1、英文写作常用句型分类总结精选英文写作常用句型分类总结一 . 首段的句型第一句:描述背景:1. Along with the rapid development the society,remarkable changes havetaken place in随着社会的快速发展, 已发生了显著的变化。2. The.is a subject matterin recent years.是近年来的一个课题。3. In recent years, China has experienced analarming increase in/In recent years, much moreattenti
2、on than ever before has been paid to.最近几年来, 中国 有了惊人的增长。/ 近几年来,.吸引了众多关注。4. One of the pressing problemfacing our nation(China) today isand我们国家 ( 中国 ) 如今面临的紧迫问题之一是 第二句:改写题目/ 介绍两个对立论点1. There is much controversy overwhether/Thereis an ongoing debate about 对于是否 很有争论2. Some people think thatOthersargue t
3、hat theoppositeistrue.Thereisprobablysome truthto2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作独家原创1 / 7botharguments, but I think有的人认为应该 另一些人持相反意见。也许双方的观点都有一定道理,但是 3. It is widely held/acknowledgedthat.(改写题目)。Such people think that( 介绍对方观点)第三句:提出个人观点/ 引出接下来要讨论的内容1. 表示只赞同一方观点:My personalviewisthatisofbenefitstosb./st
4、h.As far as I know, its benefitsare far more obvious than its downsides.Although , I am of the viewthat they do more harm than good.My personal view is that its benefits cannot justifyits harmful effects.我个人观点是它的好处不能抵消它的负面影响。2. 同时解释正反两个观点 / 说明利弊:Admittedly, thereare meritsto both sidesof theargument
5、.必须承认,这个问题的两面都有道理。Thereareadvantagesanddisadvantagesonbothsides.2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作独家原创2 / 7The essay will compare andcontrast its positive and negative aspects.3. 问题类 ( 引出下文要解释的问题内容 )Some of the most commonfactors will be discussed below, followed by some responsible solutions.The focus of
6、 the essay is to illustrate the causes and solutions of thisproblem.The following reasons shouldbe taken into consideration.二.拓展主体段1. 注意各段间的连接词:First/to startwith/on onehand/ The firstimportant reason is thatSecond/ in addition/furthermore/ moreover/ on theother hand/ It might also be noted thatThir
7、d/ Finally/Last but notthe least,2.举例子:For example, / It is bestillustrated if given thefollowingexample/The modern example of thismakes a good example / a case in point is3.通用句型It is a well-known fact thatand mostis/2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作独家原创3 / 7It goes without saying thatWe cannot deny that
8、 we havebenefited a lot fromIt is self-evident that.There is no denying that.三 . 表示总结或结论的句子总结观点 / 理由1. In short/ In general/above all/In conclusion/ To sum up/ consequently/as a result/, it can be saidthat . /there are strong positive effectsof2. From what has been mentioned above, we cancometo the
9、conclusion that .3. Judging from the reams of evidence presented,we can safely concludethaton the above discussion and analysis, we can seethat提出建议 / 希望1. In order to make our world a better place in which to live we should effortsto*2. If all above mentioned measures are achieved,*3. Wherever you a
10、re and whatever you do, *isalways meaningful.2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作独家原创4 / 7._(). Some peoplesuggest thatBut ontheotherhand,therearealsomanypeoplewhostronglyadvocatethatFormy part,Iabsolutelyagree with the latter point of reasons are presentedbelow.The first reason that can be seen by every pe
11、rsonis that1.2.3.Anotherfactorthatwemustconsideristhat.1.2Thethirdandveryimportantreasonisthat.1.2.From what has been discussed above, we may safelydraw the conclusionthat.()What is more.()_(). Quite a fewpeople have the ideathat.Nevertheless,towardsthesame issue,manyotherspointout thatBothsidesof t
12、he argument havevery sound reasons./I believethereare both advantagesand disadvantages in.2016 全新精品资料 - 全新公文范文 -全程指导写作独家原创5 / 7There are several reasons which suggest thatFirst of all,Second,Finally,.However,thedisadvantageofisalsoobvious. To begin with. Next,Moreover.In conclusion, both sides above
13、 make sense. In myopinion,.very_(). _() What factorslead to thisphenomenon and what we can do to solve theproblemhave becomea concerntomanypeople.Inmyopinion,thefollowingreasonsneedtobetakenintoconsideration.The first reason that can be seen by every personis that1.2.3Another factor that we must consider is that.1.2.The third and very import reason is that.123The issuesshould be welltaken intoconsideration.
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