1、Music1. Your favourite music type and musical workI like pop music very much. Allow me to explain. First of all, pop music is lively, and suits me at my age. What I mean to say is that youngsters like to listen to music that fits in with the way we feel. Secondly, it usually has a good rhythm. Lastl
2、y, pop music is simple to understand. That is to say, I like it because it is not difficult to understand, and it helps me to relax after I have been studying hard for some time.Music is very important in people's life.because music can make people happy and give people energy.Different people l
3、ike different music.2. How often you listen to music3. Where you listen to musicin TV or radiofrom CDby music player(including cell phone)on the Internetat the concert performance4what you can benefit from music5.Do you think there is enough music for children? What do think of it?1. Do you like mus
4、ic?Music is the expressi on of huma n thoughts and the soul of huma n society.如果我说我喜欢音乐,那是最保守的表达。我爱它,没有特别的 种类,所有都喜欢。音乐是人类思想的表达,人类社会的灵魂。2. What's your favourite kind of music?3. Have you ever lear ned to play a musical in strume nt?No, I think. I did try to learn guitar when I was in middle schoo
5、l.4. Which instrument would you prefer to study - the piano or theviolin? I love them both equally but I would learn piano first, first of all, it ' s a lot easier start ing off, and sec on dly, it' s a great jump ing oflear n other in strume nts.我两种都喜欢但我会先学钢琴。首先,钢琴容易上手,而且,这是学其他乐器的跳板。5. Do y
6、ou th ink it's importa nt for childre n to learn (to play) a musical in strume nt?I believe it is important. I think that learning to play an instrument teaches kids importa nt thi ngs: comprehe nsion, persevera nee, discipli ne, a sense of pride. With music, they will also learn how to apprecia
7、te life.我 觉得重要。我认为学习乐器可以让孩子学会很多东西:理解能力、毅 力、自律、自豪感。学音乐,他们可以学会如何感激生活。What role do you think music plays in our life?Just as other kinds of art, music has become an in dispe nsable part of hum an culture. Itbrings us with nutritious spiritual foods, enriches our leisure life .In addition, music can dog
8、ood to us very much. It can elicit the imagi nation of us. And, it teaches us how todistinguish beauty from nature. List ening to the music, I am sure you will soon be refreshedfrom a day's hard work and relax.1) Can you tell me the western music's impact on the world music? Oh, it is a diff
9、icult question, the western music is definitely great, and it p lays an importantrole on the world music. Many musical talents and emin ent musicia ns have bee n tra ined in western coun try, such as Beethove n, M ozart and so on.2) Do you think it's necessary to open a music course in high scho
10、ol? Yes, of course. There is usually 1 or 2 hours each week used for teach ing music. I thi nkthere should be more, such as at least 3 or more.3) What effects will take place u think to let children (students) study anin strume nt?Music can do good to childre n (stude nts) very much. It can elicit t
11、he imag in ati on ofchildre n (stude nts). Also, it teaches them how to disti nguish bea uty from n ature.4) It ' often more easy for children to learn music than adults. Can you tel l mewhy?Oh, that 'becauseit ' importa nt to have soft fin gers and palm to learn a musicmecha ni sm, such
12、 as guitar. Childre n have more flexible fin gers and they are more likely tofind the correct feeling.5) Do u like music or not? Why?I like music. I like singing, especially in front of many people. I ofte n sin g for my friends. When they praise me, I feel happy. Also, listening to the music, I am
13、sure you will soon berefreshed from a day's hard work and re lax.6) Describe the music you like most and tell me why?I like classic music. It usually has a slow rhythm and a pleasa nt melody. L iste ning to themusic; I can soon be refreshed from a day's hard work and relax.7) What are the di
14、ffere nces in music betwee n Chi na and western coun trie s?Oh, it is a big question; in general, the symphony of western countries is long while most of Chin ese music is small piece.listening to music improves our mentalwell-being andboostsour physical health.Researchprovesthat whe nyou liste n to
15、 music you like, y our brainreleasesdopamin. a “feel-good” neurotransmitterListening to music you enjoy decreasesevels of the stresshormone cortisol in your body.Music Helps You Sleep Better. Music Reduces Depression.To help your children achieve academicexcellenc. encouragethemtosi ng or lear nto p
16、lay an in strume ntNew researchshowsthat music can com muni cate basichuma nfeeli ngs regardlessof the listener'cultural andethnic background. We'e only just beg unto un dersta ndall the ways this uni versal la nguageca n profit the world.No matterwhetheryou "reyoung or old, healthy or
17、sick, happy or sad music can improvethe quality of your life in numerousways. It reduces stressand anxiety, lifts your mood, boostsyourhealth, helpsyou sleep better, takesaway your pain, and evenmakesyou smarter.欢迎下载6What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like jazz, popular music, classical mus
18、ic, folk son gs, blues, and so on? In high school I took one course called music appreciati on which I greatly enjoyed.This was not to learn how to play a specific instrument but to learn how to read and listen to music as an art form.We read the stories about the lives of many composers and the history of the musical in strume nts th
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