等等。    (2)制造阶段的污染控制    外携外购件如各种阀、高压软管、缸等以及液压油要严格进行进厂检验。关键件需进行加载、抛光和清洗。除外购的液压

7、元件以及一些软管外,在现场配制的液压管道必须经过酸洗除锈。管道按以下工艺流程进行:脱脂、酸洗、中和、钝化、干燥、涂油、封闭。酸洗前应将经过脱脂处理后的管子用净化压力水冲去关内外壁的碱性溶液和洗去油污。所有密封面、丝扣等必须涂油覆盖以后才能进行清洗。    酸洗处理后,必须对管道进行打压冲洗,打压冲洗是液压系统装配过程中非常重要的环节。管道经过打压冲洗以后,可以将管道中杂质冲去。冲洗时重点对焊口、法兰、变径、三通及弯头部位定时进行均匀敲打,使这些部位的杂质振落随油一起冲走。    应注意管道的酸洗与打压冲洗应在装配前进行,因为过早进行这

8、些处理而长期搁置不用,管道装配时仍有生锈的可能性。    (二)密封件质量保证    1.减少动密封件的磨损(1)消除活塞杆和驱动轴密封件上的侧载荷;(2)用防尘圈、防护罩和橡胶套保护活塞杆,防止磨料、粉尘等杂质进入;(3)设计选取合适的过滤装置和便于清洗的油箱以防止粉尘在油液中累积;(4)使活塞杆和轴的速度尽可能低。    2.设计及制造缺陷的解决方法    (1)液压元件外配套的选择在液压系统的泄漏中起着决定性的影响。在新产品设计、老产品的改进中,对缸、泵、阀件、密封件、

9、液压辅件等的选择,要本着好中选优、优中选廉原则慎重的、有比较的进行。    (2)合理设计安装面和密封面。当阀组或管路固定在安装面上时,为了得到满意的初始密封和防止密封件被挤出沟槽和被磨损,安装面要平直;密封面要求精加工,表面粗糙度要达到0.8m,平面度要达到0.01/100mm,表面不能有径向划痕,连接螺钉的预紧力要足够大,以防止表面分离。    (3)在制造及运输过程中要防止关键表面磕碰、划伤,对装配调试过程进行严格监控,保证装配质量。    3.减少冲击和振动    (

10、1)使用减震支架固定所有管子以便吸收冲击和振动;(2)使用低冲击阀或蓄能器来减少冲击;(3)适当布置压力控制阀来保护系统的所有元件;(4)尽量减少管接头的使用数量,管接头尽量用焊接连接;(5)使用直螺纹接头,三通接头和弯头代替锥管螺纹接头;(6)尽量用回油块代替各个配管;(7)针对使用的最高压力,规定安装时使用螺栓的扭矩和堵头扭矩,防止结合面和密封件被蚕食;(8)正确安装管接头。    4.对静密封件的要求    静密封件在刚性固定表面之间防止油液外泄。合理设计密封槽尺寸及公差,使安装后的密封件到一定挤压产生变形以便填塞配合表面的微观

11、凹陷,并把密封件内应力提高到高于被密封的压力。    5.控制油温防止密封件变质    密封件过早变质可能是由多种因素引起的,一个重要因素是油温过高。温度每升高10则密封件寿命就会减半,所以应合理设计高效液压系统或设置强制冷却装置,使最佳油液温度保持在65以下,工程机械不许超过80。    四、结论    泄漏产生的原因和主要部位在液压系统中,从元件到辅件,从油箱到液压泵、液压缸等各个环节,都可能存在泄漏问题,造成泄漏的原因也很多,本文强调以下几个方面:(1)振动和冲击。(2

12、)由间隙变大而使产生泄漏或者使得泄漏增加。(3)从实际维修中发现,液压系统中的颗粒物污染是加剧间隙增大和密封件失效的重要原因。    油液的清洁、油液的注入、油液的过滤;元件的清洁、装配的清洁、装配的规范;调试及工作中的正确使用等都是对液压系统的保护,同时降低了泄漏的可能性。泄漏的控制大致可从油液、元件、使用三方面来保证,而保持液压系统的清洁无污染,是维系系统的设计使用寿命并可有效控制泄漏的简单易行的措施。Hydraulic system leakage control 【 abstract 】 the main factors of hydraulic syst

13、em leak is hydraulic system pollution caused by solid particles, the second is the seal quality in the design, manufacture and use daily maintenance guarantee, according to the above factors, determine the measures to prevent the hydraulic system leak. 【 key words 】 solid particle seal quality assur

14、ance in the hydraulic system A, the dangers of leakage Three leakage (oil, water and air) problem so far is still a construction machinery's ills, especially hydraulic system leak affects the safety of the system work, reliability, oil waste, pollution caused by the surrounding environment, incr

15、ease the machine downtime, lower productivity, increase the cost of production and the product cause defiled, therefore, to control the hydraulic system leak we must be. Second, the leakage of factors Usually used in the hydraulic machinery hydraulic oil, due to the improper use and management, make

16、 can continue to use the oil waste oil, not only cause unnecessary waste, and increases the maintenance costs, cause environmental pollution. Almost all of the leakage of the hydraulic system is in use after a period of time due to several reasons: (1) the hydraulic system of solid particle pollutio

17、n, lead to seal and cooperate with each other wear; (2) design and manufacturing defects; (3) the impact and vibration caused by loose coupling; (4) the oil temperature is too high and rubber Seal and hydraulic oil are incompatible and metamorphism. Three, leakage factors and control measures (a) hy

18、draulic system analysis and control of solid particle pollution 1. The source of the hydraulic system of pollutants in hydraulic system of pollution sources are potential contaminants, regeneration of pollutants and immersed pollutants. The type of contamination in hydraulic system can be roughly di

19、vided into solid grain, air, water, chemical and microbiological etc, among them, the most common solid particle contamination. 2. The cause of the harm of solid particles with (1) the composition of solid particles Mainly by exfoliation, glue, metal powder, in the air with dust, sand, abrasive powd

20、er, sediment and fiber, etc. (2) the main source of solid particles (1) the system hard tube wall of pipeline caused by attached sheet rust, acid chemical residue in the tube after class; (2) hard tube in the process of cutting and set of silk of iron; (3) the seals, sealing ring residue; (4) high p

21、ressure hose assembly residual colloidal dust and part of the joint parts in pieces; (5) the hydraulic system assembly site due to environmental factors into the pipe internal stones, dust, etc, this kind of situation does not see more; 6 left hydraulic components inside green sand residue, residue

22、processing iron filings, seal, etc. (3) the dangers of solid particle pollution 1) adhesive and blocking filter hole and all sorts of clearance, the channel, so that the hydraulic pump operation difficulty, cavitation and noisy; (2) destroy the lubricating oil film, the friction and wear machine. We

23、ar and tear can lead to leaking hydraulic components, low efficiency, shorten the service life and even damage; (3) to accelerate the seal material wear, increase the leakage; (4) some or all of the jam the pore of hydraulic components, motion control components, failure; (5) the particles of the so

24、lid metal and metal compound particles of oil oxidation, metamorphic catalysis, the oxidation of oil degradation oil quality, reduce the lubrication performance, lead to seal or moving parts wear, make the leakage. When components of clearance is silted up by solid particles to produce wear chain re

25、action, make the system components further wear and produce more of the solid particles. Take effective measures to remove the oil contamination, especially solid pollutants, is the premise of guarantee the normal work of the engineering machinery hydraulic system. 3. The anti-fouling measures (1) t

26、he design phase of the pollution control At the design stage, we should carefully choose prone to grain impurity and oil pollution system device, structure, etc. Such as from the control Angle of solid particle pollution, would rather choose pipe fittings, flange connection structure and use less be

27、cause assembly pipe joint when maintenance produces a large number of wear debris; Tank breathing mouth design position higher, and try to hide, to prevent rain and dirt intrusion; Hose can choose add lined tubing and so on. In the design phase is the most important is the design and choice of oil f

28、ilter. May be considered on hydraulic components of hydraulic oil pollution sensitive feed place and prone to wear debris of hydraulic components of additional oil absorption, oil filter, oil return place auxiliary oil filter is set in the inlet of the key hydraulic components, in a large quantity o

29、f pollutants into the system, install by-pass filtering, improve cleanliness, prolong the service life of filter and so on. (2) the manufacturing phase of the pollution control Outside with purchased components such as all kinds of valves, high pressure hose, cylinder and the hydraulic oil into the

30、factory inspection strictly. Key-module need to load, polishing and cleaning. Except for hydraulic components and some hose, prepared at the scene of hydraulic pipe pickling must be made. Pipeline according to the following process: degreasing, pickling, neutralizing, passivation, dry, oil, closed.

31、Before pickling after degreasing process, the pipe should be with purified water pressure to internal and external wall of the alkaline solution and wash away the oil. All sealing surface, such as thread must cover before cleaning oil. Pipe crackdown after pickling process, must wash, suppression of

32、 washing is very important steps in the process of the hydraulic system assembly. Pipe after suppression of flushing, the pipe can be thrown impurities. Flush when focusing on joint, flange, reducer, tee and timing Angle positions are evenly, make these parts of the impurity mode be washed away with

33、 oil. Should pay attention to pipe pickling and suppression of flushing should be performed before assembly, because early in the processing and lay up for a long time, still have the possibility of rust when pipe assembly. (2) the packing quality assurance 1. Reduce wear dynamic seal (1) to elimina

34、te the piston rod and the lateral load on the drive shaft seal; (2) using shield, shields and rubber sleeve to protect the piston rod, prevent abrasive, dust and other impurities to enter; (3) the design selection of appropriate filtration unit and easy cleaning tank to prevent dust accumulation in

35、oil; (4) to make the piston rod and the shaft speed as low as possible. 2. Design and manufacturing defect solution (1) outside supporting the choice of hydraulic components in the hydraulic system leak plays a decisive influence. In the new product design, the improvement of old products, and the c

36、ylinder, pump, valve, seal, hydraulic auxiliary parts such as the choice of, good to be in line with the best, the best principles carefully, there is. (2) the reasonable design and installation surface and sealing surface. When the valve or piping fixed on the installation, in order to get the init

37、ial seal of the satisfaction and prevent seal out of the groove and frayed, mounting surface should be flat; Sealing surface for finish machining, the surface roughness to achieve 0.8 mu m, flatness to 0.01/100 mm, surface can't have radial scratch, connecting bolt pre-tightening force is large

38、enough, in order to prevent the surface separation. (3) in the process of manufacturing and transport to prevent critical surface knock against, scratches, to strict monitoring of assembly and debugging process, ensure the quality of assembly. 3. Reduce impact and vibration (1) using suspension brac

39、ket all tubes to absorb shock and vibration; (2) the use of low impact valve or accumulator to reduce the impact; (3) the proper arrangement of pressure control valve to protect the system all components; (4) to minimize the use of the pipe joint number, pipe joint by welding connection as far as po

40、ssible; (5) using the straight thread connection, tee joint and elbow instead of taper pipe nipple; (6) with oil return instead of all piping as far as possible; (7) for the use of the highest pressure, the regulation when installation using the bolt torque and the torque of the plug, prevent encroa

41、chment joint surface and the seals; The pipe joint (8) is properly installed. 4. The requirement for static seals Static seal to prevent oil leakage between the rigid fixed surface. Reasonable seal groove dimension and tolerance design, make the seal to certain extrusion deformation after installati

42、on in order to cooperate with the surface of a micro sag, and the seal to internal stress is higher than the pressure seal. 5. Control the oil temperature to prevent seal metamorphism Seal premature deterioration may be caused by many factors, one important factor is the oil temperature is too high.

43、 Temperature rise every 10 seal longevity will be halved, so should be reasonable design efficient hydraulic system or set of forced cooling device, to keep the best oil temperature under 65 , engineering machinery must not exceed 80 . Four, conclusion The causes of leakage and the main parts in the

44、 hydraulic system, from components to auxiliary parts, from the tank to the hydraulic pump, hydraulic cylinder and so on each link, are likely to have leakage problem, there are many causes of the leakage, this article emphasizes the following aspects: (1) the vibration and shock. (2) generated by t

45、he gap bigger and make the leakage or leakage increase. (3) found in the actual repair, particulate matter pollution in the hydraulic system is the important reason for the increased clearance increases and seal failure. The cleanness of the oil, the oil pump, oil filter; Cleaning, cleaning and asse

46、mbly of components assembly specification; The correct use of debugging and work is the protection of the hydraulic system, and reduce the possibility of a leak. From the oil spill control can be roughly, components, using three aspects to guarantee, and keep hydraulic system clean and no pollution,

47、 is to maintain system design service life and can effectively control the leakage of simple measures.液压系统泄漏控制Hydraulic system leakage control 【摘要】液压系统泄露的主要因素是液压系统固体颗粒污染造成的,其次是密封件质量在设计、制造及日常使用维护时的保证,根据以上因素,确定了防止液压系统泄露的措施。【 abstract 】 the main factors of hydraulic system leak is hydraulic system poll

48、ution caused by solid particles, the second is the seal quality in the design, manufacture and use daily maintenance guarantee, according to the above factors, determine the measures to prevent the hydraulic system leak. 【关键词】液压系统固体颗粒密封件质量保证【 key words 】 solid particle seal quality assurance in the

49、hydraulic system 一、泄漏的危害A, the harm of leakage 三漏(漏油、漏水、漏气)问题到目前为止仍旧是工程机械的顽疾,尤其是液压系统泄漏影响着系统工作的安全性、可靠性,造成油液浪费、污染周围环境、增加机器的停工时间、降低生产率、增加生产成本及对产品造成污损,因此,对液压系统的泄漏我们必须加以控制。Three leakage (oil, water and air) problem so far is still a construction machinery's ills, especially hydraulic system leak affe

50、cts the safety of the system work, reliability, oil waste, pollution caused by the surrounding environment, increase the machine downtime, lower productivity, increase the cost of production and the product cause defiled, therefore, to control the hydraulic system leak we must be. 二、泄漏的因素Second, the

51、 leakage of factors 通常液压机械所用的液压油,均由于使用与管理的不当,使可继续使用的油成为废油,不但造成无谓的浪费,增加了维护成本,更造成环境的污染。几乎所有的液压系统的泄漏都是在使用一段时间后由于以下几个原因引起的:(1)液压系统固体颗粒污染,导致密封件及配合件相互磨损;(2)设计及制造的缺陷;(3)冲击和振动造成管接头松动;(4)油温过高及橡胶密Usually used in the hydraulic machinery hydraulic oil, due to the improper use and management, make can continue t

52、o use the oil waste oil, not only cause unnecessary waste, and increases the maintenance costs, cause environmental pollution. Almost all of the leakage of the hydraulic system is in use after a period of time due to several reasons: (1) the hydraulic system of solid particle pollution, lead to seal

53、 and cooperate with each other wear; (2) design and manufacturing defects; (3) the impact and vibration caused by loose coupling; (4) the oil temperature is too high and rubber 封与液压油不相容而变质。Seal and hydraulic oil are incompatible and metamorphism. 三、泄漏因素及控制措施Three, leakage factors and control measure

54、s (一)液压系统固体颗粒污染的分析和控制(a) hydraulic system analysis and control of solid particle pollution 1.液压系统污染物的来源液压系统的污染源主要有潜在污染物、再生污染物和浸入污染物。液压系统中的污染物的类型大致可分为固体颗粒、空气、水、化学物质和微生物等,其中,固体颗粒污染发生的最为普遍。1. The source of the hydraulic system of pollutants in hydraulic system of pollution sources are potential contami

55、nants, regeneration of pollutants and immersed pollutants. The type of contamination in hydraulic system can be roughly divided into solid grain, air, water, chemical and microbiological etc, among them, the most common solid particle contamination. 2.固体颗粒的危害与产生的原因(1)固体颗粒的组成2. The cause of the harm

56、of solid particles with (1) the composition of solid particles 主要由剥落物、胶质、金属粉末、空气中带来的粉尘、砂子、研磨粉、沉积物和纤维等组成。Mainly by exfoliation, glue, metal powder, in the air with dust, sand, abrasive powder, sediment and fiber, etc. (2)固体颗粒的主要来源(2) the main source of solid particles 系统硬管管道内壁附着的片状铁锈,酸洗后残留在管内的化学药品类;硬

57、管在切割和套丝等加工过程中存留的铁屑;密封件、密封圈残渣;高压软管总成内部灰尘及部分接头部位残留胶状碎片;液压系统装配现场由于环境因素进入管道内部的石子、尘土等,这种情况并不多见;液压元件内部存留的型砂残留物、加工铁屑、密封残渣等。(1) the system hard tube wall of pipeline caused by attached sheet rust, acid chemical residue in the tube after class; (2) hard tube in the process of cutting and set of silk of iron;

58、 (3) the seals, sealing ring residue; (4) high pressure hose assembly residual colloidal dust and part of the joint parts in pieces; (5) the hydraulic system assembly site due to environmental factors into the pipe internal stones, dust, etc, this kind of situation does not see more; 6 left hydrauli

59、c components inside green sand residue, residue processing iron filings, seal, etc. (3)固体颗粒污染的危害(3) the dangers of solid particle pollution 粘着和堵塞过滤器孔眼和各种间隙、通道,从而使液压泵运转困难,产生气蚀和躁声;破坏润滑油膜,增大机器的摩擦力和磨损。磨损会导致液压元件产生泄露,效率降低,使用寿命缩短甚至损坏;加速密封材料磨损,增加外泄漏量;部分或全部堵塞液压元件的孔隙,使控制元件动作失灵;固体颗粒中的金属和金属化合物粒子会对油液的氧化,变质起催化作用,

60、油液的氧化将劣化油液质量,降低润滑性能,导致密封件或运动部件磨损加剧,使泄漏发生。1) adhesive and blocking filter hole and all sorts of clearance, the channel, so that the hydraulic pump operation difficulty, cavitation and noisy; (2) destroy the lubricating oil film, the friction and wear machine. Wear and tear can lead to leaking hydraulic components, low efficiency, shorten the service life and even damage


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