1、会计学1GGPON技术基础技术基础Page 2GPON技术回顾技术回顾10G GPON标准和进展标准和进展10G GPON技术基础技术基础10G GPON演进演进第1页/共33页Page 3 GPON TC层规格要求 GTC复用结构及协议栈介绍GTC帧结构介绍 ONU注册激活流程DBA规格要求 告警和性能ITU-T G-984.1/2/3/4产品开发简单产品开发简单产品兼容性强产品兼容性强GPON网络参数说明 保护倒换组网要求 OMCI消息结构介绍OMCI设备管理框架OMCI实现原理简述 PMD层规格要求 2.488Gbps下行光接口参数规格要求 1.244Gbps上行光接口参数规格要求 物理
2、层开销分配GPONGPON标准协议标准协议第2页/共33页Page 4广播方式:广播方式:GPONGPON的下行帧长为固定的的下行帧长为固定的125us125us,下行为广播方式,所有的,下行为广播方式,所有的ONUONU都能收都能收到相同的数据,但是通过到相同的数据,但是通过GEMPORT IDGEMPORT ID来区分不同的业务的数据,来区分不同的业务的数据,ONU ONU 通过过滤来通过过滤来接收属于自己的数据。接收属于自己的数据。GPONGPON原理原理-下行数据下行数据第3页/共33页Page 5TDMATDMA方式:方式:GPONGPON的上行是通过的上行是通过TDMATDMA(时
3、分复用)的方式传输数据,上行链路被分成不(时分复用)的方式传输数据,上行链路被分成不同的时隙,根据下行帧的同的时隙,根据下行帧的upstream bandwidth mapupstream bandwidth map字段来给每个字段来给每个ONUONU分配上行时隙,这样所分配上行时隙,这样所有的有的ONUONU就可以按照一定的秩序发送自己的数据了,不会产生为了争夺时隙而冲突。每帧共有就可以按照一定的秩序发送自己的数据了,不会产生为了争夺时隙而冲突。每帧共有91209120个时隙。个时隙。GPONGPON原理原理-上行数据上行数据第4页/共33页Page 6GPON GPON 协议栈协议栈第5页
4、/共33页Page 7Physical Control Block Downstream (PCBd)PayloadAllocIDStartEndAllocIDStartEnd1100200 x300500T-CONT1(ONT 1)T-CONT x(ONT 2)Slot 100Slot 200Slot 300Slot 500PLOuPLOAMuPLSuDBRu xPayload xDBRu YPayload yUpstream Bandwidth Map125usDownstream FramingUpstream FramingOLT ONT 1ONT 64GPONGPON帧结构帧结构Al
5、locIDStartEndy501650 ONT 21 1x xy yT-CONT y(ONT 2)Slot 650Slot 501T-CONT x xT-CONT y第6页/共33页Page 8GPON技术回顾技术回顾10G GPON标准和进展标准和进展10G GPON技术基础技术基础10G GPON演进演进第7页/共33页Page 9Page 9FSAN把下一代PON分成了两个阶段:NGA1是在TDMA PON的基础上做更高的速度。其速率定义为10Gbps。NGA2是对NG-PON1一些更可能的技术升级和一些模糊目标的探讨。比如象:WDM PON, OFDM 等等。 NG-PON可以很好的
6、应用于FTTx,如企业用户,个人用户和移动回传等。10G GPON10G GPON的标准发展(的标准发展(1 1)第8页/共33页Page 10Page 10GPONXGPON1NGA1NGA22009201020112012 2.5G/10G2010.6 Publish10G/2.5GODN reuseODN reuse is not obligation l ITU NGA1 XGPON1: 10G GPON Asymmetric: l ITU NGA1 XGPON2: 10G GPON Symmetric: Discussion starts in 2010.Q1. One possib
7、ility is to overleap symmetric 10G GPON and directly migration to NGA2.l ITU NGA2: Start in 2010 Q1 and discuss the technology trend.XGPON2WDM-PON, Stacked, 40G, 10G/10G第9页/共33页Page 11Page 11XG-PON1: Asymmetric 10G/2.5G 10G GPONlG.987x is based on the GPON standard G.984x,and compatible with G.984.l
8、G.987x inherits the GPON characteristic, and also supports the high quality & full service experience.lG.987x shares the same management mechanism, and can realizes easy upgrade from the current GPON OSS system;l, : Finished in Oct. 2009;l, G.988(G.OMCI):Finished in June 2010.第10页/共33页Page 12第11
9、页/共33页Page 13第12页/共33页Page 14GPON技术回顾技术回顾10G GPON标准和进展标准和进展10G GPON技术基础技术基础10G GPON演进演进第13页/共33页Page 15Page 1510G GPON(G.987)GPON(G.984)波长范围波长范围DS 15751580nm US 12601280nmDS 1480-1500nmUS 1260-1360nm速率速率DS 9.95328GbpsUS 2.48832GbpsDS 2.48832GbpsUS 1.24416Gbps/2.48832Gbps功率预算功率预算29dB/31dB可扩展至33dB/35d
10、BClass A: 5-20dBClass B: 10-25dBClass C: 15-30dBClass C+: 17-32dB最大逻辑距离最大逻辑距离 60km(目前样机规格为100km)60km最大距离差最大距离差 20km(目前样机规格为40km)20km最大分支比最大分支比 1:64(目前样机规格为1:256)1:64FEC下行:强FEC(强制实现,强制使用)上行:弱FEC(强制实现,可选使用)上下行FEC强度一致,都是强制实现,可选使用帧结构帧结构XGEMGEM认证认证OLT和ONU双向认证OLT对ONU单向认证每每PON口支持口支持TCONT数目数目2048(其中非FIX类型的个
11、数512)最大1024(其中非FIX类型的个数512)第14页/共33页Page 16Page 16G-PMDhigher Data rateLonger distanceImproved Power budgetLarger Split ratioXG-PMDG-TCMore effective framingMore flexible DBAEnhanced Security featuresnecessary power saving featuresXG-TCGPON OMCIBackward compatibility with GPONAdaptive to future useG
12、eneric OMCIIntegrated IOP specsGeneral requirementGeneral requirementWDM coexistence & smooth migrationG.984 seriesG.987 series200803p;200910amd1200303p;200803amd1200803p;200902amd1;200911amd2;200803p;200906amd1;200911amd2;201001p201001p?p PHY层的改进体现了运营商对下一代PON设计的基本思路;pTC层的改进提供了对下一代PON网络的系统级适配;p管
13、理层相对独立,改动影响较小。第15页/共33页Page 17Page 17ONUONUONUONUXG-ONUGPON OLTXG-ONUXG-ONUXG-ONUXG-OLTWDM1r1550 RF1550 RFGPON U/SXGPON U/SGPON D/SXGPON D/S12601280129013301480150015751580wavelength planWDM overlay p 对已部署的GPON ODN网络无影响第16页/共33页Page 18Page 18ContentContentGPONGPON10G-PON10G-PON线路速率线路速率2.5G DS / 1.25
14、G US10G DS / 2.5G or 5G US 精确线路速率精确线路速率2.48832 Gb/s D/S 9.95328 Gb/s D/S / 2.48832 Gb/s U/S 波长范围波长范围1480-1550nm DS1290-1330nm US1575-1580nm DS1260-1280nm US分光比分光比32/6464最大传输距离最大传输距离20 km (Logical: 60 km) 20km(Logical: 60 km) 最大差分距离最大差分距离20KmUp to 40km光功率预算光功率预算ClassB: 10- 25dB Class B+: 13-28dBClass
15、C: 15-30dB ClassC+: 17-32dB N1(14 29dB)N2(16 31dB) 可扩展到 33/35dB第17页/共33页Page 19Page 19featuresfeaturesitemsitemsG.984.3G.984.3G.987.3G.987.3Whole lookWhole lookProtocol layeringGPON adaptation GTC framing PHYservice adaptation XGTC framing XGTC PHY adaptation PHY. See slide 10.Sub-layer functionsSub
16、-layer functionsFEC D/S - RS(255,239) , mandatory implemented and optionally on;U/S RS(248, 232), optionally implemented and optionally on.D/S - RS(248, 216), mandatory implemented and mandatory on;U/S RS(248, 232), mandatory implemented and optionally on.scrambling8 bit scrambler: polynomial used i
17、s x7 + x6 + 158 bit scrambler: polynomial used is x58 + x39 + 1Basic TC Basic TC parametersparametersONU ID8 bit length; thus support up to 256 split ration. (See G.984.3 5.5.2) 10 bit length; thus support up to 1024 split ration. (See G.974.3 6.4.2) Alloc-ID12 bit length; thus support value range f
18、rom 0 to 4095. (See G.984.3 5.5.3) 14 bit length; thus support value range from 0 to 16383 . (See G.987.3 6.4.3)GEM ID12 bit length; thus support value range from 0 to 4095. (See G.984.3 5.5.5) 16 bit length; thus support value range from 0 to 65535 . (See G.987.3 6.4.4)DBADBATraffic descriptorOnly
19、applied in U/SCould be applied in both U/S and D/SBandwidth allocation rulesConsecutive allocation;not require to cross the PHY frame boundary per burstNot recommend consecutive allocations;an ONU burst can cross the PHY frame boundary 第18页/共33页Page 20Page 20FeaturesFeaturesItemsItemsG.984.3G.984.3G
20、.987.3G.987.3FramingFramingD/S GTCn basic frame architectures are the samen fields are different in details n word alignment are required for simplifying processingn See slides 11 - 13 U/S GTCGEMServices Services mapping into mapping into GEM/XGEMGEM/XGEMn Native TDM; n Ethernet; n IP; n MPLS; n SDH
21、n Ethernetn MPLSPLOAMPLOAMOverviewn enlarged size n integrity check enhancedn robustness enhancedD/S PLOAMSimplified message systems.U/S PLAOMSimplified message systems.SecuritySecurityEncryptionKey switchover changed.AuthenticationAuthentication enhanced.Power Power ManagementManagementNot a formal
22、 standardized contentPick up two modes for power saving, see slide.第19页/共33页Page 21Page 21PLOAMOMCIGEMGTC Framing sublayerGPON PMDPLOAMOMCIGEMOMCI adapterGEM adapterDBA controlGPON PMDXG-PON adaptation layerXGTC PHY adaptation sublayerGTC Framing sublayerHeaderGEM/XGEM payloadHeaderGTC/XGTC payloadU
23、ser dataGTC/XGTC payloadFEC data PSBdScrambled PHY frame payloadGTC/XGTC framePFEC data PFEC data POMCI adapterGEM adapterDBA controlGPON adaptation layerFEC codewordFEC codewordFEC codeword GEM/XGEM framing GTC/XGTC frame GTC/XGTC framing FEC + scrambling + PHY headerGPON TC layerXG-PON TC layer第20
24、页/共33页Page 22Page 22PCBdGTC PayloadPsync4bytePLOAMd13byteUS BWmapN8byteAlloction struction 18byteIdent4byteAlloction struction28byte.Alloction structionN8 byteBIP1 bytePlend4bytePlend4byteUS BWmapN8byteFEC Ind1 bitREV1 bitSuperframe counter30bitBlen12bitAlen12bitCRC8 bitAlloc-ID12 bitFlags12bitSStar
25、t2byteSStop2byteCRC1byteXGTC headerXGTC PayloadHLend4bytePLOAMdsP48byteBWmapN*8byteAlloction struction18byteAlloc-ID14bitFlags2bitStart time2 byteGrant Size2byteBProfile2bitHEC13bitBWmapN8byteBWMap length11bitPLOAM count8bitHEC13bitAlloction struction28byte.Alloction structionN8byteFWI1 bitGTC heade
26、rGTC payload125us第21页/共33页Page 23Page 23PreambleDelimiterBIP1byteONU- ID1byteInd1bytePLOAMu13 or 0byteDBRuGTC PayloadDBRuGTC PayloadAllocationAllocation.DBA1|2byteCRC1byteBurst headerPLOuONU-ID10 bitInd9bitBIP1byteDBRuGTC PayloadDBRuGTC PayloadAllocationAllocation.BuffOcc3byteCRC1byteHEC13bitXGTChea
27、derXGTCTrailerPLOAMu0 or 48byte burst i125us burst j burst k第22页/共33页Page 24Page 24p the fragmentation rule is the same as that of GPON except the pre-emption is not allowed;p the idle frame definition is different from GPONn carried in dedicated XGEM Port ID 0 xFFFF;n size equal to multiple of 4; n
28、 the content is not defined.XGEM PayloadXGEMheaderPLI14bitKey Index2bitXGEM Port - ID16 bitOptions18bitLF1 bitHEC13bitGEM PayloadL byteGEMheaderPLI12bitPort ID12bitPTI3bitHEC13bitPayloadheader第23页/共33页Page 25Page 25G.984.3G.984.3G.987.3G.987.3StructureStructuresizesize13 bytes48 bytesrateratel D/S:
29、One per frame;l U/S: One per burstl D/S: no more than one broadcast message; not more than one unicast message per ONU;l U/S: one per burst Channel robustnessChannel robustnessweakenhanced Message integrity checkMessage integrity checkCRC-8AES-CMAC消息对比消息对比ONU IDMessage IDDataCRCOctets11101ONU IDMess
30、age IDMessage contentMICSeqNoOctets1-2345-4041-48第24页/共33页Page 26Page 26FunctionsFunctionsG.984.3G.984.3G.987.3G.987.3PHY framing features PHY framing features configurationconfigurationnUpstream_OverheadnExtended_Burst_Length nProfileActivationActivationn Assign_ONU-ID n Ranging_Time n Deactivate_O
31、NU-ID n Disable_Serial_ Number n Assign_Alloc-ID n POP-UPn Assign_ONU-ID n Ranging_Time n Deactivate_ONU-ID n Disable_Serial_ Number n Assign_Alloc-ID Protection auto SwitchoverProtection auto Switchovern PSTn PSTEncryption Key relatedEncryption Key relatedn request_keyn Key_swithcing_timen Key_Cont
32、rolPower savingPower savingn nonen Sleep_AllowAuthenticationAuthenticationn Request Passwordn Request_RegistrationError controlError controln No message;n PEE.n noneOMCC build-upOMCC build-upn Configure Port-IDn noneGEM encryptionGEM encryptionnEncrypted_Port-IDnnone消息对比消息对比第25页/共33页Page 27Page 27Fu
33、nctionsG.984.3G.984.3G.987.3G.987.3Activationn Serial_Number_ONUn Serial_Number_ONU Encryption Key relatedn Encryption_Keyn Key_ReportAuthenticationn Passwordn RegistrationProtection auto switchovern PSTn PSTError controln No message;n REI.n noneTrouble shootingn Dying-Gaspn noneRobustness checkn AC
34、Kn ACKPower savingn nonenSleep request消息对比消息对比第26页/共33页Page 28Page 28FeaturesFeaturesG.984.3G.984.3G.987.3G.987.3Threat modelThreat modeln D/S transmission sniffingn D/S transmission sniffing n theft of servicen man in the middle attackEncryption algorithmEncryption algorithmn AES-128n AES-128Encryp
35、tion Key updateEncryption Key updaten superframe counter is used for keeping sync since there is only D/S encryption requiredn its initiated by the OLT and there are several communications between OLT and ONU, since the U/S encryption may be requiredUser Data protectionUser Data protectionn D/S Unic
36、ast (mandatory)n D/S Unicast (mandatory)n D/S multicast (optional)n U/S unicast (optional)Managing integrity Managing integrity protectionprotectionn PLOAM CRC8n OMCI CRC32n PLOAM AES-CMACn OMCI- AES-CMACAuthenticationAuthenticationn ONU authentication based on PSWD - optionaln mutual authentication
37、 thru OMCI - optional n ONU authentication based on Registration ID - mandatoryn mutual authentication thru OMCI - optional n mutual authentication based on 802.1x - optional安全特性对比安全特性对比第27页/共33页Page 29Page 29Page 29ContentContentG.984.4 OMCIG.984.4 OMCIG.988 Generic OMCIG.988 Generic OMCIOMCC Estab
38、lishmentOMCC Establishmentn explicitly using the configure PORT-ID PLOAMn automatically generated after the assign ONU-id PLOAM, see slideOMCI message integrity OMCI message integrity protectionprotectionn CRC-32 within OMCI AAL5 trailer, as specified in I.3165n 32-bits in OMCI MIC trailer. Generated from AES-CMAC, see slide OMCI encryptionOMCI encryptionn OLT explicitly issuing the encrypted_port-ID PLOAMn OLT implicitly issues OMCI messages with a non-zero key indexSupported MIB Supported MIB informationinformationn G.984.4 whole MIBn Remo
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