



1、精品文档以下为1810自考英语二考试题目,由于题目为人工手抄,因此最终版以题库真题为准,以下仅为参考。阅读选择Do you know horse talk? You can learn understand“horse talk”, if you pay closeattention to them. When horses live in the wild, other animals try to eat them, they watch for danger. Forthis reason, never walk behind a horse. If you surprise it, t

2、he horse might mistake you for a lion or a wolfand five a dangerous kick.By watching the ears, you can get clues to what the horse is hearing. A horse can turn each ear in adifferent direction. For a wild horse, this skill is important for survival.The horse can hear something creeping up behind it

3、while also checking out athreatening noise in front. When a horse lets its ears down, its felling safe andrelaxed. Though these acting may be natural responses and not deliberate communications, they helpyou know what the horse is thinking.Sometimes horses can send definite messages. For example, th

4、ey know they are safer when theyrewith other horses. If they become isolated, they“whinny”calling focompany. They are saying,“where are you? Im over here!”domestic horses use thesame sounds to stay in touch with other horses.If a horse snorts, its not communication anything. Its just clearing dust o

5、r grass seout of its nose. But if it snorts while holding its head high and staring something, itssaying,“that looks dangerous. Get ready to tun!”when two horses meet, they put theirnoses together and smell each others breath. Its their way of asking,“are yo精品文档friend?Horses alsoblohwin”g ,oburtetah

6、te air loudly through the nose,when they精品文档meet someth ing stra nge. They are ask ing,“Is this safe?”Horses have a Ian guage of their own. Now you know a bit of what they might besayi ng!1. Horses in the wildmaaky”o.AA.stay aliveB.make mistakesC.find foodD.keep awake2. It is dan gerous to. CA.touch

7、 a horse earsB.ride a horse on farmsC.surprise a horse from behi ndD.stare at a horse from front3.A horses ears are special beciheecan_. BA.send messagesB.turn to different directionsC.sense temperaturesD.clear out the dust.4.When a horses ears are down, we knowit _. BA.isolatedB.relaxedC.angry精品文档D

8、. anxious5.From the text, we know that horses_ . DA.are dan gerous ani malsB.can hardly survive in the wildC.prefer to stay in groupsD.have different Ianguage systems概括段落大意与补全句子Hawaii, the Aloha State1Hawaii is sometimes called“the Aloha State”. Aloha is a word in HawaiianIanguagemeaningloveandpeace

9、.Itisoftenusedasawaytosay“hello“goodbye” . Hawaii is like the vdcaloha, because it is a state that has two vie points:it remembers its history and looks toward the future.2Hawaii is a US state made up of a group of islands in the Pacific Ocean. It is madeup of eight large isla nds and over 100 other

10、 smaller isla nds. It is the only state that isnot in North America. The islands were formed by volcanoes the erupted and roseabove the ocean. There are still active volcanoes in Hawaii.3Because of its location, Hawaii has a tropical climate. It is warm, but usually bothot, all year long. Rarely doe

11、s the temperature drop below to degrees Fahrenheit,although it may occasi on ally snow at the top of some of the mountains.4Once called the San dwich Isla nds by Europea ns, Hawaii is thought to have bee n settledor精品文档by ancient sailors from other islands in the Pacific. The British explorer Capta

12、in Cook wasthought to be the first Europea n to find the Isla nds in 1778.Because of its locati on, Hawaii became a freque nt stop for Europea n traders and ships.Hawaii was an independent country before it became part of the US in 1893. It was gover nedby either a king or a quee n. It is one of the

13、 only four US states to have bee n a country beforestatehood. It was admitted into the Union in 1959 as the 5o state.Today Hawaii is important as vacation destination. Each year over 6 million peoplevisit Hawaii to enjoy the beaches, the beautiful ocean, and the historical Hawaiianculture. Come and

14、visit Hawaii. You are sure to love it.概括段洛大意:A.Mild climate:B.Local customs:C.Tourist attraction:D.Long history:E.Mea ning of Aloha:F.Geographic features补全句子:1. Aloha is ofte n used asE2.Hawaii Isla nds are formed by_ . D3.Visitors can see snow on_ . B4.Hawaii used to be ruled by_ . A5.People visit

15、Hawaii for _ C00015自考英语二精品文档A.Europea n explorersB.mountain peaksC.its scenery and cultureD.volca nic erupti onsE.a way of greet ingEa king or a queen填句补文George Wash ington CarverGeorge Wash ington Carver was born in Missouri betwee n 1861 and 1864. He was born into slavery.It was not un til the end

16、 of the Civil War that George Washi ngton Carver became free. As he grew up,George Washi ngton Carver loved to read and learn. Black children were not allowed to go to the sameschool as the whiteFchildren._ . Every early morning, he left home to go to school,and there he studied very hard. After fin

17、i shed high school, GeorgWash ingtonCarver wan ted to go to college. At that time, few black stude nts could afford the colleges tuition. Heworked for a time until he could borrow money to go to college.AIn 1890, he went to Simps on College in Iowa._. His draw ingsof the pla nt were so good that his

18、 teacher suggested he studied bota ny which is the science of theplants. George Washington Carver went to an agricultural college in Iowa in 1891, where he not onlygraduated but also taught stude nts. GeorgeD精品文档Wash ington Carver con ti nued to studyola nts.He was invited to teach at the Tuskegee i

19、nstitute in Alabama. He discovered newBways to use plants._. These include dyes, plastics, paint and make-up. Healso taught farmers how to grow crops to help soil, and new way toCform .In 1943 George Wash ington Carver died. There is a n ati onal monument to himin Missouri where he grew up. He has h

20、ad a ship n amed after himin 1990. He was admitted to the n ati onal inven tors hall of fame. The boy who wan ted tolear n became a great inven tor and scie ntist.A. There he studied art and musicB. He found about 100 new ways to use the pea nutsC. He has been honored all over the world for his achi

21、evementD. He became very famous for his workE. After the graduation, George Washington began working for a law firmF. The school were far from where George Washi ngton Carver lived填词补文Warmth Mid ni ghtCan berra win ters are extremely cold and 2014 brought some of our coldest days. Onweekly ni ght I

22、walk to thesupermarket before it closed in mid night. As Iapproached, I noticed a group of six or seven people1at thesupermarketAentran ce. Aware of the_of late-ni ght walk ing, I made sure I paid atte nti on.The sce ne ahead looked unu sual. And unu sual it was. Expect ing to see the group oftroubl

23、emakers. I found a weak, well-dressed old man distributing items of.In 1896,精品文档food to a group of the homeless people. Rather tha n just feedi ng them, he was alsoof a warm discussi on. The homeless were roughJthe gratitude for food they had been. With no charity vehicle in sight, thisold man was o

24、nly representing himself. After I finished shopping, the group was stillKthere, food, but all laugh in g. If a weak old man can give others warmth inEthecold at midnight, what excuse do we have?A. dan gersB. localC. happyD. readi ngE. freez ingF. atte ntivelyG. pote ntialH. sitti ngI. poorlyJ. givenK. con sumedL. circle完型补文Keep ing Frie ndship Aliveun familiarity(comfort)pairs of gloves. But frie ndship


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