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1、 ContentsLearning Objectives and Key PointsBackground InformationPre-reading QuestionsMain IdeaStructural AnalysisDetailed AnalysisClass ActivityAssignment第1页/共62页第一页,共63页。Text onePre-reading questionsBackground informationStructure analysis Comprehension questionsLanguage work of Text I第2页/共62页第二页,

2、共63页。Warm-up Activities1. How important do you think work is to a person?2. Make an order of the following elements for your life according to their importance: LOVE / FAMILY / HEALTH / HOBBY / CAREER / FRIENDS 3. What do you think is the life of a typical workaholic like?第3页/共62页第三页,共63页。Warm-upChi

3、na has become a country where death caused by overwork is no longer rare. Statistics show that work pressure has caused the death of more than 600,000 Chinese employees and more urban white-collar workers are suffering the ills of overwork.第4页/共62页第四页,共63页。Proverbs on “work” Work has a bitter root b

4、ut sweet fruit. Working without a plan is sailing without a compass. Work today, for you know not how much you may be hindered tomorrow. Work will not kill a man but worry will. Worry kills more men than work. 第5页/共62页第五页,共63页。Watch the video clip and answer the following questions.1. Why does Saman

5、tha refuse to read Allys resume?2. Why does Samantha need help?Because she says, “References are much more important in this line of work. Tony vouched for you. Thats all I care about.”Her husband has been back East for the last two months opening their New York office. Meanwhile she is here despera

6、tely trying to balance being a mother, being a father, and running an entire advertising agency. So she has come to the inevitable conclusion that she needs help.第6页/共62页第六页,共63页。第7页/共62页第七页,共63页。Background informationProfession: journalist and columnist Achievements: 1980 Pulitzer Prize for comment

7、ary Write for Newsweek, the Detroit Free Press, and the Boston Globe.Works: Turning Points (1979), Close to Home (1979), At Large (1981).Ellen Goodman(1941 ),第8页/共62页第八页,共63页。第9页/共62页第九页,共63页。第10页/共62页第十页,共63页。第11页/共62页第十一页,共63页。Any of several awards established by Joseph Pulitzer and conferred annu

8、ally for accomplishment in various fields of American journalism, literature, and music.Pulitzer Prize第12页/共62页第十二页,共63页。Other Awards 1980 Distinguished Writing Award the American Society of Newspaper Editors 1988 the Hubert H. Humphrey Civil Rights Award from the Leadership Conference on Civil Righ

9、ts 1993 the Presidents Award by the National Womens Political Caucus 1994 American Woman Award by the Womens Research & Education Institute 第13页/共62页第十三页,共63页。ParagraphMain idea12-6 7-13The introductory part.This part reports how devoted the man was to his work.This part describes Phils role in

10、his family.This is the end of the essay. After the cause of Phils death being restated, the author goes on to report the company presidents inquiry for his successor.14-16Structural Analysis第14页/共62页第十四页,共63页。Text OrganizationIntroductory part: Who, what, how, whenPara.1Para.2-6Para.7-13Phils devoti

11、on to his workPhils relationship with other family membersConcluding part:Restating the cause of Phils deathThe presidents inquiry for his successorPara.2-6Para.7-13Para.14-16第15页/共62页第十五页,共63页。Para.1Qs:1. What kind of role do you think this part play in the whole article?2. What do “finally” and “p

12、recisely” suggest?第16页/共62页第十六页,共63页。Para.2-Para.6Qs:1. Why isnt the name of the deceased mentioned at the very beginning?2. What was the mans position in the company? Why does the author report it in detail?3. What type of man was the deceased?4. What do you learn from Para.5?第17页/共62页第十七页,共63页。Rhe

13、toric devices-RepetitionRepetition :The repeated usage of word (s)/group of words to create a emphatic effect “This man who worked himself to death finally and precisely at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning on his day off was fifty-one years old and a vice-president.” Effects expected to generate? To emphasi

14、ze that he devoted all his thoughts and energy to work and everything else was secondary to that. The end might be considered tragically heroic. The author is warning many other workaholics in the society of the danger. 第18页/共62页第十八页,共63页。Use of Details1.Figures?He was, however, one of six vice-pres

15、idents, and one of three who might conceivably if the president died or retired soon enough have moved to the top spot. Phil knew that. (para.3)?He worked six days a week, five of them until eight or nine at night, during a time when his own company had begun the four-day week for everyone but the e

16、xecutives. (para.4)?He had a lot of people working for him, maybe sixty, and most of them liked him most of the time. Three of them will be seriously considered for his job. The obituary didnt mention that. (para.6)What do these figures imply?第19页/共62页第十九页,共63页。Use of Details2. Poverty in hobbiesHe

17、had no outside extracurricular interests, unless, of course, you think about a monthly golf game that way. To Phil, it was work. What does this sentence show?3. Lack of a proper way towards mealsHe always ate egg salad sandwiches at his desk. He was, of course, overweight, by 20 or 25 pounds. He tho

18、ught it was okay, though, because he didnt smoke.On Saturdays, Phil wore a sports jacket to the office instead of a suit, because it was the weekend. What do you know about Phil from these details?第20页/共62页第二十页,共63页。 Questions for part 1What have you learned from the first sentence?Why are these adv

19、erbs “finally and precisely” used?第21页/共62页第二十一页,共63页。Language points of Text I 1. work himself to death: died from self-motivated overwork. 2. precisely: exactly E.g.They arrived at five oclock precisely. Note: Some of its synonyms are exactly, accurately, definitely Emphasizing his devotion to wor

20、k.第22页/共62页第二十二页,共63页。Para.2 Why isnt the name of the deceased mentioned at the very beginning? What type of man was the deceased? Para.3 What was the mans position in the company? Why does the author report it in detail? Para.4-5 How did Phil devote to his work? What did Sunday mean to him? What do

21、 you learn from Paragraph 5? Para.6. What can you infer from this paragraph?Detailed Study of the text-Part IIPart 2第23页/共62页第二十三页,共63页。 1.classic: Synonyms: classic & classical ( 1 ) classic 的主要意思是“第一流的,最上等的,标准的”。如: This is a really classic French champagne. It is a classic example. a classic p

22、erformance 古装戏; a classic ground 艺术园地 ( 2 ) classical 则指古希腊、罗马的文学、艺术,意为“古典(文学或艺术)的”。如: Now only a few study the classical music of India. 现在(xinzi)只有少数人在研究印度的古典音乐。 classical languages 古代语言; classical music 古典音乐 第24页/共62页第二十四页,共63页。2. one of six vice-presidents1) 汉语中表示副职的头衔一般都冠以“副”字,英译时需视词语的固定搭配或表达习惯

23、等情况(qngkung),可选择vice, associate, assistant, deputy等词。相应而言,vice使用面较广。副总统(zngtng)(或大学副校长)vice president副主席(zhx)(或系副主任)vice chairman副总理vice premier第25页/共62页第二十五页,共63页。副部长(b chn)vice minister副省长vice governor副市长(sh chn)vice mayor副领事(ln sh)vice consul副校长(中小学)vice principal第26页/共62页第二十六页,共63页。2) 行政职务的副职头衔与

24、学术头衔的“副”职称往往(wngwng)用不同的词表达,最为常用的英语词是 associate 。副教授 associate professor副研究员(f yn ji yun)associate research fellow副主编associate managing editor副审判长associate judge副主任医师associate senior doctor第27页/共62页第二十七页,共63页。3) 有些(yuxi)英语职位头衔,如manager, headmaster,其副职头衔可冠以assistant 。副总经理assistant/deputy general mana

25、ger,assistant/deputy managing director大堂(dtng)副理(宾馆)assistant manager第28页/共62页第二十八页,共63页。4) 以director 表示的职位(zhwi)的副职常以deputy director表示。此外,secretary, mayor, dean等头衔的副职也可冠以deputy。副秘书长deputy secretary-general副书记(sh ji)deputy secretary副市长(sh chn)deputy mayor副院长deputy dean第29页/共62页第二十九页,共63页。3. conceiva

26、bly (adv.): in a manner that can be imagined or believed.e.g. If we persist in working that hard, conceivably well harvest a promising progress in the future. conceivablee.g. 难以想象这么(zh me)小的孩子能跑这么(zh me)快。It is hardly conceivable that such a small/little kid can run so fast. 她千方百计地赚钱。She earned mone

27、y by every conceivable means.a.第30页/共62页第三十页,共63页。conceive 1) A patriot never conceives of betraying his/her motherland in any case. to imagine; think2) To gain an upper hand in the cutthroat competitiveness, we have to conceive a plan to make ourselves superior. to form or develop in the mind; map

28、out3) I couldnt conceive the implication of that sentence, although he explained again. to comprehend mentally; understand4) She was told she couldnt conceive. Hence she got no chance to be a mother. to become pregnant with (a child) v.第31页/共62页第三十一页,共63页。4. executive1) n.2) a. of, relating to, capa

29、ble of, or suited for carrying out or executinge.g. An efficient executive must possess great executive ability.execute1) A government executes the decisions of the ruling party.(fml) to put into effect; carry out 2) The victims relatives expected to execute the murder.to put to death, especially by

30、 carrying out a lawful sentence.v.第32页/共62页第三十二页,共63页。5. overweight a. fat, obese, stout, pudgy, plump, chubby These adjectives mean having an abundance and often an excess of flesh. The most neutral term is overweight.1) “Fat” is the most usual and direct adjective to describe people with excess fl

31、esh, but it is not polite.e.g. That guy is not merely overweight but utterly fat.第33页/共62页第三十三页,共63页。2) “Obese”: (fml or medical) (of people) very fat (Doctors use obese to describe people who are so overweight that they are unhealthy.)e.g. Obese patients are advised to change their diet.3) “Stout”

32、is sometimes used as a polite term to describe fatness. In stricter application “stout” indicates overall heaviness of the body. (身体(shnt)胖得匀称)e.g. Even slim girls can become stout housewives.第34页/共62页第三十四页,共63页。4) “Pudgy” (infml) means short and fat.e.g. His pudgy fingers look really funny.5) To be

33、 polite, we can use “plump” applies to a slight or attractive fullness of figure.e.g. Everybody loves Rita, the plump, rosy little girl.6) “Chubby” indicates pleasant roundness in babies and cheeks. e.g. a chubby toddler; chubby cheeks第35页/共62页第三十五页,共63页。Exercises 1. It is impolite to describe peopl

34、e with excess flesh using _, but _ is okay, for its neutral.2. Doctors suggest people have less fast food, in order not to be _.3. There was a time when the _ figure caught on. 4. The _ kid has funny _ fingers.pudgy chubby plump/stoutobese overweight fat 第36页/共62页第三十六页,共63页。 Questions for considerat

35、ion Can you describe the relationship between Phil and his wife and his children? Why did Phils wife try to conceal her bitterness in front of the president at the funeral? She was concerned about her financial situation after her husband died. Phil provided well for his widow.Part 3第37页/共62页第三十七页,共

36、63页。Part3 Questions: What did Phils wife mean when she answered, I already have”? How many times is “he finally worked himself” repeated in the essay? Why it is repeated? The author relates the two contradictory ideaswork to death on Sunday morning. Thus reveals Phils personality and suggests that h

37、e is destined to be exhausted.第38页/共62页第三十八页,共63页。Language points in Part 3 survive marketable mothering widow straighten out第39页/共62页第三十九页,共63页。survive vt. 6. to continue to live after someone, especially a member of your family, has died (synonyms: outlive outlast) Its amazing that she should have

38、 survived all her children and grandchildren. 我希望在我有生之年永远不要(byo)变成废物。 I hope l shall never survive my usefulness. 经过暴风雨袭击, 这所房屋并未倒塌。 The house survived the storm. 第40页/共62页第四十页,共63页。marketable 7 easy to sell; attractive to customers or employers:可销售(xioshu)的; 有销路的 It is a good idea to list all your

39、marketable skills before heading for the job fair.第41页/共62页第四十一页,共63页。lI know how much you will miss him.lMissing him all these years. Polysemy being engrossed in work neglecting losing him to 8.Given up trying to compete with his work?第42页/共62页第四十二页,共63页。para.9 9.His “dearly beloved” eldest of the

40、“dearly beloved” children sarcastic effect far from close and intimate devoting too little第43页/共62页第四十三页,共63页。10. doing enough odd jobs to stay1) What an odd desk! Weve never seen it.strange2) 1, 3, 5 and 7 are odd numbers.(of numbers) that can not be divided by two; not even3) She is wearing two od

41、d shoes.Of one of a pair, set, series, etc when the other(s) is/are missing4) She made a toy out of odd pieces of the cloth.extra; surplus; left overa.第44页/共62页第四十四页,共63页。5) Twenty-odd years later, you will be middle-aged.(usu placed directly after a number) a little more than6) He takes some odd bi

42、t of exercises, but nothing regular.occasional; not regular or fixedodd jobssmall jobs of various types, usu done for other peopleodds (assignment)第45页/共62页第四十五页,共63页。 11. He was the one who tried to grab at his father, and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home. to take the opportunity

43、 to divert his fathers attention第46页/共62页第四十六页,共63页。 grab at sb/sth: (attempt to) seize sb/sth eagerly or desperately: 他伸手去拽男孩,还是(hi shi)没防到他摔倒。 He grabbed at the boy, but could not save him from falling. 竭力找借口避免干不好的工作。 (fig) grabbing at any excuse to avoid an unpleasant task.第47页/共62页第四十七页,共63页。7.

44、the fifty-one-year old deceased had meant much dead, deceased, departed, late, inanimatedead常表语,指“死的”;deceased指人“最近死的”,多用于法律(fl);departed指“最近死的”,多用于宗教,是委婉语,仅指死者;late“已故的”,多用于刚死的人;inanimate意为“没有生命的,没有生气的”。第48页/共62页第四十八页,共63页。Exercises 1. The tiger has been _ for at least two days according to the exp

45、ert.2. The _ man left no will or legacy. 3. In a funeral, the priest prays for the _. 4. The story is about the _ hero.5. Their _ conversation is about the _ stone.late inanimate departeddeceased dead inanimate 第49页/共62页第四十九页,共63页。8. need him to straighten out the finances the stock options and all

46、that.1)straighten outstraighten sth outTo settle or resolve sth; to remove difficulties from sthe.g. With mutual help, we can straighten out each others confusion ASAP.straighten sb out(infml) to remove doubt or ignorance in ones minde.g. Traditionally a teacher is expected to straighten puzzled stu

47、dents out.第50页/共62页第五十页,共63页。 I was then muddled about the registration procedures. Luckily, she came in time to straighten me out. 我当时正被登记手续搞得稀里糊涂,可巧她来得正好,帮我摆平了。 他的经营情况糟糕透了,要整顿好需要(xyo)花很多时间。 His business are in a terrible mess, they will take ages to straighten out. Straight out? I told him straigh

48、t out that he was talking nonsense.第51页/共62页第五十一页,共63页。the finances the stock options and all that and all that (jazz, rubbish, etc) (idm) (infml) and other similar thingse.g. I got fed up with mathematics for its figures, tables, formulae and all that staff.第52页/共62页第五十二页,共63页。 Paraphrase: 1) But i

49、t did list his “survivors” quite accurately. - But the obituary did list the family members of the dead man quite accurately. 2) He was the one who tried to grab at his father, and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home. - It was the boy who made efforts to divert his fathers attention

50、from work.第53页/共62页第五十三页,共63页。Exercises 1. Word transformation: P60 2. Paraphrase: P61 3. Present perfect or present perfect progressive tense: P61-62 4. translation: P48 5. Writing practice 第54页/共62页第五十四页,共63页。Exercises (1)Translation exercises1. 我的顶头上司是一个典型的工作狂,一年到头每天工作10个小时以上。(workaholic)My immed

51、iate boss is typical workaholic, for he works for over ten hours each day all the year round.2. 校长十分注重课外活动。他认为,课外活动有助于培养学生对外部世界(shji)的极大兴趣。(extracurricular)The principal attaches much importance to extracurricular activities and he believes that they will help to cultivate students tremendous intere

52、st in the external world.第55页/共62页第五十五页,共63页。Exercises (1) 3. 星期一早上,他总是快速冲个澡,胡乱吃个三明治,接着赶搭出租车去上班。(grab) He always grabs a shower, a sandwich and then a taxi to go to work every Monday morning. 4. 既然你要离开公司(n s)了,你要在本周内清算帐目。(straighten out) Since you are leaving the company, you should straighten out the accounts within the week. 5. 为了及时完成他的博士论文,他经常熬夜。(stay up) He often stays up late at night in order to finish writing his Ph. D. dissertat


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