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1、2020 年北京市高考英语零模试卷第一部分:知识运用(共两节, 45 分)第一节语法填空(共10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适 当的单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空1.AMrs Bailey was important in the educational journey that carried me through school and into my profession Until I joined her class , I hadn t believed in my ability

2、as a writer She ( 1 ) (persuade ) me to join the poetry society and lit in me a firefor literature She recognised ( 2 ) ( I) potential and showed me that I couldwrite with creativity and enthusiasm Because of the confidence she inspired in me , I ve carved out a ( 3) ( success) profession as a journ

3、alist BSome university students carried out a campaign( 4) they celebrated their wholeday without cell phones This move was to improve their relationships with their near and dear ones and to keep them away from the virtual (虚拟的) life ( 5) ( study )indicate that a majority of young people used their

4、 phones during lessons , over family meals or even at the cinema The problem of phone addiction (成瘾) has been observed since a few years ago , with experts and psychologists ( 6) ( try ) toincrease awareness about this problem CThe tiger shark ( 7 ) ( consider ) to be one of the most dangerous shark

5、s in theworld Why are tiger sharks so dangerous ? First, they like to live( 8) waterswhere humans usually swim , so the chances of an encounter (遭遇) are much greater Second, tiger sharks are so strong and aggressive that they can (9) ( easy) hit a person And third , tiger sharks have teeth perfectly

6、 ( 10) ( design) for cutting their food , so it is certain that the damage will be disastrous 【答案】 persuaded,my,successful,where,Studies,trying,is considered,in,easily,designed 【考点】 说明文语法填空 【解析】A 贝利夫人在我的教育生涯中起着重要的作用,她带领我完成学业,让我成为一个成功 的记者职业 B 一些大学生开展了一项活动,他们在没有手机的情况下度过一整天这项活动的目的 是改善与亲朋好友的关系,让他们远离虚拟的生

7、活 C 虎鲨被认为是世界上最危险的鲨鱼之一为什么虎鲨这么危险?首先,它们喜欢生活 在人类通常游泳的水域里其次,虎鲨是如此强壮和好斗 第三,虎鲨的牙齿设计完 美,可以用来切割它们的食物 【解答】( 1) persuaded 考查谓语动词根据上下文可知本句用一般过去时态,所以谓语动 词用过去式persuaded ( 2) my 考查代词修饰名词potential ,表示 “我的 ” ,用形容词性物主代词my ( 3) successful 考查派生词修饰名词profession ,用形容词 successful( 4) where 考查定语从句修饰先行词 a campaign ,做定语从句 the

8、y celebrated their whole day without cell phones 的地点状语,关系词用 where ( 5) Studies.考查名词.分析句子可知study做主语,和谓语动词 indicate一致,名词用复数 Studies ( 6) trying 考查非谓语动词在with 的复合结构里,名词 experts and psychologists和动词 try 构成主动关系,用现在分词trying ( 7) is considered 考查谓语动词根据后文可知本句用一般现在时态,因为谓语动词 consider 和主语 The tiger shark 是被动关系,

9、所以谓语动词用 is considered ( 8) in.考查介词.修饰名词waters ,表示 在里”,用介词in.( 9) easily 考查副词修饰动词 hit 用副词easily ( 10) designed 考查非谓语动词做have teeth 的宾补,表示 “被设计” ,用过去分词designed第二节 完形填空(共20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A 、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑Afel was only a very small boy when he first saw snow i

10、n a picture book It had lots of pictures of children ( 1 ) in big white fields He asked, “ Mum, what are thosewhite fields? ” His mother laughed, “ That s snoawnd, they are making a snowman! ” She tried to ( 2 ) what snow was Afel didn t re(al3ly) because there wasno real snow where he lived But he

11、showed great ( 4) One day when he was 12, Afel was watching a programme on TV at his unclehouse. The programme was full of snow . And not only snow there were people (5) across the snow They looked like fantastic birds They had hats covering all their heads and big goggles over their eyes And on the

12、ir feet, they had ( 6 ) shoes“ What are those? ” he asked his uncle( 7) “ Skis”, replied his uncle“ Andthose people are called skiers ” At that moment, he( 8) to be a skier Heasked his uncle what the programme was “ The Winter Olympics,” said his uncle "It slike the normal Olympics, but for (9)

13、 where you need snow ski jumping, bobsleigh (长橇) , those sorts of things They ( 10) it every fouryears "Afel found out that the next Winter Olympics would be in Beijing, in 2022“ Perfect”, hethought "Enough ( 11) for me to become a brilliant skier "“ Butthere s no snow here!” people t

14、old“hiWmhere are you going to ski?” Afe(l 12)them He made himself a pair of skis from two pieces of wood He tied them to his feet and practised skiing ( 13 ) two sticks in his hands He practised again andagain until he could ( 14) quite quickly across the sand He ( 15) tofly down the hills like the

15、people on TV, but he couldn t“Never mind; he thought "It ' s(d6) "“ Hwo will you go to the Olympics? ” people asked him "Our country doesn( 17t)have a team that goes to the Winter Olympics We have good runners and win lots of medals at the Olympics But no skiing, no "Afel did

16、n ( 18t ) So every night, out in the middle of the desert, Afel now practises skiing down sand hills He ( 19) that the yellow sand and brown earth are as gold as the medal hewill bring home with him, when he is the ( 20) (1A.drawingB.playingC.dancingD.hiking(2A.announceB.stressC.concludeD.explain(3A



19、careD.complain(19)A.dreamsB.predictsC.assumesD.realizes( 20)A.authorityB.championC.geniusD.celebrity【答案】 BDCADBCDCBABCDDAACAB【考点】人物故事【解析】文体为记叙文讲述的是一个名叫 Afel 的小男孩生活在见不到真正的雪的地方,但却下决心要成为一名出色的滑雪运动员并希望通过自己的努力能获得奥运金牌的故事【解答】(1) B.考查动词及语境理解.根据后 文中"That' s snowand they are making a snowman! ”,可知图片里的

20、孩子们在雪地中玩耍( playing) 其余选项含义为: drawing (画画) , dancing (跳舞), hiking (远足) 故答案为 B(2) D.考查动词及语境理解.根据上一句"Mum what are those white fields ?",可知 Afel 是在问问题,而妈妈是在为他进行解释( explain) 其余选项含义为: announce(宣布),stress (强调),conclude (总结);故答案为 D.(3) C.考查动词及语境理解.根据本句"because there was no real snow where hel

21、ived ,可知” Afel 因为没有见过真正的雪,所以并不懂得( understand ) 妈妈的解释其余选项含义为: mind (介意、照料) , respond (回应) , regret (后悔) ;故答案 为 C(4) A.考查名词及语境理解.根据前文 Afel在不断地问妈妈关于雪的问题,可知他 对雪产生了极大的兴趣(interest) 其余选项含义为: concern (关心) , patience (耐心) , confidence (自信) ;故答案为A(5) D.考查动词及语境理解.根据后一句"They looked like fantastic birds,可知人

22、们在雪上飞奔( flying ) ,同时,依据后文"He ( 25) to fly down the hills like thepeople on TV, but he couldn ."这句话中出现了 fly,原词复现.其余选项含义为: walking (走路) , riding (骑行) , running (跑步) ,故答案为 D(6) B.考查形容词及语境理解.根据上文,Afel从未见过雪,可知当他看到人们在雪地中穿的鞋子时会觉得奇怪和陌生(strange ) 其余选项含义为:strong (强壮的 /结实 的) , fashionable (时髦的) comfo

23、rtable (舒适的) ,故答案为 B(7) C.考查副词及语境理解.根据全文,Afel从未见过雪以及与雪相关的运动,并且产生了极大的兴趣也把成为滑雪运动员当成梦想,可知他在问叔叔时心情很激动(excitedly) 其余选项含义为: politely (礼貌地) hopefully (充满希望地) , nervously(紧张地) ;故答案为 C(8) D.考查动词及语境理解.根据下文Afel想成为一个杰出的滑雪运动员,可知在这一刻他决定 (decide)将来成为一名滑雪运动员.其余选项含义为:promised (承诺) , claimed (声称) , agreed (同意),故答案为 D

24、(9) C.考查名词及语境理解.根据前句中出现的"The Winter Olympics 可知此处应为与雪有关的运动( sport ) 其余选项含义为 projects (项目) , fields (领域) , courses(课程) ;故答案为C(10) B.考查动词及语境理解.根据常识可知冬季奥林匹克运动会每四年举办(have)一次其余选项含义为: gain (获得) , accept (接受), mark (作标记) ,故答案为B(11) A.考查名词及语境理解.根据上文“every four years得知冬奥会每四年举办一次, 下一届冬奥会是2022 年,所以 Afel 有

25、足够的时间( time )来成为一名杰出的滑雪者其余选项含义为:energy (能量), experience (经历,经验) , determination (决心) ;故答案为 A(12) B.考查动词及语境理解.根据前文“But there ' s no snow here! - Where are yougoing to ski? “以及后文 ” He made himself a pair of skis from two pieces of wood "可以得 知,人们问他去哪儿滑雪,他并未回答,只是自己做了一对滑雪板说明 Afel 并 未理 睬人们说的话,即忽略

26、( ignored )了他们其余选项含义为: avoided (避免) , corrected (纠正) , criticized (批评) ;故答案为 B(13) C.考查动词及语境理解.根据空格后的动词的先后顺序以及动宾搭配关系,前文是脚系滑雪板,后文是应该是手持( holding )滑雪杖其余选项含义为: pushing(推),pulling (拉),waving (挥手);故答案为C.(14) D.考查动词及语境理解.根据本句"He practised again and again until hecouldquite quickly across the sand ”可知

27、,他一遍又一遍地练习直到他能够快速移动( move )穿过沙地此处为滑雪的动作,应该是快速移动其余选项含义为: roll(打 滚) , march (行军), jump (跳) ,故答案为 D(15) D.考查动词及语境理解.根据本句"He to fly down the hills like thepeople on TV, but he couldn t ”可知他试图( attempted )像电视上的人一样飞下山去,但是他不能其余选项含义为: needed (需要) , prepared (准备) , pretended (假装) ;故答案为 D(16) A.考查名词及语境理解

28、.根据前文“He attempted to fly down the hills like thepeople on TV, but he couldn ."可知他无法像电视上的人一样飞下山去,但是他告诉自己没关系,不要紧这只是开始( start ) ,此处考查名词的对应关系从最后一段“So every night Afel now practises skiing down sand hi幅知这只是开始 ( start), 其 余选项含义为:chance (机会),solution (解决办法),strategy (策略);故答案为 A.(17) A.考查副词及语境理解.根据上一句

29、"How will you go to the Olympics? ”以及本句 “Our country doesn t have a team that goes to the WinterlyOmpics ”可知 “我们的国家甚至(even)都没有一个可以去冬奥会的队伍.”此处用“eve怵突出人们认为Afel 的想法无法实现其余选项含义为: often (经常) , shortly (简短地) , finally (最 终) ;故答案为 A(18) C.考查动词及语境理解.根据前文“Our country doesn ' t have a team thatgoes to

30、 the Winter Olympics But no skoing ”以 及最后一段"So every night Afel now practises skiing down sand hills "可知 Afel 并没有在意人们的看法,坚持练习,故他并不在乎(care) 其余选项含义为:refuse (拒绝) , inquire (询问) , complain (抱怨) ,故答案为 C(19) A.考查动词及语境理解.根据前文提到的"Afel now practises skiing down sandhills ”说明他现在还在练习,所以获奖应该是梦想(

31、dreams )中的事情,指的是他在想象着获奖的事情.即,他梦想(dreams)着,等他成了冠军,那眼前这黄沙褐土和带回来的奖牌一样金光闪闪.其余选项含义为:predicts (预测),assumes (假定),realizes (意识到);故答案为A.(20) B.考查名词及语境理解.根据前文“He dreams that the yellow sand and brownearth are as gold as the medal he will bring home with him , ”可知,他 梦想( dreams) 着,等他成了冠军,那眼前这黄沙褐土和带回来的奖牌一样金光闪闪意思

32、是只有他成为冠军( champion )的时候才能获得奖牌 其余 选项含义为: authority (权威) ,genius (天才), celebrity (名人) ;故答案为 B第二部分:阅读理解(共两节, 40 分)第一节(共15 小题;每小题 2 分,共 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡 上将该项涂黑If you re lookingto buy a gift for your children, why not keep up with the trend and get the best hoverboard?Wha

33、t is a Hoverboard?A hoverboard is a two wheeled personal transportation deviceIt s electrical, portable and became highly popular in 2015 in reference to a popular1980 ' s movie Typically, this self- balancing device operates like a powered skateboard .How Does a Hoverboard Work?The device may h

34、ave many designs, but the mechanism itself isn tcomplicated Basically, a standard hoverboard contains:? Battery: stores the electrical power . Almost all hoverboards use a high watt lithium 一ion battery .? Gyroscope ( one for each wheel ) : allows riders to tilt (倾斜) the hoverboard while maintaining

35、 balance and adjusting their direction ? Motor ( one in each wheel ) : provides the power to the wheels to keep the rider balanced and upright ? Logic board: functions as the hoverboard brain . It processes data yourspeed, tilt, etc . - and sends information to the motors . This unit controls the po

36、wer of the board so riders can adjust their speed All the above components work together to control the power and tilt of the hoverboardsso the rider is balanced, upright and moving at a controlled speed 试卷第 8 页,总 17 页Why Buy a Hoverboard?Undoubtedly, hoverboards are cool . You' ve probably seen

37、 kids riding one around the house. They' re a phenomenon and everybody wants in So, why deny your kids and prevent them from being part of this trend?Where is a hoverboard legal?Despite their wild popularity, hoverboards have yet to become “ street legal Currently, some places prohibit anyone un

38、der 16 from using these devices, and hoverboards are banned in academic institutions and public places, like campus buildings, parks, shopping malls and subway stations . Some places have also put speed limits on the devices and restricted their use to bike paths . However, open areas 一 including yo

39、ur yard are free of these restrictions .(1) The logic board of a hoverboard can .A.store electricityB.power the wheelsC.send information to the riders D.receive data and give command .(2) According to the passage , a hoverboard can be used.A.on campusB.in parksC.on bike pathsD.in shopping malls .(3)

40、 What is the main purpose of this passage ? A.To evaluate a gift ,. s qualityB.To recommend a gift choice .C.To compare new hoverboard models .D.To clarify functions of the latest hoverboards .hoverboard【答案】DCB【考点】广告布告类阅读应用文阅读【解析】本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了如果你想给孩子买礼物,为什么不跟上潮流,买最好的气垫板呢.【解答】(1) D.细节理解题

41、.根据文章It processes data - your speed , tilt, etc, - and sendsinformation to the motors 它处理你的速度、倾斜等数据,并将信息发送给马达可知气垫板的逻辑板可以接收数据并发出命令;故选 D(2) C.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段 Some places have also put speed limits on the devices and restricted their use to bike paths 一些地方还对设备设置了速度限制,并将其限制在自行车道上可知自行车道可以使用气垫板;故选 C(3) B.细

42、节理解题.根据文章第一段If you ' re looking to buy a gift for your childrenwhy not keep up with the trend and get the best hoverboard ?如果你想给孩子买礼物,为 什么不跟上潮流,买最好的气垫板呢;可知 这篇文章的主要目的是推荐礼物选择;故选BGrowing up, Deka Ismail says she let labels define what she could be “ I was a blackgirl, from a refugee (难民) family, ”

43、Deka said “ It was as if I was only allowed to explore in this predetermined box ”After a high school chemistry class inspired her to think about a career in science and gave her confidence in the field, Deka learned to live outside labels and began making big plans for her future Now she is about t

44、o begin her freshman year at the University of California, planning to become a professor 试卷第 13 页,总 17 页koaodis, the daughter of aBorn and raised in San Diegos City Heights neighbouDrehSomali refugee couple While some might say Deka s success happened in spite of her background, she would say diffe

45、rently, that her experiences shaped her and inspired her to be the driven, young scientist that she is today When Deka was eight years old, her mother got a job by studying hard back in school in order to support the whole family That made Deka realize that education could make a difference to one s

46、Shlifeespent a lot of time in the library reading books, and didn t do many of the things her peers did, like partying or having romantic relationships “I always felt like I had to be the perfect girl for my family, ” Deka said “ You have to not even do your best but two times better than everyone e

47、lse I felt like the whole world was waiting for me to mess up ”Deka s efforts paid off The summer before her senior year of high school, she was accepted to the American Chemical Society Project SEED Programme “ She brought bothenthusiasm and focus, ” Botham,a researcher at this research institute,

48、recalled “ Shaerrived every day ready to work, ready to learn and ready to tackle new challenges regardless of whether or not she had done anything similar ”When asked what advice she would give to others like her, Deka warned them not to underestimate themselves “ Don t tell yourself that scholarsh

49、ip is too big or thisprogramme is too competitive or I ll never get into this” scshhoeols,a id “ I was not surewhether I could make it until I started seeing the acceptance letters rolling in ”( 1) From the passage , we can learn that A. Deka was adopted by a refugee familyB. Deka spent a lot of tim

50、e going to partiesC. Deka became a professor after graduationD. Deka s experiences drove her to work ha rd( 2) Deka realized the importance of educationA. from her mother s experienceB. after her chemistry classC. by reading books in the libraryD. through working at the institute ( 3) According to t

51、he last paragraph , Deka advised that students beA. patientB. confidentC. ambitiousD. generous ( 4) What does the story intend to tell us ? A. Life is not all roses B. Practice makes perfect C. Well begun is half done D. Hard work leads to success 【答案】DABD【考点】 人物故事 记叙文阅读 故事类阅读【解析】本文章主要讲述了黑人女孩Deka Is

52、mail 通过自己不懈的努力,最终达成愿望,成功进入自己理想的大学【解答】(1) D.推理判断题.根据文章第四段,When Deka was eight years old, her mothergot a job by studying hard back in school in order to support the whole family That made Deka realize that education could make a difference to one She spent a lostliofef time in the library reading boo

53、ks , and didn t do many of the things her peers d,id like partying or having romantic relationships 当 Deka 八岁时,母亲为了养家糊口在学校努力学习, 找到了一份工作这使德卡意识到教育可以改变一个人的生活她花了很多时间在图 书馆看书,没有做很多同龄人做的事情,比如参加聚会或浪漫关系可知, Deka 的生 活经历驱使她努力的学习,结合选项,故选 D(2) A.细节理解题.根据文章第四段,When Deka was eight years old , her mothergot a job by

54、 studying hard back in school in order to support the whole family That made Deka realize that education could make a difference to one 当 Deka 八岁时,母亲为 s life 了养家糊口在学校努力学习,找到了一份工作这使德卡意识到教育可以改变一个人 的生活可知,她妈妈的学习经历让她意识到教育的重要性,结合选项,故选 A(3) 3) B.推理判断题.根据文章最后一段, When asked what advice she would give to othe

55、rs like her , Deka warned them not to underestimate themselves “ Don t tell yourselfthat scholarship is too big or this programme is too competitive or I ll never get into thisschool , ” she said “ I was not sure whether I could make it until I started seeing the acceptance letters rolling in .”当被问到

56、她会给像她这样的人什么建议时,Deka说让他们不要低估自己 “不要告诉自己奖学金太难,或者这个项目太有竞争力,否则我永远 进不了这所学校,”她说“直到我开始看到录取信的到来,我才确定自己是否能成功 ”即,学生们要对自己自信,要觉得自己是可以完成目标的,结合选项,故选 B(4) D,写作目的题.根据文章倒数第二段,"She arrived every day ready to work,ready to learn and ready to tackle new challenges regardless of whether or not she had doneanything similar ”“她每天都来上班,准备学习,准备迎接新的挑战,不管她是否做过类似的事情 ”可知,本文章主要讲述了黑人女孩Deka Ismail 通过自己不懈的努力,最终达成愿望,成功进入自己理想的大学作者也想借此告诉读者们


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