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1、会计学1人教八年级英语人教八年级英语(yn y)上上UnitSectionA第一页,共40页。game showWhat kind of TV show is it?第1页/共39页第二页,共40页。sports showWhat kind of TV show is it?第2页/共39页第三页,共40页。soap operaWhat kind of TV show is it?第3页/共39页第四页,共40页。What kind of TV show is it?talk show第4页/共39页第五页,共40页。newsWhat kind of TV show is it?第5页/共39

2、页第六页,共40页。Have a discussion about TVshows第6页/共39页第七页,共40页。Have a discussion about TVshows第7页/共39页第八页,共40页。cartoonWhat kind of TV show is it?第8页/共39页第九页,共40页。sitcom = situation comedies What kind of TV show is it?第9页/共39页第十页,共40页。What kind of TV show is it?talent show第10页/共39页第十一页,共40页。中央电视台新闻中央电视台新闻

3、晚间新闻晚间新闻世界报道世界报道(bodo)天气预报天气预报体育新闻体育新闻实话实说实话实说连续剧连续剧人与自然人与自然情景喜剧情景喜剧CCTV NewsEvening NewsWorlds ReportWeather ReportSports NewsTell it like it isSoap OperaMan and NatureSitcom第11页/共39页第十二页,共40页。1a Match the TV shows with the pictures a-g.1.talk show_ 2.soap opera_3.sports show_ 4. sitcom _5.game sho

4、w_ 6.talent show_7.news _gfcbeda第12页/共39页第十三页,共40页。1b Listen and number the shows 1-4 in the order you hear them. _talent show _talk show _soccer game _ news1342第13页/共39页第十四页,共40页。love like dont mind dont like cant stand(不介意不介意, 不反对不反对(fndu)(无法忍受无法忍受)1c Practice the conversation. Then make your own

5、conversations.第14页/共39页第十五页,共40页。1c Practice the conversation. Then make your own conversations.A: What do you want to watch?B: What do you think of talk shows?A: Theyre Ok. I dont mind them.B: Then lets watch a talk show.第15页/共39页第十六页,共40页。2a Listen to Lin Hui and Sallys conversation. Number the TV

6、 shows 1-5in the order you hear them . _ sitcoms _ news _ game shows _ talk shows _ soap opera12345第16页/共39页第十七页,共40页。2b Listen again. Complete the sentences.1. Sally likes to watch . 2. Lin Hui thinks she can learn from sitcoms.3. Sally thinks are more educational than sitcoms. Sally loves . She pl

7、ans to watch Days of Our Past .the news or talk showssome great jokesgame showssoap operastonight第17页/共39页第十八页,共40页。2c Ask and answer questions about the TV shows in 2a. Use information that is true for you.A: Do you plan to watch the news tonight?B: Yes, I like watching the news. I watch it every n

8、ight.A: Why?B: Because I hope to find out whats going on around the world.第18页/共39页第十九页,共40页。Grace: What did you do in class today, Sarah?Sarah: We had a discussion about TV shows. My classmates like game shows and sports shows.Grace: Oh, I cant stand them. I love soap operas. I like to follow the s

9、tory and see what happens next.2d Role-play the conversation.第19页/共39页第二十页,共40页。Sarah: Well, I dont mind soap operas. But my favorite TV shows are the news and talk shows.Grace: Theyre boring!Sarah: Well, they may not be very exciting, but you can expect to learn a lot from them. I hope to be a TV r

10、eporter one day.第20页/共39页第二十一页,共40页。Language Points Do you plan to watch the news tonight? 你今晚打算看新闻吗?你今晚打算看新闻吗? plan vt. & vi.计划计划, 打算,常用搭配为打算,常用搭配为 plan 还可作名词还可作名词(mng c),如:,如:make plans 制制定计划定计划 according to plan 根据计划。根据计划。 例如:例如: I plan to go swimming tomorrow. It is better for you to make pl

11、an for your future. plan to do sth 计划计划(jhu)做某事做某事第21页/共39页第二十二页,共40页。want + n 想要想要(xin yo)第22页/共39页第二十三页,共40页。want to do sth 想要想要(xin yo)做某事做某事e.g. If you want to be respected, please learn to respect others first. 如果如果(rgu)你想别人尊重你,就请先尊重别人你想别人尊重你,就请先尊重别人。want sb to do sth 想让某人想让某人(mu rn)干某事干某事I wan

12、t her to go to a movie with me. 我想让她和我去看电影。我想让她和我去看电影。第23页/共39页第二十四页,共40页。3. What do you think of game shows?What do you think of .? “你认为你认为 怎么样怎么样?” 谈论对某事物的喜好谈论对某事物的喜好(x ho)程度程度, 可选择的回答有:可选择的回答有:I like it./I dont mind it./I dont like it./I cant stand it./I like it very much./I love it./Its beautifu

13、l./Theyre fantastic. 第24页/共39页第二十五页,共40页。第25页/共39页第二十六页,共40页。think highly of sb. /sth. 对某人对某人(mu rn)或某物评价或某物评价甚高甚高第26页/共39页第二十七页,共40页。4. I dont mind them. 我不介意他们。我不介意他们。 mind: 介意介意; 在乎在乎; 反对。其后接名词或反对。其后接名词或v-ing形式或从句作宾语形式或从句作宾语(bny),常用于疑问句、否定句、,常用于疑问句、否定句、条件句中。条件句中。 (表示请求或征求意见表示请求或征求意见) e.g. Would y

14、ou mind opening the door? e.g. Do you mind my dog?Would you mind doing ?Do you mind ? 第27页/共39页第二十八页,共40页。5. I cant stand it! 我不能忍受我不能忍受(rnshu)它它/我受不了它!我受不了它! stand 1)“站站, 站立站立” e.g. Stand up! 起立起立 2) “顺利接受顺利接受; 忍耐、忍受忍耐、忍受(rnshu)” (多用于多用于 否定句、疑问句否定句、疑问句) , 后可接动名词。后可接动名词。e.g. I cant stand the movie!

15、It is too boring! Mary couldnt stand the hot weather. Can you stand the pain? 你忍受你忍受(rnshu)得了疼吗得了疼吗? I cant stand waiting any longer. I cant stand your being treated like that.第28页/共39页第二十九页,共40页。1. My grandfather likes wearing fashion clothes. He _ what young people _ (认为认为(rnwi)him.2. The old men

16、_ rock music. They think its too noisy.3. Her sister _ soap opera. Thats her favorite.4. I _ to go shopping with Mother. Its crowded in the store.doesntmindthinkofcantstandlovesdontlike. Fill in the blanks. 第29页/共39页第三十页,共40页。5. -What _ you think of soap operas? -I _ stand _.6. -What _ your classmat

17、es think of sports shows? -They _ mind _.7. -What _ she think of my new shirt? - She _ like _.8. -What _ Tony think of the food? -He likes _.9. -What _ they think of the cat? -They love _.docantthemdodoesdoesntitdoesitdoitdontthem第30页/共39页第三十一页,共40页。1. 你觉得你觉得(ju de)肥皂剧怎么样肥皂剧怎么样? 我受不了。我受不了。 _ do you

18、_ _ _ _? I _ _ _.2. 他不喜欢情景喜剧。他不喜欢情景喜剧。 He _ _ _.3. Tina对运动节目不在乎。对运动节目不在乎。 Tina _ _ _ _.Whatthinkofsoapoperascantstandthem doesntlike sitcomsdoesntmindsportsshows. 中译英中译英第31页/共39页第三十二页,共40页。4. Tony认为谈话认为谈话(tn hu)节目怎么样节目怎么样? 他很喜爱它。他很喜爱它。 -What _Tony think of _ _? - He _ it.5. 我哥哥喜欢体育世界而我姐姐喜欢情景喜剧。我哥哥喜欢

19、体育世界而我姐姐喜欢情景喜剧。 My brother _ Sports World _ my sister likes _doestalk showloveslikeswhilesitcom第32页/共39页第三十三页,共40页。6. 你认为这条裙怎么样你认为这条裙怎么样? 我无法忍受它的颜色。我无法忍受它的颜色。7. 你妈妈喜欢访谈你妈妈喜欢访谈(fn tn)节目吗节目吗? 非常喜欢非常喜欢, 因为她认为它们很有趣。因为她认为它们很有趣。-Whatdoyou thinkofthisskirt?-I cantstandits color.-Does your mother like talk

20、shows? -Yes, she does. She thinks theyre interesting.第33页/共39页第三十四页,共40页。Do you want to watch the news?Yes, I do./ no, I dont.What do you plan to watch tonight?I plan to watch Days of Our Past.What can you expect to learn from sitcoms?You can learn some great jokes.Why do you like watching the news?

21、Because I hope to find out whats going on around the world.What do you think of talk shows?I dont mind them. / I cant stand them./ I love watching them.Grammar Focus第34页/共39页第三十五页,共40页。A: What do you plan to watch on TV tonight?B: I hope to , but I also want to .How about you? Do you a talk show or ?A: Oh, I want to .3a Make a conversation and then practice it with a partner.watch sitcomwatch newswant to watchtalent showwatch talent show第35页/共3


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