七年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit1 What are you going to do at the weekend学案(无答案) 外研版_第1页
七年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit1 What are you going to do at the weekend学案(无答案) 外研版_第2页
七年级英语下册 Module 3 Unit1 What are you going to do at the weekend学案(无答案) 外研版_第3页




1、外研版七年级下册module 3 unit1 what are you going to do at the weekend?学案module 3unit1 what are you going to do at the weekend?一、学习目标1.知识目标:掌握单词及短语:buy, party ,piano ,plan,revise,picnic,test          

2、60;        get up early,have a picnic,revise for one's test,stay in bed,go to a party2.能力目标:能用be going to表达自己的计划、安排,并能询问对方的计划、安排。3.情感目标:养成良好的有计划的生活和学习习惯,保持乐观的态度。二、学习重点:be going to的意义和用法三、学习难点:be going to do sth. ;would like的用法四、自主预习1、汉译英(1)、做家庭作业 

3、;               (2)、早起床                       (3)、查看电子邮件         

4、       (4)、举行野餐                     (5)、参加聚会                   &#

5、160;(6)、为考试温习;复习              (7)、上一节钢琴课                (8)、呆在床上              &#

6、160;      2、独立完成activity1 ,activity2.3、朗读对话,找出疑难问题并做记录五、导学练习 t: what day is it today? s:today is friday/. t:what's the weather like? s:it's sunny/. t:what are you going to do at the weekend? s:i'm going to have a picnic/.利用句型,根据

7、实际情况回答问题1、what are you going to do this sunday?   i'm going to.2、what is your mother going to do at the weekend?   she is going to .3、what are your friends going to do at the weekend?   they are going to. 听录音掌握大意并完成activity4.六、   &

8、#160;       合作探究以小组为单位,集中疑难问题共同讨论,解决问题。(1)plan 名词“计划,打算”,make a plan for“为.制定计划”;             动词“计划,打算”,plan to do “计划做.”        eg.the students are p

9、lanning   (have) an english party.   (2)be going to do sth.表示计划或打算去做某事,也可以表示推测将要发生的事情。        eg.we are going to have a meeting this afternoon.           今天下午我们打算开班会。(表计划安排)&#

10、160;          there are so many black clouds.it's going to rain.           这么多的乌云,天快要下雨了。(表推测)      注:there be句型的be going to结构为:     

11、60;   there is/are going to be.,句型中be going to后面的be不能用have,用来表示将要有某事发生。a、 what are you    (go) to do this afternoon?         i'm going to      (play) basketball.   &#

12、160; b、there is going to    (be) a concert at 9:00am.would like表示“想,要”相当于want        would like后可跟名词、代词或动名词     注:由would like构成的一般疑问句表示“一些”的时候用some(thing)而不用any(thing),希望得到对方肯定的回答。eg. would you like some b

13、read for breakfast?跟名词或代词   yes,please./no,thanks.   would you like to go for a walk with us?跟动词不定式   yes,i'd love to ,(but).      would you like    (some/any) dumplings?  (4)what about=how a

14、bout表示“.怎么样”用来询问对方或提出建议,可跟名词或动名词      what about   (sing)a song?      no,i'd love to    (dance).七、展示与提升   完成activity7,并以小组为单位进行问与答的练习  用所学句型“be going to”及所学短语写一篇小短文来制定一下自己的周末计划

15、,小组讨论完善后与全班同学分享。八、反馈与检测(一)首字母填空   1.what are you going to do at the w    .   2.he is going to r   for his test.   3.what about having a p    in the park.   4.i like listening to m 

16、   .   5.what are your p   for holiday?(二)用所给词的适当形式填空   6.mark usually    (visit) her grandma every sunday.   7.my mothers birthday is coming .i   (buy) a present for her.   8

17、.li ling is going to    (do) her homework .   9.there    (be)a talk show on cctv this evening.   10.do you plan   (play) table tennis?(三)补全对话   a:what are you going to   this sunday?

18、60;  b:i'm going to  some presents for my friend .next tuesday is her birthday .   a:what are you going to do   her birthday?   b:were going to   a birthday party at home.she invites some classmates.they will    after school.that day will be v


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