




1、荣之学教育秋季提升班初三英语教师版9 / 8类型一、话题作文A.计划类在每个人的心中,总会渴望拥有某样东西。你想要拥有什么?请以“ I want to have”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你想拥有它的理由及你会有怎样的想法或感受。:i要求:1. 请补全标题,如:a football, a mountain bike 或 a magic Paintbrush 等;.2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称:3. 词数80词左右.I Want to have1 -aut to ha mm咽匸 Paintbrush,IWaIt to IIaVe a paintbrush v- rth magic PO
2、weLIt Can make WhateVer I drav> become a IeaLlLty,P IhE p Siufbnx mh. mu d5v g n?W earit. TlIETE WlIl bm no POHiLtiei OD tt ThE vfi WIiI ekn and th?kv Rill bh巴 Vi曲 JdG PgiIIIdIt T flkt> Wlraat to drawg H血 IIoie 磧ht peple tan IiVF Mppik1 tcgt Iik兰 ar iilv.I also Want to hx< t the IiIdgK Pain
3、tbmSh dw NbeaUbtifUI n即' world.B.记事类亲爱的同学们,在愉快的暑假和寒假期间,你一定有过一次旅行的经历吧?请根据以下提示,写篇80词左右的英语短文,讲诉一下你的旅行故事。(可适当发挥)1. 旅行的出发点和目的地;2. 想游览哪些风景名胜;3. 其他打算4. 将会有所收获。可能用到的词语:capital, symbol, the place of historic in terest, SCenery注意:文中不能出现考生真实姓名、校名和老师名,否则不给分。SFmITPTm_ItWn MemTnE Knnn PPLnPPnJtPBPPnp.Ppcnprta
4、lpPPhpuiprJt ppjpPndls. P"gHpP Thnrnby ITaiJl SlD that we LHn aj Dy ? scary alon? Ihe way. ¾ll 4s thm GTeaI Wjl at because it) a Synll fCHIr coiLlrv. Aftar that ITIl 卵 to TiSn'hhe Sare. the Palace Museum and so u Of course, T InUSt u>oy"*aVVVVvVVVbV*J i*Bgjing DXk DuJmS Ihe .Iv
5、-,iU Uke a bt photos.Ua WonderfUI trip.C.观点类由于父母的溺爱,现在许多孩子基本不做学习以外的事情,导致独立生活能力不强。请你根据下面表格中的内容,按要求用英语写一篇短文,谈谈作为中学生,我们应该培养自己的独立性。WaySThingS We Can dobegi n With our OWnthingSclea n OUr OWn rooms,help With houseworkcook,lear n activelylear n by OUrSeIVeS,think about things by ourselves要求:1.语句通顺,意思连贯,语法
6、正确,书写规范;2. 必须包含表格中所有内容,并做适当发挥;3行文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名;4.词数70左右。(短文开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。)注意:须把已给出的短文开头和结尾转抄到答题卡的相应位置AS middle school StUdents, it ' Very important for US to be independent. What should We do to make USin depe ndent? First,FinaiIyr IhiJIk abom IhiB.2s by Outdves. We Eolllettnle need to mat亡
7、PIalLS Or decisions alone Don't always d±pnd OIL otherI think if We keep Ondoing these, We 'l become more and more independent.D.社会类近来网络上流行一句话:“世界上最远的距离是我在你的对面,你却在看手机。”这句话真实反映了当前的社会现象,“手机控”,“低头族”越来越多且呈年轻化趋势。请你以“ My opinion On USing the mobile phone ”为题针对这一现象发表个人观点,并提出改进建议。提示词: a mobile
8、Phone freak 手机控One POSSibIe version:My OPinion On USing the mobile PhoneMobile PhoneS are WideIy USed these days. More and more people USe mobile pho nes to do differe nt kinds ofthings, SUCh as Chatting and shopping. BUt they SPend too much time on the mobile phones. More and more mobile Phone frea
9、k appear. Not Only the adults but also the ChiIdre n are members of them.I don 'think it 's normal. WatChing mobile phones too much is bad for our eyes. We have little time to exercise.It's not good for our health. We Pay more atte nti On to it, it in flue nces our StUdy and lives. We ha
10、ve less and less time to com muni Cate With others.In my opinion, We Can do SOmething meaningful inStead of playing With the mobile PhoneS all the time. Read ing, exercis ing, ViSit ing friends and com muni Cati ng With families are also good WayS to SPe nd your fee time. I hope people Can USe the m
11、obile pho nes correctly.E.分析利弊类如今,电视这一新闻媒体己经成为我们日常生活的重要组成部分之一。电视节目(新闻、广告、电影等)在带给我们欢乐和知识的同时,也存在着一些弊端。请结合你的亲身经历,谈一谈你对电视节目的看法。词数60-80之间。(本题10分)TeIeViSiOn has become One of the most important PartS of our life. Some PrOgramS On TV are Very educati Onaland useful. We lear n much kno WIedge On TV . For ex
12、ample, the n ews tells US What are happe ning all over the world; the ads tell US What things are good and cheap. The movies make our life colorful. BUt some PrOgramS are Un healthy for tee nagers, and some ads are mislead ing. WatChi ng TV too much is bad for our eyes, too.We Can't Cha nge What
13、 is On TV, but We Can choose What We watch.话题二:图表作文A.表格作文请根据以下交通事故因素(factors)统计图表,以“Major CaUSeS Of traffic accidents为题,用英语写一篇简短的分析报告,向学校英语报投稿。m:IiIU ca< AftraiTk jiide砧(对上5XdhiCIe(t jfactorsI Jjivcr hc (MT 10%CIlV iro-t/ factors注意:1.报告需逐条陈述下面Pie Chart和bar chart(柱状图)中呈现的主要内容。(至少5点)2.提出你对交通安全总的看法。
14、(至少2点)3 .词数:100词左右,所给标题不计入总词数。Major CaUSeS of TraffiC ACCide ntsNOWadayS,there_are_always_k in ds_of_traffic_accide nts_reports_from_newspapersTV_n ews_a nd_so_ On .As_a_result,it'smporta nt_for_us_to_a nalyze_the_major_causes.The_followi ngs_are_two_ reports:ACCordi ng_to_the_pie_chart,there_ar
15、e_mai nly_three_factors:_85%_is_about_driver_factors;5%_iSfrom_ VehiClefaCtorsand10%_is road_envirOnment_factors.AmOng_them it's_quite_clear_that_the_first_ On e_is_the_key_po in t.So_a no ther_bar_chart_po in ts_that_there_are_4_reas On s_to_ CaUSe jt,inClUding SPeeding WhiChiS 50%,drUnk_drivin
16、g_WhiCh_holds_15%tired_driving_WhiCh_is_26%_as_ _ WelLaS_not_us in g_seatbelt_whichs_25%.In_my_opinion.everyone_should_keep_in_mindhat_trafic_safety_is_one_of_the_most_ways_in_our_life_ At_the_same_time,we_should_try_our_best_to_obey_the_traffic_rules The_harder_we_t the_happier_our_life_will_be!B.图
17、画作文图示作文:仔细观察下列四幅图画,展开合理想象,写一篇短文。提示词:thief小偷要求:1话题作文或图示作文任选其一。2. 词数在80-100词之间。3. 要求字迹工整,语法正确,意思连贯,合乎逻辑,可适当发挥。One PoSSible version:An UnU sual dayTom and Tim are good frien ds. One day, they Went to a SUPermarket for shopp ing. SUdde nly they found a man SteaIi ng things in the supermarket.After that,
18、 the thief left the supermarket. They followed him. The thief Went to a bus stop and read n ewspaper there. The two boys called the police at once. A few minu tes later, a policewoma n Came and they told her the whole thing. Then they CaUght the thief together. The policewoman said, You are good boy
19、s! ” Tom and Tim Were Very happy.It WaS an UnU sual day for them.话题三:应用文A.邀请函假如你是John Smith ,下周六是你的生日,你邀请你的同学Jimmy参加你的生日聚会,你希望他早点到你家,并带来一些音乐光碟。请根据以上内容写一封邀请函。One POSSibIe version:Dear Jimmy,NeXt SatUrday is my birthday. I 'l have a birthday Party at home. I inVite you to come to my birthday party
20、. Can you come a little earlier? PIeaSe bring some music CDs. I 'm SUre We 'lhave a good time.Joh nAnn。现在请你根据以B.书信类假如你是李华,在三年的初中生活中,给你留下深刻印象的人是你最好的朋友下内容提示,给你的网友Cindy发一封电子邮件,向她介绍Ann的基本情况。内容提示:Ann年龄15岁生日10月8日外貌中等身材性格开朗的爱好收集银币,到目前为止已收集有一千多枚学习方法小组合作为人处事与人相处融洽,乐于助人,要求:1.文中不能出现考生的真实姓名、校名和地名;2. 必须用
21、上所给的内容提示,可适当发挥;3. 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;4. 词数80个左右。开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。One PoSSible version:Dear Cin dy,HoW are you recently? Now let me tell you SOmething about my best friend Ann. Ann is 15 years old and her birthday is OCtOber 8. And She is of medium build. Ann is an OUtgo ing girl and you Can make fr
22、iends With her easily. Do you know her hobby? Maybe you Can 'believe: her hobby is collecting old CoinSand She has been collect ing more tha n three thousa nd CoinS by now.Ann is good lear ner. TeamWOrk makes her succeed. She is kind girl and She likes help ing others. If you have problems, you
23、Can ask her for help. She Can get On well With OtherS and We all like her.Could you PIeaSe introduce your best friend to me? I ' looking forward to your reply.Yours,Li HUa【每周一练】【2015湖南常德】阅读短文,然后在文后表格内完成内容摘要In real life, robots are mainly USed in factories. They do some dan gerous and difficult j
24、obs for huma ns.Robots also help disabled people, for example, bli nd people. Today many bli nd people have a guide dog to help them .In the future, guide dogs might be robot dogs.One kind of robot guide dog has wheels. It moves in front of the OWn er. It is Very clever. It knows the SPeed of its OW
25、ner ' S walk. The OWner WearS a SPeCia1带子().ThiS belt SendSinStrUCtions to the OWner from the dog,SUCh as“ StoP here ” ,“ TUrn Ieft ” Or “ TUrn right ”.In the Un ited States, ano ther kind of robot helps disabled people to take Care of themselves in their daily life.The robot hears the SoUnd of its OWner' S voice. It follows inStrUCtion
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