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1、2020-2021学年湖南省永州市江永县第二中学高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. i dont remember clearly _ i came across the book i had been looking forword to in that old bookstore.a. when it was that b. that it was when   c. when was it that    d. that when it was 参考答案:a2. there are many inconveniences that h

2、ave to be _ when you are camping.a. put up with            b. come up with         c. kept up with       d. caught up with参考答案:a 3. samuel survived when the car _ he was a passenger in

3、turned off the road and hit a tree.a. where      b. thatc. asd. why参考答案:b4. the new movie_ to be one of the biggest money-makers of all time.apromisesbagreescpretendsddeclines参考答案:a5. hello. could i speak to tom, please?- -_. ill get him for you.a. hang up   b. hol

4、d off   c. hang on   d. hold up参考答案:c6. i'm going to paris next week. _! so am ia. wish you good luckb. what a coincidencec. don't mention itd. good trip参考答案:b【详解】考查情景交际。句意:我下周要去巴黎。太巧了!我也要去。a. wish you good luck“祝你好运”;b. what a coincidence“巧合,一致”;c. don't mention it“不

5、要客气”;d. good trip好旅行。两个人不约而同,要去同一个地方,所以这是一种“巧合”。故选b。8. the watch was very good, and he    20 percent down for it.a. a good one     b. a better one    c. the best one    d. a best one参考答案:a8. the new hospital will be located in _ used to be

6、a wasteland and a huge shopping mall will also be constructed _ there used to be a school many years ago.a. where, where      b. what, in which     c. what,  where      d. which, where 参考答案:c9. when families gather for christ

7、mas dinner, some will stick to formal traditions _ grandmas generation.a. objecting to    b. splitting off from    c. adding to    d. dating back to参考答案:d【详解】考查动词词组。a. objecting to 反对;b. splitting off from从-分裂出来;c. adding to增加;d. dating back to追溯到。句意:当一家人

8、聚在一起吃圣诞晚餐时,有些人会坚持老奶奶那一代的正式传统。结合句意可知答案为d。10. you should study the details of the policy       before you sign it.ain return    bin advance cat ease     don purpose参考答案:b11. my parents always remind me to make sure the electricity is turned o

9、ff while i am having a bath, which would _ cause danger, leading to a dreadful consequence.       a. somehow            b. meanwhile            c. otherwise     

10、;        d. therefore   参考答案:c略12. a broad smile spread _jack's face when he eventually gained a scholarship.a. across                        

11、;               b. through                          c. at        

12、                            d. in参考答案:a13. we have no idea why he left the company. tom _ knows the secret.a. lonely    b. onlyc. separately 

13、0;  d. alone参考答案:d【详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们都不知道他为什么要离开公司,只有tom一人知道这个秘密。a. lonely孤独;b. only仅仅;c. separately分别地;d. alone只有。故选d。14. the course normally attracts 20 students per year, _ up to half will be from abroad.a. of whom         b. for whom   &

14、#160;     c. with which        d. in which参考答案:a15. good food,good sleep,no exercisethat's      he gained weight    ahow    bwhen    cwhat dwhether参考答案:a略16. some medicine

15、,when wrongly           ,can kill a person    ataken          btaking          ctake        dto take参考答案:a17.

16、i wouldnt think it _ to ask him to _ the club.a. worthwhile; join                b. worthwhile; join in     c. worthy; join             

17、0;        d. worthy; join in    参考答案:a18. . in our childhood, we were often _ by grandma to pay attention to our table manners.    a. demanded        b. reminded        &

18、#160;  c. allowed          d. hoped 参考答案:b19. he proved himself a true gentleman and the beauty of his _ was seen at its best when he worked with others.a. temperb. appearancec. talentd. character参考答案:d【详解】考查名词辨析。句意:他用事实证明了自己是一个真正的绅士,当他和别人一起工作时,他的人格魅

19、力尤为突显。atemper脾气; bappearance外貌;ctalent天赋; dcharacter性格,根据句意和各选项分析,故选d项。二、 书面表达20. 书面表达(满分25分)假如你叫李平,现在给住在北京的green先生写一封感谢信,green先生曾经是你校的外教,曾花了很多时间辅导你英语口语,使你在全市英语口语竞赛中获得冠军。你对此非常感激。这次听说green夫妇要回到你校访问。你很高兴。注意:文章包括上述内容,可适当增加细节,使全文连贯。词数:100词左右信的开头已为你写好。dear mrgreen,     how is your sta

20、y in beijing? i am writing to you _                                            &



23、; yours sincerely,                                               



26、0;       li ping参考答案:三、 阅读理解21. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(a、b、c和d)中,选出最佳选项。  home gardens are very common in america. they can provide people with fresh vegetables, but hard work should be done. for example, you have to fight against insects and animals in home gardens, be

27、cause they like the fresh vegetables as much as us. maybe you will surround a small garden with a wire fence, but this may not keep out birds or some digging animals. instead, it can reduce unwanted visitors.you can remove harmful insects by hand. but if you want to use poisons, be extremely careful

28、. be sure to follow all the safety directions.    there is another way to fight insectsavoid planting a crop in the same place every year. insects lay eggs in the soil, so they reappear yearly. moving a crop from place to place in the garden can keep insects away from the plants they

29、like to eat.    to reduce garden work, spread eight to ten centimetres of mulch under and around vegetables. mulch can be made of tree bark (树皮) or the pages of newspapers. mulch will help limit the growth of weeds (杂草) and hold water in the soil. mulch also provides fertilizer as it

30、breaks down. you can talk to an agricultural adviser about other fertilizers to add to the soil.    harvest (收获) vegetables during the cool part of the morning if possible. here is some advice for some popular kinds of vegetables:    harvest beans and peas when they hav

31、e grown full, bright and green. do not wait too long.    heads of broccoli should be harvested before any yellow flowers appear. more growth will develop later for a continuous harvest.    some greens like collards(羽衣甘蓝叶), mustard(芥菜) and spinach produce more leaves aft

32、er the first harvest. they will continue to grow all the season. pick green onions when they reach the desired size. pick other onions when their top leaves turn yellow.    a home garden can be hard work for several months. but a good harvest is the best reward.64. what does the underlined word in the fourth paragraph mean?  a. protective covering.               b. vegetables grown undergrou


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