



1、徐州市小学四年级英语上册期中试卷(含答案)笔试部分 (70 分) 一、写出下列正确的单词(每空1 分,共 10 分)香蕉 _ 18_ 足球_ 熊猫_ 马_ 十三_ 游泳_ 跳_ 许多 _ 我们的_ 二、选出下列每组单词中与其他不属于同一类的选项(每小题2 分,共10 分)()1.a. tree b. salad c. hot dog ( ) 2.a. open b. fly c. sticker ( )3. fruit b. grape c. mango ( )4.a. cute b. can c.cool ( )5.a. you b. your c.my 三、选择(每小题1 分,共 15分)

2、()1.can _ skate? -yes , _ can . a. you, you b. jack ,his c.helen ,she ( )2. look at _ cakes . a. this b.that c.those ( )3.he can t play football _. a. either b. too c.good ( )4.that s _brother ,mike . 2 a. my b.i c.me ( )5.i have _ apple and _ pineapple. a.a, an b.an, a c.a,a ( )6._robots do you hav

3、e ? a.how b.what c.how many ( ) 7. i don t _ this monkey. . a.make b.like c.look ( )8.can you play football _ ? -yes, i can . a .nice b.well c.pie ( )9.would you like a pie ?-no, thanks.i don t like_ a.pies b.a pie c. pie ( )10. i m twelve _ old. a. years b.year c.a year ( )11.当你想鼓励对方时,你可以说:a.have a

4、 try b.thank you c.here you are . ( )12.让别人看你们的水果色拉应该说:a.i have a fruit salad b. i like fruit salad c. look at our fruit salad ( )13.当你告诉别人你有一些梨时,你应该说:a. i like some pears b.i have some pears c.i d like some pears ( )14. 当你问别人是否喜欢马时,你应该说:3 a. do you like horses b.i like horses c.do you like a horses

5、? ( )15.你告诉杨玲:“你的钢笔在那边。”你会说:a.where is your pen ? b.this your pen. c.your pen is over there. 四从 b 栏中选出与 a 栏相对应的答句,将序号写在提前括号内。(共 8分)a ()1.look at this monkey . ( )2.can bobby swim? ( )3.can you play football ? ( )4.what do you have ,mike? ( )5.do you have any pencils ? ( )6.do you have any pencils (

6、)7.how many rubbers do you have? ( )8.how old are you ?b aim sixteen. bno, he can t . cyes, i do . dhow cute ! ei have two . 4 fyes, i can . gi have two pens. hi like stickers. 五、连词成句。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)1.beautiful they stickers are (.)2.grapes you like do (?) 3.many basketball do how they have ( ?) 4.

7、you what do have (?) 5. dogs either cannot the fly (.) 六、补全对话。(每空 1 分, 共 7 分)a:do you have _ pineapples , yang ling? b:no, i _ . but i _ _ grapes. _ _ apples do you have ,su yang? a: two. 七、 根据对话内容,在表格中勾选出各人喜欢的动物 (每空 2 分, 共 10 分)5 su hai: helen ,do you like dogs? helen:no, i dont i like monkeys and

8、horses. su hai:what about you,mike? mike :i like dogs,but i don t like cats. su hai:do you like pandas? mike: yes, i do. they are fat and cute. su hai:what do you like ,tim? tim: i like tigers. i like dogs and cats too. dog cat monkey panda horses tiger helen mike tim 答案:6 一、banana eighteen football panda horses thirteen swim jump many our 二、acabb 三、1-5 ccaab 6-10 cbbaa 11-15 acbaa 四、dbfhgcea 五、1.they are beautiful stickers. 2.do you like grapes? 3.how many basketballs do they ha


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