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1、北京北臧村中学高一英语模拟试题含解析一、 选择题1. are you satisfied with what he did? no. it couldnt have been _. a. worse         b. better          c. so bad           d. the worst 参考答案:

2、a略2. the foreign ministers five-day visit to this island country, _to promote the relationship between them, turned out to be a failure because of their differences about nuclear weapons.a. intending         b. intends       

3、  c. to intend        d. intended参考答案:d3. there is much chance _ ben will recover fully from his illness in time for the final examinationathat                  bwhich  

4、            cuntil                  dif参考答案:a4. great attention must be paid _ welfare, especially in the poor area.a. develop      

5、60;  b. to develop       c. to developing    d. developing参考答案:c5. this morning mr. smith didnt drive to work. _, he rode his bicycle to his office as a way of exercising.a. otherwise            

6、       b. instead                c. meanwhile      d. besides 参考答案:b6. hes feeling rather _ with himself after the examination.a. pleasing       

7、   b. pleased           c. pleasant       d. pleasurable参考答案:b7. be careful! the slightest spark could _ the fireworks.a. set about             b. set

8、 off                c. set out                   d. set up  参考答案:b略8. we _ by his enthusiasm and skills at every stage of our search, and at the

9、final it was clear that we found the ideal person for the role of slide tester.a. impressedb. have been impressedc. were impressedd. were impressing参考答案:c9. the president _ a speech to senators _ a group of armed young people burst into the hall.   a. was making; when   

10、0;  b. gave, as      c. was giving; while   d. made; when 参考答案:a10. - is john coming by train ?   - he should, but he _ not. he likes driving his car.  a. must         b. may     &

11、#160;     c. can              d. need 参考答案:b略11. in the last ten years, they _ three great scientific experiments.   a. finished            

12、          b. have finished  c. had finished                   d. have been finished参考答案:b12. did you enjoy the party?yes. we _well by our hosts.a. were treatedb

13、. would be treatedc. treatedd. had treated参考答案:a13. how do you _the show”s success?a. answer for    b. leave for    c. account for   d. care for参考答案:c14. between the two parts of the lecture is a break, _the listeners can have some coffee.  a. when &

14、#160;    b. where   c. that     d. which参考答案:a15. the man got up and shouted that he was the equal _ any boxer at the fair. a. at        b. to     c. withd. of参考答案:d16. there are two buildings,  

15、          stands nearly a hundred feet high.    athe larger                       bthe larger of them     

16、;  cthe larger one that              dthe larger of which参考答案:d17. marco_ his tales though few people at that time believed it to be true.a. stood up     b. stood by   c. stood on   

17、60;  d. stood to参考答案:b略18. i expected to see her and was surprised by her _.a. existenceb. absencec. entranced. acceptance参考答案:b【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我原以为会见到她,没想到她不在。a. existence存在;b. absence缺席;c. entrance入口;d. acceptance接受。由“expected to see her, surprised ”可知,absence“缺席”符合句意。故选b项。19. there might be

18、life on other planets, but so far scientists haven't found enough _ to prove it.a. evidence  b. relic        c. mystery           d. reception参考答案:a二、 书面表达20. 李华是家里唯一的孩子,随父母来到美国已有半个月了,但他感到烦恼。请你根据下面提供的有关信息以李华为名用英

19、语给当地报纸写一封信,请求帮助。1、  父母忙于工作和学习;2、  单独在家,整天与电视为伴;3、  没有朋友,感到孤独;4、  请求帮助。注意:(1)信的开头与结尾已给出,不计词数;        (2)词数:100个左右。editor, i am writing to you for help._best wishes, yours,li hua参考答案:editor, i am writing to you for help. i am the only child in my

20、family. i came to america half a month ago. my parents are always busy with their work and they have to go to evening classes to learn english. when they are out, i have to stay at home alone, doing nothing but watching tv all day. though the programs are interesting, i still feel lonely because i h

21、avent got any friends here now. i dont know what to do. could you give me some advice?     best wishes,                             

22、60;                                  yours,                &

23、#160;                                                li hua三

24、、 阅读理解21. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 kataria is the founder of the worldwide laughter movement. the celebration of world laughter day is a positive activity for world peace and is intended to build up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship through laughter. the first

25、“world laughter day” gathering took place in mumbai, india, on 11th january 1998. 12,000 members from india and international laughter clubs attended it. now there are over 5,000 laughter clubs worldwide on all 5 continents.“happy-demic” was the first world laughter day gathering outside india. it t

26、ook place on 9th january 2000. in copenhagen, denmark , more than 10,000 people gathered at town hall square. the event went into guinness book of world records. “world laughter day” is now organized on the first sunday of may every year. hundreds of people gather worldwide on that day to laugh toge

27、ther.today, many people fear widespread international terrorism. the world has never faced so much unrest before. people are at war within themselves. laughter is a universal language, which has the ability to unite humanity without religion. laughter can build a common connection between various re

28、ligions and create a new world order. the idea may sound over-ambitious (野心太大的), and maybe it is. but maybe it is not. it is our deep belief that laughter and only laughter can unite the world, building up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship.studies also say that laughter helps your body do

29、 the following: lower blood pressure; lighten depression; reduce stress; work out the heart, especially for those who are unable to perform physical exercise. so in life, when you can laugh, you should laugh loudly and with your entire bodybecause its good for you.64the purpose of celebrating world

30、laughter day is         .    ato build up a global sense of brotherhood and friendship through laughter bto build a common connection between various religions    cto reduce stress and lighten depression    dto lower blood pressure65the first world laughter day gathering outside india took place _         _      &#


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