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1、Process flow and raw materials of aluminum and aluminum alloyanodic oxidation tintingProcedure specification on aluminum and aluminum alloy anodic oxidation tinting 1. Procedure specification(line drawing)Substrate Mounted hanging Degreasing Alkaline etching Neutralization Anodicoxidation Electrolyt

2、ic coloring Sealing Electrophoretic coating CuringUnloading packaging Warehousing2. Mounted hanging:2.1 preparations before mounted hanging.2.1.1Check the conductive parts like conductive beams and bars. They should be regularlypolished, cleaned or repaired.2.1.2Get ready conductivity of aluminum an

3、d aluminum wire.2.1.3Check the pneumatic tools and related equipment.2.1.4Check whetheror notrequirementslikelength, count,color,thicknesson theflow paperor production task list are consistent with the order drawing and actual materials.2.1.5Depending on the specifications (size of circumscribed cir

4、cle, external surface area,etc.) to determine the count and space. To control the pigment spacing about 1.2 times thanthe horizontal width of the material shaped, and the white material spacing about 1 time thanthe width.2.1.6Choose the appropriaterack, and ensurethathook number ofnegative and posit

5、ive hangersis the same with the count of materials shaped.2.2 Mounted hanging:2.2.1When hanging, fix the topside one first, and then the bottom one, and then arrange theremaining sections in the middle, and tighten the screws.2.2.2Before hanging, placing one aluminum sheet between the material and a

6、luminum screw p sothat it can prevent poor conductivity impacting oxidation, coloring and electrophoresis.2.2.3When hanging, it is not allowed to hang all the materials in the lower or upper rack.2.2.4The hanged materials should recline more than 14 degrees in order to facilitate airexhausting in el

7、ectrophoresis or coloring, and reduce the air bubbles.2.2.5When hanging,consideringthe facingofthedecorativesurfaceand groove topreventthecolor shading, bubbles, pitting appearing in the decorative surface.2.2.6Like some flexible and easily deformed materials, put one more rack or aluminum wire inth

8、e middleto preventfrictionbetween thematerialsor touching tankplate,and thatmay abradeor burn the surface.2.2.7When selecting vice-bar rack, the plug rod is preferred. When using aluminum banding,they must be evenly spaced, and the outcrops should be less than 25mm.2.2.8Materials with great disparit

9、y of cross-section size and shape are prohibited to hangin the same row.2.2.9Whenhanging and handlingequipment,you must wear cleangloves,gentlyand wellprotectingthe surface.2.2.10When hanging or handling equipment, workers should strengthen self-examination andcross-examination,thefailure materialsa

10、re non-mounted,and take appropriatemeasures to dealwith the surface stained with oil or aluminum burrs2.2.11After eliminating unqualified ones, you must make them up in time by order.2.2.12In hangingarea,materialsshouldnot be storedfortoolong time,topreventcorrosionof the surface.2.2.13Fillingthehan

11、ging recordand oxidation processcard.Accuratelycalculatingand fillin oxidation of each linked area, checking models, count and color by orders at any time.2.2.14Do a good job in shift procedures and keep the work area clean.3. Preparation before oxidized production units:3.1Checking the level of the

12、 liquid in the process tank. According to test report card, toadjust the concentration of the bath solution and ensure that bath solution is always in linewith technicalrequirements.Workersshouldfrequentlysweep the dirtfromthe bath solution.3.2Checking thevehicle,freezer, rectifiers,circulatingacidp

13、ump, water pump, transfercars,furnace and other equipment, any exception should be immediately solved.3.3Check PH (orconductivity)and cleanlinessin the pure waterwashing tankand runningwaterwashing tank. If it does not meet the technical requirements, workers should change it andhydrating overflow.3

14、.4Open the alkaline etching, hot pure water tank, sealing the steam or cooling water tank;open the oxidation tank, coloring tank and cooling system of electrophoresis tank to ensurethe uniformity of bath solution and temperature complying with requirements.3.5Check the Roots blowers,exhaust blowersa

15、nd exhaustfans. Before the production,theyshouldbe opened.3.6Carefullychecktheoxidationprocesscard,specificallyconfirmtheproductionrequirements, and prepare the color palette.4. General requirements for oxidation sets operation:4.1It isnotallowed tohang tmore than two hangingsevery time.And keeping

16、a certaindistancebetween the two hangings to prevent collision between the materials.4.2When materials hunginto and hung out of the bathsolution, they must be inclinedto 30 ° .4.3Materials falling into the tank must be removed promptly and hung up in rafts, the damageones must be promptly notif

17、ied to group-to-order equipment to make them up.4.4In addition to alkaline etching and coloring, the sections should be hung out after thebath solution drained away to reduce the flow of waste and pollution.4.5When thehanging materialsmust cross other sections, the transferring ones must maintainthe

18、levelofthe degreeto reduce the flow of liquidand pollutematerials and conductive beam.4.6Each process should be promptly fill in the oxidation process cards, and sign them.5. Degreasing:5.1 Process ParametersComposition of bath solution: acidic degreasing agent 2 to 3%Temperature: room temperatureDe

19、greasing time: 1 3min5.2 Operating requirements:same model and same orderorsimilarspecificationshould be suspendedintothedegreasing tanksimultaneouslyor preferentially,so thatit can facilitatethe operationthepost-procedure.5.2.2Whenthedegreasingisfinished,thematerialsshouldbe hung outofthetank, prev

20、entingthe sand from the surface.5.2.3After degreasing, thesurfaceshouldbe well-distributedand wet,and thematerials shouldbe washed by Level 2 water then turned into the alkaline etching process.6. Alkaline etching:6.1 Process parameters:Composition of bath solution: plain-surface alkaline etching, s

21、and-surface alkaline etchingNaOH: 40 50g / l 45 60g / lAdditives (NaOH): 1 / 12 1 / 15 1 / 6 1 / 8Temperature: 40 45 45 55Alkaline etching time: 1 3min 10 30min6.2 Operating requirements:6.2.1When alkaline etching, the forced draught blowers and exhaust fans should be opened.6.2.2When alkaline etchi

22、ng is finished, materials should be hung out as soon as possible,finishing shedding immediately and transferring to the tank washing, so that it can preventstraying marking from the surface.6.2.3Strictly control alkaline etching process parameters, to ensure uniform quality of thesurface after alkal

23、ine etching.6.2.4Post-alkaline-etchingmaterialsmust be washed by Level2 overflow.The remainingalkaline liquidshould be fully cleared away, so that the raffinate can t pollute othertanks.7. Neutralization:7.1 Process parameters:Composition of bath solution: HNO3: 120 150g / lTank temperature: room te

24、mperatureNeutralizing time: 2 5min7.2 Operating requirements:8. Anodic oxidation:8.1 process parameters:Tank composition: H2SO4:150 180 g/l AL ion: 5 to 15 g/lTank temperature: 20± 1o COxidation voltage: 14 and 18 VCurrent density: 130 150 A /The oxidized time: according to requirements film th

25、ickness calculation.8.2 Operating requirements:(a) Rectifier cooling water.(b) Bath circulation cooling system (cooling unit).(c) Send the exhaust fan.8.2.2Anodicoxidationmust be checked inadvance: conductivecopper conductingcopperaluminumpiece, hanging fixture and conductive beam in contact, and th

26、e situation of the conductive,should be often burnished.8.2.3Anodic oxidation must be opened before a conductive copper cooling water, check andconductivebeam bending,whethertheconductivebendingbeam must be replaced,incaseofburnout the conductive and impacts anodic oxidation.8.2.4Beforeelectricityox

27、idation,profilemust be placedinmiddleofoxidationtank,ensurethat with both side distances are the same.8.2.5Beforeelectricityoxidationlinkup,drivinghook must be takenoff conductivebeam hook,when the power and oxidationend,drivinghook can hang conductive beam hook,inordertoavoidshort circuit, damage t

28、he equipment.8.2.6Anodicoxidationsetthe currentdensity,oxidationmethod shouldaccordtotheoxidationareaof profilesmultipliedwith thecurrentdensity.Shadingmaterialsfor the currentdensityof oxidation must be controlled in 130 A / .8.2.7When Anodic oxidation, should often visited the voltage, current, te

29、mperature, etc.Various kinds of instrument, any abnormal should be promptly eliminated.8.2.8AfterOxidation ofprofiles,shoulddetectthe filmthickness,and make records,iffilmthicknesscan notreachtherequirements,must be toprolongthe oxidizedtimetofilmthicknessto meet requirements.9, Electrolytic colorin

30、g:9.1 process parameters:Bronze is golden brown departmentBath composition: SnSO4: seven to 10 g/l GD: 35 to 45 g/lNiSO4 ? 6 H2O: 20 30 g/l SeO2:8 10 g/lAdditives: Same amount with SnSO4 CuSO4:2 3.5 g/lH2SO4:15 20 g/l 12 to 17 g/lPH: 0.6 1.0 PH: 0.7 1.025temperature: 15 20 25Voltage: 14 to 18 V 14 t

31、o 16 VShading time: 20 S 15 min 2 6 min9.2 Operating requirements:9.2.1Maintain bigger slope when puttinganodic oxidated profiles into color cell, and placedat the middle of poles, ensure equal polar distances.9.2.2When shading, driving hook must be taken off conductive beam hook, and rest for 0.5 1

32、 minutes to color.9.2.3Shading voltage for the same kinds of color must be equal.9.2.4Whenbronzecellshadingover,must be liftedimmediatelyas soon aspossible, flowbath,transfer to sinkquickly,fullycleanthe acid waterin the holeof profiles,use coloringboardto compare, when color is too light, put it in

33、to coloring tank to electricity complementarycolor,when coloris too deep, put itintocoloringtank (no electricity)of oxidation tank to fade (bronze series).The shaded profilesshallbe washed adequatelyby level2 water,or acidicwater behindthen go on electrophoresisor hole sealing.10, Sealing:10.1 Proce

34、ss parameters:Bath composition: Ni ion: 0.8 1.2 g/l, F ion: 0.35 0.6 g/l, PH: 5.6 6.5, pure dampeningsolution temperature: 20 30Hole sealingtime:oxidationfilmthickness(um) x 1.2 min around (subjectto qualitystandards).10.2 Operating requirements:10.2.2Whenprofilesenter intosealingslots, shouldpreven

35、t holesealing water fromsplashinginto electrophoresis recycling tank.10.2.3 Hole sealed profile after must be dried after being washed.10.2.4Sealed profile should bestrictlyprohibited to contact with oil, electrolyte andbarehands.10.2.5After sealing, should sport checkthe hole sealing quality, timel

36、y adjust hole sealingtime,ensure that hole sealingqualityto achieve therequirements,and prevent the over-sealingpowder.11, electrophoresis11.1 process parameters:Tank composition:Solids: 5 8%Solvent: 1 5%Conductivity: 550 900S/cmPH: 7.6 8.0Electrophoresis Voltage: 90 120VTemperature: 23± 3Elect

37、rophoresis time: 1 2min11.2 operating requirements:11.2.1Before electrophoresis, the ones must be gone through one pure water, two hot water,threecold water washing, fullywashing the acidicwaterand dirt inthematerialsurface, holeand film hole.11.2.2Always check PH, conductivity and cleanliness in th

38、e three water, keeping PH> 5.5 inthe water tank, the first pure water conductivity <120S/cm,the second and the third waterconductivity <60S / cm, and oftenchange the water.11.2.3Temperature of hot pure water tank should be controlled between 60 80 .11.2.4Articles in hot water tank's tim

39、e between 3 5min, after the hot water wash, shouldbe fullydriedand fullywiped togetconductivebeam ridof oiland acid-base water.Keep specialattention on cleaning and cooling of thick-walled tubular.11.2.5Temperature of Cold purewater washingtank should bemaintainedbelow 30 . Articlesthat arewashed in

40、 cold water shouldnot be dried,preventingextrawave when electrophoresis.11.2.6Maintain the largest tilt when profiles are in the electrophoresis tank to facilitatethe exclusion of air.11.2.7After put into the electrophoresis tank, articles should be placed in the centralelectrode,and ensureequal dis

41、tanceon bothsides oftheplate,and stand for one minutebeforeelectrophoresis.11.2.8When electrophoresis,circulatingpump and electrophoresisrecyclingequipmentmust beturned on. The two pure water tanks should meet the following technical requirements:The first pure water, the second oneSolids: <1.0%

42、<0.3%PH: 8.0 8.3 8.0 8.5Conductivity: <100S/cm <50S/cm11.2.9Electrophoresissolutionshouldopen refinedpurificationsystem atfixedperiodas forthe increaseofPHandconductivitytoensuretheelectrophoresisbathmeet processrequirements.11.2.10 After electrophoresis, articles must be passed by two pure

43、 water.11.2.11 Post-electrophoresis articles should be placed in the pre-dried area.11.2.12 keep electrophoresis area clean, non-oil, no dust, no acid mist to pollute profilesand electrophoresis tank.12, Curing:12.1 process parameters:Curing temperature: 180 200 Curing time: 30 45min12.2 operating r

44、equirements:12.2.1Beforecuring,check oven and curingtemperaturemeasurement system,and regularlycleanthe curing oven.12.2.2When finished curing and cooled to room temperature, workers check the quality of theelectrophoresis film.13, unloading, packaging13.1 Preparation for discharge13.1.1Check the st

45、orage rack, transport trolley, film machine, packaging machine13.1.2Check themodel, length,count,coloron the card are consistentwiththe materialobjector not. Make packaging requirements clear; prepare protective film, tape, wrapping paper andother packaging materials.13.1.3Testoxidationthickness,com

46、positethickness,sealingquality,thefilmhardness,filmadhesion, color,colorvariation,appearancequality.Allofthem adhere torequirements,thenthey can be discharged, and fill oxidation product inspection records.13.2 unloading, packaging13.2.1Water sealing material is not allowed to unload with water, electrophoresis materialsmust be cooled to room temperature before unloading.13.2.2Profilesmust be unloadedby teams,non-impacted,non-beat,and prohibitedto be directlycontacted with the ground. They should be stacked neatly, and non-superelevation.13.2.3Wearing clean gloves to unload, ha


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