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1、HMC5883LHoneywellAdvanced Information3-Axis Digital Compass ICHMC5883LThe Honeywell HMC5883L is a surface-mount, multi-chip module designed for low-field mag netic sensi ng with a digital in terface for applications such as low- cost compassi ng and magn etome try. The HMC5883L in eludes our state-o

2、f-the- art. high-resolution HMC118X senes magnetoesistive sensors plus an ASIC containing amphfication, automatic degaussing strap drivers, offset cancellation, and a 12-bit ADC that enables 1° to 2° compass heading accuracy. The l2C serial bus allows for easy interface. The HMC5883L is a

3、3.0x3,0x0.9mm surface mount 16-pin leadless chip carrier (LCC). Applications for the HMC5883L in elude Mobile Pho nes, Netbooks, Consumer Electronics, Auto Navigatio n Systems, and Personal Navigation Devices.The HMC5883L utilizes Hon eywelfs An isotropic Magn eto re si stive (AMR) tech no logy that

4、 provides advantages over other mag netic sen sor technologies. These an isotropic, directio nal sen sors feature precision in-axis sen sitivity and lin earity. These sensors1 solid-state construction with very low cross-axis sensitivity is designed to measure both the direction and the magnitude of

5、 Earth s magnetic fields, from milli-gauss to 8 gauss. HoneywelPs Magnetic Sensors are among the most sensitive and reliable low-field sensors in the industryFEATURESBENEFITS> 3-Axis Magnetoresistive Sensors and ASIC in a 3.0x3.0x0 9mm LCC Surface Mount Package> Small Size for Highly Integrate

6、d Products. Just Add a Micro Controller Interface, Plus Two External SMT Capacitors Designed for High Volume, Cost Sensitive OEM Designs Easy to Assemble & Compatible with High Speed SMT Assembly> 12-Bit ADC Coupled with Low Noise> Enables 1° to 2° Degree Compass Heading Accuracy

7、AMR Sensors Achieves 2 milli-gauss Resolution in ±8 Gauss Fields Built-In Self Test> Enables Low-Cost Functionality Test after Assembly in Product!on Low Voltage Operations (2.16 to 3 .6V) and Low Power Consumption (100 pA) Built-In Strap Drive Circuits Compatible for Battery Powered Applica

8、tions> Set/Reset and Ofset Strap Drivers for Degaussing, Self Test, andOffset Compensation l2C Digital Interface Popular Two-Wire Serial Data Interface for Consumer Electronics Lead Free Package Construction> RoHS Compliance Wide Magnetic Field Range (+/-8 Oe) Sensors Can Be Used in Strong Mag

9、netic Field Environments with a 1° to 2° Degree Compass Heading Accuracy> Software and Algorithm Support Available> Compassing Heading, Hard Iron, Soft Iron, and Auto Calibration Libraries Available» Fast 160 Hz Maximum Output Rate> Enables Pedestrian Navigation and LBS Appli

10、cationsSPECIFICATIONS (* Tested at 25°C except stated otherwise.)CharacteristicsConditions*MinTypMaxUnitsPower SupplySupply VoltageVDD Referenced to AGND VDDIO Referenced to DGND2.161.7VDD+0.1VoltsVoltsAverage Current DrawIdle ModeMeasurement Mode (7.5 Hz ODR, No measurement average,

11、MA1:MA0 = 30) VDD = 2.5V, VDDIO = 1.8V (Dual Supply) VDD = VDDIO = 2.5V (Single Supply:-2100MA maPerformanceField RangeFull scale (FS)-8+8gaussMag Dynamic Range3-bit gain control±1±8gaussDigital ResolutionVDD=3.0V, GN=0 to 7, 1-LSbr 12-bitADC0.734.35milli-gaussNoise FloorVDD=3.0V, GN=0, No

12、 measurement average, Standard Deviation 100 samples2milli-gaussLin earity±2.0 gauss in put range0.1±% FSHysteresis±2.0 gauss in put range±25ppmCross-Axis SensitivityTest Conditions: Cross field = 0.5 gauss, Happlied = ±3 gauss±0.2%FS/gaussOutput Rate (CDR)Continuous Me

13、asurment ModeSingle Measurement Mode0.7575160HzHzMeasurement PeriodFrom receivi ng comma nd to data ready6msecTurn-on TimeReady for I2C commands Analog Circuit Ready for Measurement20050MS msGain ToleranewAll gain/dynamicange settings±5%l2C Address8-bit read address8bit write address0x3D0x3Chex

14、hexl2C RateControlled by l2C Master400kHzl2C HysteresisHysteresis of Schmitt trigger in puts on SCL and SDA - Fall (VDDIO=1 8V) Rise (VDDIO=1.8V)0.2*VDDIO0.8*VDDIOVoltsVoltsSelf TestX & Y AxesZ Axis±1.16±1.08gaussX & Y & Z Axes (GN=5) Positive BiasX & 丫 & Z Axes (GN=5)

15、Negative Bias243 575575 243LSbGeneralESD VoltageHuman Body Model (all pins) Charged Device Model (all pins)2000750VoltsOperating TemperatureAmbient.3085°CStorage TemperatureAmbient, unbiased-40125°CReflow Classificatio nMSL 3, 260 °C Peak TemperaturePackage SizeLength and Width2.853.0

16、03.15mmPackage Heightmm#vwvw.ho HMC5883LCharacteristicsConditions*MinTypMaxUnitsPackage Weight18mgAbsolute Maximum Ratings C Tested at 25°C except stated otherwise.)CharacteristicsMinMaxUnitsSupply Voltage VDD-0.34.8VoltsSupply Voltage VDDIO0.34.8VoltsPIN CONFIGURATIONSPinNameDescripti

17、on1SCLSerial Clock - l2C Master/Slave Clock2VDDPower Supply (2.16V to 3.6V)3NCNot to be Connected4S1Tie to VDDIO5NCNot to be Connected6NCNot to be Connected7NCNot to be Connected8SETPSet/Reset Strap Positive - S/R Capacitor (C2) Connection9GNDSupply Ground10C1Reservoir Capacitor (C1) Connec:ion11GND

18、Supply Ground12SETCS/R Capacitor (C2) Connection 一 Driver Side13VDDIOIO Power Supply (1.71V to VDD)14NCNot to be Connected15DRDYData Ready, I nterrupt Pin. Intern ally pulled high. Optional conn ecti on. Low for 250 psec when data is placed in the data output registers.16SDASerial Data - l2C Master/

19、Slave DataTable 1: Pin Con figurationsvwvw 3HMC5883L<d(J9QNSCL1_Y1ZVDD211NC5J10S14-X95 S 73SETCGNDC1GNDOOOCLNNN匚(Z)TOP VIEW (look ing through)Arrow indicates directi on of mag netic field that gen erates a positive output reading in Normal Measureme nt configurati on.PACKAGE OUTLINESPACKAGE DRAWI

20、NG HMC5883L (16-PIN LPCC, dimensions in millimeters)0.90 jSIDE VIEWMOUNTING CONSIDERATIONSThe following is the recommend printed circuit board (PCB) footprint for the HMC5883L.vvvwv 5HMC5883Li 0.4600.500x123 000 1HMD5883 Land Pad Pattern (Al dimensionsarein mm)Recommended Layout<E0sOIOQJ<Loco0

21、vvvwv #HMC5883Lvvvwv #HMC5883LH!- I | | C4* x 5o 口 / oJUDD_ibiIO C2 口a22utC2 口 以2“ HMC5883L Single SupplyHMC5883LDual SupplyPCB Pad Definition and TracesThe HMC5883L is a fine pitch LCC package. Refer to previous figure for recommended PCB footpnnt for proper package centering. Size the traces betwe

22、en the HMC5883L and the external capacitors (C1 and C2) to handle the 1 ampere peak current pulses with low voltage drop on the traces.Stencil Design and Solder PasteA 4 mil stencil and 100% paste coverage is recomme nded for the electrical con tact pads.Reflow AssemblyThis device is classified as M

23、SL 3 with 260°C peak reflow temperature. A baking process (125°Cf 24 h is required if device is not kept continuously in a dry (< 10% RH) environment before assembly. No special reflow profile is required for HMC5883L, which is compatible with lead eutectic and lead-free solder paste re

24、flow profiles. Honeywell recommends adhere nee to solder paste manufacturers guideli nes Hand solderi ng is not recommended. Built-in self test can be used to verify device functionalities after assembly.INTERNAL SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMHMC5883LHMC5883LHOST CPUvvvwv 7HMC5883LDUAL SUPPLY REFERENCE DESIGNHMC


26、ing graph(s) highlight HMC5883L*s performance.Typical ResolutionHMC5883L Resolution一一一352 s 1.5O2.九o.(9E)Fproc00;>0 PM 831 28SW Ecpcf § >5 ps HMC5883L ResolutionAAA9vwvw.ho HMC5883L#vwvw.ho HMC5883LTypical Measurement Period in Single-Measurement Mode#vwvw.ho HMC5883L#vwvw.ho HMC5883L Mon

27、itoring of the DP DY Interrupt pin Is only required If maximum output rate Is desired.#vwvw.ho HMC5883LBASIC DEVICE OPERATIONAnisotropic MagnetoResistive SensorsThe Honeywell HMC5883L magnetoresistive sensor circuit is a trio of sensors and application specific support circuits to measure magnetic f

28、ields With power supply applied, the sensor con verts any incident mag netic field in the sen sitive axis directions to a differential voltage output. The magnetoresistive sensors are made of a nickel-iron (Permalloy) thin-film and patterned as a resistive strip element. In the presenee of a magnwti

29、c field, a change in the bridge resistive elements causes a corresponding change in voltage across the bridge outputs.These resistive elements are aligned together to have a common sensitive axis (indicated by arrows in the pinout diagram) that will provide positive voltage change with mag netic fie

30、lds in creasi ng in the sen sitive directi on. Because the output is only proportional to the magnetic field component along its axis, additional sensor bridges are placed at orthogonal directions to permit accurate measurement of magnetic field in any onentation.Self TestTo check the HMC5883L for p

31、roper operation, a self test feature in incorporated in which the sensor is internally excited with a nominal mag netic field (in either positive or n egative bias con figuration). This field is the n measured and reported. This function is enabled and the polarity is set by bits MSn in the configur

32、ation register A. An internal current source gen erates DC curre nt (about 10 mA) from the VDD supply. This DC curre nt is applied to the offset straps of the magnetoresistive sensor, which creates an artificial magnetic field bias on the sensor.See SELF TEST OPERATION section later in this datashee

33、t for additional details.Power ManagementThis device has two different domains of power supply. The first one is VDD that is the power supply for internal operations and ths second one is VDDIO that is dedicated to IO interlace. It is possible to work with VDDIO equal to VDD; Single Supply mode, or

34、with VDDIO lower than VDD allowing HMC5883L to be compatible with other devices on board.I2C InterfaceControl of this device is carried out via the l2C bus. This device will be connected to this bus as a slave device under the control of a master device, such as the processor.This device is complian

35、t with FC-Bus Specification, document number: 9398 393 40011. As an l2C compatible device, this device has a 7-bit serial address and supports l2C protocols. This device supports standard and fast modes, 100kHz and 400kHz, respectively, but does not support the high speed made (Hs). External pull-up

36、 resistors are required to support these standard and fast speed modes.Activities requireo by the master (register read and write) have priori over internal activities, such as the measurement. The purpose of this prionty is to not keep the master waiting and the PC bus en gaged for longer th a n ne

37、cessaryInternal ClockThe device has an internal clock for internal digital logic functions and timing management.H-Bridge for Set/Reset Strap DriveThe ASIC con tains large switchi ng FETs capable of deliveri ng a large but brief pulse to the Set / Reset strap of the sen sor. This strap is largely a

38、resistive load. There is no n eed for an exter nal Set/Reset circuit. The con trolling of the Set/Reset function is done automatically by the ASIC for each measurement. One half of the differenee from the measurements taken after a set pulse and after a reset pulse will be put in the data output reg

39、ister for each of the three axes. By doing so, the sensor's internal offset and its temperature dependenee is removed/cancelled for all measureme nts.Charge Current LimitThe current that reservoir capacitor (C1) can draw when charging is limited for both single supply and dual supply wvvvv 9HMC5

40、883Lconfigurations. This prevents drawing down the supply voltage (VDD).MODES OF OPERATIONThis device has several operati ng modes whose primary purpose is power man ageme nt and is con trolled by the Mode Registe This section describes these modes.Continuous MQasurement ModeDuring continuousmeasuem

41、ent mode, the device continuously makes measurements, at user selectable rate, and places measured data in data output registers. Data can be re-read from the data output registers if necessary: however, if the master does not ensure that the data register is accessed before the completion of the ne

42、xt measurement, the data output registers are updated with the new measurement. To conserve current between measurements, the device is placed in a state similar to idle mode, but the Mode Register is not changed to Idle Mode. That is, MDn bits are unchanged. Settings in the Configuration Register A

43、 affect the data output rate (bits DOn), the measurement configuration (bits MSn), when in continuousmeasuement mode. All registers maintain values while in continuous- measurement mode. The l2C bus is enabled for use by other devices on the network in while continuous-measurement mode.Single-Measur

44、ement ModeThis is the default power-up mode During singleme3suement mjde, the device makes a single measurement and places the measured data in data output registers. After the measurement is complete and output data registers are updated, the device is placed in idle mode, and the Mode Register /sc

45、hanged to idle mode by setting MDn bits. Settings in the configuration register affect the measurement configuration (tits MSn)when in single-measurement mode. All registers maintain values while in singleme3SUerTient mode. The l2C bus is enabled for use by other devices on the network while in sing

46、lemeasuement mode.Idle ModeDuring this mode the device is accessible through the l2C bus, but major sources of power consumption are disabled, such as? but not Imited to, the ADC, the amplifier, and the sensor bias current. All registers maintain values while in idle mode. The l2C bus is enabled for

47、 use by other devices on the network while in idle mode.11HMC5883LREGISTERSThis device is con trolled and con figured via a number of on chip registers, which are described in this secti on. In the following descnptions: se/implies a logic 1 f and reset or c/ear implies a logic 0, unless stated othe

48、rwise.Register ListThe table below lists the registers and their access. All address locations are 8 bits.Address LocationNameAccess00Configuration Register ARead/Write01Con figuration Register BReadA/Vrite02Mode RegisterRead/Write03Data Output X MSB RegisterRead04Data Output X LSB RegisterRead05Dat

49、a Output Z MSB RegisterRead06Data Output Z LSB RegisterRead07Data Output Y MSB RegisterRead08Data Output Y LSB RegisterRead09Status RegisterRead10Identification Register ARead11Identification Register BRead12Identification Register CReadTable2: Register ListRegister AccessThis section describes the

50、process of reading from and writing to this device. The devices uses an address pointer to indicate which register location is to be read from or written to. These pointer locations are sent from the master to this slave device and succeed the 7bit address (0x1E) plus 1 bit read/wnte identifier.To m

51、inimize the communication between the master and this device, the address pointer updated automatically without master intervention. The register pointer will be incremented by 1 automatically after the current register has been read successfully.The address pointer value itself can not be read via

52、the l2C bus.Any attempt to read an in valid address locati on retur ns 0's, and any write to an in valid address locati on or an un defi ned bit within a valid address location is ignored by this device.To move the address pointer to a random register location: first issue a write" to that

53、register location with no data byte following the corrmend. For example, to move the address pointer to register 10, send 0x3C OxOA.vvww #HMC5883LConfiguration Register AThe configuration register is used to configure the device for setting the data output rate and measurement configuration. CRAO th

54、rough CRA7 indicate bit locations, with CRA denoting the bits that are in the configuration register. CRA7 denotes the first bit of the data stream. The number in parenthesis indicates the default value of that bit.CRA7CRA6CRA5CRA4CRA3CRA2CRA1CRAO(DMA1(1)MA0(1)DO2(1)DO1 (0)DOO (0)MS1 (0)MS0 (0)Table 3 Configuration Register ALocationNameDescriptionCRA7CRA7Bit CRA7 is reserved for future function and is set to 1 by default. Set to 0 when configuring CRA.CRA6 to CRA5MA1 to MAOSelect number of sa


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