



1、4A Unit2 课堂练习 班级_姓名_学号_1、 词组1. let's= let us 让我们 2.make a fruit salad 制作一份水果沙拉 two fruit salads3.I have 我有 4. some grapes 一些葡萄 5.dont =do not 不6.Here you are. 给你。 7. have a look 看一看 8.two mangoes 两个芒果 9.three peaches三个桃子10.our fruit salad 我们的水果沙拉 11. How nice!真漂亮!(lovely,cute,cool)12.like mangoe

2、s 喜欢芒果 13.how many 多少 +名词复数 14.wonderful精彩的,棒的. 15. hurry up 赶紧、快点 16. a hot cake with a cherry 一个有一颗樱桃的热蛋糕 17.purple grapes紫色的葡萄 18.nice and sweet 又好看又甜 19. That's cool. 那很酷。20.have a banana 有一个香蕉 21. a wonderful book 一本精彩的书 22.pear梨,an apple 一个苹果,an orange一个橘子,a cherry一个樱桃(cherries)a watermelo

3、n一个西瓜 ,a strawberry 一个草莓(strawberries)2、 句型1. Let's make a fruit salad. 我们来做水果沙拉吧。 2. I have a pineapple. 我有一个菠萝。3.I have a mango and an orange. 我有一个芒果和一个桔子。4.Do you have any bananas? 你有一些香蕉吗?5. Look at our fruit salad. 看我们的水果沙拉。6.How many mangoes do you have? 你有多少个芒果?7.Helen ,Helen , please hur

4、ry. Have a hot cake with a cherry.海伦,请快点。 来吃一个热的樱桃蛋糕。3、 小知识l have 通常表示某人有 (I,We,you,they,复数主语:如The boys,Mike and Tom)第三人称单数主语He,she,it,my father,the dog用 has表示有肯定句:如:I have a mango. 我有一个芒果。 You have some books. 你有一些书本。否定句 I dont have a mango.我没有一个芒果 。一般疑问句:Do you have a mango?你有一个芒果吗?Yes,I do.No,I d

5、ont.划 a mango :What do you have ?你有什么?划a :How many mangoes do you have ?你有几个芒果?l ( any用在疑问句或否定句中,而some则用于肯定句。)I have some mangoes.Do you have any mangoes? I dont have any mangoes.l 当you表示你们的时候,回答Yes, we do. 否定回答为:No, we dont.l how many 多少,how many+可数名词的复数,如how many mangoes人称代词主语我I 你,你们you我们we他he她she

6、它it他,她,它们they人称代词宾格我me你,你们you我们usHim他她her它it他,她,它们them物主代词我的my你的,你们的your我们的他的his她的her它的its他,她,它们的theirl 主语用在句子开头,宾格用在动词,介词后,物主代词用在名词前。l Look at me . I have a mango. My mango is nice .四、语音 : Hh / h / behind have horse hot hurry .一、选出不同类的单词( )1. A. fruit B. apple C. orange D.pineapple( )2. A. he B. sh

7、e C. our D.有( )3. A. this B.that C.a D.these( )4. A. make B.thank C. wonderful D.have二、情景选择。( )1.当你想要一些水果时,你会说:I'd like some fruit. B. 1 have some fruit. C. Do you have any fruit?( )2.当你想问对方是否有一些橘子时,你会问A. Do you have any oranges? B. Would you like an orange? C. Do you have some oranges?( )3.当别人问

8、你是否有一些香蕉时,你说:A. Yes, I don't. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I do. ( )4.当你给别人东西时,会说:A.Here you are . B.Thank you .C.This for you. ( )5.当你邀请朋友们一起做水果沙拉时,会说: APlease make a fruit salad. B.Lets make a fruit salad .C.Make a fruit salad.3、 写出单词的适当形式 1. lets=_(中文_) 2.dont=_(中文_) 3.some(否定)_4.we物主代词_5.salad 复数_ 6

9、.mango复数_7.apples单数_四、选用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Here _(your) are. Here is _(you)apple.2. _ you have a pineapple? No, I _(do). Do you have (some ) pens?3. I dont have (some ) grapes. Do you like (mango )?4. Let_(we)make a cake. How_(love)! 5. Id like some apples and _(peach) to make a salad

10、.6. These are _(we)coats. Look at these _(mango). They're yellow。7. Look at _(that)bananas. Do you like _(it)?8. Thats _ (Tom) new T-shirt. I have (a ) ice cream.7.I like that big _(watermelon). 10.There are many _(apple tree)on the farm.  Lets make _

11、(a) apple pie.11.Please help_(I ). 12.Are the girls at home ?No,they_5.  have _(a) orange ruler.7. _(Would/Do) you like a pineapple? -Yes, please.五、选择正确的答案( )1.Do you have_dolls?Yes,I have _A.some,some B.any,any C.some,any D.any,some ( )2.I have some

12、 nice oranges._in the white box . A.Its B.they C.Theyre D.It( )3.Look at that _. A.an apple B.apple C.apples ( )4.Thats_toy bear . A.she B.shes C.her ( )5.Your five _ under the desk . A.pen are B.pens are C.pens is ( ).6.Lets _to the zoo . A.going B.go C.to go ( )7.I have_ apple,I dont have_ oranges

13、. A.a an B.an someC.an any六、根据中文完成句子1.让我们做一个水果沙拉。_ _ a_ _ .2.我不喜欢沙拉。I _ _ _ .3.我有两个芒果。I _ _ _ .4.我没有任何菠萝。I_ _ _ .5.你有一些葡萄吗?_ _ _ _ _ ?6.是的,有。Yes,I _. 不,没有。No,I _.7.他们有一个橘子吗? _ _ have_ _ ? 是的,他们有。不,他们没有。Yes,_ _ .No,_ _ .2. 你们有一些玩具动物吗?_ _ _ _ _ ?是的,我们有。不,我们没有。_14.多么可爱啊!_ _ .9.你想要两个桃子吗?好的,请给我。_ _ _ _ _

14、?Yes,_ .10.你喜欢香蕉吗?是的,喜欢。_ _ _?Yes,_ _ .11.这些是什么?它们是梨。_ _ _ ?_ _ .12.这个沙拉是漂亮的。_ _ _ _ .13.这些沙拉是好吃的。_ _ _ yummy.15.看,这是我们的水果。_.16.看我们的水果。_.是的,我们有。不,我们没有。Yes,_ _ .No,_ _ 17.我喜欢我们学校。I _ _七、句子改写I have some bananas.否定句I _ _ _ _ .(一般疑问句,否定回答) you bananas? No. I .I have some bananas.(划线提问) do you ?3.We have

15、 some apples .改为单数句 I have_ _ .4.This is a mango .改为复数句_ _ _八、连词成句。1.fruit,look,our,at,salad(.) . 2.do,how,have,many,you,mangoes(?) ? 3.have,do,any,you,cars,toy(?) ? 4.an,have,pineapple,I,a,orange,and(.) . 5.fruit,lets,a,make,salad(.)_九、将下列句子重新排列成一段对话。( )Whats that in the tree? ( )Look at the tree.

16、( )Its green. ( )Yes. Theyre yummy. ( )Its a pear ( )Do you like pears?十、选择合适的句子,补全对话。A. Can I have some, please? B. Good afternoon, Su Hai. C. Thank you.D. Do you have any bananas?E. But(但是) I have s

17、ome grapes.Mike: 1._ Su Hai: Good afternoon, Mike.  Mike :2. _ Su Hai: No, I don't. 3. _ Mike: Great! I like them 4. _Su Hai: OK. Here you are. Mike: 5._ 十一、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。A :

18、Can I help you? B :I'd like some fruit, please.A: How about some pears? B :OK. I'd like some.A: The yellow ones or the green ones? B :The yellow ones. One ki

19、lo(公斤), please.A :What else(其他)? B :Some grapes. Four kilos.A Here you are. The pears are three yuan,  and the grapes are eight yuan. B OK. Here you are. ( )1. B wou

20、ld like some grapes and apples.( )2. B would like one kilo of yellow pears and four kilos of grapes.( )3. 0ne kilo of grapes is two yuan.( )4. The pears and

21、0;the grapes are twelve yuan.十二、词形变化 :复数1.he/she/it 2.this _3.that _ 4.is 5.mango _ 6.cherry_ 6.boy(对应词) _7.thats(完整形式) _十三、按要求改写句子。1.I have two bananas . (划线提问) _ _ bananas do you have ?2.That woman is my mother.(划线提问) that woman ?3.Its six oclock.(划线提问) is it?十四、判断下列单词划线部分的读音是否

22、相同,相同的写“T”,不同的写“F”。1. girl great2.hot horse3.please grape 4.behind horse5.hurry cherry十五、根据中文提示补全句子。4.请快一点。Please_.1.A:What (这些)? B:Theyre (芒果).2.A:Look at (我的)pencil. B: beautiful! 3你有几个芒果?我有三个。_ _ _ _ you _?I _ _ _ 5.吃一个有着一个樱桃的热蛋糕。Have a _ _ _ a _6.你的玩具马在哪里?_ _ _ _ ?它在桌子下面。_ _ _7.这些紫葡萄又好看又甜。_purpl

23、e _ _ _ and_十六、根据首字母及上下文提示,完成对话。A :I like fruit. Look, I h_ s_ fruit in the bag.B: Wonderfu1! I l_ fruit too. Do you have a_ bananas?A :No, I d_. B: Do you h_ an a_?

24、A :Yes, I d_. And I have s_mangoes.B: Great! Let's m_ a fruit salad. A: OK.十七、选择最适当的代词填空 :my  your  his  her  my  I  its  he sheGood morning, everyone. _am a Chinese girl. My English name is Mary.Look, this is _family photo. The man is my father. _is tall._hair 


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