1、4 A U n i t 6 一、教学要求 1、四会单词和词组 : a pair of shoes , a sweater , a jacket , big , small , Long , short. 2、 四会句型: Whose is this/are they? It s /They re The is /are too 3、 三会单词和词组 : a pair of jeans , a pair of gloves , a pair of socks , a pair of shorts , a scarf 4、 三会日常交际用语 : Try this one/this pair on.
2、 Don t worry. Oh , dear! 5、 了解辅音字母I和m在单词中的读音 6、 会诵读歌谣 A funny goat 二、单元教材分析 本单元的核心教学内容是“寻找物主” 。要求学生围绕服饰类的英语单词,在一定的情景下, 能正确使用 Whose is this/are they? 进行交谈。在英语中,有些如 socks , trousers , jeans , 等服饰类单词是以复数形式出现的,因此与之搭配得 be 动词要用 are 。像 shoes , shorts , gIoves 等成双的东西 , 一般与 a pair of 连用,如 a pair of gIoves/sh
3、oes 等,运用是要注意与 动词 be 和代词的一致关系。此外,还要求学生能用形容词 big , smaII , Iong 和 short 来描述 物体。在这几个形容词前还有表示程度的如 so , too等词。So是“那么”的意思;too做“太” 节,隐含“太以至于不”意思。 Unit 6 Whose gIoves (第一课时) 一、 教学内容 B Look read and Iearn & C Look and say 二、 教学目标 1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组 a pair of shoes , a sweater , a jacket 。 2 、能正确地听、说、读单词及词组
4、a pair of jeans , a pair of gIoves , a pair of socks , a pair of shorts , a scarf 。 3. 能正确地听、说、读、写句型 Whose is this/are they? It /They s -re 3、能根据图片提供的情景进行描述和对话。 三、 教学重点 1、能正确地听、说、读、写词组 a pair of shoes , a sweater , a jacket 。 2、能正确地听、说、读写句型 Whose is this/are they? It sTThey re 四、教学难点 1、 能正确地听、说、读、写词
5、组成双成对的单词用 a pair of 来形容。 2、 能正确使用 Whose is this/are they? It s7T|fey “寻找物主”。 五、 教学准备 1、教具准备:单词教学图片、录音机和磁带。 2、 板书准备:写好课题和日期。 3. 生预习 Part B 、C 六、 教学过程 Step 1 Free talk/ Revision 1. Everyday English. 2. T-S talking. In order to do some preparations for this unit. T: Look at my jacket. It s new. S: How
6、nice! T: Thank you. T: Look at her sweater. I like it. Do you like it? S: Yes, I do. T: (point to the sweater) What color is it? S: It s red. Step 2. Presentation. 1. T: (point to a red scarf) What color is it? S: It s red,too. T: What s this in English? S: It s a red scarf. 2. T: (take out a scarf)
7、 Is it a red scarf? S: No, it isn t. It s a blue scarf. T: Oh, I see. Teach the word: scarf. Read after the teacher, read one by one, at the same time correct their pronunciation. 3. T: Is this your scarf? S: No, it isn t. Perhaps 港s. s T: (turn to another student) Is this your scarf? S: No, it isn
8、t. Perhaps it s Miss Zhu T: Oh, no, it s not my scarf. (stick Yang Ling T: Whose scarf is this? S: It s Yang Ling s. Then write down the sentence on the Bb. Teach the word: whosehu:z. Whose is it? It Read and translate it. 4. T: Look, it s a S: Jacket. (they have learnt this word before) T: Whose ja
9、cket is this? (stick Wang Bing s picture beside it) S: It s Wang Bing s. (ask for a coemanpslewter) Then ask them to practice this dialogue in pairs. 5.Stick a picture of a sweater on the Bb. Then encourage them to practice like the above dialogue. 6. T: What re these in English? (take out a pair of
10、 shoes) S: (They are) shoes. It s sahpoaeirs.of Teach them the new word: shoes, pay attention to the plural form. Then teach them the phrase: a pair of, ask them to make more phrases. They may make some phrases they have to learn, so teach them if they speak out. (use the pictures to teach them: a p
11、air of jeans, a pair of socks, a pair of gloves, a pair of shorts) 7. T: Whose jeans are they? (stick the picture on the Bb and write down the sentence structure) S: They are s. Teach: Whose are they? They are s. Translate the plural form to the students, ask them to pay more attention to the identi
12、cal between the subject and the object.) Step 3 Read and practice. 1. Read the Part B: Look, read and learn after the tape.(5 times) 2. A guessing game: 利用十秒钟记忆,物品是谁的,然后拿走人物图,问: Whose is it/are they? . 3. Do the Part C: Ask and answer of the book on page 47. In pairs. Step 4. Homework: 1. Copy the n
13、ew words. (5 times in English, once in Chinese.) 2. Copy the phrases. (3 times in English, once in Chinese.) 3. Choose 2 pictures and make a dialogue for each. Then copy them on the copybook. 4. Preview Part A. 七、板书设计:s. s picture beside the picture of the scarf) It s s. Unit 6 Whose gloves Whose is
14、 this? It s s. scarf sweater jacket Whose are they? They re s. shoes gloves socks shorts jea ns 八、教后记: 本课的生词较难读,如:a pair of 、gloves和scarf需要通过多种形式让学生熟记于心,突 破读、记难点。在句型中,要通过板书及总结的形式,使学生理解、掌握、会用 Whoseis this? It s s. Whose are they? Th句型;并提示学生-Whose.后面不 能加a或a pair of ,这是学生易犯的错误。 Unit 6 Whose gloves (第二课
15、时) 一、 教学内容 Part A 、D、G 二、 教学目标 1能正确地听、说、读、写词组 big ,small , lo ng, short 。 2. 能正确地听、说、读、写句型 Theis/are too 3. 能听懂、会说和会读日常交际用语 Try this one/this pair on. Don t worry. Oh, dear! She looks so funny! 三、 教学重点 1 能正确地听、说、读、写词组 big ,small , lo ng, short 。 2、能正确地听、说、读写句型 Theis/are too 四、教学难点 要求学生能用形容词 big smal
16、l , long ,short 来描述物体并表演对话 五、 教学准备 1、教具准备:课文教学光盘、录音机和磁带 ,自带头饰和服装(要有特点) 。 2、板书准备:写好课题和日期。 3. 生预习 Part A 、D 六、 教学过程 Step 1 Free talk/ Revision 1. Everyday English. 2. T-S talking. In order to review the words and sentences they have just learned. T: What s this in English? S: It s a sweater. T: Whose
17、sweater is this? S: It s s. T: What re these? S: They re a pair of jeans. T: Whose are they? S: They are s. 3. Turn to Page 51:Part G 2 Guess what they are. Step 2. Presentation. 1. T: xx , come here please. S: Yes. T: (pass the sweater to him/her) Try this one on. If he/she cannot understand, the t
18、eacher can use some actions to translate this sentence. Then write the sentence on the blackboard. Teach the sentence: Try this one on. Emphasis the meaning of the phrase and what the pronoun “ one ” represent. T: Is it nice? S: Yes, it is. Show them some pictures of clothes(shirt, blouse, skirt, co
19、at, sweater ). As practice in pairs. Before that, the teacher can invite one or two students to make a model dialogue: T: Look at the shirt. Is it smart? S: Yes, it s smart. T: Try this one on. S: OK. Then it s show time. 2. T: xx , come here, please. (take out a very small sweater or something) Try
20、 this 可请高个和矮个两个孩子互换衣物穿上比较 ) S: (try on this sweater) T: Oh, it s too small/short, isn t it? S: Yes. T: Oh, the sweater is too small. Try this one on. S: Ok. (then he/she try another sweater on) T: Oh, it s too big/long. I m sorry. You look so funny. Does he look so funny? Write the sentences on the
21、Bb: The sweater is too big / small.(long/short) You look so funny. 3. Group activity: divide the class into two groups, one group use the big jacket to make a dialogue like this: A: Try this one on. B: Ok. A: The is too big. You look so funny. Another group use the small jacket to make a dialogue li
22、ke this: A: Try this one on. B: Ok. A: The is too small. You look so funny 4. Take out a picture of shoes. T: If you want to ask some else to put them on, how can you say? S: Try this one on. T: Similar. But because this is a pair of shoes. So we should say: Try this pair on. T: Look , his feet are
23、S: Big. T: But his shoes are too S: Small. Write this sentence on the Bb. Teach them these sentences. Explain why use plural Show them Picture 1 of P48 . Point to the shoes. 5. Show them Picture 2 of P48. Point to the dress. T: Look, her dress is too S: Short. 6. Talk about the rest pictures of Part
24、 D and then fulfill the blanks. Step 3.Read and say. 1. Liste n to the tape once the n read after the tape once. At last judge these senten ces: 1) The dress is too big. 2) The jea ns are too long. 3) The gloves are too small. 4) The skirt is too short. 2. Read after the tape. 3. Read in Pairs. 4. A
25、ct the dialogue. 5. A task: Hallowee n is coming. Let psirtystdnaetelarate it.( 用自带头饰、 服装表演。 ) Work in groups. Step 4.Homework. 1. Copy Part D. 2. Copy Part A 3. Liste n and repeat. 4. Preview Part EFG 七、 板书设计: Unit 6 Whose gloves? Try this one on. The is too big / small. long / short Try this pair
26、on. The are too 八、 教后记: 本课的教学可以通过设置情景来教学,让高个和小个学生互换衣物进行比较, 学生马上就能用适当的词形容出来,新授句型也能很快被理解,学生较喜欢。 但本课的单词whose与who s的比较, 问物的归属的单复数句型 Whoseis it? Whoseare they? 及其回答还需多练习。 Unit 6 Whose gloves (第三课时) 一、 教学内容 one on.( 或 form here. Part E、F、G 二、 教学目标 1. 三会日常交际用语 :Dont worry. Not at all. 2. 了解辅音字母I和m在单词中的读音 3
27、. 会诵读歌谣 A funny goat 三、 教学重点 1、 能正确地听、说、读、词组 Dont worry. Oh , dear! 2、 会诵读歌谣 A funny goat 四、 教学难点 了解辅音字母I和m在单词中的读音 五、 教学准备 1、 教具准备:课文教学光盘、录音机和磁带。 2、 板书准备:写好课题和日期。 3、 生预习 Part EFG 并带有特色的衣物 六、 教学过程 Step 1 Free taIk/ Revision 1. Everyday EngIish. 2. 用学生身上的衣物或身边的衣物谈论 Part A 内容 T(拿自带衣物学生身边的衣服)How funny.
28、Try this one on. S: 试穿 。 T: What about him? 其他学生评价 T: Whose is it? S: Practise in pairs.(试穿后加入自己的评价。) 3. Check their recitati on of Part A. Together- in dividual. Step 2.Read and act 1. (利用手中铅笔创设情境 )T: I want to write some words. But My pencil is too short. S: You can use this long one. T: Thank you
29、. S: Not at all. 板书: A: My pencil is too short . B: You can use this long one. A: Thank you. B: Not at all. Practise in pairs with other words. 2. Listen and answer: (1.) Whose pencil is too short? (2.) What is too small? (3.) Does Mike have a big rubber? 板书: Don t worry. 3. Listen and repeat. 4. Read and act. Step 3. Listen and repeat. 1. Liste
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