已阅读5页,还剩35页未读 继续免费阅读




1、¡¡¡¡ÎïÆ·×âÁÞºÏͬ1¡¡¡¡³ö×âÈËLESSOR£º _¡¡¡¡(ÒÔϼò³Æ¼×·½Hereafter referred to as &

2、#161;°PARTY A¡±)¡¡¡¡µç»°Tel£º_ ÊÖ»úMobile£º_¡¡¡¡³Ð×âÈËLESSEE£º¡¡¡¡(ÒÔϼò³ÆÒ

3、0;·½Hereafter referred to as ¡°PARTY B¡±)¡¡¡¡Í¨Ñ¶µØÖ·Mail Add£º¡¡¡¡µç»°Tel£º ´«ÕæFax£º¡¡¡¡×

4、1;¿ÍÐÕÃûThe occupants of the premises will be£º¡¡¡¡¼×¡¢ÒÒË«·½¾­Ð­ÉÌÒ»Ö£¬¶©Á¢±¾ºÏÍ

5、72;¡£ºÏͬÄÚÈÝÈçÏ£º¡¡¡¡This lease has been mutual agreed and set up by PARTY A and PARTY B as the¡¡¡¡following:¡¡¡¡1 ³ö×âÎïÒ&

6、#181;¡¡¡¡The Premises to be leased are described as follows:¡¡¡¡µØÖ·Location:¡¡¡¡Ãæ»ýArea:¡¡¡¡µç»°Tel: _ÌõIDDÖ±Ïß, _ IDD lines

7、1;¡¡¡2 ×â½ð¡¡¡¡Rental:¡¡¡¡2.1×â½ðÿÔÂΪ ÔªÕû£¬ ÐÎʽ֧¸¶¡¡¡¡PARTY B shall pay as rent

8、the sum of ; i.e.RMB per month.¡¡¡¡2.2×â½ð°üÀ¨¼Ò¾ßºÍµçÆ÷µÄÅäÖÃ(Ïê¼û¸½¼þ), ¹©Å¯·Ñ, Î&#

9、239;Òµ¹ÜÀí·Ñ¡¢Ë®·Ñ,µç·Ñ,+úÆø·Ñ¡¢½¡Éí¿¨¡¢ÎÀÐÇÊÕÊÓ·Ñ¡£ The Rent include

10、s¡¡¡¡the Furniture¡¢the Electrical Appliances (see Appendix A), Heating Fee,¡¡¡¡Management fee£¬water fee , electricity fee, gas fee£¬Fitness card£¬Satellite TV¡¡¡¡service fee.¡¡¡¡

11、2.3×â½ðÓ¦ÔÚÈëסǰ¼°´ËºóÿÔ嵀 ºÅÇ°Ö§¸¶¡£¼×·½Ó¦ÔÚÊÕµ½×&#


13、167;¸¶×â½ðµÄÊéÃæ֪ͨ¡£¡¡¡¡The first rental shall be paid before moving in and the following rental¡¡¡¡shall be paid before the th of each succeeding 1 month¡¯ t

14、erm. PARTY A shall¡¡¡¡issue to PARTY B official invoice (Fapiao) upon receiving the rental. Party A¡¡¡¡shall send prior written notice to Party B for monthly rental payment¡¡¡¡request.¡¡¡¡2.4×â½ðÒ

15、;ÔÈËÃñ±Ò֧Ʊ»òתÕËÐÎʽ֧¸¶.¡¡¡¡Rental is payable in Ren Min Bi by check or by bank transfer.¡¡¡¡2.5 ÔÚ±¾×â

16、;Ô¼ÓÐЧÆÚÄÚ£¬×â½ð²»Óèµ÷Õû¡£¡¡¡¡Rent will not be modified during the term of this Lease Agreement.¡¡¡¡3 Ѻ½ð De

17、posit:¡¡¡¡3.1ÒÒ·½ÐëÖ§¸¶Ï൱ÓÚÁ½¸öÔ·¿×âµÄѺ½ð(¼´RMB ), ÒÔÈËÃñ±ÒÖ&


19、»Êվݡ£¡¡¡¡A deposit of two (2) months¡¯ equivalent rental (RMB ) shall be paid by¡¡¡¡PARTY B in RMB by check or by bank transfer. PARTY A shall issue to PARTY B¡¡¡¡official receipt upon receivin

20、g the deposit.¡¡¡¡3.2Ѻ½ðÔÚºÏͬÖÕÖ¹ºó10ÌìÄÚÓɼ׷½ÒÔÏàͬ±ÒÖÖÈ«¶îÍË»


22、00;ÕÍò·ÖÖ®ËÄÖ§¸¶¸øÒÒ·½ÀûÏ¢¡£¡¡¡¡The deposit shall be refundable in full amount in 10 days after the¡¡¡¡contract expiration, in same cur

23、rency and excluding interest thereupon. In case¡¡¡¡PARTY A delays the refund of the deposit, PARTY A shall pay interest to PARTY B¡¡¡¡at the rate of 0.04% per day of delay.¡¡¡¡3.3¼×·½Ó¦°´Ê±&


25、#212;­Òò³öÏÖÒÅʧ»ò·ÇÕý³£µÄË𻵣¬ÒÒ·½Ó¦¸ºÔðÅâ³¥¡£¡¡¡¡PARTY A shall

26、 pay off on time all the bills due. In case there is any loss¡¡¡¡or unusual damage to the furnishings, contents or the rental premises due to¡¡¡¡PARTY B¡¯ s reason, PARTY B shall compensate for it.¡¡¡¡4 ×âÆÚ

27、61;¡¡¡Lease term:¡¡¡¡ÒÒ·½×âÓóö×â·¿ÎÝÆÚÏÞΪ 1 Ä꣬¼´×Ô Äê Ô ÈÕÖÁ Ä

28、34; Ô ÈÕ¡£¡¡¡¡From 16 July 2004 to 15 July 2005 for one (1) year.¡¡¡¡5 ³ö×âÈ˵ÄÔðÈΡ¡¡¡PARTY A¡¯s obligation:¡¡¡¡5.1 3&



31、#161;¡¡¡PARTY A assures to be the legal owner of the leased premises, to have the¡¡¡¡necessary legal capacity to lease it, and PARTY A¡¯ action has been ratified by¡¡¡¡the authorities concerned.¡¡¡¡5.2×â&#


33、201;úתÒÆ,¼×·½Ðë±£Ö¤±¾ºÏͬÄܼÌÐøÖ´ÐС£¡¡¡¡In case PARTY A sells the premises during the lease which leads to the

34、61;¡¡¡premises ownership be transferred, PARTY A shall ensure that the said contract¡¡¡¡will be implemented continuously.¡¡¡¡5.3¼×·½Ð밴ʱ½«Çå½à×´¿


36、21;Äڵĸ÷ÏîÉèÊ©ÄÜÕý³£Ê¹Óᣡ¡¡¡PARTY A shall hand over the said premises to PARTY B on time and assure the¡¡¡¡said premises will be cleaned

37、and in good status during the lease term.¡¡¡¡5.4¼×·½ÓÐÒåÎñ¸ºÔð³ö×â·¿Îݼ°ÉèÊ©µÄÕý³£Î¬»¤






43、6;Ë𻵣¬ÒàÓɼ׷½³Ðµ£ÓйطÑÓᣡ¡¡¡PARTY A shall bear the responsibility of the said premises¡¯ normal repairs¡¡¡

44、61;and maintenance, and pay the cost related. In case the premises or facilities¡¡¡¡are in bad conditions not due to the reason of PARTY B, PARTY A shall complete¡¡¡¡the repair work within 24 hours upon receipt of the notice from PARTY B.¡¡¡

45、1;Otherwise, PARTY B shall have the right to hire any third parties for the repair¡¡¡¡work at the cost of PARTY A. The cost of repairs to the said premises, if¡¡¡¡damaged by Force Majeure (such as earthquake, typhoon, flood non-man made fire,¡¡¡

46、¡etc) reasonable wear and tear or by accidents beyond PARTY B¡¯S control, should¡¡¡¡also be borne by PARTY A.¡¡¡¡5.5×âÁÞÆÚÄÚ£¬ÔÚÒÒ·½×ñÊغ


48、95;³ö×â·¿ÎÝ¡£¡¡¡¡During the lease, PARTY A shall not get in the said premises without PARTY¡¡¡¡B¡¯S permission if PARTY B has been carrying out the contract normally.¡¡¡¡5.6¼&


50、#174;¡¢ÃºÆø,µçµÄ¹©Ó¦¼°¸÷ÖÖÉ豸µÄÕý³£¹¤×÷¡£¡¡¡¡Party A shall direct Property Management Company to pr

51、ovide sufficient and¡¡¡¡continuous services to Party B, including provision of cold water, hot water,¡¡¡¡gas and electricity and ensure proper maintenance of equipment therein.¡¡¡¡5.7 ·¿²úË°¼°Ó&#

52、235;×âÁÞÓйصÄËùÓÐË°·ÑÓɼ׷½³Ðµ£¡£¡¡¡¡Premises tax and other leasing related taxes shall be paid by PARTY A.¡¡¡

53、1;6 ³Ð×â·½µÄÔðÈΡ¡¡¡PARTY B¡¯S obligations:¡¡¡¡6.1 ÒÒ·½ÉêÃ÷¼°±£Ö¤ÆäÔÚÖйúÓ&


55、#163;¡¡¡¡PARTY B assures to have the legal right of residence in China, and shall¡¡¡¡complete the residential formalities complying with the local regulations.¡¡¡¡6.2 ס¿ÍÓ¦°´Ê±Ö§&

56、#184;¶µç»°·Ñº¬ÉÏÍø·Ñ¡¢Ë®µçúÆø·Ñ¡£¡¡¡¡The occupant shall pay the telephone bills and internet fee, extra water¡¡¡¡e

57、lectricity gas fee on time.¡¡¡¡6.3 ÒÒ·½Ö»Äܽ«³ö×â·¿ÎÝÓÃ×öסլ£¬²»µÃ½«Ö®ÓÃ×÷¹


59、;¡The premises are limited for residential use only by PARTY B, and are¡¡¡¡prohibited from registering as legal address for any company or agency, or using¡¡¡¡as public office.¡¡¡¡6.4 ÒÒ·½²»µÃ


61、82;¨µÄÐÐΪ¡£¡¡¡¡PARTY B shall not carry in the premises any unlawful or illegal activities¡¡¡¡which are not allowed according to the leasing regulations from the¡¡¡¡government.¡¡¡&

62、#161;6.5 ×âÁÞÆÚÄÚ£¬Î´¾­¼×·½ÊéÃæͬÒ⣬ÒÒ·½²»µÃ½«³ö×â·¿Îݲ¿

63、83;Ö»òÈ«²¿×ª×âËûÈË¡£¡¡¡¡PARTY B shall not partly or totally sublet the said premises without the¡¡¡¡written permission from PARTY A.¡¡¡¡6.6 Èô



66、06;¬ÐÞ£¬²¢¸ºÔðÓйØάÐÞ·ÑÓÃ.¡¡¡¡The damage of the premises or the fittings that are within the control of¡¡¡¡PARTY B shall be borne by PARTY B, an

67、d PARTY B shall contact the management¡¡¡¡office or PARTY A instantly.¡¡¡¡6.7¡¡¡¡×âÁÞÆÚÄÚ£¬ÒÒ·½¶Ô³ö×â·¿Îݽø




71、10;಻±Ø¶ÔÉÏÊöÌí¼ÓÉèÊ©½øÐв¹³¥¡£¡¡¡¡PARTY B, upon written permission of PARTY A, may make additions or¡¡¡¡alteratio

72、ns dealing with water,electricity supply or fire protection, at his own¡¡¡¡expense, subject to necessary permits or licenses required by the authorities¡¡¡¡concerned and under the supervision of PARTY A .No structural alterations or¡¡¡¡addi

73、tions can be removed from the premises upon the expiration of this contract.¡¡¡¡No reimbursement for the said additions.¡¡¡¡6.8¡¡¡¡ÒÒ·½ÓÐȨÔÚǽ±ÚÉÏÐü&



76、#184;´Ô­×´£¬²¢³Ðŵ²»ÒÔ´ËΪÓÉ¿ÛÁôÒÒ·½µÄѺ½ð¡£¡¡¡¡PARTY B is entitled to hang pictures,

77、 paintings or other decorative¡¡¡¡articles on the walls. Upon expiration or early termination of the contract,¡¡¡¡PARTY A shall bear the cost to remove the nails, repaint the wall or restore the¡¡¡¡wall to the original state, and PARTY A sh

78、all not retain PARTY B¡¯S deposit for¡¡¡¡the reason of doing things above.¡¡¡¡6.9×âÁÞºÏͬÆÚÂúµÄÇ°Ò»¸öÔÂÄÚ£¬¾­&

79、#186;ÏÀíÊÂÏÈÊéÃæ֪ͨ£¬ÒÒ·½Ó¦ÔÊÐí¼×·½»òÆäÊÚȨÈË ÒýÁìDZÔÚ

80、¿ÍÈ˲ιÛÔÚ³ö×â·¿ÎÝ¡£¡¡¡¡During the last month of the contract, after reasonable prior written¡¡¡¡notice to PARTY B, PARTY A or his nominee shall be allowed to s

81、how the said¡¡¡¡premises to the potential clients.¡¡¡¡6.10 ×âÁÞÆÚÂú£¬Èô¼×£¬ÒÒË«·½Î´´ï³ÉÐø×âÐ


83、76;ÇåÀí¸É¾»µÄ·¿Îݹ黹¼×·½.¡¡¡¡PARTY B shall return the premises in a clean condition to PARTY A (except¡¡¡¡wear and tear) at the expiration of the con

84、tract if there is no renewal¡¡¡¡thereupon.¡¡¡¡7 ÌáÇ°½âÔ¼Early termination:¡¡¡¡7.1Áù(6)¸öÔºó£¬ÒÒ·½ÈçÒªÍ&#



87、#161;¡¡¡After six (6) months, Party B may, upon one (1) month advance written¡¡¡¡notice to Party A, terminate this Tenancy Agreement without any liabilities.¡¡¡¡Under this circumstance, Party A shall return the deposit in full to Party B¡&#

88、161;¡¡within ten (10) days after the termination.¡¡¡¡7.2 ÈôÒò×ÔÈ»½çµÄ²»¿É¿¹Á¦£¬Èç»ðÔÖ¡¢ºéË®¡


90、07;ͬ¼´×Ô¶¯ÖÕÖ¹£¬¼×¡¢ÒÒË«·½»¥²»³Ðµ£ÔðÈΡ£¡¡¡¡If the said premises are so damaged by force

91、majeure (fire, flood, typhoon,¡¡¡¡earthquake, war, and etc) that it¡¯s no longer habitable, the contract shall be¡¡¡¡terminated automatically. Neither PARTY A nor PARTY B shall bear any¡¡¡¡responsibility to each other.¡¡

92、¡¡8 Ðø×â¡¡¡¡Renewal:¡¡¡¡×âÁÞÆÚÂú£¬ÒÒ·½ÓÐÓÅÏÈÐø×âȨ£¬µ«ÐëÌá&#

93、199;°Ò»¸öÔÂ֪ͨ¼×·½£¬²¢°²ÅÅÇ©¶©Ðø×âºÏͬ¡£¡¡¡¡PARTY B retains the priority to renew this lease u

94、pon expiration , while¡¡¡¡one-month prior notice to PARTY A is necessary, and PARTY A shall arrange the¡¡¡¡signature for the renewal contract.¡¡¡¡9 ÕùÒéµÄ½â¾ö¡¡¡¡Dispute

95、Resolution:¡¡¡¡9.1 ±¾ºÏͬÊÊÓ÷¨ÂÉΪÖлªÈËÃñ¹²ºÍ¹úÏà¹Ø·¨ÂÉ¡£¡¡¡

96、61;The contract is governed by the laws of the People¡¯s Republic of China.¡¡¡¡9.2ÔÚÂÄÐб¾ºÏͬ¹ý³ÌÖвúÉúµÄÈκÎÕùÒ&#


98、195;ίԱ»á(±±¾©)ÉêÇëÖٲᣡ¡¡¡In case of any dispute arising out of the performance of this Contract,¡¡¡¡PARTY A and PARTY B shall consult¡¡¡

99、1;together to reach unanimity, otherwise both parties can submit the dispute¡¡¡¡to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (Beijing)¡¡¡¡for arbitration.¡¡¡¡10 ÆäËû¡¡¡¡Others:


101、163;¡¡¡¡The contract is drawn in both Chinese and English versions. Both texts have¡¡¡¡equal effect.¡¡¡¡10.2 ±¾ºÏͬһʽ¶þ·Ý£¬¼×¡¢ÒÒ

102、;Ë«·½¸÷Ö´Ò»·Ý¡£¡¡¡¡Two copies of the contract will be drawn and remained in the possession of¡¡¡¡PARTY A & PARTY B. 10.3±¾ºÏͬ×ÔÇ©¶

103、¨Ö®ÈÕÆðÉúЧ¡£¡¡¡¡The contract shall come into force on the date of signature.¡¡¡¡10.4±¾ºÏͬµÄ¸½¼þÊDZ¾ºÏ&#


105、186;Ëʵǩ×ÖºóÉúЧ¡£¡¡¡¡The appendix is an indivisible part of this contract. Details listed in¡¡¡¡appendix 1 shall not come into affect until being checked and signed by both¡¡

106、;¡¡PARTY A and PARTY B.¡¡¡¡11 Ç©Õ¡¡¡¡Signatures and official marks:¡¡¡¡¼×·½ ÒÒ·½¡¡¡¡PARTY A: PARTY B:¡¡¡¡ÊÚȨ

107、´ú±í£º ÊÚȨ´ú±íÈË£º¡¡¡¡Authorized representative: Authorized representative:¡¡¡¡¸ÇÕ£º ¸ÇÕ£º¡¡¡

108、;¡Seal: Seal:¡¡¡¡ÈÕÆÚ ÈÕÆÚ¡¡¡¡Date : Date :¡¡¡¡ÎïÆ·×âÁÞºÏͬ2¡¡¡¡³ö×â·½: (ÒÔ

109、ϼò³Æ¡°¼×·½¡±)Landlord: (hereafter called ¡°Party A¡±)¡¡¡¡³Ð×â·½: (ÒÔϼò³Æ¡°ÒÒ·½¡&#

110、177;)Tenant: (hereafter called ¡°Party B¡±)¡¡¡¡¼×¡¢ÒÒË«·½¾Í¼×·½Ô¸Òâ³ö×⣬ÒÒ·½×ÔÔ¸³


112、26;ÁÞЭÒé¡£¡¡¡¡This Agreement is made between Party A and Party B in connection with¡¡¡¡rental of property whereby the following is agreed:¡¡¡¡1 ·¿ÎÝ Property¡¡¡

113、1;1.1 ×âÁÞ·¿ÎݵØÖ·£º(ÒÔϼò³Æ¡°¸Ã·¿ÎÝ¡±)¡¡¡¡Leased Property Address: (hereafter called the ¡°Property¡

114、76;)¡¡¡¡1.2 ÓÃ;£º¸Ã·¿ÎÝÖ»¹©×¡Õ¬Ê¹Óá£Usage: For residential use only.¡¡¡¡1.3 Ãæ»ý£º¸Ã

115、3;¿Îݽ¨ÖþÃæ»ýΪ ƽ·½Ãס£Area: Gross area is square meters.¡¡¡¡2 ×âÁÞÆÚÏÞ Length of Tenancy¡¡¡¡2.1 ×âÁ

116、;ÞÆÚÏÞΪ Ò¼ Ä꣬×Ô ÆðÖÁ Ö¹¡£¡¡¡¡The Property is hereby leased for One year, commencing on and expiring on¡¡¡¡.¡¡¡¡2.2 Î&


118、#196;½»·¿ÈÕΪ £¬Æð×âÈÕΪ £¬ÍË·¿ÈÕΪЭÒéÖÕÖ¹ÈÕºóÒ»ÌìÏÂÎç2:00&

119、#199;°¡£¡¡¡¡To avoid any ambiguity, both parties agree that the handover date of the¡¡¡¡Property by Party A to Party B is , the rent commencement date hereunder is and¡¡¡¡the due day for check-out is 2:00PM, the next day of t

120、he lease expiring day.¡¡¡¡3 ×â½ð Rental¡¡¡¡3.1 ×â½ð£º×âÁÞÆÚ×â½ðΪÿÔÂÈËÃñ±Ò Ôª (´

121、3;д£º ÔªÕû )£¬ÆäÖаüº¬À¨ÎïҵÿÔ¹ÜÀí·ÑÈËÃñ±Ò Ôª(´óд:¡¡


123、3;¼°Õý°æÎÀÐÇ°²×°ºÍʹÓ÷ѣ¬µç»°ºÍ¿í´ø°²×°·Ñ¡£¡¡¡¡The agreed monthly ren

124、tal is RMB (in Words: ), including the monthly¡¡¡¡management fee RMB (in Words: two thousands twenty-one and thirty-eight cents¡¡¡¡).Leasing invoice, clubhouse membership for 2 adults and 2 kids, local cable TV¡¡¡¡and satellite installation

125、 fee and usage fee, internet and telephone¡¡¡¡installation fee.¡¡¡¡3.2 ¸¶×â·½·¨£ºÊ×ÔÂ×â½ðÐèÓÚË«·½Ç©ºÃº

126、07;ͬºó15¸ö¹¤×÷ÈÕÄÚÖ§¸¶¡£Ê×ÔÂ×â½ð¼Æ×Ô ÖÁ £¬½ð¶îΪÈËÃñ±Ò 






132、2;¡¡¡¡ÖÁ £¬½ð¶îΪÈËÃñ±Ò ÔªÕû¡£¡¡¡¡Rental Payment: The rental for the first month of the lease shall be paid¡¡¡¡within 15 working d

133、ays after both Parties sign the lease contract. The first¡¡¡¡month¡¯s rental period is from to and the rental amount is RMB . Party A shall¡¡¡¡provide an official tax invoice within 5 working days from the date payment is¡¡¡¡recei

134、ved.¡¡¡¡Starting from the 2nd month of the lease term, the rental shall be paid on¡¡¡¡a calendar monthly basis. Party A shall provide an original official rental¡¡¡¡invoice to Party B in advance on or before the 15th of every month for the&

135、#161;¡¡¡following month¡¯s rental and Party B shall pay each month¡¯s rental to Party A¡¯s¡¡¡¡bank account (see Attachment 3) before the 1st day of each calendar month. The¡¡¡¡date of transfer shall be defined as th

136、e date of payment.¡¡¡¡The rental for the last month period is from to, and the rental amount is¡¡¡¡RMB .¡¡¡¡3.3 ËùÓзÑÓ㬰üÀ¨±£Ö¤½ð£&#

137、172;×â½ðµÈ¾ùÒÔÈËÃñ±Ò·½Ê½Ö§¸¶¡£¡¡¡¡All payments of Security Deposit, rental and management fee and etc.¡¡¡¡hereunder shall be made

138、in RMB.¡¡¡¡3.4¡¡¡¡ÒÒ·½Í¬Òâ°´ÉÏÊö¹æ¶¨Ã¿Ô°´Ê±Ö§¸¶×â½ð¸ø¼×·½&#










148、Ϊ¡£¡¡¡¡Party B agrees to pay the rental to Party A on time according to the¡¡¡¡conditions stated above. Where full payment of the rental is delayed for more¡¡¡¡than 5 working days (except national holiday), Party B agre

149、es to pay to Party A¡¡¡¡a fine for delayed payment equal to 0.5 percent of the monthly rental per day¡¡¡¡until any outstanding rental, including late fees, has been paid in full. Should¡¡¡¡delay of the above rental payment be more than thir

150、ty (30) days in arrears and¡¡¡¡Party B has still not paid the rental, then Party B shall be deemed to have¡¡¡¡breached the Agreement. Party A reserves the right to cancel this Agreement¡¡¡¡early without further prejudice. Party A has the ri

151、ght to keep Party B¡¯s¡¡¡¡Security Deposit, and Party B is still responsible for paying the late rental¡¡¡¡payment, relevant late fees and any outstanding utilities incurred by Party B.¡¡¡¡The above-mentioned fines shall not be im

152、posed to Party B in case that any delay¡¡¡¡of payment is due to reason of Force Majeure including but not restricted to¡¡¡¡bank strikes, storm, earthquake, flood, and fire that restrict payment transfers¡¡¡¡directly, and in this case Party

153、B shall not be deemed to have breached the¡¡¡¡Agreement.¡¡¡¡3.5¡¡¡¡ÔÂ×â½ð°üÀ¨ËùÓÐÓйØÓڸ÷¿ÎݵÄË




157、;¹ÒÒ·½ÃâÊÜË𺦡£¡¡¡¡The monthly rental includes all the relevant taxes and management fees¡¡¡¡concerning the Property. Party A shall make timely payments of the above¡¡¡&

158、#161;expenses. Party A shall compensate Party B for and hold Party B harmless from¡¡¡¡any damages, obligations or liabilities incurred by non-payment or late payment¡¡¡¡of any of the above said expenses by Party A.¡¡¡¡4 ¹«Ó&#

159、195;ÊÂÒµ·Ñ Fees and Utilities¡¡¡¡4.1 ×âÆÚÄÚ£¬·¿ÎÝÄÚËùÓгý3.1Ìõ¿î¼°¸½¼þÒ»ÖÐ×


161、üʹÓ÷ѵȾùÓÉÒÒ·½³Ðµ£¡£¡¡¡¡Party B agrees to make full payment of any utility and personal usage fees,¡¡¡¡except the fees inclusive in the rental in clause 3.1 and Attachment 1, incurred¡&


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