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1、2020-2021学年江苏省苏州市陆慕高级中学高三英语上学期期末试题含解析一、 选择题1. he looks _but in fact he looks_ at things.a. carelessly; carefully       b. carefully; carelesslyc. careful; careless          d. careful; carelessly参考答案:d2. i stopped to listen,

2、and my son seemed _ himself _ in the living room.a. to enjoy; to shut        b. to be enjoying; shuttingc. to be enjoying; shut     d. to have enjoyed; having shut参考答案:c3. - cliff, i lost your umbrella at school. i suppose i should pay for it.-

3、oh, _. it was just an old one anyway.  a. forget it       b. take it easy    c. by no means     d. you got it参考答案:a4. bats are surprisingly long-lived creatures, some _ a life span of around 20 years.    a. having &

4、#160;            b. had                              c. have             &#

5、160;   d. to have参考答案:a略5. a sense of humor helps me _ different times, so its the most important quality to me.a. come acrossb. pass by       c. get throughd. take over参考答案:c6. how long do you think it is         

6、he arrived here?    only half a year i believeawhen      bsince        cbefore   dthat参考答案:b略7. .the film started to get boring, at _ point i left the cinema accompanied by my twin sister. a. this     

7、;       b. that           c. what         d. which参考答案:d略8. although badly hurt in the accident, the driver was _ able to make a phone call.    a. still   

8、               b. even            c. also              d. ever 参考答案:a9. jennifer, you seem to be overjoyed _? i have jus

9、t received the offer from the national university of singapore.a. so what     b. guess what       c. what if         d. what for参考答案:b【知识点】情景交际根据上下文,为什么很高兴,让另一人“猜为什么”10. it is said that many kids are worried ab

10、out the year 2012, _ , they think the earth will be destroyed by disasters    awhere            bas               cwhen        

11、60;    dwhich参考答案:a11. a true friend can see the pain in your eyes         everyone else believes the smile on year face.         abecause            

12、       bwhile                         cbefore                 

13、60;     duntil参考答案:b略12. it was feb 8 2014 (beijing) _the opening ceremonies of the 2014 winter olympics _ in russiaathat, broke off         bbefore, put off         csince, set off   &

14、#160;    dwhen, kicked off参考答案:d13. the cost of living in big cities _ steadily for many years,and it has led some youths to drop out of the big city race.a. is climbingb. is being climbedc. has been climbingd. has been climbed参考答案:14. it s wonderful. seldom _ a book with such a power

15、ful message.一 i'm glad you like it.a. have i read b. i have read c. i read                                     

16、                                       d. did i read参考答案:a略15. jim who is now our english teacher once _ as a

17、manager in an international cooperation for 5 years.  a. has workedb. had workedc. was workingd. worked参考答案:d16. running a company is not _ a matter of hiring people they also need to be trained.a. simply      b. partly      c. seriously &#

18、160;     d. equally参考答案:a解析:本题考查的是副词的辨析。a项simply表示“仅仅,只不过”;b项partly表示“部分地”;c项seriously表示“严肃地,严重地”;d项equally表示“平等地,相等地”。根据句意:经营一家公司不仅仅就是雇人的事情-他们还需要进行培训。故选a。   17. jim is not a quick learner in math, while it is_ interests linda most.a. the one    

19、0;                           b. that                      &#

20、160;            c, which                               d, what参考答案:d略18. what are you anxious a

21、bout?_.a. how can we succeed        b. whether we can succeed   c. when can we succeed       d. that we can succeed   参考答案:b19. the old man asked lucy to move to another chair _ he wanted to sit next to his wife.aal

22、though        bunless     cbecause      dif参考答案:c句意:这位老人叫露丝挪到另一把椅子上因为他想跟他妻子挨着坐。解析:考查从属连词。空格前后两个句子在逻辑意义上存在原因关系,所以用because引导原因状语从句。although引导让步状语从句,unless和if引导条件状语从句。二、 书面表达20. 你校最近开展了“校园安全周”活动,并组织了征文比赛。请你根据以下要点,用英语写一篇文章。内容包括:1. 安全意

23、识的重要性;2. 在校内注意人身安全;3. 同学间发生矛盾一定要冷静理智;4. 逐步将“安全校园”活动转化为全体师生的实际行动。注意:1. 词数:100120左右;2. 适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 短文中不得以任何形式透露地区、学校、同学姓名等真实信息。否则,按考试作弊行为认定。_参考答案:nowadays people often discuss the issue of safety on campus. some students are knocked down by cars or bikes that are going too quickly; others get inj

24、ured in fights with fellow students. from my perspective, these things highlight the need for us to raise our safety awareness. school safety is directly related to the healthy growth of young students and the welfare of millions of families.to handle this problem, students should be taught to take

25、care of themselves on campus, behave well and act sensibly. they have to realize that it is better to do well in exams than in arguments and fights because there is no honor in being aggressive.everyone who cares about their campus cant just leave everything to the campus guards and blame them for n

26、ot carrying out their duties when problems turn up. every teacher and student has to make their contribution to building up a safe and harmonious campus environment.本文主要是有关校园安全的话题,所以在写作的过程中要注意哪些事情是在学校校园里可能发生的,并且需要考生在平日的生活和学习中注意的。例如:在过马路的时候,注意交通红绿灯。在日常活动中注意意外伤害事件的发生等。在写作方法上要注意变换使用句式,恰当地使用衔接词,使上下文衔接紧凑

27、、过渡自然。使文章具有可读性。三、 阅读理解21. opera |booingattheroyaloperahouseaudience love to make a noise. they will cough, laugh or clap. disrupting an event satisfies our sense of narcissism(自恋). the booing of a violent scene in the royal opera houses new production ofguillaumetellmay have been justified, but it s

28、et a bad beginning. audience enjoyed a secret feeling of excitement, the unacknowledged desire to do it again. (hunter-tilney,financialtimes)publishing |thetruedetectiveofthe1940swith their beautiful covers and well-designed headlines,truedetectivewas a significant part of the publishing industry in

29、 america. at its peak in the 1940s it sold two million copies a month. (john marr,truecrime)books |readingbythesoftglowofyourphonereaders are using smart phones more often than before."its partly a matter of convenience. but its also a function of screen size and resolution. however, the use of

30、 e-readers is falling fast."(jennifer maloney,thewallstreetjournal)pop music |whytheinternetdidntkillmusicart thrives(繁荣)in the age of the internet. only the music industry has been basically disrupted."writers, performers, directors and even musicians report their economic fortunes to be similar to those of their counterparts 15 years ago, and in many cases


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