



1、 Unit 2 whats your number ? _ lesson 8 授课人:李婕1.teaching aims: 1. the techknowledge : and skill : 使学生熟练掌握新单词three, four , thirteen ,and fourteen 的四大听说读写的能力。以及会灵活运用句型whats your number ? 及答语 Im number thirteen 。2.the process and methods: 通过games, group work and presentation 集中不同形式的活动方式使学生在轻松愉快的学习氛围中主动学

2、习和掌握所学知识。3. 情感态度及价值观:通过学习使学生培养助人为乐的精神品质,可以主动帮助考场内的同学询问其考号,然后帮忙找到座位号。2. the teaching important points :1.1.使学生掌握单词 three ,four 的听说读写的能力,掌握句型 whats your number ?的实际意义及灵活运用。3. the teaching difficult points : 单词 three 及thirteen 的正确发音即学生说的能力,以及句型Im number thirteen ,中,要知道number 在句子中是指第几号而不仅仅是数字的意思。4.the t

3、eaching methods: 1.games, 2.group work ,3.presentation .5. the teaching aids :1. chalks,2.blackboard ,3. ppt 4.word cards.6. the teaching process :T: hello!boys and girls.S;:stand up,good morning teacher.T: good morning students, thank you , sitdown please. now, I have some question,随机抽问,you please,

4、 hello!my name is An Jiang Mei, whats your name?S: my name is T: ok, thank you .sitdown please . ok ,you please , where are you from ?S; Im from china .T; ok , thank you ,sitdown please .and you please , what class are you in ?S: Im in class three grade four .T: ok , good ,thank you ,sit down please

5、 ,now ,listen to me carefully , 好, 同学们在学校有没有开过运动会呀?T; 有。S; 那么我们班有没有参加过运动会的同学呢?S: YOU ,我参加过,T: ok , 有得奖的同学/吗?can you tell me did you remember whats your number? 你还记得自己你是多少号吗?S;T; OK , lets look a picture , whats are they doing ? how many people ?lets count it together ,ok ?S; 在进行跑步比赛,one .two .three

6、.our ten.T; yes ,they are running ,right ? do you know who is winner ? ,ok , next picture , who can tell me whats number is first?S: 3 号。T: ok , three number is first , right ?同时出现ppt 3 的图片,在黑板上书写四线三格three, ok , read after me ,three three three ,S: three .T: who is second ? its number four ? Ok , re

7、ad after me , four .four four .S: four.T: thirteen , fourteen .同上。,now, lets play a game .ok?Listen to me carefully. ( 一分钟内,单词速记,看谁记得有对又对又快。)S: .T: (老师检查。)随机抽问,you please, what”s your number?T: Im number fourteen .T: yes ,very good.thank you .now , practice the dialogue with your partner.S: .T: ok .

8、 Stop it . Who want to try? Ok ,you please,S: (同桌之间读句子。)T: lets check you . You Please .Sa : whats your number? Sb: im number thirteen .T: ok ,wonderful.thank you ,sit down please. Now . I will give you some words to make up your new dialogue. Ok ? Start .S: .T:ok . Do you finish? Now, which group w

9、ants to perform?,ok , you please. S:(学生上台表演。)T: ok , thank you ,go back to your seat . Now , time is over , 那么同学们能归结一下我们都学了什么吗?谁来回答一下。Ok . you plaese , S: 我们学了数字three , four ,还有 thirteen , fourteen .T:yes , you have a good job. Ok ,goodbye students.S: goodbye teacher. 7. 板书设计: unit 2 Whats your number? Lesson


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