高考英语第一轮总复习高考满分练兵场 高二册Unit13_第1页
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1、2011届高考第一轮总复习满分练兵场高2册 unit 13.单词拼写1he will _(受益) from the new way of doing business.2i was _(全神贯注) in a book and didnt hear you call.3these goods are to be _(运输) to guangzhou by train.4usually, babies prefer milk with sugar to _(纯的) milk.5the number of children in the school has _(减少) this year.6don

2、t put your _(信任) in that man; he may trick you.7she is _(敏感的) to what people think of her.8_(关系) between people of different cultures are often extremely difficult.9younger workers tend to be at an _(优势) when applying for jobs.10this time you did your homework _(相对地) better.答案.完成句子(湖北专用)1_(多亏了) her

3、assistance, we succeeded in starting the engine.(owe)2when you are finished with the electric iron, dont forget _(关掉它)(turn)3during his last lecture, the scientist _(觉得) easier to explain the theory to those with some background knowledge.(find)4_(获得奖学金) gave martin the chance to go to a college in

4、one of the northern states.(win)5if times _(变了), have our ways of thinking changed too?(change)6at the award ceremony, mr. jackson said, “for me, there has been _(没有更大的回报) than your support.”(great)7_(任何计划好了的事) is sure to change as one puts it into practice. (whatever)8such knowledge is still useful

5、 _(当应用) to similar situations in other countries.(when)9after circling around the earth for three days, shenzhou spaceship received the command from the ground that _(它着陆) as scheduled the next day.(land)10learning strategies, to _(老师们认为) importance, have not yet drawn enough attention of students.(

6、attach)答案1owing to2to turn it off3found it/found (that) it was4winning a scholarship5have changed6no greater reward/no reward greater7whatever one has planned/whatever has been planned8when (it is) applied9it (should) land10which (the) teachers attach/have attached.单项填空1he does what he wants, _ what

7、 i say.a. instead ofb. in relation toc. in need of d. regardless of2the boy didnt answer my question. perhaps he was _ in thinking about something else.a. attracted b. losingc. absorbed d. trying3dont make a noise. mr. wang is sleeping in the next room._.a. yes, i will b. you are rightc. of course d

8、. no, i wont4well, that was delicious! i have never had _.a. a best meal b. the best mealc. a better meal d. the better meal5your uncle seems to be a good driver, _, i wouldnt dare to travel in his car.a. even so b. even thoughc. therefore d. so6the village i visited last week lies _ the two roads m

9、eet.a. where b. whenc. in which d. after7i had hoped to send her a telegram to congratulate her on her marriage, but i didnt _.a. try it b. manage itc. mean it d. promise it8meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, _ i will always treasure.a. that b. onec. it d. what9the t

10、eacher suggested that we should _ the fine weather to go on an outing.a. be addicted to b. look up toc. take advantage of d. pay attention to10he rushed _ to the station, only to miss the quarter to eight train by which he could go to work.a. by the way b. all the wayc. in the way d. over the way11i

11、 want to know the examination result, sir. my parents ask for it.you have made too many spelling mistakes in your composition, _, youve failed it.a. in a word b. that isc. generally speaking d. in another word12can you shoot that bird at the top of the tree?no, its out of _.a. range b. reachc. contr

12、ol d. distance13after the shenzhou capsule touched down, two astronauts succeeded in traveling around the earth, thus again _ china is global space power.a. proved b. to provec. to have proved d. proving14the singer is always very _ to the reaction of the audience when she gives a performance.a. sen

13、timental b. positivec. sensible d. sensitive15(2010·安徽第一次联考)一how do you find the new book by jk rowling?_. i guess she is out of her talent.a. with the help of my motherb. by accidentc. very boringd. in the library答案1d。句意:他想到什么做什么,毫不考虑我的话。regardless of是复合介词,意为“不管,不顾,不考虑”,后接名词或代词。instead of“代替”;

14、in relation to“与有关联”;in need of“需要”。2c。句意:他没有回答我,他一定是在全神贯注地想事情。be absorbed in“全神贯注于”。3d。句意:“你不要弄出声音,王先生正在隔壁房间睡觉。”“好的,我不会的。”故应选d项。4c。句意:多香啊,我从未吃过这么好吃的一顿饭。根据句意,把他吃的饭同以前吃的饭进行比较,用比较级。在英语中,“否定词(no, never)比较级”常表达最高级的含义。5a。句意:你叔叔似乎是个开车好手;即便如此,我还是不敢乘他的车。even so“即使如此”;even though“即使,纵然”;therefore“因此”;so“那么”。

15、6a。where引导地点状语从句。7b。manage it“做了某事,设法做成了某事”。8b。one指代moment作同位语。i will always treasure是定语从句,作one的定语,省略了that。9c。句意:老师建议我们应该充分利用好天气去郊游。10b。句意:他一路跑到火车站,结果还是错过了他上班乘座的7:45的火车。11b。that is相当于that is to say“也就是说”。in a word“总之”;generally speaking“一般来说”;选项d应改为in other words。12a。句意:“你能射到树顶上那只鸟吗?”“不能,它超出了射程范围。”o

16、ut of reach“够不着”;out of control“失控”;out of distance“超出距离”都不符合题意。out of range“超出射程范围”,故答案选a。13d。句意是:神舟六号着陆,两位宇航员已成功地绕地球飞行,这又一次证明了中国是一个宇航强国。此句要用proving作结果状语。14d。考查形容词区别。句意:这位歌手在演出时总是对观众的反应非常敏感。be sensitive to“对敏感的”;sentimental“多愁善感的”;positive“积极的,肯定的”;sensible“明智的,可感知的”。15c.完形填空to be lucky, be prepare

17、di remember the exact moment i learned the principle of preparing for luck.i was on the wrestling team. now, if theres one thing i can tell you about any sport, it is that wrestling is probably the sport that has the least _1_. there are only two people out on the mat, so you cannot _2_ it on your t

18、eammates or your coach. and guess what? there is no _3_ because we do the whole thing indoors, so you cant say, “it was raining.” or “it was snowing.” it makes _4_ to say wrestling is the sport with the least luck.on our team were two world champions; one of them had been a world champion five times

19、. we _5_ had five people who were national champions. one of them was a guy _6_ the name of john.john had never been _7_ in my high school wrestling competition that i could remember, _8_ he was a national champion. there was nobody locally who could touch him.one day, we _9_ a match with our bigges

20、t opponent (对手). john went out on the mat, and about a minute and 30 seconds into the match he tried to make a particular _10_. he rolled over, and his opponent _11_ him halfway through his roll. he was pinned _12_!the match was over.i remember on the bus on the way home, one of our teammates tried

21、to _13_ john by saying, “oh, he just got lucky.” and john said, “thats so stupid. the opportunity presented itself, _14_ he exploited it.”we used to have this big sign in our wrestling room that the coach had _15_ there: “luck is what happens when opportunity _16_ preparation.”johns opponent was pre

22、pared to exploit this opportunity. the probability of _17_ john was not strong, and he knew it. but he paid attention to the _18_ opportunity to present itself, and he defeated and pinned a fivetime national champion.in other words, the real _19_ is “be prepared!” its not just finding the opportunit

23、y; you have to be prepared to _20_ it.1a. luck b. riskc. difficulty d. opportunity2a. accuse b. blamec. doubt d. keep3a. stress b. injuryc. weather d. standard4a. judgment b. progressc. sense d. way5a. also b. evenc. only d. once6a. under b. forc. in d. by7a. hurt b. chosenc. trained d. defeated8a.

24、although b. becausec. unless d. until9a. went for b. waited forc. fought for d. played for10a. sign b. stepc. task d. move11a. fixed b. threwc. caught d. carried12a. accidentally b. fortunatelyc. unfairly d. instantly13a. calm b. comfortc. convince d. forgive14a. so b. orc. and d. but15a. set b. put

25、c. left d. used16a. meets b. suitsc. gets d. fits17a. striking b. beatingc. knocking d. controlling18a. equal b. exactc. rest d. right19a. message b. passagec. decision d. suggestion20a. receive b. followc. seize d. save答案1a。作者认为和其他运动相比,摔跤毫无“运气”可言。本段最后也有线索提示。2b。垫子上只有两名选手(在进行实力的较量),因而不能把比赛失利“归咎”于队友或教练。a项表示“控告;指控”,不符合常识。3c。根据后半句可知摔跤运动在室内举行,不受“天气”影响。4c。根据作者的上述解释可知说摔跤运动最不能靠运气的很有“道理”,make sense为固定搭配,“有意义,有道理”。5a。作者所在的队中既有世界知名冠军,“也”有国家冠军。6d。他们中有一个名叫约翰的小伙子。by the name of表示“名叫的”。7d。根据本段最后一句可知在作者的记忆中他在高中任何摔跤比赛中都没有被“击败”过。8b。他之所以有如此辉煌的成就是“因为”他是国家冠军。9a。此处go for表示“参加”


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