已阅读5页,还剩25页未读 继续免费阅读




1、初二(下)必背词汇(1-4)unit 1必背词汇青少年1 z teenager fti:neid3o = teen ti:n2 , offer to do some voluntary work 'vdbnt(o)ri提出去做一些志愿工作3 r volunteer ,vdbn'tio志愿者4 , suffer from a serious illnesssafb遭受严重的疾病5 , get become be ill生病的6 , organize a painting competition kdmpi!tijo)n组织一个绘画比赛7 , organization .organ

2、oefbn组织8 z compete konypi:t兄争/比赛9 , competitive komfpetotiv兄争白勺10 ,competitor kometit竞争者;比赛者11 /paint a picture of the park peint画一副公园的画12 , near her home靠近她的家13 ztook some photos of it拍些有关它的照片14 zuse them for her painting将它们用于她的绘画15 z taught them to tell stories to:t教他们讲故事16 , express their feeling

3、s ikfsprcs表达他们的情感17 ; expression ikfsprejx9)n; ek-j表现;表情;表达18 , dorft understand my pain pein不理解我的痛苦19 , painful peinful痛苦的痛苦的20 # spent time with a girl called vivien和一个叫做vivien的女孩花些时间21 , spend time (in) doing sth花时间做某事22 , spend money on sth在某物上花钱23 r die in a car accident ksidant死于一次交通事故24 , be

4、dead ded死的death deo死亡feel lonely fbunli感到孤独的be alone bon独处need friendship encdfip需要友谊continue to visit mike koninjui继续去拜访看望mikehelp disabled children disfcbld帮助残疾的儿童have difficulty walking 'difik(o)lti走路有困难have trouble problem difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难music can bring them joy and peace音乐能

5、给他们带来快乐与平静joyful 'djnifbl快乐的peaceful !pi:sfblj和平的,宁静的hurt his legs in an accident h3:t ksidont在一次事故中腿受伤courage 'kari%勇气encourage inridj鼓励encouragement m'karidsmgjnt鼓励help children like tim帮助像是tim这样的孩子raise their spirits reiz spirit提高他们的精神in the future *iju:t(9在未来during the summer holiday

6、s在暑假期间offer to help at a local hospital 'lookco)!提出在当地的医院帮忙look after the patients rpeif(9)nt照顾病人47,funny stories !fam有趣的故事48 zhave fun doing sth做某事愉快49 zso that所以,以便50 zso +adj adv + that.如此以至于51 ,such +n. + that.如此以至于52 ,talk with the patients rpeijxo)nt和病人聊天53 ,in his free time在他的空闲时间54,make

7、friends with her和她交朋友55 zkeep healthy 'heloi保持健康56 ,be in good health hel0健康良好57 ,used to love sport过去常常昌欢运动58 ,be get become used to doing sth习惯于做某事59,be used for被用于60 ,be used to do sth被用来做某事61 ,until onil直到62 ,a great success次大的成功63 zbe unable to attend school o'tend不能上学64 zattend a meeti

8、ng参加会议65 zsince then自从那时以来66 ,rent a room close to the school租一个靠近学校的房间67 ,stay at home呆在家里68 ,help my mother with the housework帮我妈妈做些家务69,help sb (to) do sth帮助某人做某事70,going to school changed my liffe.去上学改变了我的生活71 ,work as a teacher当一个老师72 ,work for为工作73 ,raise money for reiz为筹钱74 ,rise -rose -risen

9、 raiz上升75 ,looks after homeless animals komlos照顾无家可归的动物76,decide to do sth dfsaid决定去做某事77 ,make a decision difsi3(9)n做决定78,plan to do sth计划做某事79,collect ko'lekt收集80 ztake dogs home as their pets pet把狗作为宠物带回家unit 2必背词汇1 r body language fteggwid32 z part-time jobs3 , at a travel company 'kamp(

10、0)ni4 r a well-dressed lady 个 wepdrest5 , dress sb6 , dress up7 , enter the office ento8 z walk over to肢体语言兼职工作在一个旅游公司穿着很好的女士 给某人穿衣服 乔装打扮 进入办公室 走向个高兴的致意招呼9 ; a cheerful greeting 'tfiofulcheer up t|io使咼兴起来walk away走开what's the matter 'm&to怎么了?choose - chose - chosen选择v.choice tfois选择n

11、.instead of infstedj而个是the way you communicate kofmju:nikcit你父流的方式get a chance 取:ns得到一个机会communicate with sb ko'mjumikeit和某人交流communication k0mju:nrkeh0)n交流,通讯make a gesture 也琨做姿势手势expression on your face ik'spr可o)n; ek-你脸上的表情express ikfspres; ek-j表达,快递appearance $pi9r(o)ns外貌;出现disappear dis

12、jpio消失made a good impression on her imfpref(9)n给她一个好的印象turn your head towards them tofwo:dz把你的头转向他们hold her head up把她的头抬起头he looks friendly他看起来很友好go to her for help向她寻求帮助decide to do sth dfsaid决定去做某事make a decision to do sth difsi3(o)n做决定去做某事make up one's mindimprove the environment im'pru:v

13、 improvement im,pru:vm(9)nt sat up straight streittried smiling at peopleminutes later = moments laterleft with a smilecame over at onceremind sb that n'maindremind sb of sththink oflearn aboutbuild a career in tourism rtuoriz(o)m it's more important for me to do sth develop other skills dfv

14、elop at the momentm0qm(0)nt卜定决心改善环境 改善,提高 坐直试着对别人微笑几分钟后带着微笑离开立刻过来提醒提醒某人某事考虑;想;认为了解在旅游业建立一番事业做某事对我来讲更重要发展其它的技能在现在take a class in communication skills koitiju:ni'keij'(9)n上一个沟通技能的课think it over仔细考虑eye contact fknnt2ekt contact with sb fkdntsekt mean doing sth眼神交流和某人联系接触意味着做某事mean to do sth打算去做

15、某事54,meaning !itii:nii意义55 ,the key to communication沟通的关键56,friendlinesspfrenclims友好57 ,be friendly to sb对某人友好58 ,have no interest in doing sth做某事没有兴趣59 ,be become interested in感兴趣60 ,western countries 'wcst(o)n西方国家61 ,have a conversation with sb kdnv$sem(o)n和某人对话62 ,asian countrieseson, ejbn亚洲国

16、家63 ,be polite to sb po'lait对某人有礼貌的64,impolite impo'lait没有礼貌的65 ,difference fdifbronsiz差异66 ,be different from和不同67,either 'ai。?; i:也(用于否定句)68 ,either- or 或者或者69,neither nor 既彳、也不70 ,feel nervousn3:vos感到紧张的71 ,shake hands jeik握手72,shake-shook - shaken握手/震动73 ,touch each other触碰彼此74 ,keep

17、 in touch with sb和某人保持联系75 ,be in contact with sb和某人保持联系把手握一起76 / hold their own hands together77 , hold - held - held拿住;握住unit 3必背词汇1,although :i'dau; di-尽管;虽然2,though doo尽管;虽然3,he is over 65.他超过65岁4,keep fit healthy保持健康5,be good at catching fish擅长捕曲6,stay under the water for up to two minutes呆

18、在水下多达2分钟7,sets off in the late afternoon在午后出发8,set out出发9,get ready for为准备10,a piece of string striij一根绳子lbstop from doing sth阻止做某事12,keep from doing sth阻止做某事13,push them into the river把它们推进河里14,use several ways to attract fish o'tr&kt用儿种方法吸引鱼15,attraction o'tr氏kjbn吸引16,during the day !d

19、juorir)在白天期间17,jump up and down跳上跳下18,hang a light on a post haegj把一盏灯悬挂在杆子上19,hang -hung -hung悬挂20,at the front of the boat在船的前面21,bring the fish back把鱼带回来22,thrown into a big basket扔进一个大篮子23,throw- threw - thrown 0roo扔24,no nets are required不需要网25,requirement rfkwaiomcnt需要26,practice doing sth fpr

20、2ektis练习做某事27,in south-east china在中国东南28,in 50 years在50年后29,no more = not any more不再30,once a year一年一次31,be brought up bro:t被抚养长大32,check tfck检查33,check in登记入住34,break out of the egg破壳而出35,keep warm保持温暖36,join sb加入某人37,join the army fa:mi参军38,take part in参加(活动、比赛)39,put on a play上演戏剧40,be made of由制成

21、(看得出原材料)41,be made from由制成(看不出原材料)42,be cut out in the shape of a person剪出人的形状43,object fdbd3ekt物体44,be painted in bright colors涂上鲜艳的颜色45,close to = near罪近46,move around四处移动47,do the voices of the different characters serokto给不同的角色配音48,characteristic kaerskte'ristik典型的;特征49,an ancient chinese ar

22、t inlxojnti种古老的中国艺术50,be not as popular as before没有像以前一样流行51,be popular with among受的欢迎52,mind doing sth介意做某事53,keep alive保持活着54,lively牛动的,活泼的55,living活的56,traditional tr9'dif(9)n(0)l传统的57,tradition tr9tdif(9)n传统58,with a special meaning有着特殊的意义59,mean to do sth打算去做某事60,mean doing sth意味着做某事61,mcan

23、ingfiil !mi:nigfol有意义的62,lucky幸运的63,luckily幸运地64,luck运气65,unlucky不幸的66,bring them happiness or good luck给他们带来幸福和好运67,happily高兴地68,carry them around四处携带69,put up挂起來;举手70,set up建立unit 4必背词汇在杂志上的一些信息由匚j捎口信为故事决定一些基本的点子1 , some information in a magazine m2eg9!z:n2 , leave a message fmesid33 , take a mess

24、age4 , decide on some basic ideas for a storydecide to do sth dfsaid决定去做某事at the underground stationfandoraund在地铁站by underground1 1a 1 1 1r* 1rti1 1乘坐地铁think about the kinds of characters kerokto思考角色的种耒actually ktlboli实际上r wear glasses戴着眼镜, a pleasant girl fplez(o)nt愉快的, be pleased with sb pli:zd对某人

25、感到满意, has straight black hair streit有笔直的黑发, draw detailed picturesdi:teild画一些详细的图片, add up合计;加起来, appear to move ofpio似乎会移动 in the next stage steid3在下个阶段, tv programs fprougr2em电视节目, finally famoli = at last = in the end最后, break the record freko:d打破纪录r have an effect on ffekt对有影响, actor r&kto演员

26、 make a speech spi:t|发表演讲, be added separatelysep(0)rotli被分开地添加进去z germany 也3:mom德国german 33:01011德国人z德国的look funny fxrn看起来有趣滑稽have fun doing sth做某事愉快make fun of取笑a pair of small eyes一对小眼睛a smiling mouth张微笑的嘴with an exciting ending有着激动的结尾create kri/eit创造creation kri:feif(9)n创造creative kri feitiv创造性的

27、so that所以be understood easily很容易被理解a line of words行文字at the top of在顶部explain ik'splem解释explanation ekspl0'neijxo)n解释change into变成he never has any success他从未成功succeed in doing sth成功地臟某事a big success次大的成功almost = nearly几乎live on another planet*ptenit住在另一个行星上end with以结束49,be in trouble在麻烦中50,be

28、 full of fun充满乐趣51 ,have a long history hist)ri有长的历史52 ,work for为工作53 ,work as a painter当一个画家54,in the late 1930s在20世纪30年代55 ,tell sb to do sth告诉某人去做某事56,thought of the idea of想起.的主意57 ,got the cat into trouble使猫陷入麻烦58 ,be shown in cinemas minima电影院59,over the next 17 years在接下来的17年中60 ,most of大多数61

29、,in total tout(o)l总共62 ,won a number of awards wo:d赢/很多奖63 ,the number of.的数量64,remain popular today rfmein今天依然流行65 ,be popular with among !pnpjuh受的欢迎66 ,at home and abroad在国内外67,influence !infloans影响68 ,throughout asia 0ru:fauteig贯穿亚洲69 ,since it was produced pr$dju:s自从它被生产创作出来70 ,product 'prod

30、akt产品初二(下)必背词汇(5-8)初二(下)unit 5必背词汇71 ,adult weight fdalt weit成年重量72 ,weigh wei称軍暈73 ,live for about 20 years in the wild在野外存活大概20年74 ,live for up to 35 years寿命高达35年75 ,centralfsentr(o)l and western 'west)n china中国中西部76 ,behavior bifheivjo行为77 ,behave yourself bfheiv行为规矩些78 zappearance $pior(o)ns

31、外貌;出现79,appear to be好像是80 zat birth b3:0出生时81 ,the rest of剩下的82,eat as much as 30 kilograms of bamboo吃多达30公斤的竹子83 ,live on their own靠自己生活84 ,keep stay healthy !hcl0i保持健康85 ,it is adj. for them to do sth做某事对某人来说86 ,strong enough to protect themselves pv'tekt足够强壮保护他们自己87,protection prdtekun保护88 ,p

32、rotect from借户89 ,in the future在未来90 ,cut down砍伐91 ,lose their homes失去家园92,it is cruel of them to do so kruol这样做很残忍93 ,it is important for us to protect them保护它们很重要94 ,without doing sth不用做某事95 ,give birth to生育96 ,cause problems to farmers ko:z给农民引起问题97 ,cat vegetables吃蔬采98 ,talk about his trip谈论他的旅行9

33、9 zthrow - threw 一 thrown扔100 zwas not brave enough breiv不够足够勇敢101 ,braveiy brew(o)n勇敢;勇气102 ,feel really sorry about it对它感到很难过抱歉103 ,at least li:st至少104 ,an honest boy fnnist一个诚实的男孩105 ,happen to sb某人发生什么事情106 ,flew away飞走107 ,be hungry paggri饥饿的108 ,be get tired累了109 ,fall asleep入睡110 zright now现在

34、hl ,just now刚才112 ,hear of听说hear from收到的来信was bom in出生于became good at变得擅长a nature reserve rifz3:v自然保护区take care of = care for = look after照顾became sick ill生病stay with sb和某人呆在一起until on'til直到strong enough to fly again足够强壮再次飞行be worried about = worry about担心look for it day and night夜以继日地寻找the miss

35、ing bird丢失的鸟miss错过,想念fell into a river掉进河里in memory of 'mem(o)ri为了纪念memorize fmemoraiz记住found faond成立;建立in the past在过去environment invaioronmont环境environmental mvaivn'ment(o)l环境的an environmental organizationegonai'zeijh个重要的环境组织组织organize dgonaiz135 ,aim to目的是136 ,build a future创建一个未来137 ,

36、live in harmony with naturephamani与自然和谐相处138 ,natural 'ntfarol自然的139 ,supporter sofpo:to支持者140 ,support each other支持彼此初二(下)unit 6必背词汇1, keep pet dogs养宠物狗2, in my opinion oinjan在我看来3, give their opinions on this matter m&to关于这件事情说出他们的观点4 z for this reason !ri:z(o)n因为这个原因5 r hold them in our a

37、rms把它们拿在手臂里6 , learn responsibility from keeping dogs ri.spnnsfbiliti通过养狗学习到责任感7 , be responsible for rfspansebl为负责8 z feed on fi:d喂养以为食9 , train trein火车,训练10, according to 0ko:drg根据11 , care for others照顾他人12 , love you faithfully teiofuli忠诚地喜欢着你13 , faith feio信仰;信念14 , bring you lots of happiness给你

38、带来很多幸福15 , on the floor在地板16,noisy nnizi吵闹的17 ,make much noise发出很多噪音18,nearly pnioli = almost几乎19 ,bark at strangers ba:k对着陌生人叫20,speak more loudly说得更大声21 ,all night整夜22 ,stops people from getting any sleep使人无法入睡23 ,stop keep sb from doing sth阻止做某事24,a small number of小部分25 ,the number of.的数量26,under

39、 attack o'task受到攻击;袭击27 ,what9 s more更多的是28 ,common people fkditi9n普通人29 ,live in flats flaet住在公禺里30,have no choice没有选择31 ,choose 一 chose 一 chosen选择32,fresh air fi'e)新鲜的空气33 ,expensive ik!spensiv; ek-j昂贵的34,interview fint9vju:采访35 ,interviewee ,mtovju:i:被接见者;被采访者36 ,interviewer 'mtcvjue采

40、访者;进行面试者37,find out找出;查明38 ,look for寻找pet centresento宠物中心carefully仔细地careless粗心的carefulness ferfblnis仔细look after pets more patiently !pe|bntli更加耐心地照顾宠物patience fpeijl(9)ns耐心among在之间(三者或以上)between在之间(两者)work more slowly工作更加慢of all these four pet centers在这四个宠物中心之间care least about pets li:st对宠物照顾最少was

41、 born on a farm出生于一个农场promise to do sth prnmis许诺做某事make a promise许诺play computer games all the time一直玩电脑游戏not any more= no more不冉eventually fventfuoli = finallyfmoli最后took good care of细心照顾takes me for walks带我散步live here happily for the rest of my life余生在这幸福地生活sayings谚语in the old days= in the past在过去

42、61 ,use them for hunting 'hantnj用他们打猎62 ,hunt for a job找工作63 ,help with farm work帮助农活64,help sb (to) do sth帮助做某事65 ,had a very difficult life有艰难的生活66 ,have difficulty trouble doing sth做某事有困难67 ,as sick as a dog病得很严重68 ,became more prosperous rospcoas变得更加繁荣69,see dogs as friends or companions kom

43、'psenjsn扌巴狗看作朋友或陪伴70,love me love my dog.爱屋及乌初二(下)unit 7必背词汇1,woke up at midnight 'midnait在午夜醒来2 ,be awake weik醒着的3 ,look out of her window看着她的窗外4 ,mention it to her brother 'menj(9)n向她的哥哥提及它5 ,heard a loud noise last night昨晚听到一个大的响声6 ,hear of听说7 ,hear from收到来信8 ,explore ikplo:探索9,explor

44、ation .eksplo/reifbn探索10 ,foreign languages '1 列gwig外语11 ,hid behind some bushes buj臧在一些灌木后面kept quiet借寺安静next to紧挨着was badly damaged !damid3被严重地损毁be feel frightened 'fraitnd害怕的frightening ffraitonir)令人害怕的discover dfskwo发现discovery drskav)ri发现made a terrible noise发岀可怕的声音ran away in fear fis害

45、怕地跑开fearfully pfiafuli = in fear害怕地something written on the spaceship一些写在飞船上的东西wonder what it means 'wand。想知道它是什么意思mean doing sth意味着做某事mean to do sth打算去做某事meaning fmi:mr)意义meaningful fmi:nigful有意义的drew some lines画一些线a piece of paper张纟氏refuse to believe ri*fju:z拒绝相信spread their wings spred展开他们的翅膀

46、fell into the bushes落进灌木丛call the police报警hide -hid -hidden隐藏根断的电线飞越天空些奇怪的金属片参军收集收藏收藏家告诉我不要做某事撒谎躺”位于下蛋,搁置在农村在山的一侧三个躺在草地上的外星人找出真相对的,真实的科幻小说科学的科学家袭击地球a broken power line 'broukon fly through the skysome pieces of strange metal 'met(a)l join the army *a:micollect ko'lektcollection k$lc町、g)n

47、collector kolektotold me not to do sthlie 一 lied -lied 一 lyinglie 一 lay 一 lain 一 lyinglay 一 laid- laid 一 layingin the countryside 'kantrisaidon the side of a hillthree aliens lying on the grass 'eilionfind out truth tru:0truescience fiction fikj(9)nscientific saisniftkscientist 'saiantis

48、tattack the earth a'taekheard the story on the radio在收音机里听到这个故事初二(下)unit 8必背词汇56,a shopping center fsnt个购物中心57 ,stay at the hotel recently !ri:sntli最近呆在一个宾馆里58 ,in recent years !ri:s(9)nt在最近几年59,they were never bored. bo:d他们从不感到无聊60 ,a boring film fbo:rig一部无聊的电影61 ,hold -held 一 held握住,举行62 ,hold a sports meeting举行运动会63 ,hold on不挂断,等一下64,be used as energy 'enody被当作能源使用65 ,is connected to kofnekt被连接到66 ,c


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